Does your life have a purpose?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
26 responses
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
5 Mar 12
Your life has to have a purpose, even it is not a very important one, or it doesn't seem to be that important.
It is proven by study that old people who still have a very strong purpose in life live longer than those who have nothing to live for anymore.
Therefore, we live for something, or else we don't live at all.
Eventhough I am young, I believe ( I am 21), I have a very well established purpose, and very elaborate in its composition, but I will sumarize, so you don't get bored.
My purpose is to offer my family a better life, and all the love that I can offer them, as well as financial independence, so nothing will ever miss in their life.
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@winston90 (296)
• Romania
5 Mar 12
Well, I was reffering to old people, willing to live that live longer, because of this purpose fuelling them.
I can not think why a young person should ever give up. Never give up!
Maybe you haven't already find your purpose in life, but al of us have to have a reason why we were born, so you will find your, sooner, or later.
I am confident.
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 Mar 12

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Since age 13 I was willing to lose the " so much" you are talking about. I stayed for my mom but now I'm ready again to throw it all away because I don't see the purpose people are saying I'm suppose to have.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Mar 12
hi I thought not long ago you had met a man youcould love and had fallin love or am I mixing you upwith someone else. I feel so sad
reading what you say. we all need a purpose in our lives. and to'have no purpose is to feel lost. Is there no love in your life'to give it meaning, you sound so bleak. If you are young you have all sorts of things you c ould do and feel you had a purpose.
You do not seem to even like yourself,Have you never ever thought avoutr anyone but you. You sound almost selfish.You have to have some sort of idea of what you wo uld like to do besides die,thats cowardly and will hurt people who care about you.grow up, see that there are need in this world and people to help others. You are self centered and thats just wasting what could be a happy life.
first you have to learn to like yourself then start thinking of
'others,how can I help others, what can I do to feel I am needed
here. or do I not make s ense to you?Wish i was young again and healthy as theres lots I would love to do. here you are wasting your life bemoaning you have no purpose,darn it get a purpose don not be so selfish.thinkof hopw you could help someone else.

@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
Absolutely yes! My life may not be a perfect one, it may be full of trials and challenges but I know and I believe that there are reasons for everything. God has his own reasons why He allow those things to happen. Along the way we will learn what's our purpose in life. Just look around and you will discover that God has something for you to do and that's the reason why He created you. you may not know it now but later on, you will know your purpose.
@therenthead (298)
• United States
4 Mar 12
This is a very interesting philosophical question that people have been debating for as long as language existed, if I am correct. In general, I think it is more comforting to believe that every life serves a purpose; that we are here for a reason, that everything happens for a reason, etc. But random evolution seems to prove otherwise sometimes. In general I think that no, we are not necessarily here for a reason and our lives have no purpose when we are born, but we can change that. We can be determined to make something of the time we have been allotted on earth. We can decide to leave a mark (being careful to make sure that mark is not a scar) and to make a difference in the world while we can. Ultimately, this will all end in oblivion. There was time before human consciousness and there will be time after. We don't know how long there will be before the "after", but we know we have this second, this minute, to live in, and I believe it is our DUTY as citizens of the world to fill it with as much purpose as we can.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Mar 12
I never fulfill that purpose. Should I cease to exist now? That's how I thought in my teens. I don't fit so I should just be erased. Now I still think that from time to time. That way I am not a scar.
@therenthead (298)
• United States
4 Mar 12
I think it is a purpose. Chin up. Maybe your purpose has absolutely nothing to do with you. Maybe, instead, your purpose for one moment (or several moments) is to be the person that stops SOMEONE ELSE from killing themselves?
And like you said, who ever said you NEED a purpose? Life is short and there for enjoyment; make the most of it and don't stress over purposes. LIVE. Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters. It's the person.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
That is why I made sure I made all my dreams come true by 18 so I could die on my schedule. More dreams have come true since then so I'm ready to die at anytime Without this so called purpose.

@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
8 Mar 12
I used to think I had a purpose. But I lean red that I actually do not. The only thing I really have now is my children, because they need me and T. But I still don't feel like I have a purpose. I can tell you this, the last few years I have just been existing. I guess the threads that hold me together now are my children and T. Maybe one day I will feel good about myself again. But I just don't see that.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Again? Wow at least you have felt good about yourself. these few years with my guy are the first time I have felt good about myself Just be happy my twin.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Mar 12
The best is yet to come. You and T are together!
