Facebook and twitter accounts of celebrities...
By chiyochan
@chiyosan (30181)
March 18, 2012 8:17pm CST
Recently, a lot of local celebrities are on the defensive mode after several "fans" or followers have commented negatively on their pages. They have their accounts and they have their followers too, often times they get about 50% haters post and some celebrities could take no longer and so they fought back with the supposed fans!
If you are to look at it, have you ever had a chance to be the hater in these social networking sites? If you were the celebrity, would you just not comment and pretend not to see their comments about you (looking awful, gaining weight, your child is ugly, etc.)?
Social networking sites have really gotten into people, and these sites have been the bridge between the gap of celebs and us, ordinary people... so what do you think is correct then?
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20 responses
@cearn25 (3452)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I haven't encountered or heard such news about social networking sites of celebrities. In my facebook, I don't follow celebrities. Neither in my twitter account. If I were a celebrity, I will not mind those negative comments although sometimes there will come a point it already hurts so much. In that case, I will sue the person talking those bad comments and prove himself.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
Hi cearn, thank you for your participation in the discussion. this is the most recent happenings here in the Philippines and most celebrities do have time to tweet huh! they would even fight back with word wars with their haters just to defend themselves.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
exactly. I am not fans of these celebrities and i remain neutral when it comes to idols, and fans and favorite celebrities. I do not follow them but i get to hear a lot about what's happening in sunday magazine shows and it kinda interests me as to how some celebrities would fight with their "fans". Perhaps there is just a thin line between holding back what you have to say in response to the people.
@cearn25 (3452)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
That is very true my friend. You are welcome. The celebrities in the Philippines really are very much into tweets and Facebook updates. I have nothing against it. That is their way to be more closer to their fans. But fans also shouldn't talk bad to their idols. Their just humans too and have feelings. They are just ordinary if we don't count their personality as celebrities.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Well yes, that is true we have got to be responsible with what we do. Sometimes we just have to know and keep in our minds and hearts that we are not supposed to make sure we are good at following someone online and making sure we put their lives to hell by what we are telling or posting on these people's account. ha we should just to live and let live!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
YEP, That's right. =) its really just not about us being able to comment on the people we come across over the net.. its about our ability to control ourselves and filter what we say online. it really does reflect who we are whenever we say or do something, it kind of shows the real us, too.

@lordcaocao2025 (4098)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 12
I actually not really active in twitter, so i can comment on that. In facebook, i often see some celebrity. I see people who complain to them, express their love to them, and some other stuff. I know some are really harsh, but i think it is the risk of the celebrity. This social networking site can boost their popularity so a little complain and hate comment shouldn't be a big problem for them.
I never comment in celebrity page at all. I usually like to see what they are doing, but don't want to comment. Because usually they are too many comment i doubt if the celebrity really read it all.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
it is really quite impossible for them to read on all of the comments in their page. i guess the celebrity i have in mind while writing this discussion was not busy or has no engagements at the moment, so i would assume she is free and has nothing much to do, hence she is able to get back at almost all of the people who commented on her page negatively.
there was this one "big boss" who even tried to hush her down and she also commented on her about how she can't let them pass anymore because they are way over the line and is already stepping on her shoes!
@katie4720011 (218)
• United States
20 Mar 12
I believe that there are times when people should just keep their opinions to theirselves. There is no sense in being rude but there are people out there who are. I look at celebrities as regular people with good jobs and great pay, I do not look at them as being better then myself or anyone else, they are in fact human. It is a shame that people continue to do this but I am afraid that we will always have haters so to speak and we just have to learn to deal with them in a respectiable fashion. It does no good to respond to a hateful comment with another hateful comment, it just adds fuel to the fire. I say that you should just ignore them and block them as there is a block feature on facebook. I am not certain but there should be one on twitter as well. Problem solved.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
well yes, we cannot really know what others are thinking. we all have our decisions and then we all have our opinions and there are times it is important to just keep quite and there are times that we have to have to say something - but i do not think that the internet is not the correct venue for what we all have to say.
@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
21 Mar 12
Hmmmm. If I were the celebrity, I will not post my real name on a social networking site or I will just ignore all the comments that the ‘haters’ gave to me on social networking site. It is not the fault of social networking site if some haters gave comment so bad on social networking site. The reality is that they are celebrity that seen on tv and on movies, so fans easily judge celebrity without knowing them fully.
If I would answer all the negative comments, it takes how many years before I finish them all. They would not stop because they are just an ordinary people who do not know and understand anything about the real life of celebrity.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
you have a good point there introvert. Ordinary people who are not celebs are not even posting their real identities in these sites open for public's scrutiny. Well they just need to reach out and need their whereabouts known for publicity, right? i guess good and bad stuffs about them are stil publicity, right?
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
if i was a celebrity and people talk sh*t about me then i would just leave it. i wouldn't care because we cant please everybody. it would be crazy if i talk back and say nasty words back to them too hehehe i wouldn't want that to happen. but then some people really want to bring you down to the extent that they will involve your family, maybe that's the time i will react and i would probably say some words that wont be too pleasing to the ears too
some people just don't have anything good to do and say 

