my son was off from school
By kristinad
@kristinad (185)
United States
March 15, 2012 10:38pm CST
yesterday it was 73 degrees outside and my son was off from school. so I told him that we would go to MC Donald's for lunch and then we will go to the park. He was so excited and he say's mommy you know what so I go what he goes I am going to try really hard and make some new friends today. I felt so bad for him and I said said ok. My son is in kindergarten he has been there since September and he has not been invited to one birthday party and has not been asked to go on any play dates and I don't know why.
so we went out for lunch and there where 2 kids there. So he asked to go to the park. So we went to the park and we fed the ducks. He love's feeding the ducks and then after that we went to the park airier and the only kids there were 3yrs and younger. But I still let him play there for a while. Then we went to 5 other parks to see if i can find other kids his age to play with and make freinds and there was not even ONE child at any of them. I don't get it it is so beutifule out side and noone is out enjoying the weather.
what do people do with there kids? where do people go with there kids? I know that I can not make friends for my son but if I bring him around where other kids are maybe he can make some friends of his own.
9 responses
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
16 Mar 12
I find that puzzling too that there were no other children in the parks for your son to play with. Perhaps the other parents just allow them to watch television or play video games because they feel it a bother to take them outdoors.
But there is no need to be discouraged, there are many other places where you will find young children. The malls have a play area and that seems a good place to start with.
Often the social life of a parent influences the child's social interests. More the friends the parents have, better the chances that the child will interact and make friends with the children in their families.
Go ahead and make more friends and let your son make his own.
@kristinad (185)
• United States
16 Mar 12
hello webearn99
thank you for suggesting the malls i will have to try it out i was just hopping that he could meet other kids around here so he can play with them.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
18 Mar 12
It can be hard to make friends. It takes time.
I've found around here that just before dinner time there are a lot of kids at the playground.
Does your son do any outside of school activities? It can be easier to make friends at a gymnastics class or a playgroup because kids are more likely to be allowed to just goof around and do there own thing.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
16 Mar 12
That is very sad. Maybe join some play groups or go to an indoor arcade type jumping place - like chuckee cheese?
@vimal1990 (116)
16 Mar 12
ya it better to be off of school in this certain condition.. so that we can be satisfied that nothing will be happen to the son and that son will be safer in our eye sight... so i think its right one
@ymitchell42 (79)
• United States
17 Mar 12
That is strange, when the weather is nice her in the rainy state of Washingon, all the kids seem to come out to the parks and play. I would suggest meeting friends from church that have kids and while you make friends then your child will have a friend as well.
Then I would suggest those kids playgrounds at mcdonalds or chuckie cheeses. They have lots of kids there, but stay encouraged and keep an open mind. You child will be able to bond with others no matter where it will be.
@Runite (307)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Apparently everyone has to have these damn electronic gadgets are console systems to fit in. I'm a 13 year old and I don't have anything else asides from my iPhone and my computer which no one really connects to since everyone has a 360 which I don't. I find it hard to find friends with computers and play games like I do. And most of them aren't really intellectual and can only connect to their shooting games.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
16 Mar 12
The city you live may not have many parent that like to take their kids out to the natural park or amusement parks to spend time during pleasant weather outside. That is mainly why you can't find kids around your son age for him to mingle with and build friendship. Or it is just bad economic time for busy parent, they need to work even during week end to make end meet. In an avarage income family, the old time of taking out their children for a play or walk down the public park is more like a luxury than as usual family business in present economic hard time, these kids usually need to help out their parent in their free time instead of going out in family gathering in the public park. May be when thing in becoming better later, then more parent can spend time to go to the public park again with their kids.
@xiaoqian19880825 (180)
16 Mar 12
oh, do not worry too much. Sometimes, the more hard you try, the less you get.
You can take an active move, inviting your kid's classmates to your home. Maybe your boy is a little shy, or anything else. However, with time gone, his character may change and he will make many friends.
@sherrybelle (707)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Maybe parents were at work and unable to take their children to the park. You mentioned that your son is in kindergarten. He has plenty of time to meet children and, chances are, he will experience a natural friendship and bond with someone.
Be patient and allow it all to fall into place when the time is right.