Do You Have Any Tangible Evidence of God?

United States
March 29, 2012 8:24am CST
Whether you believe in the Christian God, Allah, Zeus, or any other of the thousands of gods and goddesses we that have been worshiped throughout history, I have a simple question to ask – have you found any tangible evidence of such a thing? I’m not out to break balls. I just want to know if any leaps have been made, if any new evidence has been discovered about a divine creator of the universe. I know that the ancient alien theorists are really turning up a lot! This is something I would have never said two years ago, but those guys are making an extremely compelling case about the existence of extraterrestrials on Earth thousands of years ago – the living, breathing beings that, according to them, primitive peoples took to be gods. People have claimed to have dreams about their religion. Some claim that they can simply “feel” the presence. Others use analogies like invisible air and the conscious mind to avow divinity in creation must be true. Hey, if you can feel your god in your heart, that’s great for you. I wish you all the best; I hope you’re truly at peace and are happy! But I’m seriously curious to know what other people have been finding in the way of hard evidence. It’s 2012 now, and I’d like to know where we’re at on proving the existence of divine creation. (Note: Please, if you reply, leave any variation of “because it can’t be disproven” off the list. If I said I had an invisible car that no one could ever see or touch or find, but that I had it nonetheless, it is literally an impossibility to unequivocally disprove. One would just make the rational conclusion that it was not true. But it would only ever be 99.999% .) Here’s some pretty cool evidence I’ve seen over the years: The Shroud of Turin: Now, this was very intriguing. It looked to be an incredible piece of probable evidence. I was actually rooting for it! But with a solution of silver and a mirror and some time, it can be recreated. And since a miracle piece of Jesus couldn’t be duplicated by something that simple, it’s a hoax in my estimation. Stigmata: This was scary when I was a kid! But I’ve never seen a real stigmatized person that wasn’t faking the funk. By “tangible evidence” I obviously mean something more along the lines of an artifact or something that is material and not something that one must rationalize, like the whole “cause and effect” debate or seeing symmetry in the universe. myLot has people here from all around the world, from all different religions. So, what type of evidence have you guys found over the years? I’m very curious to know. Religion vs. everything is the biggest case in human history.
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21 responses
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
29 Mar 12
You ain't gonna find any evidence, ever. Because of, if is to put the issue on the simplest way to solve it, of two things: 1- There is God, but is not something material, is spirit - energy. Like magnetic fields - can't be seen but they are there. 2- Each and any and all and always, religions are politics, in other words religions are ways to lead people. Or better said, quoting George Carlin, .. you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. This two historical proven facts all together lead to only one safe & sure answer to your issue: There can't be physical proofs of something immaterial which have nothing to do with religion. Anything else is Science-Fiction.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
Well, I should have changed the headline. It should read "Religion" and not only "God." For example, I was thinking more along the lines of someone possibly finding evidence to corroborate some of scripture's stories like the Jews in the desert for so long, the actual Commandments, etc. It's something very puzzling to a nonbeliever to have everyone give you what is essentially an excuse as to why a god doesn't take over the airways and say "Hey, I'm God!" Or why a million other things don't line up. It's odd that a god needs people to explain a god. But the purpose of this discussion wasn't to debate religion. I was just curious as to what type of evidence people were bringing to the table in 2012. Thanks for the response.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
"The others need even less proofs while they are sure there is no god then why looking for evidences?" You only have to answer that question because you assert that everyone who doesn't believe in a god decides that there is no god to believe in. Perhaps you're viewing it the wrong way and that's why you have to ask that question. People can be on the fence about something and want to know the truth one way or the other before they decide to put their faith in it and change their lives for it. Take "god" out of it completely and use something else. Take Bigfoot for example. You couldn't break people down into two groups here. Sure, plenty believe he exists, while plenty believe he doesn't. But there's a huge group in the middle that's on the fence about it. They won't believe without proof, but they're also not ruling out the possibility. So if they see that so many people are saying Bigfoot is real, they might ask "Do you have any new evidence I can see?" Some would view the evidence--any evidence at all--and still never believe it. But that's not everyone. Some who didn't believe prior to seeing the evidence would be swayed. That's how we work as people. That's how most people's brains operate. Hence crafting a justice system on evidence and not on faith. Human beings are plenty capable of being on the fence until we know one way or the other. In fact, that's our default position.
