Child Discipline - Spanking Acceptable form of Discipline?
@bluepenguin77 (30)
March 21, 2012 2:20am CST
I have grown my childhood in '80s - and one way of discipline I have tasted was spanking from my parents. At my early age I don't have gasp the reason on why my parents would do that action every time I made some mistakes or don't obey their commandments. They would spank me when,
- I play the whole day with my friends outside the neighborhood and neglect my meals.
- I would leave the house without my mother knowing and go with my friends to have a good swimming at the lake
- I watch TV shows and forgot what they assigned me to do on that particular day
- Have lied about anything
- Have get some amount of money on my mother's purse
- etcc...
And now that I have grown and have a four year old son - I soon to realized that my parents did spanked me because they loved me. I might have been in a wrong path of way if they didn't do that, I may have gotten into gang, I may have gotten injured or died.
As a parent of four your old son it was really hard for me to give a form of discipline - I did spanked him few times but afterwards it would broke my heart.
Thus, spanking really help our child to be discipline?
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13 responses
@sherrybelle (707)
• United States
21 Mar 12
The problem with spanking is that parents usually view it as discipline while children might perceive it to be physical abuse.
If a child feels abused they might carry that abuse as 'baggage' throughout the rest of their life so it can interfere with their success and their happiness.
I believe it is important to TEACH children; however, I don't believe spanking is the best way to teach.
@Polgara (31)
• Germany
21 Mar 12
Very hard words, Sherrybelle. Abuse??? Sorry, but there is really a big difference between spanking and abuse, even in the mind of a child, and I am speaking as one who were both spanked and abused in childhood. I never looked and I still never look at spanking as abuse, because every time my parents spanked me, I knew why they did it and how I deserved it, and what was the purpose of it. I don´t consider spanking as the best way to discipline a child, but also, I don´t see it as an abuse either. A child is abused physically or mentally when he/she is punished or maltreated with no reason, with no purpose and abuse always refers to manipulation as well. If my child runs out to the street, I run after her and spank her right there, because it is better for her that I spank her than a car to hit her (she is four, she doesn´t yet understand the danger of traffic). I also tell her why she is spanked, and also, she never does it again. Abuse is when a parent punish the child for something stupid, for example, if a child breaks something accidentally, it is not good to punish the kid physically because the thing he/she broke cannot be more valuable than the kid. That can give a child some "baggage" later.
You have to be more careful, Sherrybelle. Children at two, three or four cannot understand everything they are told, and just like with puppies, they need to be spanked once in a while in order to learn the lesson in easier way. I told my daughter twenty times (or more) not to run out in the street because a car can hit her, but nevertheless, she kept doing it. Not because she is bad, but because she just couldn´t understand the danger. Should I have let her learn that particular lesson in a harder way? Should I have let her run out in the street, so that a car can hit her, so that she can finally understand the danger??? No, absolutely not. I had to catch her, and spank her, and so she could understand once and for all that running out in the street can hurt. Spanking hurt her much less than a car hit, right?
My point is, spank a child only when he/she knows why you do it, only when there is no other way to explain the danger to the child, and not for every single mistake they could make. There are much better ways to discipline a child than spanking, but sometimes, if you have to choose between spanking and something more dangerous, the choice is clear. It is very important that a child understands why he/she was spanked. Without that understanding, a child might have problems with it.
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
21 Mar 12
I'm sorry Polgara, but either way, spanking is not a kind education either. And you compare your child to puppies. I don't think they're the same.
My father used to spank me and my brothers when we disobeyed his rules. He would spank us with his hand, with a stick, or belt. That time he made scared of making him angry. But as you said, we're just children. As I grew up, I came to the understanding that that's they way my father EDUCATE us. He educated us to be discipline. I know I don't have my own children yet, but I have this kind of thought that I would educate my children the way my parents taught me, but without any physical attacks. And apparently, my brother also has the same thoughts. He has a six year-old daughter now, and he never even once spanks her. Not even my sister-in-law. My brother and his wife uses communication to educate her daughter. This is what my mom used when she educated us. And apparently this way works so much better.