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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
that's right. we just can't please everybody and people who know you and don't know you willalways have something to say to you. i bet they would love it if you lose control of your emotions and get back at them by telling them exactly what they want to hear - and see that you are already being the real you...
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
hehe its just same with us who are working as a regular employee in a company, even if our superiors would tell us that we are not competent enough, sometimes we do have to just swallow our pride and let it pass and just prove them what they think of us is wrong! I do not think that they should act differently than us. Though their bosses or fans are indirectly contributing to their fame and money or salary or talent fee, still when a celebrity hits the bottom because of the people who has a lot of opinions, it is somehow bound to happen that they will lose their chance to gain supporters.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
yeah exactly. and i think those who are even true, those who show who they really are, are even those who are loved by people but also we have to be nice and just be ourselves. in the end, we also have to take care of our career (if we were the celebrity hehe) because it is what's feeding us and make us get what we want.

@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
If they signed up for that networking site, they should have been prepared to get negative comments, too. A social networking site, is a SOCIAL site. People interact there no matter what the contents of their interactions are. They should have thought in the very beginning that they can get positive and negative feed backs because all interactions are not positive. And besides, did they expect that all people are their fans and would praise them all the time? If they get hate responses, they could either take it as a constructive criticism or just a nonsense comment that they should ignore.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
hi choybel! your point is well taken. since they are public figures, they should probably be used to all kinds of words spoken to them and with this, you are sure that not everybody would love you... and i guess that meant too that you already know how to react or NOT to react to such situations.
@autumndreamer (3185)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I had become a hater but I don't attack them directly in social networking sites. I once posted a nasty comment about a celebrity in a popular gossip site. That's just what I can do but I cannot directly attack them on Twitter. LOL. Besides, I don't like being a hater anymore even if I really hate the celebrity, I won't imitate what other haters will do. I will keep my hate to myself. Anyway, if I were a celebrity, I will only comment back if the comments has gotten too far or if it has really become offensive to me but I will respond in an intelligent manner.
@autumndreamer (3185)
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
Yeah, like what they say, you cannot please everybody. And that's true for celebrities. There are really a few celebrities that we can't help but not like, and also hate. It's with the way they act, they look, or they talk that makes us not like them.
@crimsonladybug (3112)
• United States
20 Mar 12
Personally, I don't see the point of following a celebrity or band or whatever if you don't like them. My favorite band posted a link to an interview they did online to their Facebook account and got a whole bunch of comments about how ridiculous their clothes looked and just all kinds of other negative comments. If you don't like them, why do you "like" them? Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
well yeah, that is a fact actually. why even bother to follow and waste time on someone you do not like... but then if we come to think of it, there are just some lurkers and there are those who has promised themselves to always annoy someone otherwise they won't have a happy life. hehe i guess these haters are just who they are and they are just haters who can't love someone or like them because they are at lost themselves at one point or another.
@kundanraj (660)
• India
23 Mar 12
If you are a celebrity you hqve to face all these crticism as well as hate comments etc. If you don't be not a celebrity. You hqve huge fan base then it not necewsary all fan are good. Most of them like you bcause you are a celebirty. Most hate you for same reason. You have to face the hate comments not just from fans but also from media, other celebrities and your partner etc. It is part and parcle of life of a celebrity even you have to face rough talk from your coworkers. Most time celebrity want to be on flow and they do anything to get attention then why complain if some one say wrong about you. I even had seen comedy made on the celebrity, no one were left they make fun of all no matter how big are you. Also one celebrity tease other pass jokes make funny comments then why fans can't.
I dislike hate coments but if some fun is made then it ok donlt pqss hate comment but make fun if them is ok.
Facebook is used to promote thwm selves as celebrity do and to listen to the fans thwn why bother of comments try to comment back one which make sense and not all. Twitter is place more save for celebrity if you not follow one you will not see tweets and hence no chances of hate other useless comments. Also if celebrity to use funny or promtional hashtag then only they got to know from follower . Don't promote those whuch will result in worst tweets.
Every one must make sensible things either on facebook and twitter. Celebrity must not take seriously things .
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
i think there is just a lot of things to consider with these things, but then they can always opt not to reply to the haters because they can always just block them. when they reply once, they get another 3 more haters and everybody would just join in the fun.
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Some people can be pretty harsh with their comments and tweets. I really find it very difficult how they find fun in bashing a celebrity. Is it hate or envy for the stature and popularity that they are trying to get back on the celebrities for being so? Some celebrities have really made a lot of sacrifices and hard work to get where they are right now. Criticisms can be appreciated but not if done below the belt. These haters need to do better with their time instead of hurting other people by their tweets. Look at us, we are investing efforts in forums and online earning sites where we get fun, satisfaction and money. We discuss issues intelligently and we improve and increase our knowledge. Celebrities also have feelings and if I were one, I would not give these haters a chance to bash me by not creating a site for public participation. It will save all the trouble of responding and getting hurt.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I get what you are trying to say. That is correct, when you have no accounts, you do not even have to view all the haters comments or opinions about you or what you do, and you'd be stuck with just the people in the press. hehe
i'd say some celebrities would just want to get closer to their fans and we can't really say that they should just start behaving as if they do not get hurt, right?
@vimal1990 (116)
19 Mar 12
ya i think it is correct only of having the celebrity,would you just not comment and pretend not to see their comments about you (looking awful, gaining weight, your child is ugly, etc. Recently, alot of local celebrities are on the defensive mode after several "fans" or followers too, often times they get about 50% haters post and some celebrities
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
hi vimal, that is right... i think there are no pages with purely fans for celebrities. they could all pose as fans and eventually turn into a hater too just so they get access to your page. some people would be doing extreme measures just to post some negative things about a person.
@honest_efforts100 (1607)
• India
29 Jun 12
I think the correct approach is to keep quiet. When you go on defensive mode you end up looking guilty. Besides if something is not true it shouldn’t bother you at all.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
1 Jul 12
yeah, this is the best one can do when faces with such, i think though that the celebrities does not think before they react and they thought their lives are theirs alone - they only want the earnings, the fame but does not want to embrace even everything that goes along with it.
@shadjee1 (602)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
If I were the celebrity, I would just ignore those comments because they do not know me that well. They just hate me because of what they see on screen or what they ehar. Anyway, haters are haters. You cannot avoid that if you are a celebrity. There are still people who loves me. I think they still like me because they spend too much time looking at me, seeing what is wrong with me or hating me or probably they are just insecure.LOL.
@lakerfanster (2577)
19 Mar 12
I have seen the abuse that some celebrities can get especially on Twitter so I can understand when they get defensive.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
ah yeah, poor celebrities who only wants to be as normal as possible. But most of the comments they make too, are then taken against them over the internet... =) Oh well it happens not only to the ordinary people, after all... it now also happens to them who does seem unreachable.
@cheszka (167)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
When I visit sites of celebrities, like facebook or even some websites like yahoo and youtube, I notice that most posters nowadays, post negative comments about them. People are now more inclined to say negative things rather than good ones. This often results in irate fans and the celebrities themselves which always end up in an unending arguments.
@redvakaurvaki (4217)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 12
I appreciate a lot of celebrity who had facebook or twitter account.It's means that they open their self to interact more with their fans and publicy.I know that some people who follow or like celebrity's page is not always fans, I means there are several hater who like or follow celebrity's account just to posting negative about the celebrity -yeah, we said the haters.from celebrity's side, I think they had understand this risk and not only in social network, but in real life, they will also meet those who attend their concert just to throw a tomattoes in stage and other.If I were those celebrity I will just ignore them and just care for those who sincere and true fans.I, myself, never do such as activities to hurt a celebrity who I don't like. Celebrity sometimes can be so annoying, but they are human too