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@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
29 Mar 12
I was just curious as to what type of evidence people were bringing to the table in 2012. And that's what I also consider it as the most probable real subject of your discussion and I answered in first line: You ain't gonna find any evidence, ever. There are 2 basic type of humans: those who are sure there is a god and those who are sure there is none. First one need not evidences because they know there is god and need not more proofs. The others need even less proofs while they are sure there is no god then why looking for evidences?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Mar 12
I personally love the stories of ancient aliens who, having developed the technology to travel great distances in space, arrive on Earth and set all the humans to carving out great boulders and building enormous structures out of stone. They didn't bother to help them invent anything or discourage them from human sacrifice or worshipping the sun or anything, just taught them how to erect great stone temples and such. Then aliens disappeared entirely until the mid-20th century -probably because there weren't enough humans left who wanted to build huge stone monuments, and what fun is it to communicate with a species that is well-enough advanced to appreciate you? If aliens landed today, and all they taught us was how to make a car out of stone, I'd be rounding up the villagers and the pitchforks, myself. Mercedes has just built an invisible car, btw. This is going to be a great aid in settling those insurance claims for auto accidents that are reported as "I never saw it coming". As for me, I believe in God because He is in communication with me. He gives me guidance and feedback. Feedback is so very important. Can I give you tangible proof, like a footprint or a relic? No, I haven't got anything like that. And it wouldn't do either of us any good to debate or argue about the existence of God. I could never argue you into belief and you couldn't argue me out of it. A man with an argument can never persuade a man with experience. And that is it. I have experience of God. I could detail some of it, but this is not a place for that.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Mar 12
If God came down and took over the entire sky and TV, guys like you would say "So He is real" but there are a lot of people who would just accuse him of being a show-off. There's a difference between people who just aren't so sure they believe and those who say they are atheists but in reality, are just holding a grudge against God. A scientist is suing NASA because he says he was fired for his belief in "intelligent design". His qualifications were as good as anyone else, he'd worked there for decades. But his science didn't outweigh his beliefs and so they sacked him. The thing is, if science is only looking for one acceptable answer, then you could never hope to get any tangible proof from that quarter. I don't mind if people say they don't know and have no evidence of God, that's at least honest. People who say they know for absolutely sure that God isn't possible, well, in a universe that is estimated to be 15 billion years old, I just don't think they've been around long enough to prove that. Signs and wonders are for the unbeliever, maybe you'll get one, someday.
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• United States
31 Mar 12
I don't think science is looking for "one acceptable answer." I think most of mainstream science is looking for anything but that one answer. But not always necessarily begrudgingly. Most individuals that I know and that I know of on their personal quest to find out the answers for life are incredibly open to every conceivable possibility. Infinity. But some have been looked at so long that's time to put them well aside. Pending further evidence. And while you will find some just refusing to even entertain the notion of a god, most have simply ruled that possibility out because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to them. When seeking evidence of creation, they can't trace the idea of "god" back any further than someone saying they can personally feel god. They have weighed scripture and came to what they perceive a logical conclusion that it's a primitive product of the times. They have put on their detective hats and have looked at all the so-called prophecies and miracles. And what they've found is that most of it is either on par with the countless other myths of the day or it's easily explained through natural events. So they're obviously ruling out what they believe to be false. They're also not looking at possibilities like a continuous, timeless paradoxical loop wherein people created people. Or that we're inside of someone's marble like Men in Black. It's not just the idea of a "god" that they've ruled out. There's no reason a scientist would come back to divine creation if they couldn't make the case that matter formed when two universes collided. And even if they did come back to a divine creator, assuming they had the evidence to do so, the hunt for which one of the thousands it could possibly be is even more fruitless. As I've been saying all throughout this discussion, it's 2012 now. The biggest pieces of evidence that any god--pick one--exists is the god's particular description through scripture and someone saying "I feel it." In the context of science, there is not one good reason that any scientist should be looking in the direction of a divine creator. No roads lead to Rome in this, the biggest of world scenarios. So many look anywhere but. Can a scientist honestly be expected to do otherwise? In terms of NASA firing someone for their beliefs, I don't believe he should have been fired. That's wrong. They should have just not hired him in the first place if that's the attitude they held.
