Why Not Hate the REAL Haters
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
March 10, 2012 5:03pm CST
Just a few days ago, my local liberal "news/entertainment" (questionable on both fronts) show quoted their latest MSM liberal leftist political propaganda:
"The Number of Hate Groups in the US is Increasing."
They then proceeded to show clips and INDITE three particular groups which THEY "deemed" "hate groups".
Their "example" included a group (or individual(s)) which warns against the dangers of Islam, one which wishes to restore our Constitution and sovereignty, and one which takes a stand against homosexuality.
Notice a pattern?
While I do not know exactly what these "newscasters" consider "hate", nor am I privvy to inner-workings of any of the groups cited, I do know that the message of what they stand for is that of righteousness, truth and justice, protecting our country and freedoms.
And I do know that, as we slide precariously into totalitarianism at the hands of a darkly corrupt government and a MSM that has been both gagged and bought, truthtellers and heroes are few and far between. We lost one such dear and courageous man just a bit ago, Andrew Breitbart.
As to the issues delineated by the MSM as "hate" and the groups referenced:
1.Re documenting and warning against the horrors of Islam: (first a bit of history; then a terrible dose of current reality).
http://www.theblaze.com/stories/iraqi-poet-in-st-louis-allegedly-has-star-of-david-carved-into-his-back/ ST. LOUIS, USA!
In the Bible, Ishmael is described thus:
In Genesis 16:12 the angel of the Lord said to Hagar when she was running away from her mistress Sarai, that "this son of yours will be a wild man, as untamed as a wild donkey! He will raise his fist against everyone, and everyone will be against him. Yes, he will live in open hostility against all his relatives.
Yet, Muslims see Ishmael elsewise:
"Muslims believe they are the inheritors of Ishmael’s legacy. Ishmael is highly regarded in Islam for his goodness and wisdom…" (muslimvoices.org)
This enmity between Ishmael and Isaac which has existed from time immemorial has persisted throughout history up until today's "current events" in the Muslim goal of annihilation of Israel.
BUT, what bears Scripture out even more clearly, is the hatred toward Islam's OWN,
"he will live in open hostility against all his relatives" (brothers, NIV).
Surely this is borne out in all of the violence, stoning, dismembering, disfiguring, and "honor" killings among and between Muslims as well.
All of the above facts and evidence are HATE. In face of this, and the unjust killing of our military, the usurping HATER of America and Israel says, "Respect Islam".
And he, and those who wish to deceive us and deny truth, use the Muslim precept of taqiyya:
"There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them." (From The Religion of Peace).
This "permissible lying" in order to deceive, disarm, distract, defeat, and vanquish a perceived enemy, is polar opposite to "peace", love, or anything other than submission (Islam means submission), hatred, as in "death to the infidel" and the conquering by any means possible of those who will not submit.
2. Those who stand for American Sovereignty are portrayed as "gun-toting" military or former military types, even old fat grandmothers like me, by the DHS and the liberal fools who do their bidding. This is because liberal stupidity causes them to HATE the Constitution and its freedoms, liberty, and protection provided by Our Creator.
In reality, there are many groups which wish to peacefully, truthfully, and justly restore the sovereignty, integrity, freedom, and protection of a once-great nation.
These include Veteran Defenders of America and US Patriots Union, among many others.
On 11/11/11, these groups went to DC to demand Congress and the usurper restore and honor our Constitution. They also flew banners in San Diego and at the Super Bowl and Tournament of Roses Parade.
THE LIBERAL LIARS also continue to foment HATE by labelling all who disagree with them as "racist", "sexist", oh, yes, "capitalist" or any other label or name-calling in order to disparage them (through political correctness, aka cultural Marxism) and remove free speech or objection to wrong policies.
Those "ists" are HATE speech.
3. Speaking out against homosexuality and its use as a political tool (again political, not moral correctness, in demanding its way to the destruction of the rights and freedoms of others and of the Constitution)is disparaged and called HATE by leftists.
"Parker told the gay rights group she supports the GLBT community in her courtroom, "I've got the power to perform marriage ceremonies. I don't!" The crowd laughed and applauded her.
Drawing a huge baby bump in the air, she quipped, "Usually they are about 19 years old, one person very pregnant when they come to ask for the court to perform this ceremony." Her theatrics delighted the group. Once the mirth over the teens subsided, she continued, "I feel like I've got to tell them why I am turning them away because of what I'm seeing in front of me; they're desperate and very pregnant".
How's that for spiteful HATRED? Should that be allowed in a "judge"?
It's "OK" for rabid homosexual activists to push old ladies around and down, violate the Constitutional rights and voting mandates of the majority to have their own sad agenda glorified. That's HATE.
Because they have an unobstructed voice in Hollywood and the media, they manipulate, threaten, and politicize in order to gain political favor and undeserved advantage and "special rights", even to deceiving people into thinking "bullying" is ONLY their issue. That is a HUGE lie and they, themselves are bullies
as well.
It was the Gay and Lesbian Coalition and NOW, including many lesbians in their HATE group, that bought and paid for "no-fault" divorce, destroying the real and actual CONSTITUTIONAL and Covenant rights of millions of families and DECIMATING the lives of generations of children, by removing state protections of families as is their duty, and allowing NO DEFENSE to a "no-fault" action by the party fighting to keep their marriage/family intact. Even a criminal is entitled to a defense.
