Does this really happen in families?

United States
March 26, 2012 5:51pm CST
I have been seeing these Kraft Mac and Cheese ads where a parent eats food off their child's plate! Each time I say Really? in my house each person got their own plate. And whatever was on their plate was theirs period! Seeing a parent steal food off a child's plate makes feel so sad for the kids. As long as they are small, no food is truly theirs. Your thoughts.
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19 responses
• Canada
26 Mar 12
We never shared plates in our house, when I was growing up, and I also never shared plates with my own kids. I do have friends that never gave their children their own plates, though... they would feed their kids off their plates and, when I asked why, I was told that "giving the kids their own plates is wasteful because they don't eat everything so they can just pick off ours" I don't agree with that because I think children need to be taught how to sit and eat a proper meal and that includes having the food in front of them with proper utensils and such (once they are old enough to handle those).
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• United States
27 Mar 12
Worse they will assume Everyone just eats from each other's plates. And when they meet people like me who wouldn't share food off the same plate, conflict would happen. Each time I see the parent steal food , I wish the kid would just stand up and leave the table.
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• Canada
27 Mar 12
That is true, too, because I've been in the company of children that grab off other people's plates. It's disconcerting and definitely not appreciated. With me and my girls (who are 18 and 21, so not children any longer), if we would like to taste something the other has (such as in the case of trying a new restaurant, for example), we'll cut a piece of the food and place it onto the other person's plate or side plate. We don't actually eat from each others meals.
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• United States
27 Mar 12
I have done that. I have asked to taste a bit of a friends dish and I got to cut off some and put it on my plate.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I am sure that this happens in some families... There is sometimes the fact that the young people do not have their own plate and are fed food initially from mom's or dad's plate. I have seen this often in restaurants. I have also seen them get food on a saucer which came from mom's or dad's plate... I have also seen kids get their own plates. In some cultures, it is traditional for the women to eat the food left over by their children as there is the desire not to waste food and their is the belief that left overs are not good for you. In those cultures, the women do wind up putting on pounds over the years. I have seen people steal food off of each others' plates for fun... or tasting food off of other's plates... That is not all that uncommon. I can remember one time when I was in Las Vegas and had gotten a dessert that I liked and my then boyfriend eyed and started attempting to take a bite of the dessert from my plate. I normally shared things with him but this time I laughingly pretended that I was going to fork him and he got a little scared and backed off... That became a joke between us later. It seems that almost anything goes during meal time depending on the culture, the mood, and the location.
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• United States
27 Mar 12
In my family everyone got their own plate, No one eat off another's plate And you ate until you were full. No eating food Just so nothing will be left. And if a guy or anyone tried to steal any food off my plate , I would just throw the plate at them and leave.
• United States
27 Mar 12
There are few foods I eat that can't be kept for later. I usually have only half of a pizza and keep the other half for the next night! I hate wasting food too. When I was younger I assume my mom wouldn't eat what I didn't finish.but it was rare for me Not to finish what was on my plate.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 May 12
I don't think a child should grow up thinking the food on their plate is fair game for anyone at the table. That isn't right. I agree with you - what's on their plate is theirs. Period. That's how my family was. However, if I got full, I would then say that my dad (most common) or whoever could have what was left if they wanted it. If not, I would save it as leftovers or throw it away, depending on the dish, age, etc. Do you think that is odd that my family would be able to eat my food when I was done with it? The way I saw things, I would eat what I could of what was served on my plate, but when I was full, I should be done. Sometimes I was told I couldn't leave the table until my food was gone. I didn't like that either. As a child, it was stressful. When I was full, I was done. I shouldn't have to eat what's on the plate just because it's there. That's why nowadays, I eat till I'm full, and then I'm done. The leftover food on my plate represented pressure to me those times when I was forced to stay at the table till it disappeared. I didn't care for that, but I did like that the food on my plate was mine. I didn't have to fight for my food lol.
• United States
16 May 12
I had the most understanding mother! She used to say " I hope it tastes good." And " Don't eat it if you don't like it" And " You don't have to finish it if you are full." So There was no pressure. When I didn't like something I told her. This Rarely happened. And since what mom made was good , I finished it! If I had to sit and finish what was on my plate it would be like that scene from Mommy Dearest! Ok. If you haven't seen the film , let me know and I'll explain.
