Racist Comments

United States
March 7, 2012 5:24pm CST
These days, people get offended really easily. Did anyone hear about the Jeremy Lin flavored icecream at Ben & Jerry's being taken away because some people were offended about it? The flavor had fortune cookies in it. Seriously. I'm Asian and I wasn't at all offended by that, I felt proud and happy instead. For some reason, I actually like the 'racist' comments as long as they were meant in a funny and not serious way. Like when people comment that I look more yellow than usual today, I can't help but laugh. Do you guys get offended by racist comments?
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7 responses
• Spain
8 Mar 12
in my opinion asian people aren't yellow and black people aren't black so the same thing happens with white people and i'm not a real fan of white people in my country but the only thing that i know is that i hate racist people cause they always bring you down and then they never recognizes it
• Spain
8 Mar 12
and they suck and in case that they win in this fuc**ng stupid life i'm talking from my personal case let's see what you get in the next life f**k ya neighbors
• Spain
8 Mar 12
and in case that they win in this fuc**ng stupid life let's see what you get in the next life stupid disgusting people that live next to my house
@Lisona (177)
8 Mar 12
I wonder if ben & jerry's will make haggis,porridge oats,oatcake,irn bru ice-cream for us scots?...lol I wouldn't be offended in the slightest, people are too easily offended over the silliest thing these days.
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
well, that cannot be denied. there are just persons who are born with a racist instinct running through their vessels. and is circulating properly. mostly, people who are racist are those in the higher position or of higher kind. that is basic to normal humans. and is running all over us. that is why, at times, we are racist in our own way. furthermore, asians are usually the subject of bullies. what can we do, somehow, it is being taught throughout history that we are the lower kinds.. shorter, that is.
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
Hi elementah.. It's very sad to say that there are really human beings who are like that, which is immoral and unethical in some ways. A few weeks ago I heard Mr. Floyd Gayweather Jr. saying some negative words about Jeremy Lin which is prima facie no basis, He said it's all because he's (Jeremy) an Asian- Which I also belong- But in spite of that I just passed all those what I've heard to my other ear, I just believe that Mr.Gayweather is only jealous of the person's current success in the sport where he don't actually belong and definitely, absolutely he has no right to meddle on. I hope people should always remember that we're all brothers and sisters in this life, we may all have different skin colors, cultures and beliefs but we must all put in our minds that we have only one creator up above the heavens. Amen.
@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
8 Mar 12
Quite often people overreact, and not only that, but they get offended if someone told them something what they consider normal to to say about others. Like if someone use word "black", it's offensive, but it's normal to say "white". Anyway, racism is stupid, and shows lower level of culture, education and I would say, quite often, lower level of intelligence of racists. Take a look at panda bears. They are white, black and Asian at the same time, and still everybody likes them.
• United States
8 Mar 12
I am black and my wife is white and we always joke with each other. I think people do get offended to easy over some of the craziest things. I tell her that she glows in the dark and she calls me the shadow. We have been this way from day one. It's depends on how it is said. You know when its playful or not. I just wish that everyone could learn to get along and recognize that we all have differences!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
7 Mar 12
It has always confused me how upset people do get about racist jokes but laugh and approve of other types of insult jokes, all insult jokes hurt someone so why is it that only racist jokes cause people to scream out...