How to earn with eBay

@pro_ojha (600)
March 13, 2012 11:02pm CST
Hallo myLot friends I hared that somebody earn with eBay. Any body here who earn throw eBay. Actually I did not know that how to earn throw eBay or what I & how I have to do on eBay. Please guide me in detail
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6 responses
• United States
14 Mar 12
My hubby and I have actually utilized eBay to sell things, we've sold old CD's, movies, etc. It's pretty neat if you're looking to get rid of old stuff and at the same time try to make a little bit of extra income. I know however they do charge a percentage for either selling or adding something to sell on their site, I can't quite remember which one it is.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
14 Mar 12
Well eBay is essentially a bidding/auctioning site. You find something you want to sell, put a picture and description up of it on the website, and you generally have 7 days to sell it. You can start the bidding at $0 or at whatever amount you choose. I just put up an auction of2 pairs of designer jeans and I started them at $20 for both of them, and I have a few bids on them. After 7 days, if no one bids on it, you don't make any money of course. It can be a pain in the butt sometimes, eBay charges you fees to list your item as an auction and it also charges you at the end, about 5-10% of your earnings. I would avoid eBay if at all possible because you don't make as much money. If you have something to sell, why not try Craigslist and/or Kijiji- both places are free to post on and you don't have to worry about all of those middleman fees. Good luck to you!
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@arcideaco (1257)
• Singapore
14 Mar 12
I think it is about having the goods to sell over EBay. In order to earn, you must possess something that people would like to buy. So you put them up for auction over at EBay, people like it they send you the money and you send the goods to where they are. Please also bear in mind the shipping cost which can be quite substantial. Cheers.
18 Mar 12
Making at least a small amount of money on Ebay isn't difficult. I've been de-cluttering my house for the last few months by selling old magazines that I've accumulated over the years. I don't typically get much for them, usually only 99p, but sometimes I make more. I've got ambitions of turning it into a proper business, and some people do make a decent living through selling on Ebay. If you've got a bit of money saved up you can find a wholesale supplier and try selling things at a profit, also some people deal in second-hand memoribilia. You do need to research the market, but it's certainly doable.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
19 Mar 12
hi Citizen Thank,s for sharing your experience , I suppose i would too benefited form this.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Hi pro_ojha! First you will need to set up a seller's account and decide if you are going to sell your stuff everywhere or just in certain areas. You will need to decide what kind of payments you will accept..I always go for money orders or paypal. Then you want to start out small so you can build your reputation there. Make sure when you try to sell something that you are honest about every detail and always post actual pictures of the item you are selling. Ship very quickly after receiving payment so that your customer will get their item fast. When letting your item go in an auction..always specify a minimum amount that you will take. If could lose something for a penny. You can always just sell it for a certain price though. There are several options.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
17 Mar 12
Hi jen Thank,s for response. But I don,t want to sell my thing, I just want to sell other person product and make commission. is this possible
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 Mar 12
I don't see why would have to make that a personal agreement type thing with someone though. Ebay just allows people to sell things...the way you use the money once you get it would be up to you.
20 Mar 12
I have heard of people who sell other people's stuff on Ebay and take maybe 20% of the final sale price as commission. Some people do that as a full-time business and make decent money doing it. I saw a video on YouTube about a teenage kid (still at school, I think) who did that for a few months and made a few grand doing it, so it's certainly worth looking into.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
18 Mar 12
Ebay is a buy and selling website. There are many ways to earn from it. You can either buy whatever it's in there, breaking their stocks, and u would definitely profit it in the long run, however you need lots of capital to do it. The other way is to sell your old stuffs, unwanted stuffs in ebay. Turn your needless things into assets via selling them. How much you are able to earn ni ebay depends on your luck and the kind of things you are selling, the market you are catering to.