When people take advantage of you..

@kiran8 (15348)
Mangalore, India
March 26, 2012 12:38pm CST
There are times when some people take advantage of you openly without caring for your feelings.Something that happened to someone the other day - a 'friend' called her up and asked her if she was free to go for a movie since she was keen on watching the movie.Se then asked my friend to go ahead and book the tickets online since she was busy.They went for the movie and during the interval the 'friend' wanted some tacos and and a drink for which my friend had to pay.The 'friend' was apparently very apologetic at having forgotten her wallet at home.Later the 'friend' told my friend that she wanted to treat her and take her not only for the film but also for dinner, (and the next time she would pay for everything )which they still could, only my friend will have to foot the bill.My friend agreed and they went to an expensive restaurants suggested by the 'friend' and that's it, she hasn't herd from the 'friend' since then .It has been two months and when she tried to call her just for a chat she said that she was busy and would call later... One can recount so many such instances where people take advantage of others and keep doing it again and again.. Have you had any such instances where people have taken advantage of your goodness ?
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16 responses
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
26 Mar 12
well, there are instances when i felt that i had been taken advantage of by some people who befriended and took my trust into gainful opportunity for them. mostly they were about money. i would often pay for my friends, in the hope that next time they would also do the same for me. but every time, they expect that i would pay for them. it was just so unfair.
• United States
27 Mar 12
It sounds as if your 'friends' are not real friends but more leeches! I like to do that too but my friends will pay the next time. If they go really cheap but don't mention money problems, it is the LAST time I'll treat when we're out. And if I'm having money problems, I'll beg off, citing money issues and leave it at that-I detest being beholden to people for anything. :(
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Hi mensab, it is definitely unfair when people take undue advantage of you, it is not true friendship.I feel that one has to be clear cut about all financial dealings and it is always better to go dutch when you go out together, it saves a lot of misunderstandings that might strain the relationship if it goes on and on...all the best and thanks a lot for your response
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
I agree with what you say scoriobabes, one has to have some dignity and self respect and cannot take advantage of people just because they are being nice..
@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
26 Oct 17
I hate people who take advantage of others. It is really not good. I am not such a person who takes advantage of others. I also don't like anyone taking advantage of me.. We should stay away from such people.....
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
26 Oct 17
True, but you cone to know about people only after being taken advantage of by them , at least once . It leaves a bad impression..
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Mar 12
'Friend indeed!’ When I was in college I would go back home with a classmate and friend of mine. We used to have a cup of lovely grape juice in a fruit stall in the bus stop.The cost was just one rupee and twenty five paise. I offered to pay the first day but she immediately insisted that we would go dutch.I told her it did not matter and that we could always adjust on another day when she could buy me .She flatly refused and insisted that the transaction be straight and over the very same day.She also said that she might not be able to do it all the time. I abided by her wish but this incident has always been with me.At that moment I found it a bit odd but we were from different financial backgrounds and so I kept quiet.I could also understand her. I appreciate her stance and also feel that what she said was right.This would never give rise to any misunderstanding especially if something is on a regular basis. Actually it is very easy in any relationship if we just offer to share the expenses or pay for one's own especially if two friends are going out to a place or any such thing regularly. I feel that this ‘friend’ is indeed an exploiter and your friend ought not go out with her in future.This can be put down to the cost of learning and not clarifying straight right in the beginning.Treating a guest is a different issue [I am sure you would have understood my meaning exactly and not thought that we would grudge entertaining friends]
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Mar 12
True Kiran! Money always has a nasty aspect of ruining relationships but if things are very clear even among close members of family, then the problems are less.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
I agree kala, somehow everything finally comes down to money and even relationships seem to somehow get affected by it in the long run...I wonder if this has been the case during the time of our ancestors...
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Hi kala, You are so right about things, I too am of the same opinion, that it is always better to be clear and straight forward about any financial dealings even when it comes to your close family and friends, because one can never say...Such an incident as what happened with my friend has also happened with me- only that time I was the one who had forgotten to take my wallet.We ladies have this habit of changing our handbags and tend to transfer all the stuff from one bag to the other, and thats how I forgot my wallet and while shopping realised that.My friends offered to pay for everything, and I accepted, but paid up the very next day since when we go out together we share expenses equally ..I guess this is what my friend though would happen , but 'the friend ' apparently had other ideas...In fact, the idea of going to the movie was hers and my friend went along inspite of not being very keen...
