Convert Me...

United Kingdom
March 26, 2012 2:08pm CST
I was thinking and that got me thinking. :-) There are lot of religions in the world. I know a bit about a lot of them. I would like you to tell me what is so good about yours? Why do you believe it and how would you "sell" it? Please also state your religion and whether you were born into it or whether you chose it?
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17 responses
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
28 Mar 12
My religion is Islam and I am born into it. As I age Islam begins to get to me, in a good way. I begin to see how relevant to is to my life and it gives me peace and comfort and offers me every answer to every question. I believe it because in my forty years and more I have seen the relevance of what Islam tell us to do getting popular. For example Islam forbids the consumption of pork and in my secular country, health programs are showing the harmful affects of eating pork. But because my country is secular the programs arent forbidding eating pork totally, what would the pork sellers do? Another example is the use of bidets. My parents have taught me to wash after each excretion with soup and water, which is how their parents had taught them to do. Its only when I am in my twenties that the bidet came to my country and we were way ahead of this little knowledge.
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• United Kingdom
28 Mar 12
That is good to hear that your religion provides you with comfort. I guess that is, essentially, what it is supposed to do. This is a really good explanation as to why you believe. Thank you.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Mar 12
I like the Eminence of Islam and encourage him to do good with others and good to deal with the people of other religions , despite the rumors promoted by the West about it , until he became Westerners do not know the truth the unfortunately. And that the Koran has a lot of verses that it is God's word which corresponds with the discoveries of modern science and others in other areas, I am proud to be Muslim believe in the creator of the universe and I pray to God as I was born a Muslim, to live and die upon the religion of Islam and be the last words there is no god but Allah , Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, I did not understand what you mean by "how would you" sell "it,
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• United Kingdom
28 Mar 12
I suppose I meant what are the important points of your religion and how would you explain to someone why you think it is the right one. Is that a bit clearer? Thanks for your answer.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
28 Mar 12
Yes, as I think , but I want to be sure . The most important point is to have faith in God The One , Who have not a partner in a worship , not born , He alone is the owner of the right to worship . the faith: to believe in God and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and much good and evil . God Almighty Said in Quran " Say: 'He is Allah, the One,Allah is He on Whom all depend..He begets not, nor is He begotten., And none is like Him.." As for the pillars of Islam are: 1 Shahadah "Testimonies" (testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the the Messenger of Allah) 2 Salat (prayer) 3 Zakat (alms giving) 4 Sawm (Ramadan Fasting) 5 Pilgrimage (Hajj to the House those who can afford)
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Mar 12
You can read the translation of the meaning of Quran . If you want to learn more about Islam you can read here you can watch these videos too: ttp:// If you want to ask about any thing I'll reply , only send the question here or send it to me. God guide you to his way
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
30 Mar 12
Hello pumpkinjam, Both the Bible and the Qura'n clearly say that God is unchanged, you can find the verse in Malachi 3:6 and when it says that God is unchanged we can't assume that there are different religions sent by God, there is Only one true religion sent by God and other religions are not but a man made religions every single religion of them hold some of the truth from the one and the true religion. I was born a Muslim and I decided to read about Judaism and Christianity because they are God-based religion, I didn't read about other non God-based religions/philosophies such as Buddhism and Hinduism. I do believe that Islam is the Only religion sent by God to the Humanity and I can discuss this and answer any Questions related.
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 12
That makes very good sense. I will probably have some unsympathetic comments from others to what I am about to say but I shall say it anyway. Firstly, how can anyone really know that their religion/belief is the right one? Secondly, I can entirely see your point with regards to such things as Judaism and Christianity. I don't really know much about Islam but, I am guessing, it existed before Muhammad spread its word. Thank you.
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
30 Mar 12
We Muslims believe that Prophets Peace Be Upon Them All were sent by God with one and the same Message, they came as reminders to their people, it is known that The first prophet is Noah PBUH and the Final Prophet is Muhammad PBUH. The Seven Laws of Noah are included in the Torah and were preached By Moses PBUH and are included in the Holy Qura'n and Jesus Christ PBUH recommended complete adherence to the Law, this is a proof that the religion is one and the same (because God is unchanged) and proof that the Only true religion Must be Based on the Believe in one God (Unchanged) and adherence to the Law. Judaism refer to the tribe of Judas (one of the 12 tribes of Israel) nowhere in the Bible it says that Moses talked to the Jews but He was sent to ALL the Children of Israel, and therefor, Judaism is not a religion, similarly Jesus Christ PBUH was sent to the Lost sheep among the house of Israel not only to the Jews, Jesus Christ didn't come to establish a new religion, he Came as reminder to the Lost sheep among the house of Israel to remind them to adhere to the Law. The word Islam means submission to the will of God, and submission to the will of God existed before Muhammad, you see there was no Judaism before Moses and the Torah, and there was no Christianity before Jesus and the Gospel, so What was the religion of Noah and Abraham? clearly their religion was (Submission to God) which is the literal meaning of the word Islam. as I said, Judaism refer to the tribe of Judas, Christianity refer to the Christ But while we follow Mohammed our religion is Islam (not the Muhammadanism) and we are the Muslims (not the Muhammadans) I hope that clear my point.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
30 Mar 12
Gordano , Well done my brother , God bless you
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
My religion is really the chosen one and this is established by Christ according to the bible. There is no other religion, that mention in that established by Christ but our religion and all the teachings in our religion is base on the bible...