• United States
30 Mar 12
That was definitely my hangup with ancient alien theorists for the longest time. Such technology to travel such great distances, yet primitive construction with a very logical path for a primitive people. But when someone presents something as truth, I personally need to know why I should believe in it. So when the ancient alien theorists want to be taken seriously by the world at large, they get busy looking for their evidence. With religion, it's been around so long as is just so ingrained that it's supposedly a given. Passed down to children, part of the culture, part of the law. But no strides in bringing humanity closer to understanding religion. "Evidence" always seems to be something on a personal level to a believer. It's just something I find rather odd. I think the biggest difference between a believer and a nonbeliever is that if God came down and took over the entire sky and TV and announced himself, guys like me would be "Damn! So he is real." But if one of the universe creation theories were proven, like the big bang or something, most religious people would just contend that God still isn't disproven and that's how he created everything. It's possible to prove a god exists. It's impossible to disprove. Thanks for the response.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Mar 12
Hi matersfish, I've never given much thought to the Shroud of Turin and felt that it was clearly a fake. I was interested in Stigmata and do know one person that this happens too and I'm certain he isn't faking it. He is a spiritual person but has little time for religion and don't attend any church. I'm probably one of the few people who knows about it, and he has no idea why it happens to him. I don't think that it constitutes any evidence of God and he doesn't either, I'm just throwing it out because you mention it. I don't think you will find the type of evidence that you are looking for, although many people will point to nature etc,if you want to accept that argument. ESP, Thought transference, that sort of thing point to something more than the five senses, but I'm not sure you could call it any proof of God. According to some people, the Bible is full of evidence that we were once visited by aliens who the humans of the day called Gods, since they came down from the sky. Of course, I don't believe that the kind of God you are searching for exists or ever did exist. Even proof of life on other planets will only confirm what most of us already believe, and can't prove the existence of God. We can only know for ourselves by going within. Blessings.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Apr 12
Hi again matersfish, There may will be other texts discovered yet, but that won't prove the existence of God. I cannot imagine a separate identity that is God. If there is anything,and I think there is, we are all a part of it, not just humans but animals and plants as well, also all that may be contained in the our universe and beyond. The mystery is far too big for us, but I'm sure I'll always keep searching for more. Blessings.
• United States
29 Mar 12
Well, see, that's just the thing. I don't believe that we hold the answer to anything within. If I wanted to solve 9.8 m/s^2 and had no idea what it suggested or how to proceed, it's not like I could close my eyes, search my soul and pull up the answer. Sure, I could tell myself that it meant something. But would I come to the conclusion that it was the approximate value of the Earth's gravitational force unless I had the frame of reference and the evidence? As I said in the original post, if someone can feel a presence within and be happy with that, I'm happy for them! Truly. But that's on a personal level. It's 2012 and we understand a lot more about the world now. We also have the technology to uncover a lot of our lost secrets. So I will always be interested in finding evidence to verify certain beliefs. I think if any community were to move forward on the quest for knowledge, it's the religious community. (And from what I've seen of creation science, things are quite thin.) I guess I was hoping maybe someone was sitting on an undiscovered text or something! Thanks for the response.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Mar 12
That research about aliens sounds fascinating! I've always thought it was very possible that they visited here, else how could the pyramids be built? Many mysteries could be answered. Do you have any links I could go to? I do not have any tangible evidence of God even though I believe in Him and take joy from His love. However, who is to know the mind of God and say He didn't make other people? If you were a Creator would you confine your efforts to just one type of being? Nope, you'd start several little fishbowls and see which one turned out best! So I do believe in aliens. There are studies and expeditions and digs that are proving many of the occurrences in the Bible but none have yet been able to prove the existence of God.
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@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
29 Mar 12
There is more than logic in your thinking. Is obviously God is alien. It HAVE to be. Isn't said "before all ages God created Earth and Sky"? That mean he is from omeahere far away - off this planet, of course. Which mean alien entity. Most probably living in some kinda energetic form of life which is not visible to our senses. I rest my case.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
The alien stuff is pretty cool. According to some of theorists, they use models and drawings and texts of the time as tangible evidence that physical lifeforms were once on the Earth. That's kinda what I was thinking here - like, for example, if anyone had ever found some real artifacts mentioned for the religion. I know that some people claim to have the Ark and the Spear of Destiny and argue about what the Holy Grail actually is. But with so many competing tales on it all, it's hard to decipher any of it as evidence. Thanks for the response.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 Mar 12
sorry. i dont think anyone has physical proof that He exists. But i think its good to have hope and faith especially today. unless you want to count my son, youngest one as proof since prayer for him brought him out of deaths door and even the doctor said it was a miracle. lets put it this way, id rather believe in God and find out later if he doesnt exist, then not believe in him and find out later he does exist!