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Mar 12
Hello Kiran, I think you friend learned a good lesson. I don’t know how people can act like this. I am a person prefer to refuse the offers politely. If I accept any offer then surely I will wait for an opportunity pay back the same. I remember, one of my friends, who worked with us temporary when our Centre organized a seminar. After a while she visited our office just to meet us and she invited me to shop some thing near by place. I went with her and she purchased some cloths. At the time of leaving, she offered one set of cloths to me which she purchased for me, I didn’t know that,. I politely refused to take her gift as I know that she may or may not visit our office again as she is doing some other works. I think I have done a great job, she never gets a chance to visit us again, but she used to send mails mentioning about her marriage and other busy schedule. She is telling in mails she is eagerly waiting to meet me again but I can understand the situations of people. She is a wonderful friend for sure.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Hi Sreekala, I am sure that your friend really wanted to give you a parting gift and the very fact that she is in touch and being so affectionate shows that she is a nice person. However, there are many people in this world who are pure opportunists who turn the other way the moment their work is done ...all the best
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
27 Mar 12
Yeah it is very awful when others take advantage of us. So many people do things like that. It can be very frustrating. That is sad that that has happened. And that the other woman hasn't called back. That has happened to me a few times in regard to a small business I was doing. When customers would order something at times I would still give them their products and let them pay me later if they didn't have all the money then. There were a few occasions where they didn't pay me back. And one lady who I considered my friend still owes me a decent amount of money for some products and it has been almost two years. So I have decided that even those that I would consider myself close to I have to watch out and be careful as they can still try to take advantage of me.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Hi Dominique,I am sorry to hear that people have been taking advantage of you, it happens with people who are kind and helpful.I wonder whether such people have any conscience at all...However, it is better to be careful rather than regret later after the deed is done..all the best and happy mylotting
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• United States
26 May 12
Yeah I agree with you. It is better for us to be careful.When it comes to money matters it is just best to be cautious no matter who it is. As people can act funny when dealing with money problems.
• Trinidad And Tobago
26 Mar 12
I'm sorry but the someone that you know ALLOWED themselves to be taken advantage of, I just had to say that. From the moment I had to buy movie tickets, then tacos and what not alarm bells would've been rining in my head,because to begin with this person is just an accquaintance, not a friend, so the question must have been asked "why am I doing this for this person who isn't my friend?" As for the "friend" that was the lowest of lows, but I don't even fret when people like that do those kinds of things to people and THINK that they've gotten away with it. Call it karma or fate GOD doesn't like ugly and what goes around comes around, sometimes twofold. In the early part of my life, yes I've had people taken proper advantage of me, but then over the years I've learned how to speak up for myself, so it doesn't happen anymore. One time someone who I thought was a friend asked me to make a purchase for them and told me I'd get back the money when they got paid, that very day when I went to collect my $300.00, they gave me an excuse that they weren't yet paid and I would have to come back another day, when I went back, it was another set of excuses and dodging of phone calls. To this day I've never gotten my $300.00, but I leave them in the hands of GOD. But hopefully the someone you know, will take this as a valuable lesson and not get suckered like that again.
• Philippines
26 Mar 12
I do agree with you that being taking advantage depends on you too, if you allowed them to. People only take advantage of people whom they think would not go against them. I am glad I am not close to people whom we called users. But I do agree that some people really takes advantages of the others.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Hi success, Thanks a lot for your response.I guess, sometimes we tend to see goodness in people where none exists and that's what has happened with my friend.I sincerely hope that such incidents dont make us mistrust all people and become suspicious of their motives which is also not a healthy tendency... Hi dazzledlady, I too agree that one cannot take advantage of us unless we let them do so - however, inspite of being cautious, one can still be taken for a ride from someone ..
@agent807 (751)
• United States
23 Feb 13
There was a job that I once worked where people started to capitalize on my genrosity, and my excessive strength. I worked in a grocery store, and where I worked at, I was different than everyone there because I was so big, and so strong. I played American football, and lift heavy weights which helped me get so big and strong in the first place. When I first started, my co-workers were a little intimidated by me because I did things by myself that they would have two or three people to do. I didn't mind helping people, especially when I was receiving a lot of compliments because I made what was difficult for them easy. Because I kept lifting heavy weights, and heavy stuff, I was still growing. It helped moving bigger things, but after a while, I was having these big jobs handed to me, which wasn't a big deal at first, but then they were forced on to me without anyone else even trying to do the work. When other people did do some of the projects, they usually have two, three, or four people, but when it was left to me, I had no one. It was me and my muscles. I took this up with management only to learn that they were part of this scheme as well, even influencing part of it. There were a couple of times I could not show up for work because I had tests to take, and there were a lot of things to be done at work. Because I wasn't there, the rest of the people would have to actually work to do it. I was wrong. By the time I went back to work, not only was none of it done, but it doubled up. I ended up doing all of it, in frustration. And it started to show, since other people, the ones who weren't trying to exploit me, got behind me as I continued to confront the management about this. Mind you, making the strongest person in the store angry is not the best thing to do, and I am a 350 pound guy who lifts weights. The management realized I had limits when I called off for exhaustion, and found out how much stuff I was actually doing by myself when they need several people to do it. They learned to appreciate what they had, and stopped taking advantage of me like that. I still do the heavy lifting, but only because it is my choice not being forced to do it.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Feb 13
Hi agent, thanks a lot for giving all those details...Either way because of your dedication and sincerity you are being appreciated although some people did try to take advantage of you, I am glad of that ! Because many a times i notice that life can be unfair and the really good ones get a bad deal...there is no explanation to such things except that , probably they would be compensated in some other way later in life ! All the best and have a wonderful week ahead
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
27 Mar 12
That is a rip-off if I have ever heard of one. I have had a lot of people 'borrow' money, sincerely promising to return it, and do the avoiding act. The good news is that it can be done only once. Once bitten, twice shy. Right? With my experience, I think you friend should call the other friend and invite her over to another movie. Only, go Dutch this time. This other friend doesn't need to know this till she comes to the bash. Your friend may not get her money back, she will certainly get her money's worth, every time the other friend dips her hand into her purse.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Hi webearn, thanks a lot for your response..What you suggest is really good, but unfortunately my friend is not able to get 'the friend even on her phone now, so she may not be able to get her to go anywhere with her- she really is a slippery character, now having got what she wanted is avoiding all contacts with my friend..
