re a sign I saw in women's restroom at my doctor's

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
March 7, 2012 8:01pm CST
Sometimes someone will put up a sign that really amuses me. There is a wonderfully kept publc restrooms next door to my doctors suite. there is a code you must use to unlock it but its really clean and well kept.I used the womens side naturally. Because I am somewhat handicapped I went into the biggest stall as it allowed me to have my walker there. On the wall facing me as I did my business was this sign "I do not care how you pee,standing up, sitting down,or dancing.But if you pee on the seat, Please'you clean it up." Nicely typed in big bold letters. for some reason it did really amuse me. I was happy anyway as I learned I had lost more weight, and the doctor was very pleased with my blood glucose figures. but thought maybe others here might get a laugh out of this too. your take fellow mylotters
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24 responses
@JDaw2006 (428)
• United States
8 Mar 12
LOL yeah that is very funny but also so true. I work at a gas station and it is hard to lock up the door and go to the bath room so most of the time i really have to go when i do get it locked. It never fails someone has pee on the seat and i have to clean it before i can go. I should so type that up in big letters, print it out and put that in the bath room at my work. LOL that made my night thanks for sharing this. I really think that i am going to put that up. Thanks again.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi Daw oh I thought we needed some humor here as we are all getting so serious at times. I think that just might work for you as its no fun having to clean up those messes that others leave. it makes you wonder how they do at home if they cannot be clean out in public.glad i livened up your night lol loll=
2 people like this
• United States
8 Mar 12
Love it Hatley! LOL! It's great to have something to laugh at while you are at the doctor's office! I'm glad your levels were better. That's always nice to hear. Oh, and I wish they'd telll me I've lost weight the next time I go to the doctor, which is going to be next week and then another week after that and then 3 weeks after that. They're keeping me busy right now. Thanks so much for the laugh! I needed it!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi chrystaltears I was already happy so when I read that sign I just had to laugh. someone evidently is tired of nasty messes left by professional people .all the offices in the Family Health center building are legal offices and the health center clinic so these should be intelligent men and woman who should be aware of proper hygiene.But it was a fun and nice way to remind people to be clean.I do not have to go to the doctor now for 3 months. lol lol
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@GardenGerty (162838)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Humor is often the best way to get a point across. I guess maybe there has been a problem, and rather than post something nasty, this humorous reminder may do the trick as far as getting people to clean up after themselves.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi gardengerty Yes I thought so too.It sounded like someone was really irritated at having to clean up messes from adults who should know better. Her sense of humor, that is if it was a her,'it might have been a guy, was wonderful as it got the message to me without making me upset.I was laughing as I left the rest room. It was really many times you go into a public place like that its not that clean.but it could be that all the businesses there were medical and legal offices so maybe a cut above the general public facilities?
2 people like this
• United States
8 Mar 12
I've seen some amusing ones, like "is you sprinkle when you tinkle..." that make me smile, but probably the one that got me was one posted in the employee restroom at my ex's store: "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". The guys that ran the store were a couple of hippies, so I'm not sure if that was the reason behind it, but it kinda made sense. I had to adopt that mentality when I lost my job in 2005 right before Christmas, and my daughter and I adopted that mantra. It was fine, since it was almost always just us there, and I kept up with scrubbing the bowl each week, but honestly, I'm SO glad those days are over!
• United States
9 Mar 12
It DID stink, but because I had an older water hog of a toilet, even putting a brick (or two!) didn't really help me to reduce my water bill. Now we've got a water saving toilet (2 1/2 gallon flush), so I'm not nearly as worried about flushing. But I'm from the East coast, and being right outside Philadelphia where they put astroturf on the front steps to pretend they had green space! I don't think I'd ever get that desperate though-it's a bit sharp and would bother my feet, at least until I got used to it. As for your sign, I've seen similar signs that you mentioned in public bathrooms, but I don't think many of them were as polite and attractive as yours.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Mar 12
hi scorpio babes oh I remember putting the brick in the toilet'but we had one thing going for us, we were renting and the complex paid the water bills.but it did make the rents rise too. yes the sign was really attractive and I wondered who put it up there as it was someone with a decent typewriter and a sense of humor.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi scorpio oh yes I do remember those days and the stinkof stangnant urine too yuck amd glad of that. at least this 'sign was not graffiti it was a real sign on white bond paper nmcely typed and mounted on white cardboard. no graffiti allowed in this public room its very clean and I guess the sign was to assure it stayed that way too.that time when water was not to be wasted was not a good time. thats the time the artificial grass came in vogue om phoenix ariz and it was so ugly I hated the thought of using the stuff.We did not bother with it ourselves.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Mar 12
What a brilliant sign and it's clearly working too! Glad your doc is pleased with you and I can tell you're upbeat. Good for you!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi janey no my son has no car but I belong to access bus a smaller bus by the county bus line that takes people who are handicapped to their appointments and returns them to their front door and only for five dollars and forty cents round trip. the drivers are wonderful they help me off and on and are so kind and courteous too.I use a walker and they put it on after I climb up the steps. they buckle my seat belt for me.I just was not overwhelmed by the doctor the others use here at all.My doctor knows myhistory for y ears back and a new one would have to learn all that so no way. i will stay put.also if I wanted to they have a lift at the back so I do not have to climb the steps.but I do not want to do that. I want to do what ever I can for myself.Its a matter of feeling in charge of some of if I really felt unsteady of course I would be silly not to use the life. lol
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi janey yes it was typed on white bond paper and hung on white cardboard so clearly done by building management .someone with 'a great sense of humor. when I got to dancing I had to laugh at the picture in my imagination. I was already happy as my doctor was pleased with my blood sugar and my weight loss. I chose to go ten miles to see him who has been my primary care doctor for years rather than use the doctor most use here, that doctor just did not hit me as a good doctor and he rushes the patients here like sheepl. mine takes a little more time and listens to me when I have problems too. not all doctors really do that. lol
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Mar 12
Good for you that you were prepared to travel to see your original doctor. Did your son take you? It's great when doctors listen to their patients rather than rushing them. It makes you wonder why you bothered going to see them at times.
