What do you think about this?
By xomgitskamax
@xomgitskamax (937)
United States
March 13, 2012 8:30pm CST
I just recently watched the movie Religulous & it brought a lot of interesting points up. Now please take no offence to this. Its just I thought it was very interesting. 1a. Jesus was conceived of a virgin. (Matthew 1:23 and Luke 1:27)
1b. Horus was conceived of a virgin. (source unknown)
2a. Jesus was the “only begotten son” of the god Yahweh. (Mark 1:11)
2b. Horus was the “only begotten son” of the god Osiris. (source unknown)
3a. The mother of Jesus was Mary. Sometimes referred to as Maria (Gospel of Mark) or Miriam.
3b. The mother of Horus was Meri. (source unknown)
4a. The foster father of Jesus was Joseph.
4b. The foster father of Horus was Seph. (chapter 29A of the Egyptian Book of the Dead)
5a. Joseph was of royal descent, being from the House of David.
5b. Seph was of royal descent. (source unknown)
6a. Jesus was born in cave. (Some accounts say Jesus was born in a manger in a barn or stable.)
6b. Horus was born in a cave. (source unknown)
7a. The coming birth of Jesus was announced to Mary by an angel. (Luke 1:34)
7b. The coming birth of Horus was announced to his mother by an angel. (source unknown)
8a. The birth of Jesus was heralded by a star in the East (where the Sun rises in the morning). (Matthew 2:2 and Matthew 2:9)
8b. The birth of Horus was heralded by the star Sirius (the morning star). (source unknown)
9a. Modern Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25. (This coincides with a variety of pagan holidays, not just Horus. Most obvious, of course, is the Winter Solstice.)
9b. Ancient Egyptians celebrated the birth of Horus on the Winter Solstice (December 21/22).
10a. The birth of Jesus was announced by an angel. (Luke Chapter 2)
10b. The birth of Horus was announced by an angel. (source unknown)
11a. Jesus was visited by shepherds at his birth. (Luke Chapter 2)
11b. Horus was visited by shepherds at his birth. (source unknown)
12a. Jesus was visited by magi (astrologers or wise men) at his birth. Tradition says there were three of them. (Matthew Chapter 2)
12b. Horus was visited by “three solar deities” art his birth. (source unknown)
13a. After the birth of Jesus, Herod tried to have him murdered. (Matthew 2:16)
13b. After the birth of Horus, Herut tried to have him murdered. This may be more of a coincidence, as the Herod in the time of Jesus is a historical figure. (source unknown)
14a. To hide from Herod, an angel tells Joseph to “arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt.” (Matthew 2:13)
14b. To hide from Herut, the god That tells Isis, “Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child.”
15a. When Jesus (and other Jews) come of age, they have a special ritual called a Bar Mitzvah.
15b. When Horus came of age, he had a special ritual where hsi eye was restored.
16a. Jesus was 12 at his coming-of-age ritual.
16b. Horus was 12 at his coming-of-age ritual.
17a. Jesus has no official recorded history between age 12 and 30.
17b. Horus has no official recorded history between age 12 and 30.
18a. Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan. (Matthew 3:6, Mark 1:5)
18b. Horus was baptized in the river Eridanus.
19a. Jesus was baptized at age 30.
19b. Horus was baptized at age 30.
20a. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. (Matthew, Mark and Luke)
20b. Horus was baptized by Anup the Baptizer.
21a. John was later beheaded. (Matthew Chapter 14, Mark Chapter 6)
21b. Anup was later beheaded.
22a. Jesus was taken from the desert in Palestine up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-nemesis Satan. (Mark 1:13)
22b. Horus was taken from the desert of Amenta up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-rival Set.
23a. Jesus successfully resists.
23b. Horus successfully resists.
24a. Jesus has 12 disciples, although their names are in dispute.
24b. Horus has 12 disciples.
25a. Jesus walked on water (Matthew 14:22, Mark 6:45, John 6:16), cast out demons (Mark 7:26), healed the sick (Matthew 4:23, Mark 1:32), and restored sight to the blind (John Chapter 9).
25b. Horus walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, and restored sight to the blind.
26a. Jesus commanded the sea to be still by saying, “Peace, be still.” (Luke 8:25)
26b. Horus “stilled the sea by his power.”
27a. Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave. (John 11:38)
27b. Horus raised his dead father (Osiris) from the grave. (Note the similarity in names when you say them out loud. Further, Osiris was also known as Asar, which is El-Asar in Hebrew, which is El-Asarus in Latin.)
28a. Lazarus was raised, or at least lived, in Bethany (literally, “house of Anu”). (John 12:1)
28b. Osiris was raised in the town of Anu.
29a. Jesus delivered a Sermon on the Mount.
29b. Horus delivered a Sermon on the Mount.
30a. Jesus was crucified.
30b. Horus was crucified.
31a. Jesus was crucified next to two thieves.
31b. Horus was crucified next to two thieves.
32a. Jesus was buried in a tomb. (John 19:42)
32b. Horus was buried in a tomb.
33a. Jesus was sent to Hell and came back “three days” later (although Friday night to Sunday morning in our modern tradition is hardly three days).
33b. Horus was sent to Hell and resurrected in 3 days.
34a. Jesus had his resurrection announced by women. (The blog MarkAndMore would like to point out that Mark 16:8 says, “And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulcher; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.” In this version, the women never made the announcement.)
34b. Horus had his resurrection announced by women.
35a. Jesus is said to return for a 1000-year reign. (Revelation 20:4)
35b. Horus is said to return for a 1000-year reign.
36a. Jesus was known as the Christ (which means “anointed one”).
36b. Horus is known as KRST, the anointed one.
37a. Jesus has been called the good shepherd (John 10:11, 10:14), the lamb of God (John 1:29, 1:36), the bread of life (John 6:35, John 6:48), the son of man (many places), the Word, the fisher, and the winnower.
37b. Horus has been called the good shepherd, the lamb of God, the bread of life, the son of man, the Word, the fisher, and the winnower.
38a. Jesus is associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces (the fish).
38b. Horus is associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces (the fish).
39a. Jesus is associated with the symbols of the fish, the beetle, the vine, and the shepherd’s crook.
39b. Horus is associated with the symbols of the fish, the beetle, the vine, and the shepherd’s crook.
40a. Jesus was born in Bethlehem (“the house of bread”). (Matthew 2:1)
40b. Horus was born in Anu (“the place of bread”).
41a. The infant Jesus was carried into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. Concerning the infant Jesus, the New Testament states the following prophecy: “Out of Egypt have I called my son.” (See Point 13) (Matthew 2:15)
41b. The infant Horus was carried out of Egypt to escape the wrath of Typhon.
42a. Jesus was transfigured on the mount.
42b. Horus was transfigured on the mount.
43. The catacombs of Rome have pictures of the infant Horus being held by his mother, not unlike the modern-day images of “Madonna and Child.”
44. Noted English author C. W. King says that both Isis and Mary are called “Immaculate”.
45. Jesus says: “Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will glorify the Son in himself, and will glorify him at once.”
45b. Horus says: “Osiris, I am your son, come to glorify your soul, and to give you even more power.”
46a. Jesus is identified with the Tau (cross).
46b. Horus was identified with the Tau (cross).
3 responses
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
This only means one thing, the movie was inspired by Jesus' story.
I haven't seen it but it sounds interesting enough. Maybe I'll see it some time, well, if I have time, that is. You did make an interesting point there. Although the "source unknown" kind of tips me off.