While Everyone Pray to find or Fulfill somethig from God, Is God really Do?

@aman1981 (793)
March 12, 2012 12:02pm CST
Well, Every time whenever we are in difficulty, we pray to god kindly solve our problem whether its is personal or professional, so how many people find that God will help him and their problem is solve by him neither God..
4 responses
• Trinidad And Tobago
12 Mar 12
Ok, I'm kind of understanding your question. Are you asking if GOD will always answer our prayers??? If so not always and there's a reason for that. Sometimes we pray and ask GOD for something, but he won't grant it because it may not be for our good, or sometimes we're just not prepared to handle the answer to our prayers. Let's say a child asked a parent for a snake as a pet, that parent wouldn't do that because the snake could potentially harm the child and the parent knowing that would refuse to give the child what they want. In the same way GOD is our heavenly daddy, and if we ask him for something or even someone that he sees could hurt us he won't give it to us. or Let's say I want a house, but I don't have a job to pay for that house do you really expect GOD to answer my prayer?? We are oftentimes not prepared to receive the answer to our pray. But I can personally say that for sure I know GOD answers pray.Last year 2011 I prayed to GOD for the following: 1. To be permenant in my job 2. For a brand new car 3. For an increase in my salary GOD ANSWERED AND GAVE ME ALL THOSE THINGS I ASKED FOR :) Sometimes, I would pray for things and I may not receive it and I would get sad or angry, but after thinking about it, I would realise that what I wanted was either not good for me, or I just wasn't prepared to handle it. I hope this answers your question :)
2 people like this
• India
12 Mar 12
WOW really nice explanation buddy. I agree with you but not believe in GOD. God is really Not exist.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Awesome response!Yes agree that God will answers our needs in personal and spiritual. God is real,and knows what is important need for you. He is powerful to do His job,and we only to keep praying and don't loose hope!
@aman1981 (793)
• India
13 Mar 12
Well ! I just say its the Trust which happen every thing through God, As many people find the God but now where find to any where because God is in our Heart, and Whenever we pray and really the positive way they really help us..
@shaieen (257)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I think its God who's making everything possible for me to do. Whenever I feel shy towards a person or some people, I pray to Him and later on when a day ends, I realize I was able to do the right things I needed to accomplish. In school,home, mall,vehicle or while I walk, God always keep me safe. I arrive home safely, and completely. Even my littlest worries, God gives solutions to them. When I pray, I feel like life's way better than my life without praying. I can really feel the difference. I'm glad we have a God so good like Him. My life wouldn't have been so colorful like this without my/our God. :')
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@shaieen (257)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
But what do we do to those people who still don't believe in God? I want to help them but all I can do is pray for them. Thanks for sharing this ymitchell. Be blessed too! :-)
• United States
12 Mar 12
God is the creator of this earth and there are so many ignorant people who don't realize that God is everywhere and he knows all. It is sad when we don't realize where your help comes from or why it is so important to spend time with God. When the last days approach this world is going to be crazy. I thank God everyday for waking me up. Everyday is not promised. Satan is walking on this earth to see who he can devour, he wants to steal, kill and to destroy us. If that is the life you want to live without God, so be it. God gave his son for our sins and people act as though they did this by themselves or just don't need God but how many of us will let our kids die to save the world? I agree with you and cherish my relationship with my Lord and know that he can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think according to the power that works in me( Ephesians 3:20). Reading the Bible will open up some revelation..Be Blessed
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• Philippines
29 Mar 12
Well,God always there ,who answered a lot of my prayers and needs.He is i trust,and my God who cares me daily. He is my very best helper.
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
God will ready do gives you knowledge how to solve the problems.God will directly use people ,friends,family other unknown to help you meet you to solve the kinds of problems. Let's say,God knows what is your problems to come,and when you know you had it,and very important problems to be solve,like you don't have any money,food etc.God will use other to provide it..to you...God surely do.