Yard stick for measuring success ? how does one say that a person is successful?

@kiran8 (15348)
Mangalore, India
March 5, 2012 9:08am CST
Is it possible to do measure success ? From my own experience I feel that success is not permanent .One may be successful in one particular area of life but may be a failure in others.We all have our grey areas and also each person has a different yard stick for measuring success ...Friends what according to you would be the yardstick for measuring success in our personal lives?
11 responses
@anil02 (24688)
• India
5 Mar 12
Hello Kiran ji, no doubt success is not permanent. I think here is no yardstick to measure the success. Success is associated with desires and desires have not any limits. I also think that a satisfied person is success person. But in present time no one is satisfied.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
6 Mar 12
Hi anil, I agree that people are never satisfied.It is also because we want to constantly scale new heights of success and are never satisfied with what we have. It is also the way we are made and the way our society works, constantly demanding us to do better ..
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
6 Mar 12
Hello Ictravenisk, I am agree with you that some person may be satisfied with their life. But here we are talking about general persons.
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• Brazil
5 Mar 12
Hi anil02. I read your answer,and I became very worried. Why do you think no one is satisfied nowadays? I think that are some people that are satisfied with thier lifes. I admit these kind of people are the minority, because we are always thinking in our problems and every bad thing that are happening in the world, but I really believe that some people are satisfied with their lifes. Don't you think you are being too pessimist? Happy mylotting.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Mar 12
Hi Kiran! I feel that indicator for being successful is not uniform. It would differ from person to person. For example - for a teacher it would be the good result of his/her students. For a businessman - it would be earning more and more money. For an entrepreneur it would be turnover, which s/he always wishes to raise every passing year. I feel that if an average person is able to sustain himself/herself and have all the basic amenities in his/her life ..... like - food, clothing and home then s/he should consider himself successful. I consider myself successful because am in a position to sustain myself and I've an easy access to the basic amenities in life.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Mar 12
For that particular Driver, driving a Volvo would have been like a dream come true.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
12 Mar 12
Yes , absolutely ! We too need to take simple pleasures out of life instead oif hankering after something that may be beyond our reach ..right?
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi deepak, that's very true! Just thought of something - I travel to Bangalore often by day bus , a state run transportation which runs as many as 50 buses each day to Bangalore from Mangalore.One of the driver was telling me how happy he was and how envious all his colleagues were because he had been given the chance to drive a Volvo bus...I am glad that you are happy and content with your life and wish you all the very best
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Mar 12
I honestly do not know this because in the examination of life there is no real bench'mark' to measure success.This is from my personal point of view. Success in work environment If a person has a peaceful , longstanding career with few glitches here and there we can call him being successful.There are many kinds of successes. Take the film world for instance; there would be some people who have had a meteoric rise but vanish within a short while.There are others who are always in films however small a role they have. Some people measure success from the money they have.But, unless one exhibits what he has how do you define this? EVen in politics a man's success is assured only for the five year tenure[here too it can be uncertain]. I agree with you totally that there is no 'absolute' in this word 'success'. One's professional life may be a success [he may be the topmost in his field]but personal life may be a mess. My yardstick would be a situation where we never are forced to worry about where our food would come from and we have a relatively peaceful life and family that enjoys good health.I do not have great desires except read a few good books , wear beautiful sarees and occasionally visit a green hill resort like Kerala or Ooty etc. None of the latter two are mandatory.If there is peace and good health at home then it is success for me.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Mar 12
I would like to add one more point about the money a person has [through fantastic earnings or hard earned and saved up money]--whether a person is successful or not has to be determined by his own self .We can never live for others.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
6 Mar 12
Hi kala, thanks a lot for sharing those views ! You have put it beautifully, in fact my thought runs along the same lines...I have seen many so called successful people who pretend as if they are on top of the world ,since their personal lives are miserable.In a way, life balances out in the end, we all have our fair measure of successes and failures. I too agree that when you have fewer ambitions and are happy with whatever is within your reach, life is happy and also can be termed as a relatively successful life ! Not many are able to achieve that, although it may look simple.. Money has its limitations and too much of it might make you lonely- like they say it is very lonely at the top !
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Mar 12
Well said Kiran! When there is money you also are scared whether it would be safe; we cannot be without it too because we cannot borrow for contingencies. We have so many self-imposed constrictions but are unable to come out of it.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
8 Mar 12
None can achieve cent percent success in life. If someone can fulfill his or her target we can say the person is successful. Our desires are unlimited and it is a continuous process. So it is not possible to get all. Dissatisfaction make us active. So we always run for new target.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi bhanu,I feel that one need not have limitless desires.Once we know our limits and planning our dreams and life accordingly, things would be much easier and we would be much happier.... there is a kannada saying which means ' Stretch your legs according to your coverlet...But , that is ofcourse easier said than done ..
