Why people have to lie?

@chicgale (2982)
March 13, 2012 8:21pm CST
I just hate people lie to me. I got pissed at my helper this morning coz she broke the wine glass. I didn't get angry because the glass broke, I got angry at her coz she told me before I asked her about the glass that the glass was broken already before she washed it! So, who broke the glass then?! Few months ago, she ruined my pants by putting a chlorine on it, and I expected her to say sorry about what happened instead she told me that there was chlorine stain already before she washed my pants! What?! So, I told her that the pants that she washed was never been washed before coz it was brand new. Why she has to lie? It made me angry.
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25 responses
• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Mar 12
First of all sweetheart people don't HAVE to lie, people CHOOSE to lie, it's part of nature when we don't want to get caught or we're fearful of the repercussions Secondly, you've every right to be upset at your helper. I don't know how long she's been your helper but you may need to do one of out of two things: 1. Put her sit down and let her that you know she's been lying about those last two incidences and that she needs to stop the lying OR 2. Stop her from being your helper. Because if she can't be honest she'll continue to damage things that belong to you and she'll continue to lie about it, and that definitely needs to stop.
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• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Mar 12
*our nature*
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Thanks for your respond. She is in her 50's. I'll talk to her about it.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
I'm with success on this one. If you do choose to have a talk with her, try an approach that will not make her feel offended, but try as much as possible to make her get the message, which is really more important. Good luck!
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@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
What is that helper thinking? That you're stupid enough to bite her lame story? Tell her and show her that you do not tolerate such behavior. I also hate it when people do that to me because it only means they think I am stupid. I usually get very, very angry.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yup! I feel the same..
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
14 Mar 12
Thank you for starting this discussion. I was going to start one similar about a co-worker and really didn't have the right words. She was going to sell me her car very cheap. She told me that NOTHING was wrong with it but it was so very cheap, of course I questioned it. I wanted to take it to my mechanic and have it put up on the lift. As soon as she heard that, things changed. Within an hour she told me she had sold it to someone else and it was already gone...claimed to have misunderstood me. She hadn't. Someone told me that she junked it the other day for 200.00. Like you said, Why Lie?
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Exactly...We work together and we get along usually. If I had bought the car and was stranded in a week, I'm sure she would have felt bad. I am going with that she may have thought it out after we talked and thought about that and then lied to avoid telling me she lied to begin with about the car which I kind of know she probably did. One lie leads to another and so on. By the way...the car is still sitting in her yard! She doesn't know that I know this and I'm not going to make things awkward by saying anything but geez.. come on. I'm pretty easy to talk to. All she had to do is tell me that the car ran great for her and as far as she knew nothing was seriously wrong with it. The balking at me having it looked at made me wonder if she did in fact know something was wrong with it. Oh and initially, I was going to have a kid that just knew about cars take a quick look. She agreed and said she'd call him for me. She told me that she called him and texted him and he did not return her calls and she didn't have time to wait...she NEEDED it out of her yard. I talked to the kid and he said that not only did she not call or text him but he came into the store and she never even mentioned it to him.
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Yup! What if you bought the car? I don't understand why they really have to lie.
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
16 Mar 12
Wow, she is not a good friend. If she is a good friend, she would never lie to you.
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yeah, it's irritating to deal with liars. One time, I saw an officemate's Facebook account filled with new photos of her on a beach. She didn't go to work the next day, and when she was questioned, she stated she was sick. When someone calls in sick, it affects our whole teams absentism rate, lowering our team's standards. It's funny, though, hearing her excuse when you already know the truth.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yup! That's bad!
• Malaysia
14 Mar 12
I think she afraid you get angry to her and that's why she's lie to you.She doesn't want to lose her job.I'm afraid if she used to lie,then when she make mistake she can easily lie to you again without feel guilty.That's what I'm think. I hate people lie to me too.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yes, maybe she is afraid that I will fire her, but it gets me more angry coz she lied.
@Dhongda (41)
14 Mar 12
I am lying too sometimes. Whenever I feel like telling the truth won't make anything good to me. I will choose to lie. And just like every other people say, one lie will make thousands lies. I have to lie a lot just to convince my friends about my first lie. It's tiring but sometimes it's needed. For me, it's not all time when you can tell the truth.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
14 Mar 12
If she's lying to you it makes me wonder what is making her scared to tell you the truth, or if she is lying about other things. I think I'd be watching her. You should express that you aren't angry, and that she needs to not lie to you. Lying to you won't help her keep her job, but telling the truth may save it more then lying would.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Yes, I wondered why also. She don't always admit her fault.
