Public school teacher forces children to work for the Obama campaign
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
March 22, 2012 9:24am CST
Yet another attempt by public school teachers to indoctrinate children. This time it's an 8th grade teacher forcing his students to research the weaknesses of republican candidates and send the information to the Obama campaign. It's the kind of thing you'd expect in Russia or North Korea, but it's happening right here.
Naturally the jerk involved is claiming that it wasn't a partisan assignment, but he certainly isn't instructing them to research Obama's weaknesses. He's also claiming that he didn't tell the students to send it to the Obama campaign, but just to find out where to send it. If you believe that I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
A district policy, which addresses employee political activities, states “employees shall not involve their schools in political campaigns, distribute political literature on school property or attempt to indoctrinate students with their personal political beliefs.”
Personally I think this teacher has clearly violated that policy and should be fired. It doesn't look like that's going to happen though.
I do have a question. Has anyone ever heard of conservative teachers doing anything like this? For some reason this type of indoctrination seems exclusive to the left.
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9 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Neal Boortz is mentioning this at this very moment so it's getting attention, thank goodness.
I never had to deal with this when my kids were in school but I would be as frustrated as the parents I just read about. I would use it as a teaching tool to show my kids exactly how the people of one group can influence another group through indoctrination of children. In fact, I did teach my boys these things slowly as the grew up, little by little. They are very much aware of how the media can be used to influence people. My youngest is going to be a father in 6 months and plans to send the child to private school, not a government brainwashing school.
I think the unions will protect this teacher and if it gets more publicity the teacher will be lauded for showing the students how political campaigns are waged. They may even spin it so the teacher supposedly was showing the students the tricks candidates use. In the end it will probably fade into obscurity amid cheers of praise for innovative, hands-on teaching. 

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
22 Mar 12
I just wonder if this was happening in the past, or if it's new due to the way many teachers seem to worship Obama. When I was in school I had teachers that were both republicans and democrats. I don't remember ANY of them ever pushing their political beliefs in the classroom.
I specifically remember when I was in 5th grade, and later 9th grade teachers discussion the presidential elections in '88 and '92 consistently. My teachers never endorsed or criticized the candidates. All of my teachers in 9th grade had agreed not to tell any students who they were voting for until the election was over so as not to cloud the lesson.
I'm sure you're right about the unions. They have Obama in their pockets and will fight tooth and claw to defend a teacher like this.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Mar 12
That's not right. Teachers should be nonpartisan. The students might come from Independent or Republican households.
Teachers are supposed to teach, not through their agendas on to their students. Teach them the four basics (English, History, Math, and Science), and then if the students any questions, then the teacher is free to answer them so long as they aren't questions that the teacher can't honestly answer.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Mar 12
This is a great lesson for students but it doesn't go far enough. The students should have looked at all the potential candidates (including President Obama and Secretary. Clinton). Then the students should have a open discussion on different policies and positions of each of the people with the teacher challenging them to make sure they have the facts to back up their statements. The teacher should always be taking to position of the opposition
I worked with a teacher who was a liberal union supporter. He did something similar but to hear him question the students who supported the liberals you would think he was Rush Limbaugh, then with the very next student he would use the previous students arguments against them. If you get into a political discussion with those students you better have your facts right. Because he had been teaching for years the students knew where he stood on issues but that side got no break and he was very good at it. He usually used a policy issue and not the person. You could not make a personal attack on anyone including classmates or he would be all over you.
This teacher in VA should be reprimanded for what he did and also because he was teaching the student that politics is about being able to smear the other person and not on the issues.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Sounds like a solid teacher to me. As I said to Dragon, I always had good teachers that didn't let their personal politics affect how they did their job in letting us form and defend our own opinions. I had a few college professors who brought their politics into the classroom with them, but none of them would have EVER had the audacity to make students do their bidding.
I remember during the Lewinsky scandal I had a law professor, who was a HUGE Clinton supporter, had us make legal arguments for or against the perjury charges. As with the teacher you mentioned, he challenged our opinions forcing us to use genuine, legal arguments on the issue. He opposed the perjury charges, but didn't denigrate those of us who disagreed with him or assign us to blast republicans.
