planning to buy a laptop or netbook?

computer - the old computer we used to have
March 13, 2012 12:08am CST
hi guys! i am planning to buy my own computer but i am not sure if i will choose to buy a laptop or a netbook. i hate laptops because they are kind of heavy and i am a petite girl. i like netebooks because they are so light but then one of my friends told me that netbooks have a short life span. is that really true? what brands can you recomment by the way. hoping for your support guys. thanks!
15 responses
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
net book have limited usage and some have no no memory slot for stick and card. also no disk player. though, in some brand they have new innovation. i currently use a laptop bought by my brother and it is slim weighing almost 1kg. so it is not really heavy and have a slim size. i am already acquainted with using my laptop so had not try yet a netbook. maybe, in the future i would try to buy too, for now just settle down with a laptop.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hi guys, i think i dont mind the smaller screen. i just want that it is light and i dont have to break my back with carrying it anyway, i have my boyfriends laptop if i want to borrow and watch movies or insert cd. hahaha. thanks much for the opinions.
@janevi (888)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
taht's true, netbook has limited usage but it all depends on for the purpose you are buyng it for. mine has no OD but with multiple card reader and 4 usb's really light . it weighs less than the 100 leaves mead spiral notebook :-D that is 500 grams only.:-) you are right in saying that one has to get used to using the netbook because of its size and screen. so far, i enjoy using my 10-inch netbook.:-) As i have said, the purpose why one is buying a laptop or netbook can determine the kind and quality, the size and affordability, specifications and durability of the unit one wanted to have. We only have to be practical and wise in buying .:-)
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
hi there, i have Dell inspiron mini. i call it laptop, netbook, or computer hehehe. when i find a job and start earning a good amount of money, i am going to buy a macbook. not for me but for my love one.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
awww that's okay. maybe you can buy something nice when you have more savings but for now, you can get a cheaper one since you will be needing that anytime. thanks katrina
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
yes, i agree with you cherish! something nice and cheap that i can buy and use right away. maybe soon when i get promoted then i can save a lot of money from my high earning job and buy a super cool and updated laptop.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hello there cherish! i like dell computers too but i still have to scout for cheap laptops or netbook because my savings is not too big yet. i hope you find a job real soon and start earning and saving for your love one. im sure that they will be greatful for that
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
14 Mar 12
I think you should be considering things like, what are you going to be doing with it, more? Are you just keeping it around the house, or just on a desk or something, then go laptop, if you want to be bringing it out to coffee shops and friend's places, or to work or school, the notebook is way easier, nice and tiny. For how long they'll last, either the computer itself, or the battery per use, they're about the same. Notebooks are a bit cheaper, but as long as you take care of it, you aren't going to see much of a difference in how long they last. Some big differences though... programs... a lot of notebooks are trying for cheaper prices, so their software is mainly starter programs, not the full program. Even the version of windows is called "Windows 7 Starter", which means a lot of things are very limited with them. Another problem is power. A standard notebook generally has about 4x less power, then a standard laptop (which has 4x less power then a standard desktop). What this means is that if you want to play newer games, or use newer versions of programs like photoshop, the notebook will be really weak, and slow. But, the pro on a notebook, is that it's so small and light, that you can bring it anywhere, and the battery is often good enough to last for around 6-8 hours. It all comes down to what you want. Want to just write, surf the internet, listen to music and watch video? Notebook works great... want to download loads of videos, run newer programs, and play games? Laptops go much better. For brands, all of them have different versions. Gateway is a great company, HP and Dell have issues, but they've been around for so long, so the company will help you more. Asus has gone from just motherboards to whole computers, so they're based on individual components... better for techies. Acer is cheap, and they stink. They get lots of problems. Or, go Mac, they're easy to use, and really last... but they won't let you play or use any programs outside their range... they're more ones that you conform to, where PCs conform to you... but you have to know how to make it happen. Macs also cost more, but like I said, they're worth it for lasting longer and working so well with it's own system.
