A Plan to Destroy and Enslave America
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
March 9, 2012 3:15pm CST
The plan has been to bring down the rich by giving all their money to the poor. Thereby overwhelming the system, which is so unbalanced it will fall naturally.
As I read this I could see the plan as it has played out over my lifetime. I was born in 1956. I am here to tell you that everything the progressive liberals have set out to do, they have done.
And now we have the 99% calling for the destruction of that one percent.
THINK PEOPLE, quit buying their lies.
The plan is once it collapses, we get to either go along with the tyranny or we get to go to prison, do not pass go, do not collect anything other than misery.
can anyone say baaaa baaa baaa?
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11 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Mar 12
When Glenn Beck had his TV show he showed this again and again, mapping out relationships and associations from the past to the present as far up as the White House starting farther back than most people would guess. It's truly alarming that we are participating in our own ultimate enslavement and all the sheep just go along with it--despite warning signs and downright declarations because as long as you give the people their 900 channels of crap and a comfortable place to watch it they'll put up with anything.

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Whoa, way to go dragon!
I'm all for saying it like it is. Thank you.
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@laura1991 (177)
13 Mar 12
the tv produces the same light patterns that are used for hypnotism and brain washing. it is like a hypnotist sitting in your living room that you are paying to be there. thats the whole purpose of the tv, to dumb people down and believe that reality is fantasy and their fantasy is reality. theyve got it the wrong way round.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Mar 12
Laura, you are right...look at the change in American culture since television has become so prevalent. Look at the destruction of our morals, the loss of parental control. My ex husband used to say that his TV addiction was no worse than my book reading but I disagreed and still do. Books spark the imagination while television destroys it.
In fact, I was talking to a friend the other day about disconnecting my land line but told her the 911 system would have my address on the screen while if I called from my cell phone I would have to tell them where I was. She said no, didn't I watch Person of Interest? (I do, I love it!) They have all this technology so they know where everyone is every moment of the day. Now, I know all that is possible but I'm not sure they have it right now. The point is, she thought a show about fictional situations and characters represented truth! So many people confuse television with reality, it's really scary.
I limit my TV time. I wish everyone would! My kids grew up largely ignorant of television, thank God I was able to do that, and they're doing alright.

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
10 Mar 12
Sorry I have to disagree with you. The United States was nearly enslaved a few times and we were able to throw off the bonds of the oppressors but it happened again "totally" when the federal reserve was enacted in 1913. Give anyone the power to control the money flow and interest and you have given them complete power over your economy and the livelihoods of its citizens. All I need to know about the federal reserve is that it is unconstitutional. No private corporation(s) should be able to give themselves $16 trillion on secret loans at zero to little interest at the expense of the taxpayers.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
13 Mar 12
Yes I have heard of it. As much as I disagree with zeitgeist I have to admit they do a pretty good job of explaining the Federal Reserve.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Mar 12
No, this is a different guy. I don't think he worked on Zeitgeist.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 12

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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
9 Mar 12
I listen to Alex Jones almost daily and he says things just like you are saying. I'm not saying that the government meaning both political parties is not manipulating the system. But I try to take a balance view of both forces who are trying to subdue us all. It's not about the left-right political paradigm anymore. It's about controlling the masses at any cost.
Those so-called good old days no longer exist, it's now just the haves versus the have nots. All you have to do to see this is look at how we elect our presidential leaders, the ones who have the most money to spend; gets a shot at begin the leader of the free world.
So, just don't blame the liberals or the conservatives, blame the whole political system that has been created to serve a chosen few. This is the real problem and the downfall of our political system.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Mar 12
I like Alex Jones, ever see him get mad?
I do blame the whole system. For the most part I do blame the Democrats more than the Republicans. BUT, I blame the progressive liberals the most.

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@laura1991 (177)
13 Mar 12
i do like watching alex jones rants.lol. however, there is a lot of things pointing to him being cia. not sure how true this is but its not hard to find info about it. its called fear mongering. its to control the oppostion (us)not just the side that they are on and create fear to those who question the official stories and are awake to what is going on. it does make sense that people that powerful would want to control the opossition. and ever wonder why the guy is still alive? they have killed people for less!
I am in two minds about this so i decide not to question whether he is cia or not. he seems very genuine in his rants but this could be acting. also, i noticed in one, he says "do you know what its like working for phycotic killers?" i didnt understand why he said this. who is he working for who are phycotic killers? he says it when hes very angry so maybe he accidently let it slip? maybe he is genuinly angry but cant do anything about working for them because theyl kill him?i dont know. look for yourself on youtube "alex jones best rant ever". research alex jones cia also go to www.spirituallysmart.com.
@laura1991 (177)
13 Mar 12
sorry that link goes to a different site. if you type in alex jones cia agent it will come up with the website www.spirituallysmart.com/jones-CIA.htm