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• United Kingdom
29 Mar 12
Thanks. So, were you brought up into a religion which teaches those things?
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 12
My mind is open to most things and I would gladly read about your religion if you so wish to share.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
31 Mar 12
Yup, my friend and I want to share it with you if you open your heart and mind
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I'll make it easy for you. Believing has never been important to God. There is only one thing for you to do: Be Who You Must! It's a Part of the Plan! I guess this means you don't belong to any specific religion. Don't let that bother you. God doesn't belong to any religion either.
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• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
That is a very good answer. You are right, I don't consider myself as belonging to any particular religion. It doesn't bother me. Religion, to me, is like Ancient Greece, I'm interested in it but I wouldn't want to live there. I am undecided as to whether or not I believe in God. Being who you are is a very good piece of advice.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Mar 12
pumpkinjam "Being who you are is a very good piece of advice." What about that and you believe in God,who created you from scratch? But He worth it?
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• United Kingdom
29 Mar 12
Forgive me Samar but I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say.
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@cairalyssa (1402)
• Malaysia
26 Mar 12
Im a muslim! I wouldnt suggest u to convert to Islam! But if faith and belief is what u r looking for, u shouldn't "buy" it from anyone who are "selling" it to you, u might just end up to a "good salesman".faith and belief require u to convinced your self. Just like how you are convinced when some one love you very much. When u r convinced, it will bring trust. So u must seek in your heart, what are you looking for? Will you be able to believe in religion u r about to choose? And i was wondering... Why does some church in my country pay people to convert to christian? it has been published in news severals time.. Some who really dont bother, and want the money, went to the Church and drink the holy water..
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• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
I was just interested to know what people thought about their own and how they would explain why they believe what they do. I agree that belief and faith should come from within. As for the Christian conversion in your country, I can't say I know about that. And I believe any suggestion I have might get me into trouble!
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• Singapore
29 Mar 12
cairalyssa I am so glad you feel like that about Islam. Peace be upon you.
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• Malaysia
28 Mar 12
I believe No other God but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger of God. For im a muslim, i believe we will alll be judge in judgement day based on our good and bad deeds. i believe in Islam is not because i was born as muslim. There are Muslim who done wrong things in their life.. im a muslim, because no other religion can be as complete as Islam. I cant say anythng on those who are muslim and commit sins like terrorism... Some people use religion to to gain their own benefit like wat the terrorist does..All religions has the same problem. do you love history? history can explain how all this religion exist right? Can u deny history?history is not myth. Islam is a history and glory with undeniable facts and its strongly solid. How can i admit there is other religion that is better than Islam? if i was born as free thinker and searching for something to believe on..for an instant, is God ever exist? Then, what im searching will be, who creeate this whole universe? This universe we live in are impossible to exist on its own..If god is creator of universe? what is the evidence? Do u think its logic that god are like mortal if he is so great? have son and family like us? if science explain everything, and what sience cant reveal is secret of nature.. Science has so many flaws and opinions.. How can it be solid to trust? Who can debates about Islam and win? i'll convert to that religion if they can!
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• Sri Lanka
15 Apr 12
I am a born Catholic, however I cannot sell this religion to you because I have not bought it. In fact I believe in Buddhism. There is no God in Buddhism, in fact you are your own God. However don't get misled by other Buddhists as they do not follow it properly. A lot of Hindu influences has come into it and you see Buddhists taking part in worthless rituals, which is not at all beneficial to life. The religion simply says "Do good, and you will get it back."
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• United Kingdom
15 Apr 12
Thanks for that. When you say that others "do not follow it properly", do you think that, perhaps, they just have a different interpretation of it? I suppose it is the same as any other religion which changes according to an individual understanding. "Do good, and you will get it back." That would be the basis of Karma. That is something in which I would like to believe but know that it isn't always true. I like the Wiccan Rede. "An ye harm none, do what ye will". Well, that's the end of it. I've just read the full version for the first time. I never realised it was so long! Basically, this last line of it, I think, means that everyone should be able to live how they want to, within reason, and not be judged on it. The full version of the Rede also says about things returning three-fold. So, like Karma, if you do good, you will get it back three-fold. Again, this part can be difficult to believe in. Thanks very much for your response.
