No Wonder He Couldn't Afford the Rent!

United States
March 6, 2012 3:09pm CST
I went to John Day to clean out my trailer there this weekend. The first thing I noticed was that my tenant had left the porch light on. When I got into the house, the furnace was running. I also noticed that he had put extra light bulbs in and switched out my BTUs for incandescent bulbs! As I wandered through the house I found so much waste of electricity, I can imagine how high his electric bills had been! Now, I admit that I am one of the most frugal people out there, simply out of necessity! But this kid was so wasteful of the electricity that I was dumbfounded! He left lights on all over the house when he wasn't home and was not using the wood stove when he should have been. The furnace costs so much more to run than the wood stove! I will never understand wastefulness. I realize that this guy was young and inexperienced with budgeting but, really! He's not the only person I've seen who was that wasteful. The lady my daughter was babysitting for left lights and the TV running all the time and then didn't pay my daughter on time or the full amount she was due because she "couldn't afford to". Really, what are these people thinking?
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8 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Hi Alasanray, That's not just's downright stupid. Are you sure that he didn't take your BTUs with him and replace them with the incandescents? Like you, I've had to be very frugal so I take the extra time and I used to get after my girls when they were growing up about the lights and saving on the electric bill. I'd reward them if our light bill went down. Now that they are on their own they are very grateful for all the little tips on saving with lights, food etc. A lot of young people these days were brought up being given everything and never learned the art of saving, budgeting or being frugal at all. I see it a lot. Luckily, I was not able to do that to my kids because honestly, I DID want to give them the world and I always felt so bad saying "no" all the time. I can now look around at the end result and well, I guess there is some good that can come from being poor. My kids also have good work ethics. They don't call out unless it is an emergency and they are quick to fill in for someone who does and are always willing to do overtime.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Mar 12
I will never understand it either. Even if I had the money, I would like to think I would still not be so wasteful with it. IF I won the lottery (which I know I won't) I would love to just randomly help out deserving people that I meet that are in need. When I see people like this just wasting money, I always feel like saying, " If you don't value your hard earned money any more than that, could you just give it to me instead?" Seriously, I'd put it to good use.
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• United States
10 Mar 12
I'm like you, my friend. Even if I did come into a major windfall of millions I would tend to be very frugal with it and try to help others with my excess. I always said that if I had a million dollars I would stick it in savings and live off the interest alone. I just hate waste. My American Native heritage taught me to use everything up and never waste so when I see waste, it just makes me cringe! I truly believe that waste is a mortal sin.
• United States
9 Mar 12
Not all my btus were switched out but enough to really send his electric bill through the roof. Of course, the furnace being on all the time would be enough to do that, though. I never got all my stuff back, either. My blender and nice stand mixer are gone and I suspect he sold them and pocketed the money or just gave them away. I'm just grateful to be done with him. You are right that waste is stupid. I suppose that's why I will never understand it.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
7 Mar 12
I am young as well, but I was shown not to waste, if I didn't need to. If I don't need to leave the light on, I don't. I simply leave it off. If I'm not watching television, then I won't leave it on. It's as simple as that. I'm not entirely sure I understand how some people can just be wasteful like that, but that's just me.
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
7 Mar 12
Oh, I hate to have leftovers go bad in the refrigerator. Just one serving of this or that. Hubby is off picking up two items at the store right now. If he had waited I would have thought of some other stuff as well. The good thing is, we get fuel points that reduce the price of our gas, the bad thing is, we use extra gas making all these trips.
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
7 Mar 12
Oh, I hate to have leftovers go bad in the refrigerator. Just one serving of this or that. Hubby is off picking up two items at the store right now. If he had waited I would have thought of some other stuff as well. The good thing is, we get fuel points that reduce the price of our gas, the bad thing is, we use extra gas making all these trips.
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• United States
7 Mar 12
You and me both. My mother grew up in depression times and she was a hoarder...not like the ones on TV but she saved and reused aluminum foil and saved newspapers and egg cartons because you never knew when you might need these things. I'm not as anal about it as she was but neither am I wasteful like this guy was. I hate to throw food out but I will if it goes bad...and I DON'T leave food in dishes on the counter to rot! If it costs money, I don't like to waste it at all. I'm on a tight budget and adhere to it very strictly. If I didn't, the guilt would eat me up!
