A bully found guilty in court.

@savypat (20216)
United States
March 23, 2012 1:40pm CST
Now I hate bullies, they made my whole childhood terrible. But that said I am not sure that this action needs to be in our court system. Here is my thinking on this matter: A man who was a homosexual jumped off a bridge to his death. The case in the court said that the bully drove him to this action. But wait a min. the man who jumped has the choice, he choose to jump. How can we tell that the bully is responsible for this? I don't think that our courts should be able to judge a person's mindset enough to punish another person. If there had been drugs involved, or physical contact of any kind that caused his death, Ok. But just because this Bully said something to him at this particular time in his life is it up to the courts to punish him? What about all the bullies that came before? How about the public's influence on homosexuals? How can we possibly know all the actions of others that made this man decied to jump? For all we know he heard something on the morning talk show on his way to work, that was the final straw causing him to break. Certianly with all the improvement in communication we have to live with these days there does need to be some control, but can't the public police this without the help of our over worked courts and prisons?
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12 responses
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I had been bullied too as a child but not as bad as some of you. I was shy and quiet, considered to be an "ugly duckling" and didn't wear the prettiest of clothes all the time. Then at home though the bullying got worse by own family members, my own parents have said crazy things to me. My dad would say cold heartedly that I'm hiding when I wouldn't have anyone to go out with, cause my so called school friends didn't want to hang with me anymore for whatever reason, which was probably just being shy actually. My parents never did anything to help me with the problems I had growing up, my own mother once said after I tried to come to her with a problem,"What kind of problems could YOU have?" and that made me feel like I could never ever go to her with any problems. So I didn't. If I were a mother I would want my child to come to me with a problem, wouldn't you??? She was a horrible mother and my dad was a horrible father at times. The only good things I could say about my dad is he was a good worker. Otherwise he rarely even talked to us really much. I never even told my mother I was almost kidnapped/taken on the street a few times when walking to school as a teenager, as I didn't think she'd do anything. All from one remark she made to me as a child. People are just no darn good.
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
23 Mar 12
So I forgot to finish the rest of my response, LOL. Anyways my response to your questions are that I would love to see the fact that bullying gets some put in jail as it does so much damage to their victims, more than they even know or care about. I think they need some sort of help if nothing else.
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@garson (884)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I think you were referring to Dharun Ravi, ex Rutgers student, who was found guilty of hate crime. I am not certain if this guy really hates homosexuals or were curious about his ex roommate's homoesexuality. The word 'bully' or bullying here may not completely explain this guy. Invasion of privacy or not minding his own business or immaturity is more appropriate or immaturity, in my opinion. Usually, this kind of behavior does not merit court attention. Somehow, this guys' social networking behavior got him in so much trouble. This guy is 20, and his lawyers argued that he did not have experience living with homosexuals (based on an article I read). Just like any case, there is nothing certain about this one either. Somehow, this case jumps into conclusion about hate crime.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I think in many cases the judges are correct to say that the bully was responsible for thing like that. Have you ever been bullied like that. Some people can endure it some cant. They either kill themselves or kill the bully because they were pushed too far. Myself i was teased all through my elemertry school years. For my teens years and my 20's i always daydreamed about getting even with those that bullied me. I never followed through. Finally after mylate 20's i figured they were not worth my time spend on them.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
He is a good judge. All bullies should be considered criminals although not exactly murderer but they still took our life or big of our life away from us though we have a choice but that doesn't mean they should not be blamed at all.
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@vertu007 (683)
• Romania
25 Mar 12
I think that each person is responsible for their actions. It's not that bully's fault. I'm not a bully and I'm not a fan of bullies but it's not his fault. The guy who jumped is responsible for taking his own life. Maybe he will carry that for the rest of his life, but he shouldn't be judged in a court for it.
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@atwilson (540)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 12
i hate bullies too. it is terriblying. i hope police can handle it well.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Mar 12
This is some interesting thoughts, and truthfully not sure what is the Best thing here for sure. Because in reality when someone is bullied all their life, how can they be blamed when later on in life someone decides to take their own life. If this is the case, what about all the Child abusers who never get caught, and then later in life the person chooses to take their own life? Personally I think their are better things they could have taken someone to court for.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I think that the bully should be charged with something. Bullies do not stop being bullies. They begin as bullies and continue along the same path all of their lives. The older they get the harsher they become. I feel they should be taught a lesson. As far as communication goes sometimes the only type of communication a bully listens to is a hard lesson learned....in this case time in jail.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I have a different sort of view. I think that homosexuals themselves inherently know something is off. How one can look at the human body of a male and female, and think that obviously it was supposed to be male and male? So these people know that they are not right. I would suggest that most are hurting people, who don't know how to correct the emotions and thinking they have. Thus when a 'bully' says something that points out the wound they already have, it hurts. I hate bullies. I still sometimes wrestle with the pain being bullied caused me years and years ago. However, I agree with you. Are we going to be able to sue, or prosecute every single person in the country that says something insulting? Really? Putting up with people who insult you and bug you, is something that needs taught, and specifically parents need to teach this. I don't care what rules you put in place, the fact is you are going to have to deal with scummy people in life. You can't start holding people accountable for every single word they say, or we would have to put everyone and ourselves behind bars.
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• United States
23 Mar 12
This is kind of a hard thing to decide. How about the grown mother who bullied this 13 (I think that is how old she was) year old girl a few years ago by pretending to be a boy on Myspace that supposedly liked her. I guess the girl had a choice not to hang herself, but who knew what her mental state was. She said she should go kill herself. It was some mean girl’s mother who pretended to be a boy. It was all over the news a few years back. She got off scott free on that, because there was no precedent. Maybe things are changing. There should be zero tolerance for bullying. Who knows what that person’s emotional state was? If this bully was the part of the cause and effect of him killing himself, then I think he should share some responsibility. I think there should be some laws in place to protect individuals from being bullied.
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@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
24 Mar 12
i completly agree. I ws bullied and i know that i have been a bully at times. Statistically speaking everyone is both. I think that our court system should have better things to do with their time. Based of the constitution you should be able to say anything you want. People need to grow a pair and quit being so freaking sensative get over your selves. People have to deal with so much more than bullying in life and they live through it. SMH!!!!!
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@shebacs (178)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
I think the court judged the bully as an enabler. Was it presented to the court how the bully 'enabled' the victim to jump? I think we should have more facts about the case.
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