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Well, you have not been through a marriage or anything like that. I was real happy way back before the marriage. But I still had no purpose. I fuss I made myself happy. But getting married and going along all those years, it's like the best years of my life were taken away. So I feel bitter I guess.
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@rainbow913 (33)
• United States
5 Mar 12
I believe we are all here in this world because we have a purpose in life. All we need to do is find the meaning of it.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
What happens if you never find it, Or you never look for the meaning.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
I think no body us knows what are really our purpose here, it is like the question why God created Adam and Eve. But since we are here now there are many questions came to our mind specially when we experience thought times. Asking why it is happening to us, why for so many people I'm the one who suffer this kind of problem bla,bla, bla.... But somehow if we only try to wait for the answer it will come. It happened to me many times, I was asking too many question before why this kind of problem happened to me. But now all questions have answered, it was already clear in my mind.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Oh no it is clear. not about Adam and Eve, I think Adam and Eve was a Huge mistake but that is me. To me I have no purpose. Why do bad things happen to me, Because they are Suppose to! It is the good things that are a mistake.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Mar 12
hi sarahruthbeth I always thought our purpose in life was to help one another always. I was brought up with the idea I am my brothers or in my case my sister's keeper. I do not think this is a bad concept at all. Some of us know from an early age we are meant to be caregivers so we go into occupations that we can always work to help other people. We are so satisfied that it makes our work happy work. not all people believe that way and I do respect their opinions as I hope they also respect my opinion too.


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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
But what is the point if there is no purpose? I can never help others when I Do see life as pointless. How does that help others?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Question. Can a life be important Without a purpose?Or should I just end things because there will never be a purpose?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Another question. Does a person who does nothing for others deserve to emain living?I mean does Everyone Have to do things for others.
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
5 Mar 12
For most part of my life, that is till my 40th year i was just drifting along,going with the flow as it were until something happened and suddenly i found out the real reason for my taking birth.I suddenly had a goal and soon found someone, a guide and philosopher, who gave me the techniques that would help me gravitate and advance towards the goal that was set for me. Now htere is no looking back and whatever i am doing is propelling me towards that goal.I cannot say whether i will accomplish it in this life itself but i know for sure that i could do it in my next life.Since it is not a materialistic goal but a spiritual one,whatever i have achieved in this life will carry forward in the next life and i will not have to start from scratch but will continue from where i left off in this life.It goes without saying that i will not remember anything but will come to that point naturally, early in that future life.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
I don't have a material Or a spiritual goal. So my life is a waste? There will be nothing I take to the next life? And since I will not learn anything I will just keep coming back over and over again?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
6 Mar 12
That is not my nature. I am always negative. Each positive thing that happens is a complete surprise! I believe this is my pattern with Each life. In this life there has been some great happy surprises but evolving? Me? Doesn't happen.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
6 Mar 12
Not to worry.In every birth one evolves, or goes down or stagnates.Perhaps in this life you are 'taking rest' or stagnating.It is quite possible that much later in this present life something positive may happen that will propel you forward.If it does not happen then surely it will happen in the next birth.Always keep your thoughts positive,always be cheerful and take life as it comes,the ups and downs included.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Mar 12
Heyya sarah! I was not brought up with the idea that my life has to have a purpose. I know this might sound is an idea that I actually come to terms with on my own.
I do think that we have purposes and I think that they can be so complicated that it might not even be something that is realized within a lifetime. I think that perhaps it could be generational or maybe even further out. It might not even be family oriented.
I remember a smile once. Someone I never spoke to..someone I didn't even know. I was at a very low point in my life and..well...very low point. That one smile that day from that person that didn't know me from Adam changed my day, my outlook, and give me just a little strength. Just enough. I know that it is silly but maybe that that point...had a purpose they would never realize and it was for me. I think we all have a lot more power than we realize sometimes and I do hope that if I am never meant to do anything else in the world that I can do that for someone someday.