Now THEY DEMAND their "right to be married". Oh, the insanity of that HATE.
Scripture is clear in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and Romans 1:26 that homosexuality is an abomination. God ought to know.
I guess the bottom line is this: Isaiah 5:20
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
And, so and as such, we deserve the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah for our intellectual arrogance and self-exaltation, glorifying immorality and evil.
We are encouraged by God to HATE evil.
Liberal leftists, being God haters by and large (Bill Maher, for example)haven't the common sense, wisdom, nor discernment to understand that we do not hate "the sinner" but the SIN, e.g. wrong behavior. That's why leftists say and do the most vile things to those who stand for truth.
And that goes for the usurper and others who hate America and Israel.
"The fear (reverence) of the Lord is to HATE EVIL". PROVERBS 8:13. That would include the lying, deception, corruption, perversion, dismembering, murder, etc. referenced above in 3 points, among other evils.
Those who are HATERS of God exalt "self" (man), thus also satan who perverts truth and HATES God. When we reject the truth of God's Word, all that's left is lies.
Every vain philosophy is a search for truth; God's Word And His Son ARE Truth.
In Psalm 109:3 and John 15:25, Jesus says, "They hated me without cause".
And "without cause" includes rebellion against God and His Truth. (Anyone old enough to remember the movie, "Rebel Without a Cause"? (Many book and movie titles are adapted from Scripture. Just try to understand the result of rebellion, evil.
Psalm 34:21 says,"Evil shall slay the wicked". Eventually, the "wicked" HATERS of God's righteousness, will be snared by their own transgressions.
Our nation has fallen into such a snare by calling evil good and good evil and elevating immorality and HATING our Creator WITHOUT CAUSE.
The insane and ridiculous "reporting" re "hate groups" by lying, leftist, liberal HATEmongers out of their own hatred, greed, self-exaltation and powermongering is evidence enough of our moral failure as a nation.
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3 responses
@laura1991 (177)
10 Mar 12
you are right. there are not enough truth tellers in the world. some poeple seem very aware of the corrupt govenments but most are blind to them. im from the uk but at the end of the day we all live in the same world and why should a handful of power greedy idiots ruin this world for the rest of us? there are so many of us and so few of them. it just doesnt make sense.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Mar 12
Thank you, laura, for your kind and cogent response.
Truth and justice know no boundaries and you are 1,000% correct in your assessment.
I have lived in London in the 70's and I remember then what I thought was the first terrorist threat when Muslims threatened to blow up a major hotel.
And now to see what is happening everywhere....
The spirit of the Lord, His truth in His Word and its embodiment in Jesus also knows no boundaries. We must continue to pray II Chronicles 7:14 and take heed of its admonition for each of us individually.
Unfortunately, allowing the "power elite" globally to destroy us is the scenario for the appearance of antichrist. One reason it "doesn't make sense" is that the battle, at base, is spiritual.
However, we must do all we can in the natural as well to discharge our responsiblity to truth and justice.
And, remember, it's EVIL we hate, not people, but their unjust, deadly actions.
The battle is fierce.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" is a statement attributed to Edmund Burke.
It is a powerful truth rooted in spiritual, moral precepts foundational also to law.
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@laura1991 (177)
12 Mar 12
my comprehensive school (high school) was right next to a leisure centre and i remember one day everyone had to go home early from school because there was a "suspicous" package in the leisure centre and it was feared to be a bomb! lol. it makes me laugh when i think about it now. it wasnt long after the 7/7 attacks which were of course NOT terrorist attacks!
im only 20 and i was about 10 or 11 when 9/11 happened so i didnt really know a lot about it only that it was a "terrorist attack". nearly half of my life i have belived that all these things were done by terrorists and its weird when you wake up and realise that they have fooled the whole world. you see how everything is connected and when you watch the news you see it in a comletely different way.
you are right, we should do more. but again i ask my self "what can we do?". i pray sometimes but i fear for my children. im guessing you know about the micro chip that they plan to have insurted into everyone? i can think to myself that i wont have it but then i wonder what would happen to my children because we wont be able to buy or sell anything without it.
i know its the evil i should be hating and not them but i really cannot help hating them. they make me so angry.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 12
I am proud to be your friend.
Thank God for those unafraid.
God Bless.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Mar 12
"Right back atcha!".
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind".
We must stand for truth and justice and HATE evil.
And we must do all we can to bring God's truth, love, and light to those "perverted" by the "evil one's" machinations.
Blessings to you!
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Mar 12
God has said in His Word, "The righteous are very concerned for truth and justice". (Proverbs 21 and 28). We are "righteous" NOT IN OURSELVES, but by being hidden in Christ and His righteousness.
God has admonished us to HATE evil.
The finite, corrupt, prideful, "intellectually arrogant" human being cannot see that, being "spiritually blind" to truth, wisdom, discernment, understanding, even common sense!
Arrogance IS SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS and "self" worship.
And so, "leftist,liberals" who refuse to accept God's truth and ways are left only to lies and vain philosophies.
They, therefore, continue to promote lies and spew true hatred - of their "political" and moral "enemies" rather than against the true evils of this world.
Speaking "the truth in love" about evil is not "HATE", but LOVE of the agape kind.
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