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
6 Mar 12
I realize that success is not about the amount of money that you have or being a rich person. It has something to do with achieving your goals in life by working hard for it. You must have emotional maturity wherein you were able to solve different kinds of challenges despite of the criticisms.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi Metatronik,I agree that when you reach a certain level of maturity ,your idea of success undergoes a change.One can be happy with very little and that's what counts the most- How happy and comfortable you are in your life and relationships ? all the best and thanks a lot for your response
• Pasay, Philippines
6 Mar 12
Then now in my case if I am not successful in my career right now then at least I know it for myself that I am successful that I have my loving boyfriend that I can be proud of because he values me as a woman, respect me and he projected to me that he is a strong man that I can trust.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
7 Mar 12
alot of people are trying to define themselves by material means. Whether its their house,car,stocks,savings,religion. I'm not looking for success whatever that may be. I believe balance is what will bring a sense of well being. If I make so much money but never get a chance to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Guess what I am rich and burnt out. While we create goals and pursue them its very important to just relax sometimes and not worry to much.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi Ollanna, I agree that success cannot be measured only through your bank balance and other material means.We should be able to enjoy what we have earned otherwise whats the point ? All the best and thanks a lot for your response
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
6 Mar 12
Yes success can be measured. Physically, it is the progress of life, compared to the state of life when you started out. We all have lived, and so progressed. How much and in what time make the subject Economics. There is a more important aspect to this. If you are content with life as it is today, you have succeeded 100%. There can be no second thought about that.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi webearn, most people including you have given more importance to how happy and content you are in life.This aspect gets the topmost priority while measuring success.Without personal happiness there is no meaning to success of money or popularity...thanks a lot for sharing your views and all the best
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
5 Mar 12
Hi Kiran As you rightly say, Success is subjective and varies from person to person, and also from time to time. Personally, when I was healthy, working, I measured success in terms of how good I was at work. Today, however things have changed. For me, today, success is in living this moment, enjoying the goodies of life even though I have not too many options. However, I think that we all have different approaches - some people take materialism to be a yardstick, some others think doing social good and there are also some who measure success in terms of happiness.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi sids,One should always think of the present and make the most of it since one cannot change the past and dont know about the future...Of late, I too have realised that there is no point in thinking about the past , just live life as it comes .Materialism, is never a yardstick for success I feel ...at least not in the long run .Happiness and peaceful existence is much more important ..thanks a lot for your response and all the best
@serubhai1 (203)
• India
5 Mar 12
Hi Kiran, You can't say that period. Since success is relative depending upon the individual, I may think I am successful in life but you may not agree, as may-be your yardstick is intellect whereas my yardstick for success is wealth. Personally,my idea of success is knowing the meaning of life..from where we come and to where do we go. I feel that knowing everything else is no good because we can never control our lives. It is better to die free in poverty then to be wealthy but at the control of some entity or something or someone, who leads us on through life Regards
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
7 Mar 12
Exactly ! it is very difficult to define success since each person has his own definition of success, and this too may vary at different stages of life...thanks a lot for sharing your views on the subject, I too agree that it is better to be a free soul but poor rather than be rich with no freedom to do what you want - however, are we really free in life? I sometimes wonder, what exactly is total freedom and whether it is possible to have it?
@averygirl72 (38557)
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
Actually, we have certain yard stick to measure success, like if we have lots of money , we have a good family, we are famous and you have travel the whole world, something like that. I guess success, differs from one culture and from one people to another. For me, having a peaceful and contented life is already a success.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi averygirl,rightly said about having a peaceful and contented life ! Not many would however agree with that since they would associate all those things you mentioned earlier while defining a successful life...thanks a lot for your response and all the best
• Brazil
5 Mar 12
As you already said, the yardstick to measure success will vary from person to person. And more than that, our concept of success change with the time and with the things that happen to us. For example, if for a person to be successful is to get a million of dollars, it could be a good plan. But if he win the lottery will his life have no more meaning? No, he will just change his idea of success. That's why we can't say that we are successful people. We always need to want more, or our life will have no more meaning. We need to recognize what we conquered, but always wanting more. Nowadays, my idea of success is to have time for me to enjoy the life, to travel and to spend with my fiancee. Happy mylotting.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Mar 12
Hi lctravenisk ,I agree with what you say, concept success never remains the same for an individual and also what seems very important today may not seem so in a matter of few months or years...I too feel that as long as you are able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life ,and spend time with your loved ones, success is within your reach! all the best and happy mylotting