Take care.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
6 Mar 12
The more I think I should have a purpose , the more I'm convinced I'm just a waste of space. So I give up. I now will just be the happy failure I was Before I heard this statement that everybody has a purpose.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Mar 12
Naturally my life does in fact have a purpose. A purpose that might be changing given new lessons learned, new experiences, new everything right in life. There are just going times where the purpose might be in a fog, never clear for many people. And there have been many times where I have second guessed the fact that my life has purpose or any purpose or whatever. There are times where a huge roadblock just drops down right in front of us.
Still I think that even if there have been many curves in the road, where my goals might have been absolutely compromised , I still managed to find an alternate route. I think that improving myself and my life and just getting the most out of every moment is a noble endeavor and I'm just really just enjoying just every moment that I can, just get the most right out of everything of this wacky little game right in life.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
7 Mar 12
I have no purpose. I never wanted to Be anything so the roadblocks you speak of I don't see. I don't see Any road.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 12
The only purpose I have is being a wife and mother...Thats okay with me, I accepted that fact. I wish I could do something with my singing but thats not in the cards for me.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
You sing? I can sing too. I also play the violin and guitar but I never thought I would do this for a living! I have no purpose .
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Casandrina, I thought talent was given to be used. Like I said again, I have no purpose.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 12
Yeah I sing. I have loved to sing all my life and I am pretty good but I have horrible stage fright. I just do not understand why people have talents that cannot be used, any thoughts on that??
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@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
Hi you sounded depressed. What seems to be bothering you? At this moment you seem to have lost the purpose to live, just hang on there. I do believe that we live for a reason and that each life was lent to us to do something for ourselves or for others. And I also believe that through time it changes as priorities changed to. As of the moment my lifelong purpose is to be successful earn money and be able to help those who are in need. Until I dont reach that goal it will continue to be my driving force to live and fight for my life. Maybe you just had fulfilled one of your purpose so that you fill like you have nothing to live for now. Therefore dont be bothered about it. You'll find something else that will become the purpose to live. God bless!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Yes I'm just going to wait for it to end. I've done everything I wanted to do and more.It is up to Everyone how I'm remembered. Many will not remember me at all.I really don't care. I hear that I a mistake with every response saying everyone has a purpose. I'm not everyone, I have no purpose. If it is something Everyone has , then I'm a mistake.It is yet another thing I don't have that everyone else does. So I Must be a mistake. And mistakes Need to be erased.
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
Again, are you just gonna wait for it to end. Aren't you going to do something before that time comes?. How do you want to be remembered when you die? Or you simply dont want to be remembered at all? And who told you your like is a huge mistake? What made you conclude that it is a mistake to live?
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@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
What a gloomy feeling. Well I hope it is a right choice for you to make. And also I hope you find the light in your dark world. Take care!
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@meljuzmel (15)
5 Mar 12
The question made me examine myself as to what i've been really doing all this years. And this is what i think. Looking and searching for my purpose of existence just makes my head ache for really thinking what it is. Actually, just by being born into this world we are continually fulfilling a purpose, simply by living our lives no matter how dull. Every second or minute or hour even a day we do fulfill a purpose. May it be by just making our friend/love ones smile, being there to comfort them, their savior of the moment especially if we do something extraordinary for them. The thing is, it is in the way we live our life that we realize our purpose. If we do try living optimistically we get to know what it is we want eventually. But if we just let life pass us by, refusing to interact with the world we certainly don't get anything from it. Being pessimistic will always gets us to do nothing and will just fill us with anger and jealousy. Live life one day at time, enjoy doing things as if it were to be the last.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
I was born pessimistic. I always thought I wouldn't get what I wanted Or it will be taken away. But I still did things I wanted I will never be optimistic. I know that now.If you Have to be optimistic I will Never find this so called purpose. Am I angry or jealous? No. Just confused. Why do I need a purpose? And since I never will find this thing , does this mean I'm the mistake I thought I was?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
That's my whole point. I never thought there was a purpose to my life. Now because I can;t find one I believe I'm a mistake that should be erased. And I beg to differ, I didn't have to learn to say no, I was born Saying no , No I will not.
