He's finds other women's pictures cute

Trinidad And Tobago
March 16, 2012 7:53pm CST
Scenario: Your boyfriend has female friends on facebook and would either "like" or make comments that their picture is "cute", "pretty", "well taken". Should a woman be worried about that??? Granted the woman in this relationship, doesn't have pictures of her own on face book and she doesn't allow her boyfriend to take out any pictures of her because she doesn't think she's photogenic.
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16 responses
• United States
17 Mar 12
I don't think there is anything wrong with someone appreciating another person's beauty, as long as it doesn't get obscene. Words like "cute" or "pretty" are not suggestions of improper activity or thought, they are just expressions of appreciation. And "well taken" is as much a compliment to the photography/photographer as to the subject of the photo. Words like "hot" or "sexy" might be a little more cause for concern but actions speak far louder than words and it really is more important how he ACTS toward his girlfriend than how he TALKS to others. In my opinion.
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• Trinidad And Tobago
17 Mar 12
Ok I hear and appreciate that. He's acts very very well towards his girlfriend, I hear what you say and your point is taken. Thanks
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
17 Mar 12
I think all men are visual and if it is just on FB and they have no contact otherwise it is OK, but if you suspect he is cheating with phone calls and other stuff then maybe there is something to worry about? Confront him and see what he says. I wouldn't appreciate it if a guy did that, though, it's tactless.
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• Trinidad And Tobago
17 Mar 12
so if it was you, you wouldn't like it either??? I just want to be sure cause you know men like to say that we women make a mountain out of a molehill
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@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
17 Mar 12
hi there, i don't think there's something wrong with that. my boyfriend does that to all girls LOL at first i wasn't okay with it but i see he does that all the time and i can't be mad at him all the time LOL and anyway he says that to his friends who are girls most of the time so i think i'll be okay with it. just as long as he doesn't do anything stupid. and anyway he tells me i'm beautiful and that he loves me so i think that should be enough
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@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
17 Mar 12
oh and i trust him. we have been together for almost 8 years now and so those kind of things don't bother that much. if a girl is not comfortable about her boyfriend doing this, i think she should talk it out with him so he would also be reminded. some boys are just hard headed and most of the time forget they have a girlfriend and act as if they are still single.
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@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
17 Mar 12
I think it depends. I'll give an example. My brother and sister-in-law know each other's friends on facebook. They ALWAYS explain to each other how they comment on someone's pictures. It has been like that since they were in high school and were still bf/gf. My sister-in-law feels jealous sometimes, but my brother always explains everything to her. And if she doesn't like it, he will stop commenting on anything this other girl posted. I think someone has mentioned about acts and talks earlier, but if it happens to me, I think I wouldn't like it if I don't do the same thing to other guy's pictures. :)
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17 Mar 12
i don't think there's any harm in looking at the pictures because after all he is only looking, if he acts upon this then it's called cheating, but looking is Ok, lots of men look at women and make nice comments, i do about men, but it doesn't mean i am going to do anything about it, i don't see any harm in this
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@Ralphgee (22)
• United States
17 Mar 12
I a person is secure in his or her relationship, then they have nothing to worry about.......My wife and I alway find other people attractive, but that doesn't mean we are going after them........Its normal to find other people attractive......when I got married, I didn't go blind.......So I will find other people attractive and so will my wife.......
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@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
17 Mar 12
I agree 100% with the last poster. She should feel good about herself. My husband takes photos of me and I'll be the first to say hide that photograph. Yes, we all can have a photo taken that isn't showing our best side. We all have to accept ourselves the way we are or if not happy make some changes. For example, in my case I would like to lose 10 pounds, so going to start walking more often. I see nothing wrong with the boyfriend making comments on the photographs.
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• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I think the problem here is your self-confidence. It's just my opinion because you won't be bothered that your boyfriend compliments other girls if you get compliments from other boys too. Does you boyfriend compliment you? My boyfriend used to compliment girls' pictures on Facebook. At first, I feel upset about it. I told him about it and it really seemed nothing's wrong as I also get compliments in my pictures from other guys. So the next time he does that, I don't think I'll be bothered anymore. I suggest you talk to him about it. Tell him you're not comfortable with him doing that. And maybe you can also lift you self-confidence. Why don't you try taking pictures of yourself? Apply makeup first or style yourself if that makes you feel better. You just have to have some confidence!
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
19 Mar 12
i see that you've got quite a number of good + positive responses - to which i mostly agree with - i dont see any problem in my partner appreciating another woman's pretty picture.. i see that just like appreciating a picture of an actress, actor, models, etc.. not necessarily there are any feelings attached to it.. we should know our partners well enough to judge whether we should be worried or not.
@shadjee1 (602)
• Philippines
17 Mar 12
I think there is nothing wrong in appreciating other girls beauty as long as the guy isn't in a third party relationship with that girl. I mean given the fact that she is the girlfriend, she herself should be confident. If she doesn't allow her boyfriend to take out pictures of her because she thinks she isn't photogenic, then its her insecurities that is going to kill their relationship.
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@cheszka (167)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I think if you know well your boyfriend, and he doesn't have any history of womanizing while in a relationship with you, then there's no need to worry if he comments on other women's pictures. And you shouldn't worry also if the location of those women are many miles away from you and your bf. But be aware of the fact that there are boys who tend to take their facebook friends seriously and go the extra mile of meeting those pretty fb friends in person when they really like them.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 12
Firt men are visual, secondl if you are on fb and add friends most of those friends expect you to respond on their pictures. Short remarks like: cute, pretty, well taken say nothing and I would not be worried about. Third: even if you are not photogenic you can make some great pics of yourself. With or without photoshop (and believe me most people are not photogenis and from the 100 pics made are only 5-10 great, it's the same with wedding pics and pics made of models so don't let yourself be fooled by that). If you have a digital camera (or perhaps you can borrow one) make pictures of yourself. Have a close look about what you like about yourself what not. Sometimes one side of the face/body looks better. You can make pics more interesting by using a scarf or flower or .. and covering up some parts. Have a look at model pics for inspiration. Everybody can make some great pics of him-/herself. There are also plenty of free programms you can use to change the pic a bit and make it look better, more creative, exencentric or mysterious.
@Vvance (280)
• United States
17 Mar 12
Hi success1625, I don't think it's very dangerous that he's doing so. I mean, after all, even girls comment on and like photos of guys on Facebook. But if it starts to get too consistent towards just one girl, or he starts making a move, then his girlfriend has the right to worry. Facebook is after all a social networking site,and this is how people use it. The girlfriend just has to keep her eyes open for any further subtle signs of wrongdoing.
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• Philippines
17 Mar 12
i think she shouldn't. i guess she must be proud that her boyfriend knows how to appreciate beauty. :)
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
17 Mar 12
It is one thing for a man to think a woman is pretty or cute, but to actually tell her, whether it is face to face, via text message, via phone or on FB, is not cool. Maybe if it is a nice picture of someone by the sea or in a park or whatever and your boyfriend says 'that's a nice picture', see that is ok. But commenting 'cute' on someone's photo says one thing to me: FLIRTING! I recently found my BF making similar comments on some women's profile and I told him to delete her or get out. I don't take any sort of cheating lightly, whether it's body to body contact, text messages or flirting over FB. Stand up for yourself!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Mar 12
hi success I would not worry if a boyfriend finds other women's pictures cute unless he spends his time chatting with them and forgets all about his own girlfriend.then I wou ld indeed worry were I his girlfriend and I would have indeed have a heart to heart talk with my erring boyfriend.