@crazzydolphin (3632)
United States
March 22, 2012 10:39am CST
Facebook use to be a great site that you could keep in touch with your old friends and keep in touch with family members who do not live near you. almost every day i get on facebook now there is some kind of fight going on over nothing really. sometimes these fights over facebook have resulted in shootings or other things out side of the computer. WHY??
1st off why publisize it to everyone on the internet? things like this should be kept private. it is no one elses business what is going on between to two of you!!
2nd why actually take what is said on facebook out of facebook? there is no reason to take a fight from online to the real world where you can physically get hurt.
i have heard a lot of kids who commit suicide just from what someone said (typed) to them over the internet.
do people not think of the outcomes??
what are your thoughts about all the drama that goes on from day to day over facebook?
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9 responses
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 12
That's why I think kids nowadays should be taught with an extra lesson: "computer/technology and ethics". Because it seems lots of people haven't already realized it and use social network too freely.
They need to be reminded that it's bad idea to post everything in their life, and they need to be reminded that they should use the technologies wisely.. 

@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
26 Mar 12
i agree kids now a days do use the internet/facebook way to freely. and i think that they do need to be taught just how to use it correctly/wisely or not be able to use it at all.
no one needs to know everything that is going on in their life and that is how some people find some people is by reading what they post on facebook. i just think that things need to monitored a lot more than they are now with some people.
@joystick (1675)
24 Mar 12
I think that for some people they get on face book and use it as a war site.I do go on face book, but not as often as I use to, as there are always people being nasty on there, or some drama that is going on and people all join in on that drama.I use it when I have to.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
26 Mar 12
i agree its like someone else said if 2 people start fighting someone else joins in and then someone else then someone else and so on and so on then it does nothing but gets worse than it needs to be. i use to love facebook but it does seem that every day there is atleset 1 person with some kind of drama. may be that is what they use it for..."a war site"...that would eplain the drama lol because that is what it looks like at times. i dont use it like i use to but i do still use it that way i stay updated with a few people and can talk to others but i also play a few games lol....it is about time that a new site comes out neways first it was myspae and when that got old it went to facebook then twitter (which not as many people use) so i am hoping for a new and improved site...may be it will be better than facebook..one can only hope lol
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Personally I myself cannot believe some of the things that people have actually posted on Facebook. And now to think they have said many prospective employees in an Interview will even ask you if you are on Facebook, and then go check out your profile, etc. to see if you are a Good fit. Personally I am leary about what I post on there now unless it is something about my Business things I do, or when I have played a game.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
22 Mar 12
yes it is amazing some of the things i have read on my facebook while scrolling down the page.
i had heard someone say that employees are using facebook to decide wheather to hire someone or not. i am kind of in the middle on that. i mean i can understand why because you can find out a lot about people by their facebook page but some people use it as "a way to get away" what i mean by that is i guess people use facebook as a way to get away from their life and just vent when they have no one else but i am not saying i agree with that method at all but i know some people use it for that.
i rarely update my status and if i do it is not directed at ne 1 and even if it is no one knows who it is or what it is about. i am also very careful about what i say there you never know who is reading it. i mainly use it for another site and to play games :) and to keep in touch with family and friends :)
@butterscotsh (1012)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
I think they all just want attention. If not, they should just fight
though personal messaging and not broadcast it though their wall posts.
I just think that they just want attention or sympathy from other people.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
24 Mar 12
that is a very good point. everyone that does post it is posting it knowing that anyone could read it. so i agree with you the only reason they would post it would be for the attention.
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
Facebook also can be use to annoy people. LOL. because sometimes that's what i do. LOL. I just post some funny status not really status about my life or that is currently happening. LOL. A lot of people in FB are so drama king and queen! I don't know what there problems are but i think they need some serious help! LOL.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Mar 12
i have also done that myslef lol i really like the little funny pictures with the sayings :) and to me all this is ok. the things that bother me the most is when there is a back and forth fight over something that needs to be discussed privately and really there is just no point in it lol. yes many people are nothing but drama kings and queens and maybe they get a thrill out of it idk lol but to me i do not like looking at fights everyday. i have deleted many people just because of that lol. i agree some people need some MAJOR help hahaha
@inklady (28)
• United States
23 Mar 12
One of the problems with many of the people who use Facebook is that they use it as a replacement for their regular email address account. That said, this is why many of us have to deal with EVERYTHING being posted. (Try to convince people you know use the MESSAGE only feature on Facebook, or to go back to their regular email accounts to bicker).
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Mar 12
i guess i never really looked at it like this but after thinking about it i think you are right. many people have stopped using their email and just use facebook. it just gets annoying to have to deal with the bickering but i do like your idea and i think i may send them a MESSAGE not a comment lol to let them know it would be nice if they would do the message only feature or like you said go back to their emails where everyone doesnt have to hear (read) about thei fights and all :)
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
I think we should all be responsible in posting, updating and commenting online.Because there are some folks who make them a big deal without us knowing that it can cause them their life.Most facebook users log in to facebook just to view comments, and the status updates of their friends.And if they saw some comments which is not pleasing to their eye they will comment back and then the thread goes on and on .My suggestion is that if you were to discuss a private matter like that of your family, close friends don't post online specially on facebook.facebook is a big network and without proper privacy settings placed on your profile the whole world will know what is happening to you , where you have been,and who you are with so just be responsible enough and try to limit your audience on your pages and websites as much as possible not just on facebook but on your online accounts as well. :)
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
22 Mar 12
i agree with you. many people do not think before they type and post. i have seen many things that offend me or i do not agree with but i just try and blow it off and i might "ASK" them about it later if i talk to them but i try to stay ou of the drama. if i were to post something then it would do nothing but get worse. I have my facebook set as private to everyone but my friends. it is no ones business that doesnt know me what i am doing or who i am with or where i live. all websites are like this and i wish that everyone would do them same but some do not know how they just get on and go for it...
@htownshawty (265)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Yes i can truly say the samething. I found alot of family and old classmates on facebook. I couln't wait to get on and catch up with how they been doing but now i get on it's alot of drama mainly with my family because they putting all they business on facebook letting everyone know they problems.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
22 Mar 12
i have seen so many people that literally put everything they are doing on facebook. they will tell everything that is going on in their life and some things people just do not need to know. things between families should really be kept private it is no ones business waht is going on in your home life and if you wanted them to know you would have told them not the whole world!!
@theleofox (9)
• India
22 Mar 12
yeah, u r absolutely right. nowadays, not only we r hearing these kind of incidents but also this Facebook itself has lost its beauty in recent times. we see all fake ids opened just to tease somrbody or to post some kind of filthy materials in public domains. dont know wat our coming generations are upto with such bitter facts today!!
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
22 Mar 12
when facebook 1st came out i thought it was the best thing ever but as time has progressed i have changed my mind. i rarely post a status anymore and if i do it is a general status and if someone is to ask me what is up if i feel it doesnt need to publicized or there would be a fight over what i said i will send a private message or i will text them. there is NO point is telling my life story across the internet. yes sometimes you may think you are talking to your best friend and it ends up being someone you dont even know with a "fake" account. it is very easy to do that to...this generation seems to be only getting worse just think when our kids have kids what this world will bring. its a scary thought..