A High Standard for the Political Leaders?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
March 8, 2012 5:03pm CST
Bill Maher has given Obama's campaign over a million dollars. He may JUST be an entertainer, but he has become political by the amount he's donated to the reelection campaign. This is Sarah Palin's contention.
She pointed out, along with Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingram and other conservative women, that they never received an apology from President Obama for the hateful names they were called over the last three-four years by liberals like Maher. And that this constitutes a double-standard in the worst way.
What do you think? The Democrats call for civility, and decency from conservatives, they name Rush Limbaugh as political and there fore held to a higher standard as a leader, but say nothing when their leadership sink to new lows.
Why is it ONLY the Republicans/Conservtives are held to this standard?
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5 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Mar 12
I've been hearing a lot about how Maher's a "comedian" and thus he shouldn't be held to the same standards as others. But what's in that title exactly? I've always given comedians a little more slack, but I'm quickly realizing that this fake shield they have just emboldens them to speak louder.
Because you tell jokes for money doesn't mean you have to be nasty, hateful, bigoted and sexist. Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Cosby, Sinbad, and the list goes on and on - high-profile comedians who actually try to find humor instead of playing on people's inherent hatred for all things different.
It doesn't really bother me what Maher says. He's free to say it. I won't boycott HBO. I won't sign a petition to get him off the air. I don't approve of some of the language, but he can say whatever he wants.
It's really just a shame that people don't treat offenses equally though. It makes discourse the real joke in America, when the same people lambasting Limbaugh for his comments refuse to even comment on something Maher has said.
It's proof positive that they don't give a damn about Fluke and that she was called a "sl#t." All they care about is the leverage it gives them to attack their opponents. It's a facade and everyone knows it.
I think it's clear that a lot of Democrats don't want civility. They want to be the only voice. The tactics they choose to get to that point are wide ranging, but the ultimate goal remains unchanged.
Some morons on the right let their despotic nature show through too, mind you. Wanting Ellen to be unemployed simply because she dares to be alive and gay at the same time; completely dismissing some things because they feel their god has the ultimate say, so no one should attempt to do anything about it. It takes all kinds.
But to have the lion's share of an entire ideology so wiling to quarantine itself off from rationality; it's just utterly amazing that more people haven't balked at the idea of politics altogether.
I guess the want of free sh*t is just too strong in some. They're willing to let these schmucks lie, cheat and steal as long as they think they can get some freebies in the end. And if it's not that, I have absolutely no clue why the public at large allows for such a glaring double standard to not only continue but actually intensify with each passing day.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Mar 12
You expressed that very well, thank you for your post.
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@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Did I read that right? You want President Obama to apologize for what Bill Maher says? That just seems odd, because on my planet it's Bill Maher who should apologize for what Bill Maher says. You know, sort of like how neither George Bush ever apologized for anything Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Levin, Savage, Malkin, Breitbart, and all those guys have been saying for the last 25 years?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Mar 12
I don't think it's anyone's responsibility to apologize for anyone else's actions unless that person is somehow their responsibility. That said, Obama did apologize to Fluke for what Rush said and the left has DEMANDED that every politician with an R next to his name publicly flog Rush for his comments even screaming that some republicans haven't condemned him ENOUGH for his actions.
It's the double-standard that's the issue. I don't think republicans should have to apologize for Limbaugh, nor should they be lumped in with him for his comments. The same goes for Obama and Maher.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Well, he called Sandra Fluke to apologize for what Rush said and soothe her ruffled feathers. Why not call and apologize for what one of his major contributors or one of his administration has said about conservative women?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Maher has backtracked a bit, wonder why?
Maybe he really feels this way? Or maybe the boss said lay low? Who knows. I hope he's sincere.
Now lets get back to the real issue here, the government inposition of their mandate on the American taxpayer. Free stuff for everyone or else. Freedom be d@mned, on with the free stuff!!! Which is the real issue here. Does the government have the right to take from one and give to the other? Do they have the right to force by law, (and punishment) those who ARE morally opposed to birth control, the Catholic Church, to provide it for their employees? Remember, if they can force the church to bend the knee to the government they can do it to ANYONE. This is not about birth control, even though the progressives are pretty good at smoke screening the real issue, it is about first ammendment rights.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Since when does the President of the United State of America apologize for the comments of a comedian?? You can't be serious!

