He thinks his wife won't mind if he cheats!
By blue65packer
@blue65packer (11826)
United States
March 22, 2012 2:20pm CST
That is what one of co-workers believes! He has a good marriage and I am sure she finds out she will divorce him! Jesse,is on his third marriage and to me cheating is so wrong! He thinks it is ok becasue he grew up down south and all the black men did it! So lame! It shows the person doing it is selfish,arrogant,has no respect and has no love for the other! To make things worse Jesse works at a college,the same one I do. He has a thing for international woman especially from Japan,Korea,China and Taiwan. So he is doing it with some of those students! This is so wrong and he will get burned sooner or later!
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22 responses
@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Mar 12
I can see why Jesse is on his THIRD marriage. First off if his wife respects herself she will not put up with him cheating. Secondly just because he grew up in an area where it was done doesn't mean he shold do this. It sure does show that the person doing this is selfish, arrogant and have no respect for himself or his wife. I hope that if it happens it happens soon so she doesn't have to get used to him and be hurt worse. If he has a thing for international women he should have married one. I hope he gets caught real soon. Infact if it were me I might set him up so he is caught. But that's just me. hehe

@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Mar 12
Ya, set up wouldn't be too nice would it? But he deserves it! He needs to regroup. What a jerk!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I would not set Jesse up I can tell Human Services at the school. A college employee is not allowed to "date" a student! Jesse will not just lose his wife but his job,too! Jesse is a selfess jerk and he will get what he deserves soon!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Mar 12
he must look at marriage the way I do. The man will do whatever he wants. What he doesn't realize is that what he can do , his wife can too! He can go and play but so can she. And if he doesn't treat her right, she May just do it. Want to upset Jesse a bit just ask him how he would feel if he found out his wife had a lover!

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Mar 12
And I will always see marriage as baby based , not love Once a couple has an heir and a spare , both can have their favorites. If a couple has love and don't want children , then Why marry?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I look at this differently then you do. If a man wants to do what he wants,well he is a jerk and is an uncaring b*stard. So many men do this and it is so worng! I am sure if Jesse knew his wife was doing what he is doing he would be pissed! Really pissed! it is not either and it does happen. Cheating is wrong no matter how I look at it and always will!
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@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
23 Mar 12
well, that is an unfortunate attitude.
I can't help but wonder if he has any respect for his partner at all, and if maybe this is the reason he is on his third marriage.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I really don't think Jessie has any respect for his wife! If he did he wouldn't be doing this! I also believe he wouldn't be on his third marriage either,if he respected woman! he really is a jerk!
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Yeah it is really sad that people act this way. That is probably a big reason that he is on his third marriage. He will surely be getting another one after his wife finds out. It is awful that he doesn't have any respect for the person that he is with.

@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Wow......that is certainly a bad attitude for him to have and you are so right...one day he will get burned...and after a while other women will question why he has been married so many times...and he just might end up being the one who will be alone!
@success1625 (532)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Mar 12
He better pray and hope he doesn't get burned with an STD like gonorhoea, and the way he's going that vey likely to happen. He's nothing but a mere punk. It escapes me why men like that choose to get married. If you want to play yourself, do it as a single man without the risk of potentially hurting your spouse as a married man.
But yes one day he may very well find himself alone.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I expect Jessie to be burned and he will get BURNED! Have an affair with a student is not allowed and when they find out he'll be fired! Not just his job! I also know his wife will take their kids and the house! She'll divorce him faster then you can say JAckie Robinson! She is a woman who will not tolerate cheating! Jessie thinks the oppossite and he is going to get screwed!
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I feel bad for his wife.It is sad that so many people feel and do things this way. It will eventually catch up with him and he will see all the pain that he has caused and their consequences. I just hope that his wife will find out sooner rather than later.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I hope his wife finds out sooner then later! He will cause alot of pain when this all blows up in his face! It will! I know it will!
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Yeah I too am sure that it will blow up in his face as well. I just hope that his wife will be able to get through this time ok. Situations like this are overwhelming stressful on the innocent partner. And if she has children she will have to work hard to take care of herself and them. So sad that a person just can't be faithful and stick with the person that they are with.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Mar 12
Oh yeah when his girl friends out most likely she will dump him and leave. Its crazy to assume your partner would be okay with your friend sleeping around with other women behind her back. Its okay thing to be like I know because we have talked about it on more then one time about me maybe being with other women and she was okay and cool with that and supports that. There are married couples like that were the guy or the women takes on a girlfriend or boyfriend if that is what both wants. But never do behind there back because you feel its okay that is selfish and it is cheating. I would dump the guy in a heartbeat if I found out that was what he was doing to me. Married or not its not cool.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Cheating is not cool! I know when his wife finds out she will not be happy! She will be very pissed! I know she will divorce him for sure! If the college we work at finds out he will lose his job. Jessie could end losing not just his wife and job. He'll lose his two young kids and alot of friends! I used to like Jessie but now I have no respect for him,at all!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Mar 12
He won't lose his kids it's against the law for a parent to keep another parent away from there child. At all times parts have to share rights to there kids unless your rights are taken away or signed away. Other wise it's know as kidnapping.