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
26 Mar 12
Its not their fault, its your fault that you give them chance to do that with you again and again.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Yes that may be true, but again there is something called manners and good behavior. All people do not take advantage, only some do, and this shows a weakness or greed or whatever in their personality make up...Thanks a lot jagjit for your response and happy mylotting
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
26 Mar 12
I have had this for years. I deleted many people out of my life and I still do if they abuse me. I changed my attitude.. I don't treat other people the way I want them to treat me anymore. I treat others the way they treat me. So if they stab my back I stab theirs. It's the only way to get respect but also to attract the right people. Those who care about me as well, who are there for me if I need them as well, who don't have lousy excuses, break my stuff, steal my money, etc.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Hi Kitty, thanks a lot for your response I suppose that is the best way of handling people - give them what you get.I too am very careful these days about people, can never be sure about anyone, the closer you get, and the nicer you are to them ,the more they take you for granted like it happened with my friend..all the best
@meidiana (108)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 12
I have lots of friends who always take advantage from me. I realize that. But most of the time, I think, it is ok to pay some food for them. Even they never do the same thing, it is on for me. And the result, God always bless me :-)
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Hi miediana, thanks a lot for your response As long as you dont mind things wouldnt hurt.But , in this case it was slightly different and the idea of going out came from 'the friend' and the least she could do was to have paid up her share...all the best and happy mylotting
• Canada
27 Mar 12
People like that really suck. I hope the believe in Karma, because what goes around comes around. I have been there myself where I was always the one paying for everything, and my dates or friends where the cheapo. I guess you learn with each interaction, who is your friend and who isn't.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Mar 12
Yes that's true,when people behave in such a cheap manner one does get disillusioned. We also become a little wiser in evaluating people.I too have come across many such people who have taken advantage of me and now I am very careful with them...
• India
6 Jul 12
It’s very bad taking advantage of someone especially when money is involved in today’s economic issues. You should tell your friend that she does not have a friend in that other girl. I would be very annoyed if someone took advantage of me.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
8 Jul 12
Of course, taking advantage of anyone is wrong either in money matters or others.When people are physically,emotionally and mentally weak, it is very easy to take advantage of them by unscrupulous people who look for such opportunities ..
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
15 Mar 13
My grand daughter's mother, use to take advantage of me, all the time by having me to baby site my grand daughter, and then she stay gone, all the time, out partying all the time, and I never knew where to find her, so I put a stop to it all, now when I want to see my grand daughter, I go by her house, to see her, I stop keeping her.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Mar 13
Hi Lilly, I can understand how you feel - no one has the right to take advantage of another person, not even your own mother,sister or brother ! In fact we tend to take for granted those people who are close to us which is unfair, but it happens many a times ...thanks a lot for sharing your views, have a great weekend
• India
26 Mar 12
Well i can understand ur problem...these situations u know they get worse as u get in deep into it... Anyways .. It seems u live in India.... Even i do... Please dont mind asking me a question...I am not making fun of u but "Where are TACOS available in India.." I really want to know for the sake of knowledge...I would again remind u that i am not creating HUMOR...just for the sake of General_Knowledge... Well i had Buritoes and Tacos on my trip to Los Angeles..After that i did not..so i really want to know...
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Hi Archie , thanks a lot for your response and welcome to mylot.I live in Mangalore in India.As for your question about Tacos, they are very popular in most Big cinemas where they are served with a dip.I am not sure where you live, but tacos are also available in many supermarkets...all the best and have a nice day
@Markudo (55)
• Brazil
26 Mar 12
Ah that really really sux! But those experiences are not a total lose, for we get to know who are our friends.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Mar 12
Thats very true! we get to know people through such experiences, but at what cost? It leaves a negative feeling about people ...thanks a lot for your response and have a great day