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• China
8 Mar 12
What a fun the sigh is,who should dance at the restroom?In fact ,on the sign they mean no matter what you will do , you must keep the restroom clean.They really have a witty tongue.I am glad to learn that You have kept your diabetes in check.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi chang yes my diabetes is under c ontrol, even lost weight from 210 to 193 already. now that sign was so funny and not grafitti no I dougt that it wou ld have stayed had it been no this was typed on white paper mounted on white cardboard and mounted on the wall. I just had to laugh imagining someone dancing and trying to pee at the same time. lol lol
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Mar 12
yes that was a really great day for me and I saw the humor in the sign and thought aha a great idea for a discussion so I did remember it long enough to write it down he way I wanted to and I have got a goodly number of responses too. there are some situations that trigger discussions in my mindl lol lol
• China
9 Mar 12
It is great!You have lost that much certainly breathed a sigh of relief when you learnt the blood sugar figures,meanwhile you saw the funny sigh which let you hardly resist laughing,you had a good time that day.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Congratulations on the weight loss! They say with every pound you lose you remove 4 pounds of pressure from each knee so you should be feeling pretty good very soon! That's a funny sign. I hate to see a wet seat, though it's usually due to the flushing process. I saw a sign about a month ago outside a tiny carpet store that said "Get a new look for Spring--prices so low they'll make you giggle!" and I did! In fact, I laughed or smiled every time I passed that sign until they changed it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi dragno54u yes I have read that too and am glad to be seeing the numbers go the right direction. the humor really got my attention while a nasty sign might have made me ignore it. I hate the fact thet o ur own toilet if you do not rise fast enough after flushing will spray yucky water on yo u. humorous signs actually will get our attention fastest. It was a real sign not graffiti as in this place I doubt graffit would even be allowed to be left there.I wish all public restrooms were that clean lol lol.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
8 Mar 12
I think that that is the cutest, most amusing graffiti I've heard of or seen yet. Most of the times the stuff written on the stalls of bathroom is not informative or inspirational, but gibberish and sometimes foul gibberish. I have a picture on my facebook of a form of graffiti at work. It is written on the toilet paper holder and says "spell relief" and right under that is written the S word that means poop.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi no no it was not graffiti this was typed on a white sheet mo untd on cardboard, v ery unique. no graffiti allowed in this update bathroom the place was immaculate, clean, no odor. soap dispensers wer full, all porcelain was sparkling thenb to come on this real sign. not graffiti as that would not have stayed in this upscal.e was even coded. it you did not iknow the sequence of numbers to push you did not get in.oh that graffiti was really funny too.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
9 Mar 12
That is funny..and i might use that at home too lol my kids really really pee especially my little guys..their pee gets on the seat and leave without washing or cleaning it...