• Sri Lanka
28 Mar 12
I was born a Catholic, and remain a Catholic. However I believe in Buddhism. The simple theroy in Buddhism is do good and good will come back to you. Unfortunately you can never openly see a convert to Buddhism. The reason is because if someone converts to Christianity it is to obtain favors from God. So you will see the convert actively participating in Christian rituals, going to Church etc. But unlike a born Buddhist who spends the time doings things that are not in the philosophy, like offering flowers, worshiping Hindu Gods etc., a covert to Buddhism will not openly take part in these rituals as it is the true philosophy that he has taken to the heart.
• United Kingdom
28 Mar 12
Yours is quite an unusual answer. I say that because most of the people I know who have a particular religion and are "religious" (as opposed to just saying they are a particular faith because that's the one in which they were brought up or because they believe in some parts of it) tend not to be very open towards other faiths. I like the idea of Buddhism although I do wonder sometimes whether I was something bad in a past life! Thank you/
• Philippines
27 Mar 12
Hello pumpkinjam. That is a good thing that you are searching for the truth. I was also like you before. I am also searching for the truth and when I found it, I am so very happy knowing how great is our GOD. I came from a Christian family. I attended some other religions, but what really captured my attention is this religion that I am in right now. The good thing about this church is that we have a Bible Exposition where you can ask anything with regards to your life, anything you want to ask. If you have some doubts and problems that have been bothering in your mind and if you need someone who can answer your problem, you can freely ask that directly to our Presiding Minister and he will answer it to you biblically. He also provides some verses to support his answer to your question. Our Church also has a television program called "The Old Path" which was also acclaimed in North America as "Most Informative Religious Program" by Gawad America. Of note, the true church is the church that was written in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1:2 and it reads: "Unto the Church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours." (1 Corinthians 1:2) I would like to invite you to discover a new and distinct approach to studying religion, one that is purely based on the Bible. I will be sharing to you the website of our church. In this site, you can find some question and answer videos and you can freely watch them. You can also read some of the topics in the blog. GOD bless and I hope that GOD will help you in your search for the truth. Source: Overview Q&A videos
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
Thank you. That's just the kind of response I was looking for. :-) I am not really "searching for the truth" as you put it. This is more out of curiosity. I will, however, have a look at your links when I get chance (I am typing thus on a phone. I shall need a computer to get to the links)
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
I also meant to say that the open discussions with a minister seem like a very good thing
• United States
1 Apr 12
What sets Christianity apart from other believes is presented best by what is said in John 3:16,17: "For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not sent the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved by Him." Jesus, the Son of God, purchased salvation as a gift for us. It's up to us to either accept the gift of salvation or reject it. I believe that in all other religions we're required to work for our salvation and there's no guarantee our works are every good enough. The reason I believe what is taught in the Christian faith is because of the Bible. There are some things in the Bible that cannot be proven, but those things that can be proven have been proven to be accurate, so I have no reason not to believe what can't be proven. I also like the fact that all 66 books of the Bible harmonize despite the fact that they were written by 40 authors over a period of 1500 years. What are the odds of that? Also, what are the odds that the Bible would still be here and still having an impact on people's lives if it weren't the Word of God particularly when you consider how it has been maligned throughout its existence and how much effort has been put into trying to discrediting it? Has any other sacred writing had to endure the scrutiny that the Bible has?
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• United Kingdom
1 Apr 12
Thanks for your response. That does make sense. Although there are belief systems older than Christianity which have been scrutinised but still survive. I also think that people can have differing opinions about what the same thing proves. If you see what I mean.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
28 May 12
Come to the Christian side. We have unleavened bread and fruit punch.
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• United Kingdom
31 May 12
Oooh fruit punch. I like that. Can I skip the unleavened bread though? :)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Yeah. You know someone needs to make an unleavened bread cereal. I mean it's so hard and crusty, but I imagine it would probably be good in milk. Part of your Holy Breakfast.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
27 Mar 12
I belong to the faith called "Hinduism" which is the major religion in India. Calling it a religion would be perhaps a misnomer, it is also a philosophy of life and living. The choice offered for reaching the eternal goal or Nirvana are infinite and provided one is productive enough to be counted as a useful member of the society, one can even make way to Nirvana in one's own way. It is a religion which gives absolute freedom in terms of thought and practice. Rationalism and Atheism are a part of the Hindu philosophy. What is taught basically is to be good, in society, in no way different in what other religions say. The methods are varied and start from ritualism to idol worship to visualization to meditation. It is up to one to adopt or adapt one of these and lead a productive life. I have had a good life under some very distressing circumstances, and will ever remain grateful to the guiding factors that Hinduism gave me. I was born into it and as one school of thought in Hinduism says, there will be re-birth and when that comes, I would like to be born a Hindu once again. As far as "selling" is concerned, it is perhaps done by the insecure, who know a lot less about choice of a broader thought and even lesser about the religion which they profess to market. I would never think of it.