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• United States
16 May 12
I never had to eat veggies. And I stopped drinking milk at age 6. Question. you can't have milk at all. Not even milk chocolate? Spoiler Alert. Anyone who wants to see Mommie Dearest Stop reading now. Mommie Dearest is a bio pic about the horror of being Joan Crawford's daughter. A film I don't think you would like to see. Well Joan said what your mom said. you can't leave the table until you finish the food on your plate. Well her daughter was stubborn like me so she just sat at the table. She didn't eat the food either. hours went by. the food went bad so Joan had to give in and let her daughter leave the table Without finishing the food! It is my favorite scene! I think my mom was so understanding because as a baby I wouldn't eat. My mom would give me veggies I assume and I would spit them out onto her. She was so worried , she took me to the doctor I was told. The Doctor said I was a healthy . I was getting what I needed so whenever she found something I liked , she would make it. But then again she only had me and my dad to cook for , not 7 people! My mom was a good cook. I remember some of her dishes. Will I ever try to cook them , Hell no! But I can share the recipes. I do remember baking with her though. That was fun.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 May 12
I haven't seen Mommy Dearest, so I look forward to your explanation! I'm so glad for your sake that your mom was understanding. I wish my parents were the same way! I've gotten over it, but I would've had a much better childhood if I wasn't told (more often than not) that I needed to clear my plate before I could leave the table. My mom was an "ok" cook, but having learned to cook myself and now looking back, I'm thinking she wasn't as great as I thought! I hope that's not horrible to say, but her six kids were probably similar to feeding a small army, so we didn't have much choice or opportunity to be picky. With six different opinions and tastes, I don't doubt that it was next to impossible for her to please everyone. However, I think we definitely needed to have the option to not finish everything on our plate. If it were up to me as a child, I would've not wanted green veggies. We always had to eat those. We always had to drink milk with each meal also. Now I'm allergic to milk, and that makes me sad because I really like it. (Unfortunately, I'm not allergic to veggies lol!)
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Mar 12
No I wouldn't eat off of anyone's plate unless I ask first. If its something I want md I don't have and we are out then I ask at home and we all have the same thing then there is no need to. If my sugar doesn't finish off her plat and one of us is still hungry and she is done them we will take from her plat. Now for sugar she is at that age where everyone else play is her play as well so I don't get upset if she eats off of me or hubby it's every normal for a child her age to do. But we do tell her her plat is hers and try to get her to eat from hers but some times she wants big peoples plats and not a baby plat.
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• United States
28 Mar 12
She knows she is grown, lol! She wants a big plate!lol! How is Sugar? And Her Mamma? And Nugget?
• United States
28 Mar 12
All that you said tells me Nugget is doing fine . So you are over the morning sickness? Did I miss Sugar's first steps? Is she walking without holding your hand?
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Mar 12
Like I told you before I don't know how Nugget is doing every week. I only see the doctor ever 4 weeks so I always assume things are fine till after I see the doctor. I don't go in for another week. Sugar is fine like normal toddler loud, messy, has fits here and there. I'm fine nothing outside of the normal aches and pains of being a mom and pregnant. Feeling fat well feeling more like a pregnant women as well as looking like it too. The tummy has popped out and getting bigger and bigger by the day. Soon I won't be able to fit in my old clothes and its back to pregnant wear. Just 5 more weeks till we find out the gender its exciting. Nugget has started to want to be noticed meaning his or her movements are not feel able by myself not others yet. I get a few lovely taps here and there but not every day then again at the being its hard to noticed most of the movements.
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@meidiana (108)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 12
Hello Sarahruthbeth22... How are you? In my country, people used to feed their children until they are teenager. Even my auntie still feed my 22 years old cousin. Most of the time, while the parents feed their children, the parents will also eat from the same plate. And also, parents and children here, in Jakarta, used to share their food each other. I also often share my food on my plate with my sister, aunties and cousins. it is ok for us. our culture is to share everything, including the food we eat. Even sometimes, we have our own favorite plate, but still, if we have something nice to eat, we will share the food or drink with others.
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• United States
27 Mar 12
Hi. I'm doing ok. how are you? I couldn't eat in your country. What you see as normal, I see as rude. I would lose Huge face because once a person eats off my plate , I would simply stop eating and leave the table. Over here everyone gets their own share of the something good. That is how it is shared in our house.
• United States
28 Mar 12
Pizza - Pizza on a tray
Suggestion: Let's go out for a pizza! This is a dish that is Supposed to be shared. I mean a huge pizza comes to the table and everyone gets a plate and Everyone takes their slice from the same big plate! That way we are Sharing the good stuff. But we are not so rigid as we Have to be at a posh restaurant. Do you like pizza?
@meidiana (108)
• Indonesia
28 Mar 12
hahaha...if you mean, attitude when we eat at a formal dining time, surely we will not share the food on our plate. We share food only with closest family at home. when we go to a dining invitation, we will eat from our own plate. Table manner is also a must here.