• Philippines
16 Mar 12
People is always in a defense mechanism whenever they know something wrong happens. Most especially if its part of their work and also when it affects relationships. Even if we know that they are lying, still they won't tell the truth. We can't change that attitude because even we, do tell lies too.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
Yup! You are right about it! :D
• United States
15 Mar 12
Sometimes people lie because they are cowards and they are afraid of what someone else is going to think of them. Other times people lie because they want to spare people's feelings. Usually one or the other.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Yup! you are right about it.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Some people feel the need to lie because I think that they fear the truth. Or perhaps they don't even know they are lying. There are some people who are such accomplished liars that they have twisted reality all around to fit the lie, where they have really lied to everyone, including themselves. If they had ever told what is the truth, they might think that it is somewhat of a lie. The human mind can be rather strange. Of course people try and lie a lot of the times to get out of trouble, as this case seems to be. Of course, those who lie to get out of trouble really just merely prolong the absolute inevitable ending. And it is hard to deal with, because once people start lying, it is like a vice, that they feel like they have to keep doing and doing, until there is an entire web of lies that are being concocted and created for all time. It is frustrating to deal with.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
5 Apr 12
Yeah, I agree with you. I think it is her attitude to lie. She lied too much.
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
17 Mar 12
I thought it right you are from the Philippines like me , since you are already talking about helper. Maybe she is afraid of being get fired. If she worked in another boss before then of course maybe she was fired because of her carelessness. Some helpers are being abusive especially if their bosses are considerate. Just like in my case one of my helpers didn't bother clean my bedroom when I was in Bohol for 3 days. Then she lied about it and even had the guts to tell something rude on me. Of course I defended myself and shouted at her already because she is not already in the right place.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
Yes! You are right. They are very abusive especially that we are very considerate. hehehehe
• India
2 Apr 12
i agree. I hate people when they lie. I fail to understand the urge to lie. many a times, life becomes so complex because someone lied to someone and family members have to pay the penalty. I remember one incident when one of the employees called up saying he is not well and would not be coming to the office. Since the HR department was serious about such absence, an immediate house visit was planned with some officials to find that employee enjoying cricket at home with family. the employee was given a warning letter...
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
5 Apr 12
Yeah. When they lie, they should make it sure that they will not get caught.
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Getting angry when things like lying is too obvious, is the right reaction. It's good to let her know that you don't like what she did. But I hope that your hate is not toward your maid, but toward the sin that she is constantly does which is lying. In two occasions, she demonstrated to you that she doesn't take responsibility for her actions. In the future, if you don't do something or if she doesn't change, she will also lie to you, probably in a more important or more costly thing. I don't know what have you done about that and about her but I hope that she will learn to be honest with you.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Yes, I am giving her the last chance.
@florizel (58)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Well in this situation, the main reason why she lied is because she is afraid to be blamed and also afraid that you will get angry. Maybe she don't know you yet, that's why she doesn't know how to approach you or what is the proper thing to do for you not to get angry. Some people are used to tell lies just to clean themselves, but some people are just afraid to be punished. Well maybe the best thing to do is to talk to her in a nice way so that the fear will be removed and she will have a courage to tell the truth.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
5 Apr 12
No, she is not afraid that I will get angry. She knows me a lot and I don't get angry much! I think the reason why she lied is because she is afraid that my husband will charge her for it.
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
14 Mar 12
I justify her lying that she feared your punishment. Lying is a bad habit arises from childhood, are the responsibility of parents, and I think that it is difficult to get rid of this habit in old age. Try to tell her not to repeat the lie because that bad habit does not satisfy you nor your spouse.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yes, and I am giving her this last chance.
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
14 Mar 12
People here are always have to lie to other people. For there are so many tough things happening, and some people can not bear all of these at the same time. So people choose to tell them some of the truth and hind others to the next future. And also many people want to get something by this way. I hate that, but it often happens.
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
15 Mar 12
i see that she tried to hide the truth and she choose to lie instead of telling you the truth. i too might get pissed off when that same thing happen to me. i think you really need to talk with her and please do it when you are not in an anger mode.
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@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 12
I hate liars as well. I prefer they tell me the truth than they lie to me. I would get angrier if I know they lie, then they tell me the truth from the beginning..
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yup! Absolutely!
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 12
which one that make you angry..??? the truth or lie... both of them, or one of them make you even more pissed... most of people think that telling lies to avoid others anger of their mistakes...
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
5 Apr 12
I got angry because she lied. I wouldn't get angry at her if she just told me the truth.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
14 Mar 12
Hello chicgale,I think people who lie do it just to cover up something, but i find it silly when you and them know the truth but they still lie in front of your face. Just remember those who lie aren't lying to you they are lying to themselves to believe something false, That's how I see it.
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
Yes. thanks for your response.