Money... never enough

@keasling (723)
United States
March 15, 2012 2:53pm CST
I get so tired of stressing about money. My husband and I are on the different ends when it comes to when to stress about the checking account. We have managed to have a small amount set aside for the hiccups of life but that amount seems to never be enough for him. We are not wealthy by no means but our bills are paid and we have some left. I do not stress about it but he stresses all the time. I have a part time job plus full time college students and he has a full time job. Our bills are less than our income which is a first in our life together. How can I get him to stop worrying as much. I have considered getting night job but really it would not be cost effective considering the price of gas etc plus the time it will take away from us being togther. Anyone else have these issues? I am ready to pull my hair out.
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19 responses
• United States
17 Mar 12
Hi! Yes I can understand that money can be a stressful issue. Do you use coupons, the buy one get one free sales (if it's something that you will use), and perhaps shop at Goodwill? When I was having my second child, I went there almost weekly for the clothes and I am pretty sure saved myself several hundreds. Sometimes you can find things there that look really good and others....should have been left on the drawing board. Things will get better. :-) Be strong and be happy for what you do have!
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Love my grocery store becuase they do a lot of buy this get this free. They even have meal deals. I use reg coupons plus I love thrift stores.
• United States
16 Mar 12 are never satisfied. they could have a million dollars in the bank and it wouldn't be enough. second....try because of it, when we fight over money and bills, i log in and i can show and prove to him where every little penny goes and he can't argue anymore. with their pointers, we are now able to keep money in the savings accounts and it stays there! :) i haven't touched either account this year yet! i'm so proud of myself!! :D
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
=) ok well you know hubby.
• Mexico
16 Mar 12
Hi keasling: I think that probably your husband has a problem which is that he is to obsessed with the economical issues of your house. I know that we should have some control but if you are doing everything to waste well your money and even you can save some cash, maybe he is just dealing with stress and he should try to be more flexible without losing the control on his finances. Maybe you should talk about this and in his case to admit that he wants to have everything too much in control which is not healthy. ALVARO
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
I try to explain to him that we are better off right now than we have been in years. He got some stress relief out. But I believe you are right about the control not being healthy. He is going under some tests right now becuase of the stress that he is putting himself in. I just dont get it and when he tries to explain his worries I try to come up with a solution and he gets upset saying I dont get it. Maybe I just dont.
• United States
15 Mar 12
I think it is great that you are able to save extra money. I am out of work right now because of my husband Randy's foot condition and needing extra care and Randy is out of work because the doctor will not allow him to work. I am very careful with our budget. I live with my parents and we are thankfully able to save money that way. I help pay for food (we get food stamps and I cook for the family three days a week. My mom helps me fill in on items and buys things that she only uses (such as coffee and half and half). We have some bills such as the heat bill (it's in my parents name, but we pay it), the storage bin bill, car insurance and gas for the car. I know prior to us moving in with my parents, we had Randy's part-time job income, my left over financial aid money and his left over financial aid money and our budget was tight, but we managed to pay off the bills (city bill, internet, directtv, electric, and a mortgage), which never left us with much left over to save. I would sit down and write a budget to show your husband that you are doing well enough to save and also get the bills paid.
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
I did write down what our bills are and even showed where 3 bills are going to be paid off by summer. Thank you for responding. I hope your husband gets well soon.
@averygirl72 (38557)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Very interesting. I guess most of the people have problems with finances including me. Very few would have little worries about money. I thank God, we are able to survive each month and each day if we put together our earnings. Sometimes I wonder if I am just being too materialistic or not wise in using money that is why money is never enough. For sure there is a way, a little research, creativity, being wise can solve our problems with money.
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
I am one of those who hate buying at full retail pricing. I love thrift stores and I love looking at sites to get different ideas when it comes to home remodeling. don't forget coupons =)
• United States
15 Mar 12
hello! I have a little difference of an issue. At least you are bringing in something. I have a boyfirend that's not working or trying at all. I know your are trying to do the best you can but sometimes it's not good enough for them. It's good you get a night job. Couples argue over finance a lot and that's depressing sometime. We argue over money all the time because he is not trying to find work. DO THE BEST YOU CAN BUILDING YOUR FINANCES!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!
@keasling (723)
• United States
18 Mar 12
I try anything I can to help out. Went and helped on a landscaping job. Earned in extra 50 which is not much but it pays for gas well at least 3/4 of a tank. =)
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Maybe he is more worried about whether you guys have enough to fall back on if everything crashes again. I would try to find out what it is that he is thinking.