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
10 Mar 12
Them's sheep noises, right?
We've got something similar (?) happening down here. Tax after tax to drive away any investment & employer incentive here in "brand Australia". Mining taxes, carbon taxes & red tape "to buggery" - we're already the highest taxed nation on earth, so why are we so obsessed with giving a government (that the majority voted against!) more money to play with when they keep proving time & time again they have no idea how to spend it correctly? Both our countries were built on capitalism - unleashing the free market has been shown to be the most effective driver of the economy time and time again & our laws seem to favour it this way. Socialist policies don't work here.
All the Best in your Election Year!

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Mar 12
What gets me is most don't seem to notice, or they even think its a wonderful thing.
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@laura1991 (177)
12 Mar 12
you are right. its easy for them to do this because people allow it to happen. its not just america though they will enslave the world, starting with america. i am from the uk and i know that as soon as america falls, the uk is next. uk and america always work together. america had the bill of rigths.now thats out the window now that obamas signed NDAA. uk doesnt even have that. it would be so easy to take over the uk because we are so sheltered. watch out for the olympics!
i have sent you a messege about that news letter you mentioned btw. i will be happy to discuss it later but i have to go and pick my daughter up from school in a minute. please feel free to email me or something. i will get back to you.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Mar 12
Europe as a whole is about to go under if I am hearing things right. The EU is about as overextended as we are. Am I correct? I'm so caught up in our problems here, I haven't time to pay attention.
And then the world will need a savior won't they? Wonder who that will be?
Saw a great line; when the world is overrun with sheep, the wolves are never hungry.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Mar 12
I mean the EU is broke pretty much the same if not worse than America. Greece is the prime example.
American founders read John Locke and Montesquieu, Two Europeans who had thought long and hard about RIGHTS. The idea of these rights was born in England and France. They had lived with despots for centuries. I agree that there is something in the air, talk from a Congresswoman about postponing the elections should have alerted people. But American Idol and Lady GaGa held their attention more. Never in the history of this land, the land of peaceful transfer of power has anyone EVER suggested something like that.
I like Ron Paul, I tend to lean to libertarianism. Kinda busts the bubble of those who think a religious person like I would not automatically want a Republican. I have one problem with Paul, no two. His nasty newletter with racial remarks in it a few years back, and his almost isolationist mind set. Not in this world were Iran has promised, not just threatened, but promised to destroy the west.
@laura1991 (177)
13 Mar 12
i just wrote out a whole long comment and wouldnt let me post it so it disapeared! thats a great line btw. i love lines like that because they are so true.
by the EU being overextended, do you mean overpopulated?
when obama visited the uk last year, him and david cameron were talking about the uk and US "special relationship". online in the washignton post there is a line that says "the two leaders said that teh alliance between the UK and the US was "a partnership of the heart, bound by the history, traditions and values we share". i think its pretty safe to say that whatever is happening to america will happen to britain. all it would take is for a "terrorist" to attack the olypics and the UK will go into red alert, that means martial law. so you see it does not take as much as it does for america because you had the bill of rights. and more people are awake than they are in britain.
im glad you mentioned about the saviou because there is always a so called saviour. Obama was supposed to be, he was even called a messiah by some people. what is your view on ron paul? people seem to think that he will help america if he becomes president. i have been thinking and the major flaw in that theory is that knwone becomes president if the elite dont want them to. so by that logic, if he does become president, then he is against the people and exactly the same as the others. if he doesnt get through, then he is geniune. your thoughts please?

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
10 Mar 12
You're right. Everything they've set out to do, they've eventually accomplished. Even getting someone elected who is not a natural born citizen. (It doesn't matter where he was born, his father was not a citizen, and "natural born citizens" have 2 citizen parents. That's so the loyalty of the president will be to one land, not many.)
Liberal/progressives have been trying to get the definition of natural born citizen changed and redefined since about 2001. They could never get it done. Then when they did the bill to make sure McCain was cleared as a citizen (which should have never been an issue at all), they attached a sentence to that bill that says that natural born citizen has never been defined. Now the Dems can look at that bill as proof that natural born citizen has never been defined, 'cause they said so and it's in a bill. Can you imagine?
So I wonder who they want to place in the presidency next who doesn't qualify. I think Obama was just a test, and obviously we all failed and leftists won.
I appreciate the link and info. Glenn Beck was the first one I ever heard talk about this. I miss seeing him on Fox.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 12
GBTV, he's on the web now. No one to threaten him with sponsor withdrawal.
He's still on Radio as well.