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Mar 12
I repeat "Why should the president of the United States of America" apologize for something that Bill Maher said??? I read now that Newt Gingrich is asking the President to apologize for something that robert De Niro said. Why? Should DeNiro aldo apologize for everything that the president says that Republicans don't like? Should the fact that Maher gave money to a reelection campaign make the president responsible for his words.
Jeez, I just gave a good bit of money to a Catholic school I attended. Maybe I should ask the Catholic church to apologize for my thoughts, words and sins!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Mar 12
When that comedian donates $1M to his reelection campaign.
So, if you feel Maher doesn't need the president to apologize for him, why do you suppose the president felt compelled to call Sandra Fluke and apologize to her? And please, do give me that 'he's (Rush) is the de facto head of the Republican party' nonsense. The leadership of the Republican party was speaking of Rush's leadership in educating the American people about the progressive's take over of our govenment, our society, and our morals.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Mar 12
I repeat; when that comedian donates $1M to the president's reelection campaign....
If Rush is the 'de facto' leader of the Republican party, why is it wrong for me to think of people like Bill Maher as the 'de facto' leader of the progressive liberal agenda? I mean, he is out there advocating to the tune of a million dollars the reelection of the most liberal president we've had, right? And he advocates the mind set of progressives, right? He's a public figure with a large audiance, right? An audiance who mostly agrees with his political views, right? so, where is the difference?
I think the only difference is that Bill Maher and you agree on the names he called the conservative women, cause I've been accused of taking everything Rush says as gospel truth, I feel that the same must be true of Bill Maher. Do you agree with him? Are those women he's called filthy names deserve those names?
Also, Pres. Obama himself called for civility. His supporters should be held accountable BY HIM. He said kids were off limits, but Palin's kids were horribly treated by the left, so are Rick Santorum's treated badly by Maher. The Pres. should call his own supporters to task for attacking children, he himself said that KIDS were OFF LIMITS in politics. Right?
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Well, at least one group of Democrats have distanced themselves from Maher. The Alabama Democrats scrubbed their website of linking to him. Of course, this is from the Daily Caller but easy enough to verify the removal.
Other Democratic female groups are starting to speak out. Finally there is at least some recognition by the Democratic females that there is a double standard going on. While it likely won't reach the momentum that Limbaugh did, it may eventually force Obama to give back a $1 Million dollar donation from Maher's SuperPac. (That is the group's demand.)
Hopefully, this will pick up more momentum in the near future.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Mar 12
Wow, thanks for that input. I didn't realize it was a whole group of women. I'm a bit confused though, did you mean to say Democrat women? or did you mean Republican women? It would be awesome if it was the Democrat women standing up for ALL women. I often wondered where the National Org. for Women were when Ms. Palin was being roasted alive during the last election.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
9 Mar 12
I think the leader is a Democrat but I can't say for sure. I haven't heard of this particular organization so I will have to investigate it further.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
NOW or the National Orginization of/for Women is a progressive activist group that headed the feminist movement.
They were silent during the pillory of Sarah Palin by the press. They had become well known for defending professional women who had accomplished big things in what used to be a man's domain. Such as politics and and especially those women who not only were accomplished in a man's domain, but had families too.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Matersfish said it best.
I was reading the news this morning and found this: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/03/04/rush-limbaugh-s-apology-liberal-men-need-to-follow-suit.html
It made sense to me, well written and seemed objective without name-calling so I looked at the comments. I was astounded at how people were defending Olbermann, Taibbi, Maher and the rest! Some of them even seemed to be women although it's hard to tell with some screen names.
No, it won't be resolved. The type of people that defend this behavior have their minds so twisted that they don't recognize reason anymore.
And accepted contributions from trash like Maher should be shameful to a candidate. It should not be punishable or banned but it should bring the disdain of the public to the recipient. Sadly, the public's standards have sunk so low that a snake could easily glide over them.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Mar 12
There have been many such "traps" set for the R candidates and sadly, they've gotten many sound bites for future use. Look at them using Santorum's remark to a Catholic college years ago about Kennedy's speech back in the 60s. They are making ample use of it now, completely out of context.
Sadly, Republicans don't realize just how well planned Mr. Obama's campaign is. It has been planned since even before he took office and his strategists are both brilliant and amoral. No quarter will be given, no mulligans allowed, nothing but continual hammering until the opponent is dust. This is how he will win 4 more years and the Republican hierarchy is too stupid--or complicit--to overcome it. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Maher is backtracking...
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Great series and smart man; if you have time.