Are holidays really meant for relaxation is you happy to get a holiday?

@SHAMRACK (8576)
March 23, 2012 2:12am CST
I could people who like to work in holidays too, may be they like or find relaxation or enjoyments from the work they do. But majority of people I had seen like holidays, they want to rest and enjoy it. I feel the boss or owners who make profits may not like holidays, may be especially those business people. But most workers want holidays may be they get some time to spend with their family. Holidays are special for most.
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8 responses
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
I really spend holidays with my family especially to my son even if it is only one day. Our work is from monday to saturday so for a regular schedule, I can only spend sunday for my family so I really spare sunday at home. What I like holidays is the long weekends (this means that either saturday or monday is holiday) so I can spent more time with my family at home or going out.
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
23 Mar 12
Being with family at times is very necessary for better society...
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
23 Mar 12
yes holidays are meant for both relaxation and finish pending work so we do enjoy holiday more since on one hand we get time to relax and on other hand we complete our pending tasks so this way we have lot to gain from holiday ........ Happy Holidays !!!! Hare Krishna Ganesh
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
23 Mar 12
Pending works and relaxing would with mental satisfaction..
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
31 Mar 12
yes holiday give us opportunity to finish our pending tasks ,enjoy a bit and gain mental satisfaction out of them ...... So we must enjoy and take full benefit out of our holidays Thanks for BR ...... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
24 Mar 12
Hello Sham, Holidays are meant for relaxation. In my case, most probably I am busy on holidays with other works at home. Still I feel good when I get a holiday as there is no rush in morning time for school and office. There is no meaning of making money by working all the time when there is no enjoyment and relaxation. Moreover, the work without rest may make you sick. What is the need of wealth when your health is bad? So we have to work for earning our day to day need and rest is also important.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
26 Mar 12
Always work for wealth finally not able to enjoy that wealth would be.....:(
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@GemmaR (8517)
21 Apr 12
I think that everyone needs some time to relax during their lives, but the sad truth is that not everyone can afford not to work over the holidays. I will not work on Christmas Day, but I can't take a lot of time off because I am self employed and therefore don't get holiday pay or anything like that. People who are doctors and nurses don't get the time off either, so we should all take the time to think of them over the holiday period and remember that they can't just drop their job and take time off whenever they want to do so.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I like holidays for relaxation. I actually have one coming up here in a couple of weeks that will give me a three day weekend. I am excited about the time off.
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• Bulgaria
18 May 12
Yeah sometimes we can to stop work our holidays is most important. We can to know how to relax, how to make meditation and how to be happy (sorry for bad english) soon with my crew make one blog specially for meditate, realx and good health - there we write about all methods about full rest and relaxing. If you have interest can read article
• Canada
28 Mar 12
I think that holidays are about the FREEDOM for one to do what one wants to do. If one still feels like working, let them work. However, working on a holiday should not be mandatory. Not working on a holiday should not be mandatory either, people people should do as they please. Personally, I like to use my holidays to relax. On April 5 my family will be celebrating the Easter holiday, and my husband and I, along with my mother and step-dad will be taking an 8 hour train ride from Guelph Ontario Canada, to Montreal Quebec Canada. We're going to stay with family. Very realxing, no work in sight!
• Marikina, Philippines
11 Apr 12
It is not only that. It also helps us to be productive in work. We need relaxation every holidays.