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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
11 Mar 12
The bible says that the rich should give all they have to the poor.
I will review your link as time permits, because there are probably many faults in whatever it is you posted, and I would love to point them out.
In general, an economy in which the gap between the wealthy and the poor grows everyday will collapse. I don't think adding a 2% increase to those earning over $1,000,000 per year will result in the enslavery of Americans, particulary when many of those million or more earners are petitioning to be taxed more.
The word, "hyperbole" comes to mind.
Having been an avid supporter of the OWS movement, I can tell you the only lies that have come forth are from the beloved 1% and their brainwashed apologists.
The 99% want some basic things - mostly pointing to taking corruption out of government, and letting us have a true democracy, instead of the top few people having power. They support success, as long as it is gained morally.
What I find fascinating is that when protesting things like the war on women, they were surrounded by riot police with assault rifles, being dragged away. I would never have imagined that kind of thing in America. That to me leans more to an enslaved America than paying a fair share in taxes.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Link for an article showing George Soros is behind the OWS movement. He OWNS about a third of the media in the world.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
and btw; I love it when people who would NEVER pick up a Bible, let alone live by it are suddenly experts at interpreting what it means.
Pres. Obama being the prime offender. When Jesus said give away all your money and FOLLOW ME, He meant BOTH parts of that, not just give away all your money.
Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's; seeing as God OWNS everything, Ceasar really has nothing owed to him, does he? We VOLUNTARILY give to government for the common good. Read the Constitution; the Federal Government was not given the power to take from the rich and give to the poor, the CHURCH was. How much did your beloved president give to charity? I've read 1%. The GOP candidate, Mitt Romney gave over 15%. PLUS 10% to his church. I'm not a Mormon, but I do know for a fact that they take care of the poor, even those NOT members of their church.
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
12 Mar 12
According to history all the big nations fell one day. Rome was invincible for a long time, then England, for decades it was Usa, I don't know who it will be next but maybe power will passes from hand to hand faster now. There was tyrany in the past, hopefully we are more free nowadays, I don't know.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
People in the West don't KNOW what tyranny really is. Ask an exile from China, or Soviet Russia. Talk to those who have escaped tyranny, and they will tell you why America is about to fall, they know first hand.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Elect Obama for another 4 years and look what happens! Hide and watch. Spread that wealth, do away with capitalism and give those who don't pay into the system everything you have. Cut the affluent down at the knees and cripple them... that's what is ahead of us if he gets a chance to finish what he started with this 4 years.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
My question is then what? What will happen? Do these idiots that are supporting him really think they will have a place at the 'king's table'? Socialism always sounds good until it is put in practice. The big stick needed to enforce taking people's property and making them subservient to the government does not make for a happy society.
If the president thinks he needs the power to detain Americans indefinately, do they not wonder WHY? he feels he needs that power?
What does a cross between an ostrich and a sheep look like? 

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@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 Mar 12
Economy that is based on monetary speculation, printing money, military spending and war looting from the rest of the world is going to collapse anyway.
Effectively destroying middle class, and producing more poor people, doesn't help economy either, since less people are going to spend, thus less taxes will be paid and circle goes on.
Simple fact that planet couldn't sustain such number of people, not to mention that everyone wants to keep technological level of life we use to have, will eventually lead to more conflicts over resources, and finally to radical lowering of people on Earth. Would that will be achieved by Chinese model of one child per family, or much simpler and effective by wars and famine, we will see in near future.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Its all there; I agree mgzg11. The Federal Reserve manipulates economies all around the world. Have you read The Creature from Jekyl Island? G. Edward Griffin. ALL of this is per the manipulation of social structure and money. And it's not the business owners of capitalism at fault. The government can;t control a people who own their own livelyhood. So, private property has to be abolished.
I'm reading Ameritopia right now, good book to get as well by Mark Levin.
Educating ourselves as to what is REALLY going on is paramount. I'm the type that doesn't follow easily. I question WHY a thing is rather than take someone's word for it. That is why I get as many ideas and opinions, even those that don't appeal to me, and then decide what the TRUTH of the matter is. I highly recommend it.
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