I am so sad

@sabado_dc (1001)
March 9, 2012 10:08am CST
As a tradition in the Philippines, on 24 of December, at midnight, I used to wait for the arrival of Jesus bringing the gifts that I had requested in my yearly wish letter. Being younger then, I had no idea until I discovered one day that my parents were the ones bringing the gifts and putting them close to my bed. For several years, because of what I had discovered about the gifts and wishes, Jesus left me disappointed. At the same time, when Easter was approaching, I used to watch how Jesus was being mistreated by the Jews until he was hanged on a cross in order to be crucified. I really wanted to get inside the TV set and help him somehow. I ended up going away to hide and cry. I may be mean and acting like a child like 1 of my avid respondent has written in one of my previous discussions but since then and until now, I really think that Jesus does not love me and God does not love his son, Jesus for allowing him to die on the cross. You may want to share on this topic?
1 person likes this
10 responses
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
10 Mar 12
Out here in North America, we have something a bit different on Christmas. We say that Santa Claus goes from house to house, coming down the chimney to bring us gifts for the 25th. We learn when we are kids, that Santa isn't real, and that it's just our parents doing it. what you have to realize now, is that Jesus isn't real. Around the age of the crucifixion, there were hundreds of thousands of people who were brutalized and crucified in that same way, and they came up with the tale of Jesus, to fight back against their government, who they saw as suppressing the people. The vast majority of stories in the bible, both old and new testament, come from older religious stories. A boy being born of a virgin at the winter solstice who grew up to be a carpenter before leading the masses against the tyrants, and dying for the people without any sins, is a common story told from long before Christianity. Even the ancient egyptians used loads of pieces that turned into the story of Jesus. Realizing that Jesus isn't coming to your house to give you gifts at the winter solstice should make you take a step back, and think. What else about the story of Jesus is fictional? You shouldn't let fiction lead your life, you should try and help the people around you, for them, and for yourself.
• Canada
10 Mar 12
Well, it's up to you if you're going to be helping people around you, or not, and it really comes down to what we would want for ourselves. If you were in a situation where you were asking for help from someone else, would it be good if they helped you? You should think the same way about them. There's another side, too, if someone constantly asks for more and more, then isn't it better for them, if you don't help, and they learn how to be on their own two feet? This isn't any kind of "belief", its thinking and rationalizing.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
10 Mar 12
How about living your life trying to put yourself in a position where you need no help from the others and you can exploit them ?Like steal how much you can but make sure you don`t get caught or kill as many people as you can or rape as many as you can.As long as you don`t get caught that will be fine.Why would you want to depend on others to help you ? I think that`s healthy thinking and rationalizing.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
10 Mar 12
Why should you help people around you ? Is that what you believe one should do or it is more than a belief ?
@JohnRok1 (2051)
10 Mar 12
It was only your parents who told you that Jesus would be bringing the gifts, and I'm afraid they fell down there. But there are a lot more people who tell you that Jesus loves you sufficiently to offer you repentance and saving faith in Him, which He bought on the cross for those who would truly believe in Him. Disappointment in your parents is not a good reason for disbelieving everybody else, and if it were, it is certainly not a good enough reason for disbelieving the Bible. Please read John's Gospel carefully.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
12 Mar 12
John's Gospel is so important to the heart that I think it would benefit you to read it in Ilocano, however good your English is. If you want to check the translation and you don't know New Testament Greek, our KJV is the most accurate reasonably easily available English version.
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
Hi JohnRok1, Right now, I am reading more about John's on wikipedia. Will further broadly read by these hyperlinks being served.
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Ilocano is my vernacular but I am having a hard time on reading its texts. Main reason is that it was never taught in our school. Also, often times when I see my parents using the said dialect in writing, words are commonly being mispelled. They places letter "C" instead of "K", instead of using the letter "Y" they will put double "L", sometimes letters "V" and "B" are being interchanged. Sometimes, words that are having letters "G"and"J" sounds like an "H" when pronounced. Vowel "E" can be pronounced as "A" also... By heart, I will just stick to English or Tagalog (our national language although I do not have a good command over it.. lol) and will seek help from Mr. Webster if I encounter a word that I don't understand.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
9 Mar 12
Dear friend, why would your experience leave you disappointed in Jesus? Should you not have been disappointed in your parents, who like so many other parents, didn't tell you the truth? John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Can you not see the depth of God's love in that statement? Jesus sacrificed his human life for us, surely both God and Jesus must love us deeply!
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Dear 1hopefulman, I am so sorry if I said that. Reading 1 of my responses upstairs, I am so touched. I swear I will never say that again. Oh, God please forgive me for saying that.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
11 Mar 12
No problem, we all make mistakes. When we do, it's good to have friends that redirect us. All the best!
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
And I can say that I am in a perfect and good company here on mylot with of course the inclusion of complete facilities in learning. Thanks
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I use to believed in Santa Claus when I was a kid, and have it known as I grow up. I never introduce the same belief to my kids when I have my own kids, I do not want them to believed in make belief. Regarding Jesus Christ and the reason why HE has to die- it is because GOD wants to set an example of "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" to us. How great it is for our GOD to sacrifice HIS own son, HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON- to be crucified, humiliated by human (human who are created by GOD Himself). There is NO QUESTION- "How GOD love HIS creation" for giving HIS son and watching HIS son enduring all those pain and humiliation. GOD loves you, that is why until now you are breathing- isn't it enough to prove of HIS LOVE unto you?
