I came out on my porch and a little girl was stealing my big flower pot!
@chrystaltears (3392)
United States
March 18, 2012 10:34pm CST
I couldn't believe it. I just came out of my house nonchalantly and there was this little girl about 10 years old struggling as she was carrying across the yard my great big flower pot she with pretty yellow flowers that she had taken off my porch. I ran out there and said where are you going with my flowers. She said, 'I was taking them to my house.' I said, 'well you can't just come to anyone's house and take something cause you want it. That's stealing.' She dropped it and ran off and said she was gonna tell her mom. I thought 'REALLY!!' That's the last I heard or saw of her.
Has anyone ever taken anything from your yard like that?
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13 responses

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Mar 12
hi chrystaltears well here in this retirement center I have lost
three jackets all different because I was too warm so took it off
while I was watching television.Of course as I started to my room I realized hey I left my jacket in the visitors lounge.but when I got back there it was gone. this happened three times and I asked at th front desk hoping someone would have taken them there to the lost and found basket. nope never appeared again. there are p eople here from forty to one hundred. Adults who should have some self respect and not be thieves,but someone did take them . I never saw any one wearing them.I think one of the care givers takes anything thats left in the visitors lounge and the activity room and takes them to Good will.i sure would rather think that than that a resident stole my jackets.now I am not careless anymore and I will turn back if I have left a jacket on my seat before I ever leave the rooml once left its gone. I guess thievery knows no age limits.
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Mar 12
Apparently not. Its terrible that someone would do that. That have to know someone there needs those jackets. That's so sad. You need to start putting your jacket in your lap if that will work. Doesn't it just make you sick when you forget something and go back hopeful that it will still be there but wallah!! It's gone again. Humans. I just don't know about us sometimes.!

@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
A few years ago, when I lived in an apartment and did my laundry downstairs in the laundry room like everyone else, someone took all my jeans I had washed. Now, that really really upset me. So low down as to do something like taking my clothes! The nerve! I never did know who did that. Boy, I would have give that person a difficult time if I'd found out!
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@allknowing (141983)
• India
19 Mar 12
It happens all the time. Flowers are plucked which grow along the fence. And let me confess I have done it too when I was little. For girls flowers are irresistible. they throw caution to the winds and just grab any flowers that they can pluck and then get ready to face the consequences!

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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Hi allknowing. I am sure I have done the same thing when I was little. I loved taking pretty flowers home to my mom. Happy springtime!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
19 Mar 12

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@allknowing (141983)
• India
19 Mar 12
Now that you say it, let me admit, SOLITAIRE too has quite a few of the 'pinch offs'
I leave no opportunity to pinch here and pinch there and that is some joy that is unexplainable!

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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
That was very common here in my place, that's why I'm afraid to put my plants near the fence, because I know somebody will steal it not even child also an adult one. Sometimes they have purpose sometimes they just like to steal anything from the back yard. That's why my I have my Odie with me so that he was the one who guarded the house.

@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Maybe someone told her to steal it. Trying to teach her bad manners.

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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
It's not too common here for that to happen. I get that's what made me so surprised in the first place. She looked so rediculous trying to carry that big pot filled with dirt. She couldn't even lift it well and stand up. She was struggly very hard to take it. If it hadn't been so heavy for her, she would have been gone with it by the time I got out there and I would have never know who took it!
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@Kensington (4)
• Canada
19 Mar 12
I had friend when I was younger who tried to get me to steal things. Kids are impressionable, and if it's an adult, well maybe they weren't raised to know right from wrong... then again some people just don't care. They take what they want :/
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
This made me smile. I was actually imagining the look on the kids face when you asked her where she was going with your flower pot, and then I smiled when she actually answered that way. At least she was honest.
Our family house doesn't really have a yard, but we have a second floor porch with my brother's bonsai tree in a pot there. I don't think anyone could steal that or would even want to steal it. 

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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
My brother claims it's expensive but nobody in our community really knows much about it and about bonsais so I guess that's something good. If it was something different, something that could be sold immediately, then I believe it would have been stolen immediately for a long time now.

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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Hi choybel. You are right. I don't think anyone could get to your tree up there. I love bonsai trees. I don't know if they would grow here. Aren't they real expensive?
Yeah it was pretty surprising to see her trying her best and straining to carry that huge pot. And she was honest! That's saying something!
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Oh yeah. If it could be sold immediately, you can bet someone would have figured a way to get up there and take it. !

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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
20 Mar 12
ohh that is a bit uncanny! why would she do that?? 

