Are you a Wretch????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
March 17, 2012 12:28am CST
I've had people of religion tell me I am a sinner. They said that we are all sinners. In the song, Amazing Grace, there is a line about saving a wretch like me. Are you a Wretch?? I've had people of religion tell me that we are flawed in the eyes of God. ARE WE REALLY?? Nothing is further from the truth. In God's eyes we are all wonderful works of art,each very special in their own way. God is above the petty things of mankind. God doesn't see the evil. God sees only our goodness. God will lead us all to just that. What is the old saying?? GOD DOES NOT MAKE JUNK!!! Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. You have the capacity to do more than you realize. You can make a difference in this world. CHOOSE TO DO SO!! So, you still think you are a wretch???? Of course not!
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10 responses
• Thailand
17 Mar 12
No I am not a wretch but I am also not a sinner. I do not accept the concept of sin.
• Thailand
17 Mar 12
Guess I must not be a son of Adam.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
17 Mar 12
Chiang, when you say you're not a sinner, what do you mean? How do you not accept the concept of sin?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Mar 12
In Hadith "Every son of Adam is a sinner and the best of sinners are those who repent."
• United States
17 Mar 12
Wow - my eyesight is a little bad this late at night. I read the word 'wench' in place of 'wretch'. I think whoever believes they have a higher power would hopefully believe she/it/he would only create gems and not junk.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Mar 12
God created man in the best shape ? not as claims the follower of the theory of evolution
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Mar 12
ladybugmagic. Yes the eyes can play tricks sometimes. A few wrong letters and the meanings all change. Yes, if we look around us at God's creations, there are only gems. samar54 Do not discover evolution completely. It is part of the unfolding of the universe. There is genius in that.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
18 Mar 12
bird123 , What is genius in deny the creator?
• India
2 Jun 12
Every persopn is a wretch, evil, a great sinner.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Jun 12
You are mistaken. See the Goodness.
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
17 Mar 12
I don't see how some people come to tell me what God thinks about me. Do they see me through the eyes of God or how? Let Him judge me, if I have sins I will get my punishment anyway or they will be forgiven. I know that I make mistakes because they are what I learn from, but I believe that God is forgiving and loves us all.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Mar 12
almond24. When one gets to know God other than through books, one starts to see how God thinks. God does not see any child as a wretch in spite of what religion wants you to believe. samar54.God loves us all unconditionally.God has no need to forgive. God isn't holding any grudge. If you feel bad over a choice you make, you can forgive yourself before you cause yourself hurt.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
19 Mar 12
bird123 "God isn't holding any grudge." Sure , He did not , He is the Most Merciful
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Mar 12
Sure God Loves us , and he will forgives , if we worship Him and we repent when sinned against him
• Indonesia
17 Mar 12
humans have no right to judge whether the person is innocent, only god can judge his own servant there is no man who has no sin, but only god who can decide the person is guilty or not and people can still repent
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Mar 12
When our action returns, we will understand whether our choice was a good one. We will judge for ourselves
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Mar 12
That is true ,I agree
@Runite (307)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Humans by all means have the rights to judge a person. Only the government can judge its citizens.
• India
27 Jun 12
I think people should not judge other people’s religion. They too believe in God. Also I found out that the core every religion is LOVE. When we love ourselves and our neighbors, everything follows I am glad that you have taken all these criticisms in a positive matter. There are no wretches because all of us has a divine purpose given gy God. Good luck! And Continue doing good things.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Jun 12
You are right people should not condemn or judge others. On the other hand, it is important that truth is in the world. Truth is more important than any belief. That's why believing is not important to God. It's never the love and kindness part of religion that creates the problems. It's all the petty things mankind holds so dear. We must shine our light so people can see God rather than the picture mankind shows. We must never avoid shining the light of God simply because there might be Drama. So often Drama is where the learning happens. One should never avoid learning.
@urbandekay (18278)
18 Mar 12
Yes, I am a wretch. You have no reason or evidence to claim as you do all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Perhaps, you need to see yourself from a different view. I have seen your light, your spirit, your goodness in the past. Perhaps you need to explore that yourself or at least value it more. From what I see, you could never ever be a wretch. In the words of religion: Accept it. I'm never wrong. OK!OK! I couldn't resist!!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
Unless you believe, trust and love God. Life is lite and simple. But I think it is unfair to say we don't suffer in all our lives. And the truth is we do all suffer, suffering or been suffered. Because we are all sinners. There's no need of convincing because these are all the truths. In times of great wreckage or in the most unhappy moment in life and there's no one or nobody left behind to help or to be blame to all the mistakes have done but only us or I or you alone. And most of all you don't know, believe, trust and love God. So, how can we say "we are not junk" or felt that we are God's wonderful works of art. Or because its just being egoistic or pride. Life in this world is a constant cycle. Like a spinning wheel. Sometimes we are on top. Sometimes we are at the bottom. Sometimes our life is a day full sunlight glory and sometimes a full darkness of night of despair and loneliness. God loves us always. Jesus Christ is the light that directly connects us to God. In the darkness bottomless time of our life just keep holding on these thinnest silver light cord to God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 12
When one understands that the road to great wisdom requires mistakes and the lessons they bring, one can start to see the masterpiece of it all. We are a part of God's great system. LIFE. We can choose to value darkness, doom and gloom, however life is so much better choosing the light, the happiness, the joy others can bring into our lives. Through the midst of any adversity, turmoil or trouble, I am happy. I choose the light to shine against the darkness so I can see what is really important. Yes, we are all wonderful works of art. We are all children of God.
• Mexico
18 Mar 12
Hi bird: Even if I don't share all your points of views I don't judge you and I don't think you are the way these people describes you. I think you have some really good answers to them actually. Don't lose your time with people that use their religion as a weapon. Have a nice day. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 12
It would be easier to walk away from all the drama, however shining light in someone's eyes whether they see it or not is important through all fields of knowledge. I am happy to move the little grain of sand. I need not any glory to change people. We all change in time once all the right pieces come together. We usually think it was our idea all along. Still, those pieces must be in the world. We are here but to serve. I am happy to do my part. I never take the drama personally for I know in time we will all learn to love unconditionally.
• Singapore
18 Mar 12
No one is a wretch, it's human themselves who target themselves as a negative point of view, that they are wretch, in other words, humans destroy themselves with negativity when in actual facts, they are not wretch at all.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Very good! We do have a choice of what we choose. I find it sad that some religions promote this negativity when, like you said, reality is a much better view.