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
This one is a great response Thanks angelgee
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
10 Mar 12
Hi sabado_dc Are you really from Philippines? Because I am from Phils too. And as I recall in my childhood, my parents did not told me that it was Jesus bringing gifts but Santa Claus. And Dec 24 is also in the anticipation of the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th. As for your view about Jesus not loving you and God not loving His son well I have a different opinion. Jesus does love you, just look into yourself and how sometimes things gets worst and somehow you were able to manage to rise above it. God loves Jesus that was why He gave up his own son to be our redeemer and send a message of love. Do you remember that song? Tell the world of His love. Listen to it. I is a nice song and reminds me of my childhood. I hope you make peace with Jesus someday :D Take care!
@JohnRok1 (2051)
12 Mar 12
There was (and may still be) a room in Mount Pleasant Sorting Office (the main London Post Office Sortin Office), where they pinned letters addressed by children to Santa Claus. They recount one story about one child who told Santa a really heartbreaking story and ended by begging for £5. The staff were really touched by this and had a whip round, managed to raise £2.60, and sent it to the child. The reply came back: "Dear Santa, Thank you so much for the £5 you sent me - unfortunately those thieving *******s at Mount Pleasant slipped their fingers in and took £2.40 for themselves". I'm also told that one kid from a broken home was heard to say: "I think the Devil is like Santa Claus - it's your father really".
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Thanks for putting a little humor here, JohnRok1 Lots of similar stories here and often these are people who often relies on grants and aid
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Have you ever tried writing yearly wishes during your childhood? Can you tell me to whom it was addressed? Is it to Jesus or Santa? Do I need to write in Ilocano if that will make you feel that I am from the Philippines?
• United States
9 Mar 12
As this topic is very sensitive I will do my best to answer in a manner that will not offend anyone here. The reason for teaching young children about such things as Santa Claus, the Easter bunny or Jesus in your case that brings you gifts; is a effort on the parents part in order to teach their children good moral values. In essence the lesson is that if you are good person then you will be rewarded for your good deeds. "Do good things and good things will happen to you." As we get older and begin to understand more about life and the true nature of people we get discouraged by what we learn. Our beliefs are challenged more and more as time moves on. It is up to us to learn how to cope with life as well as alter our beliefs to coincidence with the new knowledge that we have ascertained. Our morals and ethics are derived from our meanderings. People in general are good in their nature, although there are those that are oblivious to those around them. Parents have little knowledge of how to raise a child because they barely understand how to interact with others on a level deeper than surface. If this were not true then we would have little to no use for philosophy. As we learn form copying what we see others do, as we become parents ourselves we tend to mimic what our parents did not realizing it. We have to become more self aware in order to learn ourselves so that we can teach our children what we were never taught by our parents. Do not discredit your parents for not teaching you certain things because they, themselves may not have been aware of it or known how to teach it to you correctly. As for your belief in God and if he loves you or not I will say this. Your beliefs are your very foundation for your life. Without beliefs in something there is a greater loss than most people are aware of. You lose ceremonies, traditions, moral/ethical values, Self confidence, will power, stability, fulfillment and dreams because all of those things are what gives meaning and purpose to your life. You have to have blind faith that God loves you. Stand firm in what you believe because that is a part of who you are as a person. It was handed down through out the generations before you through love. Even if you do have some different beliefs from what were taught to you by your parents or grand parents respect them and their teaching by honoring their beliefs as well as your own. Life is ever changing as is the knowledge that we will ascertain as time moves on. You never stop learning only wanting to learn. Each day brings with it new ideas and opportunities. You must keep a open mind in order to take advantage of what life has to offer to you. Learn as much as you can and help others along the way. Our lives are a journey that will take us places unknown, just remember that it's not the destination that matters so much as the people that you meet and memories that you make getting there that counts. Even though you may disagree with some things in the religious texts that you were brought up to believe, do not cheat yourself out of the moral/ethical lessons it has to teach. I am not going to tell you what to believe because you have to search yourself and come that conclusion for yourself. Think for yourself, think before you speak, think before you act but most of all be thankful for what you have. May you find what it is your looking for as I wish you the best in you search...
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Hello Guys! Wow.. I just got back from shool today and yep, give me some time to read and reflect your replies here and we'll share it later, as soon as I can... Wow, Nice...
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Dear Mindless, Wow, I am so much delighted with such a great response! Thanks a lot!
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
I couldn't ask for more. Please take your BR!
10 Mar 12
A little story for you that is true. We taught my kids that Father Christmas came and left the presents in their stockings but as they got older they did start to doubt this. One Christmas my tree girls made tiny stockings for all their dolls and cuddly toys and put them by the doll or toy ready for Father Christmas. One of my daughters woke up very early and found that all the little stockings were missing so she crept downstairs and peeped into the lounge where my wife was putting a present in each stocking. She crept back up to bed and went to sleep content that Father Christmas was real after all
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
So Papa Noel/Father Christmas was real after all. My Dad's name is Noel
• India
2 Jun 12
be who you are
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
9 Mar 12
Certainly that God loves Christ, he is one of the greatest Senders ,therefore He Almighty do not allow one to harm him , He denied injustice to himself and to make it among the people forbidden, so that God raised him, The person who was crucified , who betrayed Juses after God gave him quasi- Christ and , so God punished him
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
I don't understand what you are talking about. Can you please explain? I am so sorry but your response has me confused. Please re-clarify this to me, at least in my favor..
• Philippines
9 Mar 12
well as for me just for my own opinion, for me god really love every one and jesus because he gave us all his understanding and forgiveness its just that he needs to let us feel some hurting or sadness and sometimes illness for us to be strong and to learn how to value his blessing and kindness that he shares and gave to us.
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
mytime and lotterylover, Hi! Psalm 76:10 --For the wrath of man shall praise Thee...