@meljuzmel (15)
5 Mar 12
i think nobody is born pessimistic. Our being pessimistic, is just like a talent being honed into perfection. If we were taught to say no even at the beginning of our life then we continue to say no. Let me just ask, why does finding your purpose seem very important to you? Life is not designed in a programmed way, that we need to complete this step before we can advance to the next. we've still got a long way to go, and maybe we'll discover this purpose as we go further along. :)
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Mar 12
I think your life does have a purpose, everybodys does, your life affects and influences all people you pass in daily routine, just to smile at someone walking past you in the street influences them even in a small way. I thin k of life as a big fruit cake we all play a part, it may not be a big part but it is important. I used to think like you until I held my father as he passed away, and then when I volunteered in a nursing home, I learnt what the simplest things we do can make a big difference to other people.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Mar 12
But that is Still isn't a purpose to me. I am nice at times and will help but that isn't my purpose. I have no purpose to be here.
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
5 Mar 12
Well, i think most of us are thinking the same thing, what is the meaning of life, why we live in this world, what purpose of our life. But seldom people have answers and can live their life to the fullest.
Of coures, we all have some short term or long term targets, such as going into a good college, having a good job, finding a good spouse.etc. But the real meaning of life is what? I think since our life is short and it is already a luck to coming into the world. we should try to live our life meaningful. That is, not wasting time, try to learn something, being sincery to friends, thereby making some real friends.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
I made real friends. I never wantd to go to college Or have a spouse so is my life a waste?
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
4 Mar 12
Of course every life has a purpose, and every person knows consciously or unconsciously what that purpose is. If you are not sure of your life's purpose, you will know eventually. The purpose of your life is why you do what do, and why you are what you are. Everything that happens in your life is directing you toward that destination. Chance, coincidence,and or luck do not enter into the equation because every life is part of a grand design!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Mar 12
I never will find this so called purpose I am suppose to have. All this does is make me want to end mylife sooner than later. So my purpose is to End my life? Can this be a purpose?I must be a mistake in the grand plan.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Mar 12
Life does have purpose. May I say sarahruthbeth22, You are doing well at your purpose. Keep up the good work!! I would tell you what that purpose is, however I think it would do you much more good to discover that for yourself. Me, I'm doing well myself, however it can be a struggle at times. I can get in my own way sometimes. Lots of love and kindness,Sarahruthbeth22.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Mar 12
No, I'm not looking for a purpose . It doesn't exist for me. I still keep thinking since I can't see it , it isn't there and once again it is a sign I sgould be on my way sooner than later.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
4 Mar 12
Hi behen
Years back, when I was healthy, I didnt have any dream or even a goal. I always kept doing what I felt important. Not that I did nothing, there was college, there was my charity work (or you can say community work) that kept me occupied. Then when I joined as a teacher, I was dedicated and was happy that I teach and help students learn and attain their goals of better jobs, better future. But I never had a goal set for myself. life was always meaningless those years. Maybe my failure to join the Space Academy even after winning the National Scholarship or even my parents denying me joining the Defense Academy (I would have been a Pilot or an Army Man), but I had no dreams and it was purposeless.
Then I fell ill, met your bahu after 5 years into being ill. And slowly over time, my life started getting some direction... that I can say, today, a purpose. I have two goals today - My Wife - her happiness, her well being and the next for me - spread happiness and bring smile to at least one person per day. In doing both, I think I achieve more of personal satisfaction and happiness. I dont know if this is a purpose but I am happy this way, living life in bits and bytes rather than thinking about the whole life at one go.

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Mar 12
Hi Bhai.
I never was told my life had a purpose. I still find this strange.I never looked for a purpose I don't see any purpose for me to be here to this day. If I Had to find one, I would just quit and die . To get it over with.

@Kasiviswanathan2k (288)
• India
5 Mar 12
I think My life has also no purpose in the Begining. But when i trust God after that i belive every one life has some purpose. I am always calm and cool person. And i decided in my life i need to married a poor widow person. And i think this thought comes to my mind because of the Purpose of my life. And i done it now i commit love with that kind of Girl. I think everyone here have some purpose.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
5 Mar 12
I'm your opposite. I decided Never to marry or have kids. I don't think I have a purpose. I don't think I'm suppose to have a purpose.