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@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
19 Mar 12
Her parents probably didn't care to teach her that this is stealing, if she said she would tell her parents, it seems they don't even discourage her from doing it.
I admit I felt like taking flowers from others' yard too when I was a little girl, especially roses! But I never did because I imagined those faces who lived there after noticing it, and that they would have no flower left if everybody took one.
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
That was very kind of you almond, but I bet most kids don't think that way. We used get apples and cherries off peoples trees even if we had to climb over their fences. We never got in trouble or anything and frankly, I don't think we thought about upsetting the people except I remember we didn't want to get caught, so I guess we must have been a little scared. We had some kind of feelings, didn't we?
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@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Crazy! Do you know her parents at all? It seems like a bigger issue here. What if you hadnt caught her? We lose toys from time to time in our yard but its my childrens job to put them away in their toy bin. The toys we have lost were small items that I could see a toddler running off with.
It makes you feel like nothing is safe anymore. Im sorry this happened to you.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Yes it does. Does seem like a bigger issue, doesn't it? If I hadnt caught her, I would have been upset, really. I really like my pot.
It's not good kids get your toys. There aren't any kids around here and I don't have any except my grandson, but I go there cause he lives in the country so I don't have to worry about his toys.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
19 Mar 12

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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
You are right pergammano. It could have been a double-dog-dare-you situation. I hadn't thought of that. Wouldn't it be awful if someone really did tell their child to do that? That's terrible.
And talk about raccoons, deer and possums. Those are issues here. My brother has chickens. He has these funny looking white chickens that look like they have long hair on the top of their heads and on their legs and feet.
The possums and raccoons are always grabbing them and trying to eat them or carry them off to eat them. My brother started setting traps and catches them lots of times.
And the deer, Lord, you can go past a field or fields around here and see 25 to seventy five in one field alone in a pact. Is it called a pact?
A friend of my mom's was over yesterday and said she had had 41 chickens and now had 3 left cause something was getting them, and she can't keep a garden cause the deer eat every single thing in the garden!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Mar 12
hi just lost all of a lengthy response wham so copy paste on clipgboard. I was reminded of a new shiny transmission an elderly
man had left in the gutter by the curb.in the city we then lived in people put stuff out for a special garbage truck to pick up twice a week. My son and his pal were just six and saw my husband working on our pickup. the little pal Bobby asked him what was he doing. My husband told them he needed a new transmission. Bobby grabbed our son 's hand and his big old red wagon and they took off. Ten minute latter there came the two boys with a shiny new transmission.,
My husband was really concerned as nobody throws out a brand new
transmission. Just as he was ready to go up the street to find the owner of the new transmission an old man in a pickup pulled up;
"Hi mr Hatley you seen your son and that Bobby kid with that big old red wagon?My husband laughed," hi mr. Garson, yes I think I have something that they picked up off the curb. they thought it was for the garbage collectors so they brought it to me." He handed Mr.Garson the new transmission. We all had a laugh as Mr.Garson told us he had laid it there just long enough to back his pick up out and then he saw the two little boys tugging the big old red wagon up the street. so he followed them to our house.
I can just imagine what mr.Garson must have beenthinking when his new transmissionj just walked off.
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Mar 12
You lost a response. I hate it when that happens. And I know you write long responses too. Wondered where you were this evening. I noticed you weren't here yet. I started a response on losing responses once and you told me to start copying them and saving, so when I feel like my computer is going to start acting up, I do copy them. I've saved 2 that way tonight already. Thanks for the tip from before.
That story is so crazy! I love it. I just laughed and laughed! Never underestimate a child. Aren't they just something.! I know everyone got the biggest kick out of that. You should've started a discussion with that story. Everyone needs a good feel good discussion sometimes.
Thanks Hatley!

@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
20 Mar 12
Wow! that is odd! Perhaps she was mentally challenged? That's the only reason I can think of to give you. Maybe put large rocks at the bottom of your flower pots from now on to make them even more heavier?
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Mar 12
Hi Travel Arranger. That's a good idea. We do that at Mom's to keep the wind from knocking some of them over, but I hadn't thought about putting them in the bottom of my big pots. Thanks. I'll do it!
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@pahak627 (5014)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
no one has ever taken anything from my yard like that. However, I experienced something different. Whenever I left something at the dirty kitchen at the back of our house, if vanished without my knowledge. That was before the great thief living near our house was killed.
@TheIrishClog (985)
• Ireland
19 Mar 12
Is it by any chance mothers day where you are? Here, yesterday, it was Mother's Day (and also my mum's 50th). I think if I was a little girl and had no money to buy her something for her day, I might have been tempted to do something like that and to heck with the consequences.
I'm sure there are a number of reasons that could have led to her doing what she did, hopefully she's learned her lesson and won't be doing it again.
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Hi clog. No, Mom's day is in May here. We have another month or so to go before that. But yes, I'm sure something important led her to do that. I will never know, and yes she'll probably either do it fewer times or choose something that isn't so heavy next time. If it hadn't been a big heavy pot, she would have been long gone!
@honest_efforts100 (1607)
• India
29 Jun 12
In third world countries what you are talking about is happening even as you read this. People steal and no one leaves valuable stuff where it can be stolen. However in your case its simple, just a pretty little girl who fell in love with your flowers. Forgive and forget.