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
Yeah, we have to also give it to them, as they also are trying to reach the people who supposedly wants to get hold of the celebrities, but i guess its one step too close as they are easily "captured" byt the social networking sites and thus they are much easier to reach and in turn also easier to annoy.
I agree with you about the celebs feeling something too, they may appear to be strong and survivors and go getters in the screen but they are pretty much just like us - only earning so much more. though hehe
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 12
If I were celebrity, I will not bother to response all the negative comments. We can satisfy all people in the world, though. But sometimes, it can be fun to answer the negative comment, just to show how stupid they can be :p. But well, just for fun, I don't really recommend it though..
Life should still goes on, anyway.. 

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
hi varier, thank you for your response. I agree with you that we cannot please everybody, everyone has got their opinions and all the more are "brave to post" them if they can't be identified, right? we all have our nicks in the internet and we can't be tied to who we are online.
Its true as it really gets the best of the people who joins the "fun" and talks about you in the web. you can just opt to not reply, do not open your account, or just have it closed and create a new one, then! hehe
@StaticxErosion (26)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Personally, I think that they have as much a right as anyone else to defend what they believe in. Personally, if I looked at the comments posted on my Facebook or Twitter, I would just mess around with them. What is better than getting mad at haters? Acting like you agree with them and that you're not even mad. If you show others that you are unfazed, 90% of the time they will just back off (and are usually confused). Speech is free in the US and it might as well be used, even if it is used by some hater to get off by posting on celebrities' social pages.