• Canada
24 Mar 12
I do always like helping! Well, both myself and a friend of mine got HP laptops about 2-3 years ago, and they both got quite a few weird problems. One was with just the keys... some of mine just fell off, while part of her touchpad burnt up... also on mine, the touch features, like volume control, etc, at the top of the keyboard stopped working, doesn't even light up. The worst problem with both of them, though, is heat. There's something with the ventilation on them, that we need to keep them on little desks, something hard, by our beds... otherwise they overheat, and need to be reset. The overheating problem is much worse on the laptops then the notebooks. Since the notebooks use way less power, they give off far less heat. The best ways to take care of a notebook or laptop are fairly easy... first the obvious ones, don't get water on them, don't toss them around, don't get bad programs that take over everything, etc... keep them on top of something hard when using them, so they can ventilate easier, not on a bed or couch, they'll overheat. When you're not using it, turn it off or let it sleep. Leaving it on for longer can burn out components. Other then that, just keep it clean, both in the software and hardware, and it'll last a good long time. As for the battery, the whole thing behind taking out the battery when it's plugged in, is really a myth. I don't know how it all came about, but some people really believe it. The real best thing to do, is use the battery as little as possible. Every time your battery runs out of power, then fills up, then runs out, etc, the less time it'll last for. I've kept my battery in my laptop for the past 3 years, and it will still last for about the same amount of time as it did when I first got it. The really bad thing to happen, is to not have a battery in it, and suddenly pull out the power. A computer should shut down when it turns off, otherwise, it can make problems with your programs. Most of the time, it won't, I'm just saying, it is possible it could mess some things up. I'm glad to be helping you out! If there's any other questions you have, feel free to ask.
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
hey christoph! i learned a lot from you today. i so like it that you are able to differentiate the brands. i like hp but did not know that they have issues. what issues do they have? how do i take care of a netbooK? is it true that you have to remove the battery if you have to plug it or use the battery and do not plug the netbook? hoping for your response christoph. take care.
• Philippines
25 Mar 12
thank you so much. your second post is equally more helpful with your first one. I am glad you found my post and shared your knowledge. thank you and happy mylotting!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 12
i think its good as long as you had enough money for buying the laptop, it was good laptop will be useful for you
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
Yes, it is depends amount and budget for expenditure.
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
you do have a point guys. my budget only allows me to buy a new netbook. maybe if i will buy a laptop i will be heavy in debt. maybe soon when i have a lot of money then i will buy a laptop of my own.
• India
13 Mar 12
i use my desktop but one of my friend recently has bought hp notebook and he came to last week he came to me to get drive partitioned. when i operate i found it awesome usually before i did not used to recommend anyone notebook because if it's atom processor but after operating it i found it very's atom processor works fine. after that i m going to plan to buy a notebook too because i m tired off using my desktop. go for hp notebook without a doubt.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 12
actually there are no difference use desktop pc and laptop the difference maybe about the easiness for bring your laptop everywhere. you can use your laptop even in your office,in public space or anywhere.. there something your desktop pc can`t do that
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
hello there hemantbatrao. yes, a lot of my friends recommend hp too because of its quality. i am glad that you told me that it has a nice atom processor, it gives me more points to choose the brand. also hp has a lot of hp minis that are already in the market and i think that it is nice because it is lightweight and handy. thank you so much!
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
13 Mar 12
I have a lenovo netbook, i have this because it's light and it was cheap, and after using it for a year it still serves quite well. The disadvantages for me are that it's slow, it has no CD disk drive which I miss, and the screen is too small.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hello there almond! i think it is time for you to save money so that soon you can buy a newer netbook or laptop that has all the qualities that you want. i have seen lenovo netbooks that are new and i see that they have high speed and also higher memory. take care almond
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
19 Mar 12
Hi Katrinapaz, I think it's still much better than what I expected from a netbook with low memory. I will probably get a new one later, but I didn't have any for a long time, so I'm still happy to have this. I hope you'll find the laptop or netbook that you like the best, too
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
i am still on searching mode for the best netbook or laptop that is cheap and i can afford. i do have chosen ones already but i dont want to rush into things so i am just taking my time to look out for netbooks. thank you and Godbless.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
I always tell this to anybody asking me for advice about this,choose laptop if you could afford it. I say this because laptop has more advantages than the netbook and if you are only worried of the weight and size, I'm sure there are many laptops now that are slim and very lightweight as well.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hi there choybel! thank you for the advice. yes, nowadays there are already laptops that are not too big and heavy and also their memory is large and there are a lot of things that can be done with them, however it is kind of expensive. nevertheless, i will keep that in mind. thank you and happy mylotting!
@maezee (41988)
• United States
15 Mar 12
Netbooks are cheaper and more compact, but I prefer a laptop just because it's easier for me to use and more convenient. More efficient I guess might be the answer. Something about such a tiny screen made it more difficult to do every day tasks - like coming on MyLot or checking my bank account! I actually prefer desktop computers over laptops just because they are more efficient, with the real mouse and all, but hey that's just me! Good luck with whatever you decide to buy - let us know how that goes! Happy MyLotting!
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hello there maezee! yes, laptops have wider screen and is much easier to navigate because of it. desktops are also nice but then we are not able to bring it anywhere we want. thank you for the opinion and i will surely let you all know the decision i came up on laptops or netbooks. thank you and happy mylotting!