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• Japan
8 Mar 12
hahahaha oh Hatley, your discussion made me laugh alone here in front of my laptop reading that " I don't care how you pee, standing up,sitting down or dancing hahaha I imagine and try to imagine how could a girl dancing while peeing? hahahaha I have seen such weird stuff that made me laught too with those public toilets here around Tokyo, it was a big a** signature and it was man's thing under them hahahaha I was amuse and laughing inside the toilet hahaha it's really amaze me how could the make a signature with the man's thing? hahaha
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi kyle2krystel I also was l aughing trying to envision a woman needing to go really badly but dancing around the room. I was laughing as I left the restroom. It was just amazinly spotless not like the public restrooms in some of our malls here in the US.yes that wo uld be hard to do making' a signature with a man's thing?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi i bet your husband was wondering what the hecl was so funny' but it really was funny as the sign is typed and on nioce white p aper so its not graffiti lollol
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• Japan
8 Mar 12
hahaha I know right? My hubby was looking at me as I was laughing after getting out in the toilet. It's really crazy and funny how this people(women) manage to wrote something like that in women's toilet? hahaha
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@adnileb (5281)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
I have read some of them too. Like, "Sir, please put the cover up so it won't get messed up because Ma'am will pee later" I still have more but it's in "Tagalog" and the humor will be lost if I will translate it into English.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi adnileb it w as not gr affiti either but a typed sign on white paper mounted on white cardboard. no graffiti allowe there,it was so immanulate an even smelled good. that was always a sore spot with me my hubby so often left the seat up after; using the loo so if I went in there and did not turn the light on I wou ld plop down on damp cold icy cold porcelain and let out a loud screqam. enough of those he began to remember to put the seat down after he was 'finished.I have heard tagalog sometimes is hard to tr4anslate right into English.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Mar 12
Lol! I would definitely need to laugh at the doctors office, I hate going to the doctor! They should have that sign in every bathroom! Lol. On a more serious note that is good that you lost some weight and your blood glucose figures are good. =) Hope you keep getting healthier.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Mar 12
hi lovingmbabies oh it w as funny and since I was in a good mood anyway it made me laugh. I am having a problem with lunch glucose readings so willh a ve to cut back more on certain things t o bring my blood sugar back down t o normal rane range again but now I know I can do it so I will do it again.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Mar 12
Lol! I would definitely need to laugh at the doctors office, I hate going to the doctor! They should have that sign in every bathroom! Lol. On a more serious note that is good that you lost some weight and your blood glucose figures are good. =) Hope you keep getting healthier.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi Loving Mybabies Yes I am the same way I pu t it off and should not as I am diabetic. the sign was not graffiti but typed on white bond paper mounted on white cardboard. I think its a good one for bathrooms in all public restrooms. Every time I put going to my doctor off when I call he has taken that week off so I have to be squeezed in the next week at whatever time I can get.I am so glad I am loosing weight and that I am keeping my blood sugar under control too. I am thinking if they can keep this bathroom so clean why cannot other women's restrooms in malls be kept clean and free of graffiti and the stench on uncleaned up urine and feces.
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
I am happy to hear about the good news from your doctor, hatley. Humorous signage, because of its highlights, sometimes will work best. I was also amused when I read a poster below the welcome to KFC signage that has written in Tagalog: "Huwag gawing sabaw ang gravy"which I don't know if its meaning will make sense when translated in English. Can you tell me if this one will make sense? "Please don't make the chicken gravy a pour-over sauce"
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi sabado thanks it always feels good when my doctor says I am in excellent control. the sign sure did give me a laugh. yes your sign made sense. they evidently had had gravy that was thin and watery. but I thought the idea of gravy was to put it over potatoes or other things surely one would not just eat plain gravy.
@AmbiePam (96677)
• United States
8 Mar 12
That is pretty funny. Glad you got some good news from your doctor.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Mar 12
yes it really made my day to read that humorous sign after being tol how well I was doing by my doctor too.controlling my blood sugar an losing weight makes for a perfect day.
@ElicBxn (63826)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Reminds me of that old stall rhyme... "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat"
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Mar 12
hi elicbxn oh thats a clever one. the sign I read w as sure not graffiti at all as it was made onwhite bond paper adhevered to a cardboard back. I imagine some clerk in one of the offices there was asked to make it. I got a charge out of envisionin some woman dancing andstill trying to pee. .lol
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
That's so funny hehehe. I never seen like that sign before here in my place. But that's good at least they told it on a nice and humor way , instead of irritating sign. It is only to reminds us of cleanliness in oue selves or even to the places were we used too. Good day friend
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi lynboobsy11 yes it was funny and clever as it did not bawl anyone out just reminded them to be clean and not leave nasty messes for housekeeping. all the offices are medical, legal, and insurance offices so the workers should be well bred intelligent people who ought to know about proper hygiene.
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@celticeagle (172428)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Mar 12
That's cute. I wonder if that would work here at home? My grandson tends to have some mistakes. My meds make me need to go more but I haven't had that problem yet.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hi celticeagle me either,I might have to dash as I am on lasix daily so have to go often but I am clean about know in one of the better malls the public restrooms for women are really gross and the odor is sickening. this place was super clean and well kept. So someone must have goofed and someone else decided to remind people with humor that somethings just are not right.there has never been any odor in that women's room, which makes it a pleasure to use.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
dear Hatley, Indeed amusing that made me laugh "dancing" okay, maybe others do dance that's why they messed up on floors have a good day dear
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Mar 12
hehe hi jaiho thats what first caught my eyes the dance part and the fact this was typed on a white paper definitely a sign by the building maintenance. no graffiti in this bathroom it was immaculate 'and thus the sign really stood out. yep dancing might have made the procedure messy indeed.
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
Hi Hatley! Such a cute reminder! I guess someone who would sit in and do their business there would do as what the sign's telling them. Not too rude, not too nice - just right
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Mar 12
hi enelyum 001 yes it was so much more amusing being made as a real sign by someone in authority, and not someones silly graffiti I t was a good day for my any way and that one made me laugh out loud.