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• United States
29 Mar 12
Well, as I said in response to a few others so far, that's my bad for using the wrong headline. I wasn't looking for evidence of a god per se; I was more looking for evidence that religion is accurate. I just figured in 2012 with such scientific breakthroughs that people can excavate grounds and travel and find things so much easier. I was hopeful maybe there was some new evidence for this age-old debate. Congrats on your son. Thanks for the response.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
29 Mar 12
Have you ever heard of the God Helmet? That's real proof that there isn't a god, because it shows how people have visions of God or spiritual feelings, all because of magnetic pulses to their brains. This shows that it doesn't take any kind of spiritual force to make you feel like God is there, it just takes basic reactions in your brains, which can be brought about just by situation events.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
I've seen those experiments done before. It's quite amazing how the human mind works. I also remember a long time ago watching documentaries about experiments done with people of different cultures who found religion later in life. They spoke of personal experiences, like being beckoned by god, etc. In every instance, it was always the god of their culture. It was already the branch of religion they were more familiar with. The "result," I guess, is that they were the religion all along -- a product of the environment in which they lived. Per my personal beliefs and my supreme confidence in mankind to choose its own fate, I find it saddening that instead of more people attempting to understand the human brain and everything that consciousness is capable of, most are just content to insist it's one of god's creations and that we must leave it be. A more cynical person might believe that many are afraid of finding out that they're not right, or even that they already suspect it and want to protect it. Thanks for the response.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
There really isn't any real evidence that God exist. People can say that "Oh, the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, and this and that... is all evidence", but it's man-made evidence.
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• United States
29 Mar 12
One wouldn't think that a divine being demanding to be worshiped, jealous in its insistence that you must love it, would cover up its tracks so incredibly well! I see people are making the case using things like air and gravity and the like. Ironically enough, those things are provable beyond the shadow of any doubt. There is countless evidence. Everything that exists has such evidence. But a god is somehow above being traced. To me, the debate shouldn't be about whether god is a man or a woman. With such lengths gone to in order to keep hidden, I think god is a conspiracy theorist! Thanks for the response.
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• United States
30 Mar 12
I have always thought this search for evidence as a waste of time. Either you believe or you do not. and if you don't , that is ok too. See I am not suppose to be able to see my G-d, it would destroy me. Plus He is Way too busy to stop over for tea!
• United States
30 Mar 12
It seems like with every new discovery that scientist Are trying to prove G-d does not exist. What if G-d Does show Himself but we don't see Him. What if G-d Is love. So whenever you say I love you And mean it, G-d is there. Whenever a child is born to a loving parent , G-d Is present. Or even the small miracles like when a shot that Shouldn't go in Does G-d is there. Many of us look for Him to be in human form. What if He Doesn't show up that way? ps. Forgive me if I implied you were wasting you time. I didn't mean it that way.
• United States
30 Mar 12
I definitely wouldn't argue with that. Perhaps it is a waste of time. But it's my time. As I said to Rollo above: God's existence can easily be proven. There are ways in which God and religion can prove itself. But if you wanted to prove a god didn't exist, you could never do it. There is no way possible to disprove the existence of divinity with a 100% degree of certainty (in the eye of the beholder obviously). So after years and years and years of people being so utterly insistent that a God exists, I just want to see something to that effect. Not proof; just something intriguing. Being all things and all places -- popping in while we're watching American Idol to remind us to treat each other good is something God should carve out time for. Thanks for the response.
