Today's environment protection is very important .

nature - this image relatives nature and shows peaceful environment.
March 12, 2012 8:54am CST
Environment means atmosphere around living and nonliving body.Environment gives us peaceful and many thing like fruits,wood,shade etc.but today many activity harmful environment and growth of industry spoil air of environment.
5 responses
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
Yes, protecting our environment's natural resources is one of the top priority nowadays. We are a witness to the degradation of our natural resources that resulted in a lot of consequences like calamities, change in climate, and the pollution. Therefore, in our little ways, we can help enhance our environment. There are many ways we can do that. We can plant trees in our surroundings. We can discipline ourselves to have proper disposal of our wastes. We can choose the things we use like organic products that are good for the environment like the soap we use in washing our clothes. A lot of soaps or detergents are chemical based so when we throw it in the river or canal, it pollutes and destroys the environment. Awareness and a decision to love our nature is a good starting point. Have a great day ahead.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
And may i add my friend, let's not burn those leaves, but just gather them with a broom in one corner of our lot and just let it decay naturally. That way, we don't add to the pollution by burning them. We are fertilizing our soil more when we do that.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
And may i add my friend, let's not burn those leaves, but just gather them with a broom in one corner of our lot and just let it decay naturally. That way, we don't add to the pollution by burning them. We are fertilizing our soil more when we do that.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
And may i add my friend, let's not burn those leaves, but just gather them with a broom in one corner of our lot and just let it decay naturally. That way, we don't add to the pollution by burning them. We are fertilizing our soil more when we do that.
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
It's very important indeed but I hardly see or know people taking care. What I see is how people throw their candy wrappers, plastic bottles etc. just out of the car or bus. I live in a beautiful country ansd see how it gets destroyed this way. And here I think yhe government (and that goes for all countries) should step in and make sure that there are programmes for schools to teach children to take care of the environment. We have a special place in the garden where we collect All the cuttings from the vegetables and fruits that you can't eat. And we have a perfect soil from that! But we NEED to teach each other and our children.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
15 Mar 12
Yes, environmental protection is very important to our own survival and health beings. Unfortunately, those who polluted and poison our elements of environment like air, water, soil, grassland, river, ocean etc...usually don't care much about consequences of their action and don't get to live in the environment they destroy intentionally , it is a common practice by polluters and profiteer worldwide.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
18 Mar 12
It is a good sign that people are now aware of the impact of environment on all species of life. But it is also alarming that in spite of it, environment pollution is going from bad to worse and the worst stage is drawing near unless real positive steps are taken. All we are doing now is only or mostly on papers which needs to be implemented in reality if we want to save ourselves from the harmful effects of growing environment pollution.
• India
15 Mar 12
i agree, however the important thing how to create awareness abt the same ...even if the awareness is there how to charge up everybody abt protecting the environment. as u can see this discussion has not involved many people as well...its not that mylotters are not aware, they just dont want to talk abt it. only when people wud start talking abt it that we can at least collectively protect the environment. i guess had the title of this discussion been little different to catch the eye of the mylotters the discussion wud have had more participation and wud have been more healthier.