@jterrock (276)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Cheating is never right! He is def in the wrong here. It is a sin to cheat! He will be judged when he meets God, that is for sure. And saying that he grew up down south and all men did it? That gives the south a bad name and I know not everyone down south is a cheater! There is something wrong this guy! BTW...Go Packers!!! I am a fellow Packer's fan!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Yes cheating is a sin and God will get him in the end. Until then he will paying it here on earth! When his wife finds out she will divorce him! Take their two kids,too! Jessie will lose a wife,his kids,end up paying child support and maybe alominy. On top of this he will lose his job! This is not allowed at all! Jessie is walking on thinner and thiner ice as the days go by!
Nice to meet another Packer fan! Go Packers!!
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 12
I think he is day dreaming if he think his wife don't mind if he cheat. Well as a woman I know I want my man just for me and will never want to share with others woman, what ever the reason.
One of cousin knew his husband cheating and after his admit what he done and feel really sorry, he try to forgive him for her son sake. She told me the hardest part is not forgiving but to forget about it. The relationship will change because cheating made a woman not trust their man again, like before cheating happen.
The hardest part also when her friend tell her if she its stupid to forgive his B@stard husband. Judgement being stupid is hard especially if they says that's in name of sympathy but she feel really bad.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
30 Apr 12
That is the biggest thing why couple's can't make their relationship work after one has cheated and it trust! I could nver forgive or take back a boyfriend or husband if I found out he cheated on me! It unforgivible!
I have a friend who is married. I know if her husband would cheat on her,she would hunt him down and probaly shot him! Maybe not but she would not take him back if would do it! That is for sure I also know friends who's marriage would be over the second one is found cheating! Like the one I mentioned in the discussion! I know Jesse's wife will not tolerate it! I think she would do somthing things first before filing for divorce. I know she would throw out his stuff on the lawn,change the locks on the doors and have divorce papers served to him at work so must of collages would see this! She would embarress the crap out of him and then fight not to let him have joint custody of the kids! it will happen becasue the pompous @ss is cheating on her and it won't be long before she finds out and the crap hits the fan! Jesse is an idiot!
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
23 Mar 12
The only time cheating is acceptable is if it's an "open marriage." And then it's not cheating because both the husband and the wife agreeded that they could sleep with other people. It's not an easy relationship but I actually know of a few people who it has worked for. They are still married and happy.
But for the most of us, we prefer a traditional, faithful marriage. I would be very upset if my husband cheated on me! Your coworker is crazy if he thinks it's ok just because someone else did it!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Jesse's marriage is not an "open marriage'. I know that! his wife will take him to the cleaners when she finds out! She will not tolerate this at all and neither will the school! Having an a fair with a student is not allowed! Jesse will be fired! He is getting himself in hot water! Big time!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
22 Mar 12
Amazing! This explains why he's on his third marriage! He shouldn't be saying it comes from being in the south! This condition lives almost everywhere on earth. My question is what is his third wife thinking? What was she thinking when she married him? Amazing.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I have no idea what his third wife was thinking but when she finds out,and she will, she'll get her pay back! He'll have to pay child support for their two kids for starters! I think she'll ask for alominy,too! She'll take him to the cleaners!
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
25 Mar 12
omg yes cheating is so wrong and if i ever find someone cheating on me, i will never look back on hhis sorry as* again. your friend looks like he takes his wife for granted which is very wrong and on top of that cheating is worst. I hope he realises it soon before he loses the one!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Apr 12
Time will tell and Jesse's time is running short! He has asmitted to other at work he is cheating on his wife with more then one woman,who go to the college we work at! Jesse has turned into a pompous @ss! I used to like the guy but now forget it it! I hope his wife gets what she deserves for the way he is treating her! Nody should be treated like Jesse is treating her!
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
my gosh! being married for three times is really NO GOOD! And i so pity his wife, why he choose that kind that guy who is a cheater. And you're right he has no respect and love for his wife, i just hope he will have his karma soon, I hate this guy! He will surely get sexually transmitted disease soon, and poor wife of him, I hope you could give his a wife a hint of what his doing by just making your identity private..