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
16 Mar 12
I think this is experienced by most of the people, compared to those who have lots and considered their money more than enough for everything. I too have the same problem. At present we are having a hard time raising money for our tuition fees since it's finals that's why we need to pay all school dues. Imagine we are all 5 in the family who are students and it's really hard. We need to raise about 40T pesos in order to pay all and be able to take the final exams. Anyhow, even how hard it is, I still believe that there's always a solution to this problem. We just have to trust the Lord and of course work hard.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
15 Mar 12
I always used to stress out about not having enough money, so I finally found something tangible of worth that made me feel like I had more security than just paper money. I have some gold coins in a safe place. It's not much, but I know that if the dollar every collapses due to any reason, I have something that's always going to be worth something. I also find security in the fact that I'm a small business person. I'm currently running three separate small businesses, and while they're not making me rich, I know that I have the means to sustain myself in a multitude of different ways. If someone fails, I can devote more resources to another area and then start again. Maybe your husband needs a hobby in the self-reliant realm. If he had some security in the thought of being broke--i.e. knowing that you could still make it--he might not be so worried. Maybe learning how to grow food or hunt or other preparedness hobbies would at least put his mind at ease and let him know that should the worst happen and the money's no longer there, he'd still have the skills to make it.
@keasling (723)
• United States
16 Mar 12
I did bring up doing something to help get his mind off of things and it seems to help. We have decided to grow a garden. We have an acre of land so doing a small one will not be a problem and will not cost us too much to do. Thank you for the suggestion.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 12
Kea, indeed money is never enough. Although my hubby is earning a stable income every month, but we still need to plan and adjust our expenses. Because without a proper planning, the money tends to go off without any saving left in our bank. I ever gone through financial difficulties when my son was a few months ago. Luckily, i managed to find a part-time job to help out. From there onward, we learned our lesson as always make sure to set aside a little portion of our money into our saving account monthly. By doing that way, we will always have some money to help us when we are in need of those extra money.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
16 Mar 12
It is very hard. I know. I have a full time job plus a part time job on Saturdays where I work 12 hours plus I work online. Seems like I am always working but I do what I must do to survive and keep the bills paid.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
18 Mar 12
It's kind of hard to tell why he is stressing so bad other than the fact that it sounds like it hasn't been that long a while that you have had money left over every month. Maybe he just hasn't gotten used to that yet and after a little time of banking some money and building up a better reserve, he will relax a little. In the mean time, you should try and not let his stress add to yours. I know that sounds hard to do but probably the best thing to do is give him some time. He'll come around. You can also point out that there are probably things you could do to save more money if you needed to in an emergency. There are usually things that we pay for that we could give up if we absolutely had to, like cable TV, eating out, etc. Plus the fact that, as you say, there will be some debt paid off in a couple of months so that should help. Hang in there!
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 12
Yeah sometimes when I had limited amount of money in my pocket, its stress my out. I am a freelancer so when I had project I can earn money for paying my cost of living for a month or two. But as freelancer there are nothing for certain. Not every month I had project so side job sometimes really important. I am just worry not being able to pay all my bill and buy stuff I want. As for your case maybe he worry not having money because something happen in the past. Like my mom come from poor family she is really good at saving and making money because he need to feel secure when she had money.
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
16 Mar 12
Three years ago, my husband got laid off his job and we barely got by on his small E.I check and then when that ran out we were flat broke. He never got another job and we lived in a very small town. We ran out of insurance for our car and couldn't drive it , so we were stuck. My husband's friend was suffering too until he came to us with a proposal to move to a city where he used to live and had lots of work. So, we all moved there, My husband's friend and his wife and three teenage boys and my husband and me. We all lived together in one house in a city. My husband works with his friend and his wife doing renovation jobs. My husband and I were totally under their care for everything. We had many arguments over money until it was decided that my husband should get paid his own money for the work he does. Now, the teens are living with another family member in another town and my husband and I have our own suite in the basement of a house and our friends live in the upper part of the house and my husband earns his own money and we pay our rent and bills ourselves. We are more independent of them now, but we are not rich by any means but with them starting their own business now maybe things will improve financially for us. I applied for many jobs and can't seem to get one. My husband says don't worry , he'll soon make more money and I won't have to work.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Mar 12
I think these days we all stress a little about money because as I see it there is always something popping up so even if you have a little left over its what is going to happen in the future that is the worry.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
16 Mar 12
Think about money is really terrible because it will make people going crazy thinking about and result is desperate move to have it... For me I don't want to think about money because I am contented in what I have in life. As they say those who is contented in their life are rich. So, I don't bother anymore about money which people trying to have it everyday that is more people being destroyed because they want money, money and money
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
16 Mar 12
I feel the same cause i just graduated from school and still haven't made much money.Especially live in such big cities,i feel stressful and sometimes the money really doesn't enough for everything.I feel not content with everythign i need and less happiness.Anyway,maybe go back hometown and do a job like civil servant maybe better.
• Canada
15 Mar 12
it is great that you guys are able to save some money for the unpredictable situtions in life. It is difficult to save money. I think the best thing to do is to just talk with your husband and go over your monthly/yearly budget and your savings and just try to make him see reason that you are saving sufficiently for the future and that your daily needs ar ebeing met nicely so there is nothing to worry about. i hope it works...
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
Don't pull your hair out yet, because you'll not be looking good without your hair. It even affect the way you feel and look, and your relationship with those close to your heart. Having somebody pulling her hair out will not solve the money problems. I believe that all of us, including me have some point in our life where we are concerned about money and how to stretch it to pay all the bills and have something left for other things. I have some issues about it and reading educational materials about money can help. I know that you are doing what you can to provide for your family and I truly admire that. Reading some books might help you in some areas of your finances. Good day.