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• Canada
27 Mar 12
I guess its all reflected on the standard ''American'' so called family system. They always ''blow'' it way out of proportion. I don't ever recall my parents ever eating from my plate as a child, and I certainly would never consider doing it to my own kids. Sorry I'm not into ''dropped'' pieces of food that have my kid's slobber on it.. LOL
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Apr 12
If there is food left over, like with Mac and Cheese, i will eat it, but not that much. It is part of the habit of not wasting food. But if it is a lot, I will put it in a a container and put it in the fridge. I have a renter who cooks for her boyfriend when he comes over or visa versa and their eyes are bigger then ther stomach. But that is the only case. I would not take food off someone else's plate while they are eating.
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• United States
4 Apr 12
and like the polite person you are , you ask first! No problem there!
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• United States
5 Apr 12
Kraft Macaroni And Cheese is trying to say that it is so good , parents steal some off their child's plate, I say No! Get your own plate. Buy and make Two boxes. Do not steal from your own child!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I never took food off my kids' plates....what they got was what they got...we did however have a routine we needed to follow....the girls and I dished up first and whatever was left was my sons....why? Because would eat whatever there was left...that kid ate alot! If he dished up first no one would have gotten anything! LOL....the older he got the more he ate! We called him the clean up man!
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• United States
28 Mar 12
He was a growing boy. My mom called them bottomless pits!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Mar 12
I think it's much more likely that the child will not finish their food, and then the parent will. But I could see doing it in a teasing way...
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• United States
27 Mar 12
I guess after I scared my mom when I was a baby, she was happy to see me eat period! She told me when I was a baby I wouldn't eat. She got so worried she took me to thr doctor . He said I was healthy and then on, if I liked a food , my mom would give it to me! And what was on my plate was mine. And I wasn't suppose to stuff myself. Eat until I was full.So this stealing food made no sense to me.
@GreenMoo (11833)
27 Mar 12
In my house it's the kids who are more likely to steal food from me, not the other way round. Not that I'd want to steal Kraft Mac and Cheese anyway.
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• United States
27 Mar 12
It is more disrespectful! That theif didn't work for the money to Buy that food.If Any child did that , they wouldn't have dinner the next night!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
31 Mar 12
That's sad if the parent has to get food from their children's plate. In our house, my kids are the other way around. They are such picky eaters that they would gladly give whatever is on their plate to me, to finish off. Not with Mac and Cheese though, they can't seem to get enough of that stuff!
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• United States
31 Mar 12
I'm like your kids except the food I won't eat Never makes it to my plate! I love Mac and cheese but I don't get this type I get the deluxe type instead.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I know in the commercial it's supposed to be funny and cute. But in real life, that does not happen. It's always the kids eating off the parents plate. And if any parent took food from their child, then they need to be checked out for some kind of brain damage.
• United States
27 Mar 12
Thanks Twin. In fact my favorite is when a boy is at school and a cop has come to visit the class. " if someone steals from you , they get punished." the Cop says . You see the light bulb over the child's head . Then you see him at the table , the window's blinds are open.Dad forks come Mac and Cheese from his son's plate and then you see the police lights and you hear ' Put the fork down!" The smile on the little boy's face is priceless!
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• United States
2 Apr 12
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I like that one. And it shows how kids take everything literal. LOL. Nice!!!
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• Philippines
27 Mar 12
We always have our own plate at home. We have never done such a thing. I don't know if this is a common with other places, but here in our place,as far as I know, everyone had their own plate.Sharing one plate is not a common scenario here.
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• United States
27 Mar 12
• Philippines
27 Mar 12
Oh yes, my avatar is from the movie "Flowers of War" one of the winner of Asian Film Festival 2011. The setting was during the WW2,sets in China during Japanese invasion. Check the link
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27 Mar 12
the kids are very small,they do not know which food they like,most of food is wasted.when they grow up,they own their plate,they can choose their favourite food,but the parents pay attention that the food is very nutritional.
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• Canada
27 Mar 12
I totally agree. OK my vision is not that greeat, so I don't really SEE what goes on on the TV screen, but I'll take your word for it. I totally agree. Put food on the child's plate, and that food belongs to the child. Don't give the child overly large portions, but if s/he wants seconds, give the child seconds. It's better to eat several small portions than to get served a large one, and not have it all eaten.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Mar 12
Taking without asking is rude no matter how you spin it. Last week my little granddaughter was at work with me and she had a bag of Frito's. I would not have even felt right in just reaching over and taking a few even though I bought them for her. I asked and she held the bag over for me to take some.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
27 Mar 12
I've not really seen anyone steal from their own kids except on some talk show several years ago. They were covering eating disorders and they filmed an obese woman eating from her little girl's dinner. The woman had a food addiction.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
31 Mar 12
That is the way it was in my house too. You had a plate of food and it was yours.
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• Indonesia
27 Mar 12
i think so sad to see like that
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