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
7 Mar 12
I had to quit a job recently and I am back at home. Can we say that I am on the war path? I follow around my husband turning things off. He leaves so many lights on all the time. I think we could save a lot of money. If no one is in the room there is no reason to have a light on. I do not turn on the heat upstairs, unless it is very very cold. have not run it this winter.
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• United States
7 Mar 12
I know what you mean! My daughter is usually pretty good about things but she is very absent minded and forgets to turn things off sometimes and I freak. lol
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
9 Jul 12
oh, i so know what you mean. i am always ragging on my daughters to turn lights off and asking them if they are going to be paying our electric bill. i am frugal to a fault but i don't care. we can't afford to be energy wasters!
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• United States
9 Jul 12
Amen! When I first moved here, I went into energy shock, my bill was so high. I found out that my electricity in John Day was through a co-op and the electric company here is a commercial company. It makes such a difference! So I really have to watch my electric usage here even more than I did in the last place I lived!
• United States
7 Mar 12
Before I got married I had roommmates that were lazy when it came to turning off lights and cleaning. The power bill was in my name and they would not pay their portion which left me holding the bag. What I had done was that when they were not at home I would turn off the thermastat and only have heat in my room (they asked me why the apartment was not heated and I said that the only thermastat that was working was the one in my room, they bought it). I figured if they could not pay the electric bill (we had elecric heat) then they could not have heat. Sadly, I had to keep the fridge plugged in otherwise I would go hungry. I hate it when people are wasteful and they try to take advantage of others. Once my lease was up I called the power company and told them to shut the power off because I had moved out. The others were mad because they forgot to call and have the bill switched to their names (I left them the information they needed the rest was up to them). I have always been frugal.
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• United States
8 Mar 12
I firmly believe that frugality is a virtue and am always looking for ways to cut expenses. If we can't live within our means then we are no better than the politicians in Washington who have run our country into trillions of dollars of debt.
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Well, my experience is a bit on the other side of the fence. And it is not really about being frugal or thrifty but rather about people renting a place. Both our landlords (we have 2) live with us, and one couldn't stick to the rule. While they should be the ones who should first and foremost promote cleanliness in the house and abide by the house rules, he's the first one to violate them. I think his business partner is having a hard time reminding him as it has been said repeatedly. Notes were even on display, but to be honest, I wonder if he ever read them. He just keeps playing music loudly and speaks on the phone inside the room where others are resting. It's quite disappointing as the unit we're renting would've been really nice if the rules were enforced and followed. When one of the tenants warned the other landlord that people might move out because of this behavior, he simply replied, "If anyone leaves, they can easily be replaced." That was just disappointing to hear. We've been renting since November last year, and we've really been adherent to the house rules. We were even the ones cleaning up, and it's just disheartening to hear how disposable we are. What I can say is, even if he can replace us very quickly, I do hope they stay for a long time.
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• United States
7 Mar 12
Yes, I have had bad landlords before, too, who just didn't seem to care no matter what. Personally, I am probably the best, nicest landlady this guy will ever have and he would have done well to be conscientious about how he kept my home. Now if he tries to rent again he will not be able to use me as a reference.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Mar 12
Yes I know what you mean, I have noticed friends who just waste as they think the little things you do don't mount up, even the small things you do to save make a big difference in the end.. I hate paying big companies any more than I have to.
• United States
7 Mar 12
Totally agreed, lilaclady! Waste is just totally insane and unfortunately our government does not set a proper standard in that area at all!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
6 Mar 12
I am young but raised by frugality. If it wasn't necessary, we didn't run it. If we didn't need it, we didn't turn it on. That's how I do now, and how I always will do. It pays to be frugal, especially in this ecnomy. Why waste money you could save for the future?
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• United States
7 Mar 12
I totally agree. I have never understood wastefulness and doubt I ever will.