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@olydove (1209)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I agree with you, dragon, and bob. The teacher needs to be reprimanded and should have made the assignment more appropriate by making it a non partisan thing.
All in all though I feel we as parents have to inform our children well, and teach them to make their own educated decisions in situations such as this, so that they will not be brainwashed by idiots.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Parents do need to be aware of what is being put into their children's mind. It is no longer about learning to read, write, and do arithmetic. It is not about teaching them to think. Even good teachers who started out with good intentions must follow the agenda, because it's woven into the curriculum. The unions, the colleges that turn out the teachers, control the teachers. And the liberal tax exempt foundation think tanks fund what is in the textbooks.
Some good teachers try and actually teach a student how to think for themselves. But they are the minority.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
26 Mar 12
The teacher seems to be in violation of being a good teacher. If they wanted to do this sort of assignment it should of been research the weaknesses of each of the candidates on the Republican side as well as the person they are going to have to run against which would be Obama.
This way if any partent got all angry with them they could say that they assigned the assignment to get the students to learn how to be responsible voters and do research on the different Candidates.

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
27 Mar 12
Man that was the opposite for me when I went to collage I was a Progressive and a Democrat but by the time. I was done with my first few classes I was a Libertarian.
I do know that many do get a brainwashing of sorts where the teachers try to say that their world view is the only correct one and the students not knowing better or being lazy students don't question what the Teacher is saying which I believe may be the latter as opposed to the former. People need to do some of their own research espeically if the subject is Political Science.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Mar 12
The teacher is a product of being indoctrinated her/himself. So many come out of colleges steeped in the progressive mind set. It's more than being a 'bad' teacher, it's being convinced that ONLY the progressive agenda is right for America.
That teacher spent 12 years in school and then probably another 2-4 in college being told that ONLY the progressive/liberal view was the correct view. What can we expect from two generations of subtle and not so subtle programming?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Anyone ever read, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It was written in 1971 by Gary Allen, largely ignored when published, but I've recently discovered it. I have a link to it posted in another discussion if you care to read it. Full text. Along with a video's of a Charlotte Iserbyt that I've discovered, she wrote the Dumbing Down of America. I also posted a link to an interview with Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffin that I've listened to over and over. This interview documents the tax exempt foundation's take over of public schools. And how they use their influence to push a progressive agenda by rewriting texbooks to fit that liberal agenda. I am convinced that our educational system has been taken over by those intent on our destruction as a nation.
Call me a nutcase, I don't care.
I homeschooled my children.
Homeschooling and private schooling produce. The department of education/indocrination has even agreed that they do. They just feel that those 'poor' children need the public schools because they cannot 'afford' the private schools, but then they deny a voucher system to those very 'poor' children. It's not about education at all. Its about control and power over the mind of the next generation. And it's been going on for at least two generations in little increments so as not to be noticed. What is alarming is they're comfortable 'coming out' and admitting it. That can only mean they feel it is to late to stop them.
We are fast loosing even control over even our own children. If we haven't already.
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@jgmarble5050 (45)
• United States
23 Mar 12
If a conservative teacher pulled a stunt like this the main stream media would be all over it and the teacher would more than likely be fired. The standards in the USA are so one-sided it is amazing. Thanks for posting this as I had not heard or read it yet.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Absolutely I think it goes too far and is very biased. But I do like the idea of students doing research on candidates and taking an active roll. The media spoon feeds us our candidates and if things are going to ever get better the future generations need to be taught to do their own research.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
1 Apr 12
Personally, I believe the guy should be at least reprimanded, suspended, or fired. The guy violated the policy of the school system knowing that it was wrong. As you have seen from my post this has happened here in the state of Ohio, and it isn't a teacher, but a booklet approved by the State of Ohio, sent out to tens of thousands of 8 grade students. It doesn't matter what party is doing it, it should be STOPPED. We have a hard enough time getting people to vote now, if we continue to push BS like this down kids throats than we won't have to worry about voter laws: No one will vote!!!
@shebacs (178)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
Clearly the teacher's bias. He could have made the students research on all candidates. And then let the students learn all the sides and then educate them on the topics and system they will research from that.
This is much worse than the media shoving Obama or any other politician down everyone's throat. Its a teacher whose with your kids for like an hour every day influencing them on how to spin a story.