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• United States
30 Mar 12
I don't know nor can I know who or what God is beyond what I've heard. I've heard he's the all-powerful, all-knowing creator who has always just been there by himself with the company of angels. After existing forever (which, without time, "forever" is not a concept) out of nowhere, just always there, God decided that he wanted to create everything. So he did. I also understand that we're created in his likeness. This is what I know from what I was taught and what I was told. So he's the creator who looks like us. He can do anything and be everywhere. He also wants us to love him and do the right thing. But when a guy like me asks why he doesn't say it himself. it always takes a turn from the imaginative to the even more imaginative. My only point is that God could quash it all instantly. He could show himself in a variety of ways. He would have to send fewer people to hell. He would preside over a more loving universe. So I wonder why he doesn't. You ask "What if He Doesn't show up that way?" He's fully capable of it, is he not? I've attempted to approach this discussion with the full respect of religious beliefs, even though I do not believe. But from what everyone is telling me, I'm getting a hodgepodge of different theories of why God stays up there and keeps to himself yet simultaneously demands worship. Earthquakes, tsunamis, senseless deaths, disease, starvation, war -- all supposedly his plan and beyond our understanding. I don't know. It just seems to me that it's time God accounted for being God. There's a contradiction in people being God's children. In all Earthly, unknowing context, we're more like rats in a maze. So without the evidence to go on, I'm not sure if I have any reason whatsoever to believe. I wouldn't teach my children. I hope they wouldn't teach theirs. But if there is a God and he demands worship and he would send my children and their children to hell for that, well, it just seems all of that could be avoided with a little assurance from God that he's making the rounds up there. Faith is a tough thing to keep for anyone examining what it means to have it.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
You know, my friend. If you want evidence about the existence of God, are so many in this world. Look around with your surroundings and see many evidence...but if you want an evidence that physically touchable or a picture of God, like what you see in facebook or anything. I think you will lost your mind and never found it. As the bible teach us said that God, is like us human being. Because when God, created human it says "let's created human in our image". This might be the concept being used by those painter to draw the image of our Dear Lord Jesus Christ. But no one will see any evidence that the Jesus Christ is like what we saw in those painting...
• United States
31 Mar 12
Thanks for the response.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Apr 12
Hello Runite, I want to ask you back with that question. If there is no God, that create everything. Who was the creature of this world... There are many books in the world that printed in many centuries but not say that any person or any name of person being call creature of this world. Only the bible teach us about the creature and all the articles in it is evidence that there is creature that create everything...
@Runite (307)
• United States
31 Mar 12
How would you even know that the surroundings were created by a creator?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
30 Mar 12
I don`t have any tangible evidence to prove the existence of God.But that doesn`t mean i can`t choose to believe the most logical explanation for a lot of things and that for me is the existence of someone outside our universe.I believe all people have beliefs, they choose to believe what makes sense for them and for me the existence of a God makes a lot of sense.Plus once someone understands how this whole faith system works he will realize that asking for proofs is a nonsense.That`s why we believe in something because we have no proofs.Once we have a proof we will stop believing and we will accept it as a fact.
• United States
30 Mar 12
No one ever suggested you can't believe whatever you want. But for the purposes of this particular discussion, I am interested to see if anyone has ever found anything tangible to lend credence to any religion out there. We've made so many discoveries as a species. We're learning so much. But religion is where it's always been at. "That's why we believe in something because we have no proofs" sounds more like one is looking to create a different set of standards by which to rationalize maintaining faith. But to each their own. Thanks for the response.
• United States
30 Mar 12
I don't know. If we're able to recreate one thing that God supposedly created, doesn't that prove that God doesn't exist? If we're not God the creator, how can we emulate creation? If God could be human, then is there a God? As for physical proof of God killing free will, that's a vast overstatement. The implication is that believing in God removes your free will, locking you into a box wherein you only do what God demands. Well, we know this not to be true. People who supremely believe in God still sin. They still do what they want to do. To them, God is already proven. So if God was proven to all 7 billion people on Earth, the odds are great that billions would still do what they wanted.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
30 Mar 12
But we can imagine that one day we will build a very smart computer simulation to find out who we are.If we create enough universes let`s say 1 million or so, there is a chance that we will find out more about ourselves.Or at least we will be able to bring a lot of culture from these universes, imagine how it is to have 1 million painters like Michelangelo or 1 million writers like Shakespeare. That raises a lot of questions.If we interfere too much with these people we may turn them into zombies.If we don`t suggest them what we want from them then we may never get a result.I don`t understand why is so hard to imagine that in order for this experiment to have some results is to suggest those people what you want from them and then to interfere in their life as less as you can.As someone in the 8th century said there is no virtue outside free will.And a physical proof of God will kill our free will.
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
Before anything else I just want to set the air straight, are you an atheist? I want you to see this movie "Blue Like Jazz". Some of your questions you can find in this movie. It's a light movie that is an adaptation of a book written by Donald Miller. It's about finding answer to our spiritual question, question to test our faith sort of that. When it comes to beliefs and religions there's a long list of debatable issues. It is due to we all have different perception. We all have different opinions, maybe some will agree on us and maybe not. But in spite of all these things I know even an athiest believes that there is a divine intervention. Your asking for proof of God? Actually you will never find it anywhere else, it's just there inside your HEART. Your faith is your God. Our intellect can't find evidence of his existence because even if it's there, we still don't believe it. We are still looking and expecting for tangible evidence that will represent God. Our aptitude is no match with God and that explains why there are things that we can't explain. God for me is like air. I can breath it but I cannot see it. I can feel it but I cannot touch it. I don't see God but I know he does exist in my heart.
