What are your thoughts in human cloning?

March 5, 2012 11:25pm CST
Hello everyone, i'm just asking for your opinion in this one. Opinions that are based upon believable and actual evidence of course. So what are your thoughts in human cloning? Should it be pursued? Will it help us? Is it moral or immoral? Or when does it become moral and when does it become immoral? Well, i'll be waiting for your responses. Thank you and may you share your opinions with evidences.
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1 response
• United States
7 Mar 12
Realistically I say do it to its full potential, just so folks cant go around saying its not happening. I know giant snakes for one are being toyed with, and supposedly scorpions with 14 legs and 5 tails and 8 eyes like a spider. Crap my uncle said. He worked in Iraq doing Idea Security and apparently got his hands on a few top secret files. Idk could be just makin stuff up but he isnt that type. But I guess ya never know.