There ARE Heroes; There IS Truth
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
March 26, 2012 5:36pm CST
Now is the hour for everyone to join with these heroes and fight for what's left of your freedom. Apathy, complacency, immorality and ignorance are DEATH to any nation.
Stop expecting the few brave souls to do your "job"; do your part to ACTIVELY fight for freedom, as well as continuing to pray and keep your own "short accounts" with God.
First of all, pray for Orly Taitz, who has done more for your freedom than almost anyone I can think of recently.
Her family escaped Russia where her uncle was a refusenik and they fled to Israel. They now live here and she is more "American" in her love, understanding, courage, and spirit than most of us. She "knows the signs" of impending tyranny, as does Dr. Jamie Glazov ("United in Hate" re liberals and their love of tyranny).
Someone has named her "Lady Liberty" in her battle against the corrupt, illegal unconstitutional usurper and his "administration". She has exhibited "superhuman", "supernatural" strength in doing God's work to save our freedom.
She has exhaustively, tirelessly, at great peril and great sufferance sacrificed her time and her own money in order to preserve the ONLY truth that can possibly keep us free.
Her cars have been tampered with, children harassed, and life threatened.
Do something to aid in the fight to keep a free America. File ballot challenges re 2012. Keep his name off the ballot. My last discussion was deleted because it included a ballot challenge form, so you'll have to find or write your own.
(I do not understand how even "what do you do with leftover cheese" could possibly be deleted, but....)
The first to warn us was hero Alan Keyes, who was brought in to challenge O for Senate seat in Chicago, 2004, after O's thugs knocked out Jack Ryan with their dirty tricks. Unfortunately it was too late to undo leftist, liberal thug damage for Keyes to gain the seat. He would have made a great president, as an American Christian who loves this country, but that's NOT what the Dems wanted.
The youtube video has been removed.
Reverend James David Manning is another great hero who has spoken out repeatedly against the usurper, held a trial re his eligibility, and even identified him as "the son of satan", which is totally correct.
O sicced Homeland Security on him. He continues to be courageous and fight for YOUR freedom.
There have been at least three military heroes who have suffered for the truth and for our freedom:
Commander Walt Fitzpatrick, Stefan Cook, Terry Lakin.
Other heroes include:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose life has also been threatened.
Lt. Quarles Harris Jr.
Jim Miller
John Wheeler, III
Andrew Breitbart
Ann Barnhardt
Pamela Geller
Geert Wilders
N.H. State Rep. Harry Accornero
Some of these heroes are already gone; this usurper's crimes of treason, sedition, forgery, money laundering, identity theft, even murder are atrocious and will continue until he subjugates you.
There are other heroes, too.
Elsewise the fight will be bloody.
Hound your elected officials daily. Hound the media. Demand truth and justice.
Pray in earnest and get right with God, the author of our liberty.
1 response
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Mar 12
Isn't Keyes the one who in a debate with Obama, heard him say; 'so what if I was born in Kenya, you don't have to be native born to be a senator:? Or something real close to that?
I agree Epicure. Time to step up. I'm about to publish a newsleter for my home town exposing this stuff.
You don't have to be a millionaire. You just have to believe in the Constitutuion and liberty.
1 person likes this
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Mar 12
Keyes was brought in to replace Jack Ryan after the Obama thugs got him out o the running by their evil dirty tricks.
Most felt is was too late for Keyes.
I do not know of a specific debate between the two re his Kenyan birth.
I did have a copy of the below linked article.:
This re the 2004 AP article from the African Sunday Standard stating O Kenyan-Born
I don't know why it's printed this way but I do know that the article is said to be scrubbed.
While it's true you do not have to be "native born" to be Senator, the issue re President and BP is the mandate to be NATURAL BORN, which is not native born and requires two US citizen parents which he did not have.
Citizenship is traced through the father. Daddy was not only never a US citizen, but was deported.
You can sense how dark the evil is here, since his arrogance and intent is so clear.
We have got to unite and fight for truth and justice in order to ensure our freedom.
Also, cover everything with prayer.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Mar 12
Don't know if my link is working.
Also, see my discussion "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" for more info.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Mar 12
Epicure, you don't have to convince me that Obama is not eligable to be president. Not after I spent the last three years reading everything I could get my hands on about it. I do agree with you.
I am seeing something very disturbing though. NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE. Ten, twenty years ago, we'd have watched him leave office in disgrace like Nixon. Heck, we wouldn't have seen him elected after his ties to Ayers and Rev. Wright exposed.
I believe that 9/11 was a wake up call. Our leaders vowed we'd rebuild and be stronger. Now we have 16 trillion in debt, most of it to a communist country and our dollar is about to be devalued. AND NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE STILL.
America needs to repent. Nothing will change until that happens.