• United States
30 Mar 12
Evidence and proof are different things. I don't expect anyone to be able to prove to me that what they believe in is true. But thousands of years since religion has been around now, with human beings discovering so much about the universe and life in general, religion is still where it's always been. So I'm just wondering if there's any new evidence to suggest that a divine creator is real. Why wouldn't there be tangible evidence of a divine creator who is responsible for every single thing in our lives? But my purpose was not to debate the same old things. Thanks for the response.
• United States
31 Mar 12
"The Bible never attempts to prove God's existence as it declares God's existence is so obvious that we are without excuse for not believing in him." Yes. Exactly. But if that's what so many people choose to believe, then good for them. My only wish is that we are long past the days of people brutally forcing their religion upon others. If people want to believe in something that's supposedly "obvious," I say more power to them. The rest of what you're talking about is a bit nonsensical, like arguing to disprove a god proves a god. Replace "god" with anything and see how it works out. If I argue that there's not a purple rabbit living in my sink drain, that must mean there is. Multiple responses, not one piece of evidence that doesn't say "look into your heart" or "look at your organs" or "it's obvious." The way it's always been. We're all supposed to take on faith, to view brutality and senseless deaths as some sort of plan, to throw up hands up in the air in worship and in fear. Good luck with all that.
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
The bible teaches us that there are 2 types of people, those who profess the truth of God's existence and those who suppress the truth of God's existence. The option of "seeking" God or not believe in God are not available. The Bible never attempts to prove God's existence as it declares God's existence is so obvious that we are without excuse for not believing in him. Sorry if I will include this but according to book of Romans 1:18-21: "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. God although they new God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking become futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. " The proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything. You have to assume God in order to argue against Him. Many times people who do not believe in God have claimed that a faith in God is only a matter of faith and that it cannot be proven scientifically. People claim to reject God's existence because it is "not scientific" or because there is no proof. The true reason is that once they admit that there is God, they also must realize that they are responsible to God and in need of forgiveness from him. If God does not exist, we are free to do whatever we want to do without having to worry of God judging us. There are many things as well that science cannot explain but does exist. Things have occurred in our lives that have no possible explanation other than our creator. Look around you. Try to observe the wonders of nature, seeing the beauty of sunrise and sunset. Staring at the stars and understanding the vastness of the universe, everything you see came from God and that is an evidence. Life is an evidence of God's existence. The very fact that some attempt so aggressively to disprove His existence is in fact an argument for His existence. If God so desired, he could simply appear and prove to the world that He exist but if He did that, there would be no need of faith. But that does not mean, however, that there is no evidence of God's existence. Deep within us is the recognition that there is something beyond this life and someone beyond this world. We can deny this knowledge intellectually but Gods presence in us and all around us is still obvious. Since the vast majority of the people throughout history, in all cultures, in all civilization, and in all continents believe in the existence of some kind of God, there must be something or someone causing this belief. If this is not enough, again will go back into your heart.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Mar 12
First I want ask you a question : What happen to a person when he rises to the upper atmosphere? he can breathe as easily on the Earth? waiting your reply to continue in our dialogue
• Canada
29 Mar 12
I have a bad feeling that you're going to cheat some sort of "God did it" into this whole thing, but I'll bite. No, neither people, nor birds, can breathe in the upper atmosphere. Oxygen and Nitrogen, the main gases in our atmosphere have mass, and are therefore, pulled towards the earth through gravity. Because of this, if you go high up into the atmosphere, there will be less and less air, the higher you go.
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@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
29 Mar 12
Birds can ...
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Mar 12
I mean persons not birds
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
A lot has been written here, as you support your legitimate question of a tangible evidence of God. As I respond, I would like to know if you are asking a question to answer a valid question that you need to know, or if you are asking a question but you made up your mind about the answer that you want to accept? Let me assume, that you're having a valid problem and you want a solution. If you are looking at material evidence, you don't need to look farther way and beyond. The answer is YOU. Yes, if you understand how complex a human being you are, and how all the systems and organs work together so you will function perfectly, you'll understand that there's a master-designer.