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Apr 12
Jesse is an idiot and latley has gottan so arrogant he has bragged to others at work he has been cheating on his wife and he still thinks she won't mind when she finds out! Well I know his wife will divorce him when she finds out and try to get full costudy of theri two kids! Not sure why his first two marriaqges failed but I have a feeling it was becasue he cheated on them! Jesse is an idiot and he will pay for it!
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
23 Mar 12
If he wants to do that kind of thing, he ought to do the right thing and divorce his wife if he wants to live the single wife. He should have never gotten married in the first place. No, all black men in the south DON’T cheat. That’s just an ignorant statement trying to justify his stupid behavior. I feel sorry for his wife. He could get a disease and pass it on to her. He literally has a problem keeping his pants zipped up.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Apr 12
I found the jerk is cheating on his wife with some of the international students at the college I work at! Not sure if of the number but he has bragged it is with more then one woman! Jesse has let his head swell up so much he thinks is doing no wrong! I know when his wife finds out she will divorce him and try to gasin full costudy of their 2 kids! Jesse is in idiot and it will catch up with him!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Ye sit a criminal offense if the student is under 18. These students aren't. Jessie will lose his job though! having affairs with students were we work is not allowed!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 May 12
Hi Blue,
Yes, he will get caught eventually. My exe's sister married a man from the south and he did the same exact thing to her. She actually did put up with it for years and repeatedly forgave him. I think she did it for the kids. Once the kids both hit 18, she divorced him and is finally happy in her life. He was a nice enough guy but just could not be faithful. She was not from the South and honestly, I did not know that cheating was acceptable there or anywhere. She sure wasn't accepting of it.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
That's one reason why I don't favor divorce. Some men could just do what they wanted to, anyway if their wives would complain or would misunderstood them they would just file a divorce. One thing more men should be God fearing as if they fear God they would not be doing like these to their wives.
@katie4720011 (218)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Wow. The guys sounds like a real jerk. Hopefully he will not pick up some sexually transsmitted disease and pass it on to his wife. Maybe you should inform his wife of this in order to keep her from catching something horrible that she cannot get rid of. I think I would.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
Jessie is a jerk and I thought he was a nice guy! Well he isn't and I have no respect for him! I hope he uses protection! Cheating is wrong no way you look at it! If not STD's he could get one of these woman pregnant! I know his wife will not tolerate him cheating and I think she will kick his butt to China if he would get STD's or makes a baby! Jessie is setting himself up to be burned! Big time!
@cheszka (167)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
Yes, it's so sad that some men think that it's ok to cheat on their wives. They really don't have respect for their partners. Because of divorce, some people think it's so easy to change partners everytime they want to. It really is so sad because the children are often the ones who suffer.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
There are kids in the picture and they will suffer. They are eight and 11 years old. Jessie will end up having,maybe having joint custody, and paying child support. He is such a fool and he is on his way to being burned!
@mariab2000 (740)
• Canada
22 Mar 12
No one can tolerate cheating. It is very wrong. Just because others do it is so wrong and unacceptable. Others doing it is not an excuse for him to do it also and it does not make it right. There is no excuse that makes cheating right ever. I could never tolerate my partner cheating on me and if I ever find him cheating then I'll leave him right away and would not listen to any of his explanation or reasoning for it...
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
That is what his going to happen to Jessie when his wife finds out! She will leave him with the kids or change the locks of the house so he can't get back in! Jessie is on the road to being burned and he really thinks nothing will happen when the wife finds out! Boy is he wrong! I can't wait to see when it happens!
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
If I am the wife I would surely mind. No person in his/her right mind would be okey if someone cheated on them even if it is not in a relationship. I will divorce him too. What is the use of making vows when you are not keeping them. I assume that he is a teacher at the college, and being with students makes it worse. I think it is punishable by law to other countries. You are not only committing adultery there. He is exercising and abusing his power over these students. And yes, people who play with fire will surely get burn one day.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
26 Mar 12
He is not a teacher! he is one of the cooks in the college kitchen! He knows alot of these students by talking to them when they come through the food line! Jessie is also a sweet talker! He also has become a host fsamily for a few of them! These students he has befriended are over to his house alot! His wife of his lets this happen and she is around when alot of this. They have BBQ's and things like that. I am sure he is cheating on her when he is off from work and she is at work! They work different shifts. Anyway it is cheating and it is wrong!When she finds out,Jessie can say good bye to his her,his two young kids,his house and his job! The college will fire him! This is not allowed! Jessie is just geting him himself in to deep and he it will take alot to get himself out of it!