As I don't have any children yet, I use my mom's skill to my little students. I never spank nor hit my students. I use words, I make rules. I'm so strict with my rules, and yet my students obey them. When I call their names, they know they have made mistakes. My brother also does it to my niece and she grows very well until now. She even understands why her parents forbids her to do something. All of that without any spanks. :P
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
22 Mar 12
My mother-in-law vowed she would never spank her children and then my husband was born. Here are just a couple of incidents where she rethought her vow.
Incident 1: He decided his little slingshot would be put to best use in the house, taking shots at his mother's very valuable lamps which she had put high up on the mantle to get away from him. Shattered both before she got into the room to stop him. She scolded him and he decided she made a great target. Then he ripped up her favorite magazine all over the floor. She grabbed his hands and bent him over to pick up the pieces. He grabbed a couple of them and when she let him go, he dropped them and ran out through the kitchen, where he opened the refrigerator and tossed all its contents at Mommy.
Incident 2: They went to visit his grandparents. Grandpa was a carpenter and he let Bruce help him on a project. He failed to realize that the little hammer he gave him disappeared when Bruce did. Mom put son to bed for a nap. Once downstairs she heard a pounding coming from upstairs where sonny boy was. She ran up to check; he was snuggled under a blanket 'asleep.' She continued back downstairs; the noise began again. Over and over, she tried to catch him doing something, but he always seemed asleep. The noise stopped. A little while later a neighbor stopped in to find out why they were throwing bedding, twin mattress, lamps and other things out the upstairs window. The hammer had been used on all the furniture sides facing away from the door. Want to guess who was doing it? He definitely got a spanking.
Then Aunt Gladys swore she would never have a child as rotten as Bruce. She didn't. Kent was so much worse!
@thelmadacullo112659 (642)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
I n my very own intellect,spanking is not the answer to discipline a child.Doing it,will lead to childs cruelness.Mark my words..They might immitate it by the time they bcame a parecnt..Thats a sign of child abuse my dear......So pls. never spank ur child. To discipline them, whic is much better if u give advises to them,,Let learn them to know their mistakes and learned from it...Fruitful advises is for me the best....
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Mar 12
Bello bluepenguin,
Parents do spank their children even if they aware that spanking is not the right way to teach discipline. There are so many methods to give punishment to the kids without hurting them physically. Raising kids need much patience and spanking happen when the parents lost patience. If any parents hurt their kids physically will feel bad after the same. All parents wish the well being of their kids so even if they do spank it is because of their love towards the kids.
@katie4720011 (218)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Yes it absolutely does. A child needs discipline in order to grow. When I was younger my parents spanked us when we did something we know we should not have and she would explain afterwards just why we were being spanked. We were never beaten or abused and we treated our parents with respect. It is hard to spank a child and you will feel guilty, but you cannot let them know that nor should you ever apologize. You should always be consistant with your discipline and know that in so doing you are doing this for your child and his own good.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
21 Mar 12
I feel the otherwise then you do. I hate spankings I feel its unnecessary that there is other ways to discipline or child. I have never spanked a kid at all mine or not. I get the same results as person that does. To me spanking just leads to more spanking and that leads to people being more violent to others. Because they find hitting is okay when we as parents till our kids hitting is bad. So some kids see it as its okay to hit other people when they do bad things, something was wrong or when they get upset. I was born in the 80's but raised in the 90's. My parents where opposite of each others my dad he spanked us our mom didn't. Do you know what all three of us kids go to, talk to, share things with is our mom. Never our dad. We don't trust our dad because of him spanking us as kids. Now he is a grandfather he sees those affects that he did to me and my brother and he can't hit his grandson or granddaughter because he doesn't want them to feel the way we do.
As mother I would never hit my child that is abuse spanking to me is abuse its physical and emotional abuse to that child. You don't know what the affects will do. Anyone that is an adult raise there hands to my kids I will hit them back and they will never see my kids again including my own husband.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
22 Mar 12
I could always talk to my mom about anything, including anything happening on dates and she was the first to spank us if we did wrong. She used switches from a hedge bush. She always let us know what we had done and never raised her hand in anger.
We understood exactly what we did wrong and it had to be pretty bad to get Mama upset. I never once thought of it as abuse and always knew when I was doing something that would result in a spanking.
The physical punishments were few and far between because after a meeting with that switch we didn't want another. I figure I averaged about one a year which allowed about twelve months to think up something worthy of a spanking again.
@shebacs (178)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
We'll we have been spanked once or twice when we were younger. We turned out pretty much okay.