• United States
30 Mar 12
Minomarimat: It's odd that out of everything I've wrote thus far, you take it to believe that I am close-minded to the idea. I believe that you probably believe every nonbeliever is simply close-minded - a corrupt fool, no doubt. Did you even read everything I wrote? What would give you the impression that I'm not open to viewing evidence? Frankly, with your attitude, I really hope we have nothing more to talk about. The fact that you're another in a long line of believers who just the pull the same old "look around you" stuff as if that constitutes evidence suggests that you have no nothing but your belief. That's on you, not me. And that's fine. Believe what you want. I'm not here to challenge it. But that obviously was not the point of this discussion.
• United States
29 Mar 12
Well, to address what you ended with first, as I explained to someone up above, our organs are anything but perfect. They're entirely susceptible to disease and harm from a variety of things of this world and beyond. Not for nothing, but that hardly seems like the work of a perfect being that created us in his likeness. But that's not why I wrote the post. It's 2012. We have iPads. We have HDTV. We have the Internet. We are reaching and seeing further into space than ever before. We understand so much more about the human body and medicine than before. Every single thing out there is evolving. Then there's religion. It's still just there. No advancements in religion ever. So I'm wondering, in terms of tangible evidence to the existence of a god or religion in general, is there anything new to bring to the table in 2012? Thanks for the response.
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• Philippines
30 Mar 12
There you have it. You have said it already; that you are looking for a tangible evidence of a god, which you are trying to find out whether or not its existence is true. Well then, why bother asking if you are so closed to the idea that there is none? The mere thought of you asking whether or not there is a god is an evidence that there is indeed, a supreme being. The only confusion here is that you are trying to deny the fact that there is a god. And, to answer your question, yes, there is always new evidence that brings up the existence of god, and if we may, then these can be put in as tangible ones. Think about the discoveries in Jerusalem, in Rome, and even the bible. The markings on walls. The written documents. And I guess no matter how much more we try to argue about this, with you having this closed mind (yes, you are closing your mind to more ideas), then there's nothing else to talk about.
• United States
29 Mar 12
All the Organs in your body buddy! That's the only evidence. God is the creator and made man in his image to create, aliens or not... If they are not plain & visable in space living and breathing i would never trust a word they said.
• United States
29 Mar 12
When I read this, I wasn't going to debate it. But then I got to thinking about my father. He just got out of the hospital two days ago dealing with emphysema - a degenerative lung disease that will eventually take his life. Lungs are organs in the body. The organs and the body were created by a perfect, infallible creator. And in his image, the organs should be just as perfect as he. Why disease then? Thanks for the response.
• United States
29 Mar 12
One day You will Find God& Continue(-:
• United States
30 Mar 12
I don't believe our organs to be created by anything but happenstance, so obviously they, like everything else, exist in accordance with all other fragile, susceptible life and matter in general.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
1 Apr 12
There is so much evidenc of God`s presence around us,yet we are totally blind and cannot see or refuse to see it.This entire creation is evidence of his presence. The solar system, the innumerable stars, planets,galaxies,nebulae, all are evidence of his presence.A tiny seed blossoming into a huge tree, a full grown human being manifesting from the mating of 2 tiny sperm cells, a huge building constructed from just a thought and visualisation of an architect, a beautiful and fragrant flower bringing joy to the world for a brief period of time,a beautiful painting made by an artist from his imagination, the list is endless.If we have the eyes to see him in the beautiful sunrise and sunset, we can smell him in the fragrance of flowers, we can hear him in the sounds of nature, we can feel him in the coolness of the breeze and the heat of the sun, we can taste him in the delicious fruits that grow like magic on a tree,is all this not tangible evidence of God?
• United States
1 Apr 12
Okay. Delicious fruits and cool breeze. Thanks for the response.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Mar 12
If God exists, then God can be found. GOD CAN BE FOUND! You will find your proof of God just as I now have proof that matersfish exists. Hmmm??? Just where are you looking for God?? It's all a test of intelligence. Let me give you a starting point by which you can start on your journey to discovery. If you really work at this, you can find God. This will probably take you years of work. This isn't a 5 minute journey. Start: In this time based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. When you figure out what is really going on in this world and why, you start to see how God thinks. This will open the door to new ideas and new avenues to explore. Each new door you open brings wisdom and knowledge. In time, you will discover God for yourself. Believing will no longer be an issue. You will know. Prepare yourself. All mankind carries such a narrow view. You must widen your view and broaden your thinking. God is very very smart, working on multiple levels with multiple views. You are going to have to Stretch your thinking. You must be one who hungers for truth regardless of whether you agree with that truth or not. Everything about God will add up. Your journey will bring you great wisdom along the way. The only thing that gets in the way will be yourself. It's all up to you. So ask yourself and be honest. Do you Really want proof?? Your choices from here will provide you with the true answer.
