For and against smoking in public places?

March 23, 2012 1:12pm CST
We know that smoking damages health seriously. So who has dicided to smoke couse some problems to themselves. However doctors says that cigarette smoke damages more non smokers. In many countries, smoking in public places is prohibidet. Do you whink this is right?
9 responses
• United States
23 Mar 12
I understand both sides but I am a smoker and I have quit on my own before but I am smoking again and to me I like to go to places that allow it and I know a lot of places that have lost half their business because of the no smoking there anymore but I do like the fact that some places you can not smoke inside but they do have a patio outside where you can go. So I do understand it but I don't like it.
• Indonesia
24 Mar 12
by the way tell me, when did your start for smoking? maybe i can help you for stop from smoking?
• United States
25 Mar 12
I have been smoking since I was a teenager.
@erielle (1280)
• United States
25 Mar 12
I am a smoker. I do personally get the craving while I am out and about. Whether not smoking is prohibited should be entirely up to the owners of the facility. If those under 18(or whatever the legal age is in your home area) are allowed then smoking should not be allowed. It should also not be allowed if it is a health care facility. There should be signs that designate whether or not smoking is allowed in the building and it must be properly ventilated.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Ban it. Simply having a smoking section doesn't help anyone because it still travels over to the non smokers side. If it works for some other countries then why not give it a try in ours or anywhere else? Maybe some customers will stop coming to those places, but then maybe they will be replaced by new ones because the air will be cleaner and easier to breathe.
@Archaiwy (599)
• China
24 Mar 12
I am strongly against smoking in public places.Smoking is not only harmful to smokers but also non-smokers besides them. And what's worse, according to a recent study, smoking is more harmful to secondary smokers.So those who smoke should think of others when they want to smoke.Since smoking is harmful to everyone , I think the smokers should stop smoking for the sake of everyone's health including his own.
• United States
24 Mar 12
me personally i smoke.... it is banned here in all public places and i am not for either because i agree with both. it does damage the health of others and if i choose to damage my health it is my choice not the people around me. BUT to bann it from ALL public places that is a little extreme. there use to be resturants that had a whole seperate room just for smoking so that it didnt desturb the other customers. so the answer to your question is yes i think it is right to bann smoking in public places but in you car in a parking lot should be aloud or in another room that is JUST for smokers. not by doors but parking lots should be ok and the list goes on.....
24 Mar 12
yes it is really true that second hand smokers are at risk because they inhale the smoke that the smokers exhale. and it would trap to their lungs then. Here in our city has a law, smokers cannot smoke in public and until now it is really implemented and people here follow that law..
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
I am not a smoker wo you will expect me to say that I am really against on smoking in public places. You are right that smoking will cause more damage on non-smokers because of the substances that are being released is more toxic. As a non-smoker, you can immediately determine if someone smokes nearby. I myself feel being suffocated whenever there are smoking nearby especially in public places like market, bus and bus stations, etc. I just cover my nose and mouth with a handkerchief or anything that can be used. Yes, I think prohibiting to smoke in public places is right.
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I tried to respond to this and my internet went down so let me try again! I smoke. But I try to be considerate about it. I avoid smoking near children, parks, schools, fair grounds, ect. I also don't smoke near doorways to buildings or stores. It'll illegal here to smoke in bars, restaurants and so on so that's not a problem. I don't like smoking indoors anyway. The smell bothers even me! I may get irritated about not being able to smoke somewhere but I believe that it's understandable to have those laws.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
23 Mar 12
I don't see the reason why a smoker should rule the world and can be free to poison and damage other people their health. Not to forget to mention the terrible smell which makes others/non smokers smell terrible too (hair, clothes, etc). If you want to harm your own health it's fine but do it somewhere where you don't harm others. I think it's a good thing it's forbidden by now not to smoke at public places. Before it was allowed at schools, in restaurants, in the train and even in waiting rooms in the hospital! How disgusting it is to eat in a fine restaurant wiht smokers next or behind you probably nobody asked himself. Smoke spoils good food, the taste, the smell as well. Smoking damages everyone, I think if you damage your health on purpose you should not ask for medical help if it's comes that far.