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Me and my wife also plan to buy new computer unit. We opted for a netbook instead of laptop. First, we look at the models (in computer stores) as well as the prices and freebies (like sleeves, bags, memory stick, optical disk drives, etc..)to find the top choices, then we searched over the net about their specifications, including memory, RAM, features, etc. I don't know if it has a shorter life span compared to laptops. I guess it still depends on how you handle this gadget. About the brands, we have Toshiba, HP, Acer, Asus and Samsung. Among the five brands we choose to have either HP (my sister have HP netbook already which we found good) and Toshiba.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hello there asdomencil! yes, hp brands are good. a lot of people i know recommend them and also the brand is very stylish and hive nice qualities and features. for toshiba, it is also quality and also the memory is large. i hope you do decide soon and decide for the best. Godbless!
• South Korea
13 Mar 12
I actually chose between macbook and laptop I chose the macbook coz it small and I could carry anywhere i want plus the fact that it is not heavy.. and my hubby got the laptop and honestly I regret choosing the macbook haha.. I think it really depends on what you really wanna do and why did you buy it..for me I like watching movies and playing games.. but macbook monitor is just so small.. and laptop really do the job so well.. I also feel like my macbook is slower than my hubbys laptop..weird right coz i should base it in our internet connection..haha well i just feel like that..
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
hello princess.i think macbook is kind of expensive and is way beyond my budget but then you gave me an idea that having a macbook is nice and maybe soon if i can save enough i can buy. i want to watch movies too and hear music and play games, maybe laptop is nice for me thanks and happy mylotting
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
18 Mar 12
Seems like you've already made a decision, good for that! I really never heard of netbooks having a shorter life than notebooks, in fact I think they're basically the same, with netbooks only having smaller sizes and less powerful hardware capabilities, but if you take care of it, it should last for years. The worst problem I see is perhaps when carrying it, that it may be hit hard against something that can broke some component, HD mainly. But again if you take the appropriate cares when transporting and using, you would have computer for many years.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hello there ramres. yes, i am more into buying a netbook right now because it is light and i will only use it for mylotting and games and word programs. i kind of dont mind that it has a small screen, i can cope with that. but then i just want to know the views and opinions and experience of everybody else in our community and i am greatful to them for that. thank you and Godbless.
@Mashnn (4501)
13 Mar 12
I just got a new notebook like 3 weeks ago, at first I was finding the screen too small since I am used to having laptops but I am currently enjoying is since it is very light to carry around. The one that I bought is HP mini and is very nice.
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
hello there mashnn! i think i would like to have a netbook too because it is light and i can carry it anywhere especially that i am a petite girl. thank you for sharing your experience mashnn. happy mylotting :)
@victorkrish (1614)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
You may look for advantage for notebook and laptop. Both have its own beneficial. Depends which is makes you feel better and in purpose. You also can seek for a top 10 laptops brand in market too.
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
thank you victor. yes each of the laptop and netbook have their own pros and cons. i shall list them down and see which one has the more pros. but then personally i dont play a lot of games and so i would really love to have a netbook since it is also lightweight. i will also try and search the top 10 laptop brands. thank you and happy mylotting
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
i guess it's best to buy a laptop because it has higher capacity of storage and high life of battery and if you have many programs to be installed, laptop is best. however, repair for laptop is veery expensive. if you go netbook, it has lower storage capacity compared to laptop, it has also lower life battery. if you opt for netbook and you have many files you may as well buy an external drive. i say for laptop, macbook, acer, sony vaio i say for netbook, acer, asus.
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
hello there oflollipopskies! thank you for giving me the comparison between laptop and netbooks. i will surely think about it even more now that i know the pros and cons. also thank you for naming brands. sony vaio is very very expensive by the way.
@janevi (888)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
hello katrinapaz. it's a good idea to buy your own computer.You can use it anytime whenever you feel like using it. Laptop is really heavy. I developed back pains because I used to carry it in my bag. I enjoyed using it anyway. Now I have a netbook that I can just put inside my shoulder bag. It's very light and very convenient to use especially that I travel often. Having the netbook suits my lifestyle very well. As to its life span, I can't say how long it would stay. But I think, the lifespan of anything that we use depends on how we use it. The brand, I go for the one that suits my personal specifications like weight, color, size, price, RAM and HDD capacity. Having that in my mind, you can fom different brands. I have tried acer, the first lpatop I had. It was very good with all the latest features I like. But then it was heavy so I find it more of hassle if i travel and use it for presentations and meetings. So when the netbook became a fad, I got one and it does me very good too. It is light weight and it has my favorite color (forest green) with a 500GB HDD and 2GB RAM. It is toshiba this time. So far so good the only limitation I have is that it has no port for the common LCD projection because it has a HDMI port. So I have to secure a port with HDMI and a VGA output so that I can use it for presentations. Otherwise, I am contented with it's features. In the end , your buying of a unit will still depend on your prefered specifications, purpose and usage. Happy buying. Buy wisely.