• United States
31 Mar 12
Thanks for the response.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
29 Mar 12
Tangible evidence of God? No and there never will be. Now the alien thing is very interesting and I will be honest at one point I never believed in aliens. The little green men from 'mars' thing never sticking with me and then I thought about it. Aliens don't need to be like movies try to portray them. They are superior life forms and people claim to have evidence of these creatures. Pyramids, ancient writings, and more are things people will just write off as sci-fi or not worth paying attention to, but think about them. Stonehenge (in my opinion) is a perfect example of partial evidence of other life forms that might not have been human. The way its set up and has been for a while doesn't seem to be for any real purpose. However in talking with my husband about theories... what if there was a Garden of Eden like in the bible? Let's say they were created by aliens who looked like angels. What if humans are nothing more than a failed experiment or something was wrong with the planet and the aliens couldn't survive and so they left leaving their failed humanity behind? There is a spot on the back of most humans that inexplicably hurts if someone pokes you there? Its hard to describe where it is, but when you put your arms behind your back and sometimes you can feel the slightly pushed up bone that could be reminiscent of an angel alien's wings.. the spot is along there. Is there tangible evidence of God? No... Is there evidence of something else? Possibly.
• United States
30 Mar 12
On a quest to prove that anything's true, the natural course is to look for evidence of it. If you can find evidence, it's more likely to be true. If you cannot find evidence, it's usually perceived as either false or pending further evidence. It's very odd that the most important thing in the history of the world, religion, doesn't play by the same rules, when that's really the primary thing that should play by those rules. Those ancient alien theorists are not content in the slightest to say things like "I feel it in my heart" or "it's in the air I breathe" or "existence is proof" and everything else that religious people say. Ancient alien theorists are inherently scientific about their search and in piecing the puzzle together. With this discussion, I was hoping that maybe some religious people were as methodical in their approach to believing and that they may have found some tangible evidence. I was wrong. But that's okay with me. I still hold all possibilities open. Thanks for the response.
• India
30 Mar 12
Hello frind, No i am not believe in god. Because i think god god is in our mind. Have a nice day.
• United States
30 Mar 12
That is what same people say is "proof" of a god also. So that's why I was interested to know opinions of others. Thanks for the response.
• United States
29 Mar 12
No TANGIBLE evidence because there are certain people, places and things that exist on a metaphysical level. As a right brained, intuitive person I CHOOSE to believe certain things even if I can't reach out and grab them. I also have no tangible evidence that GRAVITY exists; however, if I drop a pencil it will surely fall to the floor. That's enough proof for me.
• United States
29 Mar 12
Yes. That’s all good and well, but gravity itself isn’t a “thing” per se. It can be likened more to a byproduct of mass -- a side-effect. Things like gravitons are theory, but the pencil actually hitting the floor is proof positive of gravity’s existence. The debate isn’t whether or not gravity even exists. It’s clear that it does. The debate is how and at what point did gravity begin to exist and why. And I should have been clearer in my headline. I was looking for evidence of religion being truthful in general. Like if there's any real evidence from a flood and not just misunderstood layers of Earth. Or if anyone's ever found evidence of the slaves who were supposedly in the desert for all those years. Things like that. All the "metaphysical" stuff makes my head hurt. I understand that everyone rationalizes what they believe in, none more so than believers in a supreme creator. I just imagine how much easier it would be on religious people if the god in charge would just appear in the sky and give us a shout-out: "What's up, ya'll? Miss me?" That can't be asking too much from a being that created every single thing to ever exist. But for the purposes of this discussion, I'm not interested in proof. I was just wondering if we had any new evidence making the rounds in 2012. Thanks for the response.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Mar 12
the slaves who were supposedly in the desert for all those years. you mean Jews ? there are Eyes of Moses to now in Sinai, is this a good evidence to you ?
@TheIzers (680)
29 Mar 12
Everyday I woke up in the morning I feel grateful that God still bless me with time to live in another day and enjoy my live with people I love. Every morning I grateful that God exist and provide air for I can continue breath without I have to work on it. Thanks God. To me Air that I breath everyday is enough to prove that He is exist.
• United States
30 Mar 12
Thanks for the response.