Parents who want to be parents but then they are very bad at it....Know any??

Parenting - Wouldn't you just love too....LMBO
United States
March 12, 2012 10:59am CST
Okay so yesterday the husband & I were in Sam's Club waiting in line to check out when this 5 year old little boy throws a major fit right there in the check out line while the parents were trying to check out. He literally threw himself on the floor & threw a fit. The mother says to the little boy, "If you be good I will get you a piece of candy". The child's response was, "I want a lollipop". So what did the child get? Yep you guessed it, a lollipop. I looked at my husband & said, "What the he11 was that? Is that what goes for good parenting nowadays?" When it was our turn to check out the cashier said to us, "If that had been me, my Mom would have taken me outside & spanked the sheet out of me." I told him mine would have too. In fact my Mom would have just left her cart, dragged me out of the store & spanked me good right then & there & trust me there wouldn't have been no rewards of lollipops before or afterward. What the heck are wrong with parents today? Why even bother having children if you don't even know how the he11 to be a parent?!
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10 responses
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Yep, that is why there are so many unruly kids out there nowadays. Parents are actually afraid to discipline their kids too, cause of the fact that some means of discipline is now considered to be abuse. I think some parents used to take it too far though back in the day and thats why this all happened now. It was a form of abusing the discipline, they just didn't know when to draw the line. I wasn't spanked ever that I recall really and I still knew that I shouldn't carry on in a public place or even at home so I never did. I always heard my mom threatening my younger brother and she actually did spank him at times but he was more of a brat than me anyways. My dad did some of the spanking too but after awhile she wouldn't let him and didn't herself. And, of course, I think there's a specific age to stop spanking a kid too depending on his or her behaviour. But if you see that it doesn't work, it shouldn't be continued. I think that some kids will do well without it and some won't.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 12
I think its sad that we cannot raise our own children the way we see fit. I would never abuse my kids but when they really need it I do smack their butts. That is not abuse. I would never use an object to do it like a belt because then you cannot know how hard your hitting and it can be abusive. Kids do learn too fast that they can get away with things because we cannot feel free to discipline and its sad to me. We are going to have a lot of spoiled brats running around!
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 12
I think its sad that we cannot raise our own children the way we see fit. I would never abuse my kids but when they really need it I do smack their butts. That is not abuse. I would never use an object to do it like a belt because then you cannot know how hard your hitting and it can be abusive. Kids do learn too fast that they can get away with things because we cannot feel free to discipline and its sad to me. We are going to have a lot of spoiled brats running around!
• United States
13 Mar 12
I see nothing wrong with a good spanking. My Mom spank my siblings & me & I never once considered it abuse, but your right nowadays if you are seen spanking your child it is considered abuse. Sad things kids today are not stupid they know that too & use it to their advantage. My nephew is one of these. He is a little too smart for his age. He is going to be 9 yrs. old this May & he is spoiled rotten. He is also very disrespectful to both his parents & still throws tantrums when he doesn't get his own way.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
14 Mar 12
Giving a fit throwing child a lollipop to cease the fit only encourages more fit throwing. Wh en fit throwing gets the ch ild what he wants, he will think that is the proper way to act. Those people need some parenting classes.
• United States
17 Mar 12
Most definitively they do. That's not the right way to raise a child.
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 12
It seems like a mom's business here. Thank God my kids never behaved like that. Happy mylotting, my friend.
• United States
17 Mar 12
Yep I agree. My Mom raised us right as well. We NEVER would have acted like that & if we did we NEVER would have gotten away with it.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
many parents use that kind of strategy to pacify their child so they would save their face from embarrassment. good things that child could easily be trick i had seen children who is very hard headed even if parents bribe them they would not stop yelling or stamping their feet if what they ask for is not buy right away by their parents. this type of set up get some kid become a spoiled brat so they think they have to control their parents when in fact is the authority of the parents to impose discipline so their child would not become spoiled. parents should taught children the value of getting their like when they have something good to do or earn by becoming obedient, so children would know that rewards come to those who know how to work hard.
• United States
17 Mar 12
Yep I agree
• United States
13 Mar 12
Oh, don’t you know? That’s the new way of parenting now. Reward BAD behavior. It’s no longer politically correct to be parents anymore. The kids have got control of the parents and the parents are scared to be parents anymore. I think they don’t know how to be parents. They need to have classes for the clueless. REALLY.