After parents made sure though what offense or bad attitude we exhibited during chastising us.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
22 Mar 12
My parents spanked me, which is a far cry from a beating. Yes, I deserved it and yes, I believe it made me a better person. I worked hard for those spankings, doing things like physical fights with my girl cousin where I gave her two black eyes, backtalking big time to Mom (Daddy was not amused), and other such things.
I spanked my children occasionally, but usually used other methods. For instance, when my son decided to throw a tantrum on the kitchen floor, I threw a pitcher of ice water on him and left the room. It never happened again. Instead of sending them to their rooms, I sat them in chairs in a corner. Putting any child in its room today is akin to sticking them in Disneyland with the computers and cell phone availability.
As to your question, yes, spanking can be a good form of discipline, as long as it isn't every day, for everything, and doesn't become a beating. I might have decided being scolded was worth being rotten again; spankings make a much different impression.
@kaypow (68)
• Canada
15 Apr 12
Hi, bluepenguin,
I am a supporter of spanking in certain cases. For example, I believe that it is okay to spank a child who is too young to understand a verbal reprimand. It frustrates me to no end when I go out in public and see parents attempting to reason with their two-year-olds as if the children were adults. A child that young does not understand "Sweetie, you shouldn't do that," but he or she will definitely understand a spank on the bottom. However, that said, I think that there is an age at which spanking needs to be stopped and replaced with a different form of discipline, such as time-outs or the child's being sent to his or her room. This should happen when the child is old enough to understand what he or she is being told and to actually be able to consider what he or she has done wrong.
Also, I do not think that parents should ever use an object, like a branch or a belt, to hit their children. If you're going to spank your child, have the guts to do it with your own hand, I say. Furthermore, there needs to be a clear line drawn between spanking and slapping. I would never, for example, hit my child across the face, no matter how old he or she was. The reason children are spanked on the bottom is that there is less of a chance of injuring them that way.
Finally, I think that parents need to take a step back and realize when they're about to hit their child in frustration or anger and not as an actual punishment. Spanking a child for misbehaving is very different from smacking him or her around because the parent is in a bad mood--THAT is abuse.
@leighz (456)
9 Apr 12
When I was kid, my mom preferred spanking as her only form of descipline. Looking back I hated her for doing so, for even the simplest mistake I got spanked. Mind you, it's not light spanking, it's belts, brooms, wooden sticks, etc. Somehow, it affected my confidence, I no longer participated in school activities that much because I'm scared if teachers will not like me for some reason or will not be satisfied with my performance. I wouldn't recommend it to any parents nowadays. Well, for some exceptions probably, for worst case scenarios that you feel spanking is appropriate.
Responsible parenting involves the deeper understanding of a child's behavior and using the right means of disciplinary action deemed appropriate for the mistake that was committed by your child. Asking the reason why he did it, the result he was expectig for his action and explaining that what he did was wrong, should always be the thing to do. Openly communicating with your child, will improve your relationship with them and in return they will not do anything bad to upset you. Gaining their trust is very important.
@rpaler (30)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
Again, I would say spanking is an acceptable form of discipline. Is it the most effective? No... there are other more effective ways to discipline your child.
Pain is a great teacher for children. It's like the first time you get electric shocked or the first time you get burned from a flame, you immediately know not to touch the electric socket or not to touch anything that's hot.
However, spanking gets less effective as your kids get older. Once your child reaches a certain age or maturity level, you will only teaching your children that violence is the way to solve problems, or it's ok to hit people you love.
@rpaler (30)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
I was spanked a lot when I was a growing up. The thing is, i totally understand why my parents did it. And I do believe that spanking is acceptable. The trouble starts when parents spanking their kids out of anger. When the purpose of the spanking is to punish and not to discipline their child.
I have 2 children, a 14-yr. old boy and a 6-yr. old girl. Although I believe that spanking is acceptable on certain conditions, not once did I have to raise my hand against them.
@Marrey (20)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
for me yes i agree that spanking really help our child to be the bible says, "train your child in the way he should go so that when he is old he will not depart from it"..if a child commit wrong doings or mistake talked to him and make him promise that he will not do it again but then he do it again thats the time that spanking is really needed for him to knew that what he did is a mistake and realized that is not good for him and its harmful for him