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• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
Thank you. When I was reading about different religions, I found Hinduism to be particularly interesting. I must say that it confused me a little but you have clarified it very well. As religions go, I quite like the idea of Hinduism. I must say that, out of everything I have read/heard, it seems the nicest out of the lot of them!
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@Simon1223 (903)
• China
27 Mar 12
Currently I don't believe any religion, but I have strong interest in those mainstream religions in the world. In my view, the contents of religions show the wisdom of ancient people, which are still valuable to modern people. The best way to spread the influence of religion I think is to let more people get access to the teachings of religion. Only after they know and understand the teachings may they believe in the religion. And I don't think it's reasonable for people to believe in religion as soon as they were born.
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• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
That is a good philosophy. I find religion quite interesting. Different ones make me feel different. Even though I am not religious, I feel like I could be influenced by some more than others. Some make me feel peaceful, others make me feel angry. But then it is not usually the religion itself but the way it is practiced or delivered. Thanks for your response.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I was brought up as a Christian. But the religion which I won't mention didn't teach the way that I felt God wanted it to be taught. I have been to several churches and none ever taught me what I wanted to know. So I quit going to a building where this so called preacher taught one verse here and then went on to talk about what had happened in his life or someone else's life. I knew as a small child that there was more to the bible then I was being taught. I found this real teacher of Gods word one day quite by accident. I was mad at my ex and knew he didn't like hearing Gods word so I turned the TV to a preacher and after listening to him I couldn't take my ears and eyes off his lessons. He teaches chapter by chapter verse by verse and he knows many languages, so he has studied the original manuscripts, and he teaches what this word or that word means. I didn't know as much about the bible even though I had read it, I couldn't understand what I was reading. If you want to know the real truth about Gods word then go listen to him a few times and see what you think. Don't believe what the net says about him when you try to teach Gods word the right way the devil will send out people to destroy Gods word any way he can. I won't try to convert you let Gods word do the converting.
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
Thank you. That's really good. So, if I understand correctly, you believe in a Christian faith but tried different versions of it, so to speak, before finding the right one for you. I will check out that look later.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
27 Mar 12
Your welcome. I have been to several different churches looking for the true word of God. When I found that man on TV I had already given up on finding a church that taught the truth about Gods word and when I found him I kept listening every morning. My ex even liked listening to him and he really didn't know anything about Gods true word either. You won't regret listening to that man he is a real man of God. And when you listen to him he will explain what the word means from the manuscripts. My husband that I have now and I listen everyday even if we have to listen to an old lesson. That man teaches Mon-Fri and we download his lessons each day. We keep them on the computer to listen to several times so we get the knowledge of Gods word to share with others looking for the truth. You won't regret taking the time to listen to him. He even has a letter answering service after every lesson he teaches. He has a free cd of the real mark of the beast, they don't even ask for shipping when you call or write in for a free copy of the mark of the beast.
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• India
2 Jun 12
I would neevr even attempy to convert you.
@merci322 (29)
• United States
26 Mar 12
I like to learn about all religions and then make my own out of what rang true about each. The mystical religions are my favorite. I've have some mystical experiences and that is why I like to learn about how to interpret them. I have found great wisdom in Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Esoteric Christianity, Kabbalah (Judaism), Sufism (Islam), Taoism. I also like science and learning different atheists views. The words of Jesus strike me as very wise, although sometimes I think his followers in modern times have failed to grasp his message, and many of them drive me crazy.
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 12
Thanks for your response. I like the ideas of some religions. I don't have a particular set of beliefs myself but I am very interested in different ones. I recently read about the Dalai Lama and found that really interesting and, I'm not sure of the word to use, it was like it was really peaceful to read about Buddhism and everything. I have an interest in everything from Greek and Roman mythology, Pagan faiths and more modern traditions in religion.
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• India
6 Jul 12
Hi, I am a Kenyan and born in a Christian family. My dad is a catholic and my mom is a protestant. The thing is there is no right religion anymore. The right thing is helping the poor and disabled, praying a lot and devoting most of your time to doing wha