• United States
13 Mar 12
Yep it's true. Parents I feel no longer have any rights when it comes to parenting their own children & that's sad because the way they discipline their children now is only going to lead to rotten teenagers who will probably become bullies in school.
13 Mar 12
there's one thing i cannot stand is screaming kids, especially whilst you are out shopping, it's stressful enough when you have a big order and you have to wait in line, but listening to a child throw a hissy is worse, my kids were warned before we went shopping that if they stepped out of line they would be punished and all their little treats would be stopped for a week, plus they would spend the rest of the day in bed with no TV and no games to play, this was a warning that they understood, once or twice my boys have had a hissy whilst i was out shopping but they knew about it when they got home, i never spanked them but i did punish them in another way, they soon learned, i once saw this little girl drag the hair from her mothers head because she WANTED a toy, the mother had to fight her off, what i used to do is avoid the toys and the sweets aisles completely so this didn't happen, but that little girl screeched and kicked and screamed until she got what she WANTED, when the mother finally gave in, the girl then threw the toy onto the floor and said that she didn't want it, then carried on screaming, a man in the aisle told her mother to shut the kid up and take her out till she is quiet, a lady complained to the manager about the racket and the manager asked the lady to calm her daughter down or she would have to leave, when i say this kid screamed it was one of them which made your head hurt, she didn't stop, she continued until she was finally taken outside and calmed down, it's clear that this kid has been allowed to do this and given things to "shut her up" i swear if that was my child she would have spent a week in her room and she would not have gotten what she WANTED, some parents just give into their kids to keep them quiet, it's wrong to give them what they want just to stop them whining, i would have taken her outside and severely told her what's what, this little girl could be heard all over a massive department store and she wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted, when she did get it, she went worse because she didn't actually like it, i pity her mother because she was so stressed out, but then again, i blame her for spoiling the brat in the first place, i would sooner leave a store than listen to that whilst shopping
• United States
17 Mar 12
Goodness that is one out of control child. I wish I could say that I feel sorry for the mother, but obviously she spoiled the child so bad that she can no longer control her. She is will only get worse as she gets older too.
@marguicha (225601)
• Chile
12 Mar 12
I think society has something to do with parents not parenting in a good way. Trying to care for child abuse (a very good thing), society has ruled out any kind of discipline. Now children have lots of rights and no duties. A pity because many will end up badly or not use up their potentials until they are very old.
• United States
13 Mar 12
I totally agree. I don't even want to know what this world will be like with all these undisciplined children growing into adulthood & someday running the world.
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
Maybe the kid is used to do those things to get what he wants. I will never tolerate my kid doing that especially in public. If a little boy/girl never knows how to respect their parents, I lay my cards, the worse once that kid grows up.
• United States
13 Mar 12
Oh most definitely. Just wait until they become teenagers, then the parents will regret having raising them the way they did, but by then it will too late.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Mar 12
I have seen this over and over again and its frustrating to me. First of all because that childs going to be a brat and second because people like that make all of us parents look bad. My child would NOT have been getting any kind of treat for that behavior. My daughter was crying the other day at the store because she wanted something. I told her wait until we get in the car, she knows darn well what that means and she stopped in her tracks. My kids know better than to test me or embarrass me while out in public! I will not stand for it at all. Those parents are rewarding his behavior and they do not know what their getting themselves into later down the road. I am more strict than most parents in my generation and I am proud of that because they are really good kids. I can take my kids anywhere and they know how to behave. They go to church and sit through service silently, they go to stores & resturants without a problem. My kids are 6, 4& 3, and they already know what is expected of them. Its much easier being strict than it is to give in, at least in the long run it will be. Kids sense quick what they can or cannot get away with.
• United States
12 Mar 12
You sound just like the way my Mother used to be. Although I didn't appreciate it at the time I do now with how she raised my siblings & I. Whenever we started to act up she would give me the "Mother look"(I'm sure you know what look that is....LOL) & that was all it took. Still there were times when we got spanked for acting up, but knowing what I know today she was just doing a good job at being a Mother. Parents today can learn a lot from Mothers like you & mine.
@Kat1023 (42)
• Canada
29 Mar 12
Wow, that is a really bad example of what parenting is. First of all, parents have to stand firm meaning they can not just give in to their kids even if they're crying and making a scene. If parents just gives in so easily, then it'll be really difficult to discipline their kid. Kids will think that they can always get what they want simply by crying or whining. Personally, I don't believe in spanking or hitting kids, I believe in reasoning or if that doesn't work, try time-outs.