Did ya know that cows were nearly not domesticated?

@ElicBxn (63831)
United States
March 29, 2012 11:00pm CST
Its true, all domesticated cows today are descended from a herd of about 80 animals. Don't believe me? Well, read it here: http://io9.com/5897169/dna-reveals-that-cows-were-almost-impossible-to-domesticate?utm_source=io9+Newsletter&utm_campaign=c0844e81cd-UA-142218-29&utm_medium=email Did you think that all those different cows in the world came from such a small population? Do you like cows? Personally, I'm rather afraid of them... but I never had much to do with them either.
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19 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Mar 12
this is moos to me...
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
30 Mar 12
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Mar 12
moos to me too Dawn he he he. I had a calf who wanted to be my pet and came around one January night and stuck his nose into the small space left by my window being up a few inches. He blew hot air across my face and scared me, I woke up and thought he was a monster at my window and screamed my young head off waking my parents. my dad had to get the poor calf and lead him back into the barn that was heated.I am sure I must have scared the bejabbers out of that poor young calf.Also I now wonder why my window was up at all as it was twenty below Fahrenheit and thats too cold to h ave a window up at all.Hence I am not a bit comfortable around cows.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
30 Mar 12
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
30 Mar 12
That is an fasinating story of the domestication of the cows! Truly amazing! I am a cow lover! I grew up on a dairy farm so I am not scared of cows! Even though I have been kicked,stepped on,,butted in the back by a heifer who was a brat and even jumped on by another heifer who was in heat! I will always love cows! I just don't love horses! LOL!
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
30 Mar 12
You don't love horses? Excuse me... what have you done with the REAL blue65packer? I grew up horse crazy in a big(ish) city so my contact with cows was VERY limited.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Mar 12
I didn't know that! I love cows--they are mostly gentle, intelligent, affectionate and make great pets. My mom used to have one she could ride around the pasture. My grandpa raised pedigree Herefords and ranchers would come clear across the country for his bulls' goodies for their own cows. I have a photo of one bull that we especially liked and keep it in my kitchen where I can see it often. Grandpa taught us to respect their feelings and instincts so that we would not get hurt. That new info makes it all the more amazing that we have more than 250 breeds of cattle around the world!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
30 Mar 12
Cow - She came to visit until her momma (behind her in the photo) came to take her home.
That's kinda cool to learn but after having so many dogs all my life, I've always thought that most of today's animals came from the same stock, just as humans did if you believe in the creation theory. The variety came from either random mutations or specific breeding. Cows, now, I have no problem with. Right across our private road is a farm with cows, goats, chickens, and recently, a peacock. (Have you ever heard a peacock? They're LOUD and extremely obnoxious! Beautiful, yeah, but....) We've even had a visitor once. One particularly inquisitive cow came a-callin' one day. She eithe broke through the fence or found a broken spot in the fence and apparently couldn't resist the temptation to see what was on the other side. Whatever her reason, she left me such a nice present, a huge pile of, uhh, fertilizer. Hey, it works! Her momma came to get her but I said she could visit anytime she wanted as long as she left at least one pile of her very special fertilizer for my garden. Below is a photo I took of her as her momma was taking her home.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I have heard peacocks, we have several... flocks? of the big nasty birds around town. One has pretty much rendered one park unvisitable, and then there is Green Pastures... http://greenpasturesrestaurant.com/
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Apr 12
Wow! That's such an impressive restaurant! Well, I should say restaurant plus, huh? It's HUGE! But, that is Texas after all. If I'm ever over that way, I'll definitely have to get reservations for Green Pastures restaurant. I'm sure I could put up with some peacocks just so I could say I've been there. The local SPCA when we lived in Baltimore had a bunch of animals outside like a huge pig, a mule, some horses, goats, sheep, guinea hens, ducks and peacocks. I used to take my sons there just to visit the animals (it was set up like a small zoo). Occasionally, we were able to find some peacock feathers to take home. They had the colorful peacocks and pure white ones. Do you know if the females are white and the males the colorful ones or are the white ones just albinos? I never did bother to find out.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
6 Apr 12
No, the white ones are probably albinos, the females are colorful, they just don't have the showy tails... In fact, I saw a show on Discovery that showed that females chose males with the showier tails... They took a male with a great tail and the females couldn't get enough of him. Then they trimmed the last "eyes" off his tail (it was in a zoo so it wasn't going to hurt him any) and the females lost interest...
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
30 Mar 12
Good for them they voted to get domesticated in their language..othewise they would be extinct by now thanks to their inability to run fast.
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30 Mar 12
i love cows, if we didn't have them we would have no milk, no butter or dairy products and certainly no meat, i have never been scared of cows i find them very calming and peaceful to watch
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
30 Mar 12
OBVIOUSLY you've never seen a Texas Longhorn....
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
6 Apr 12
I hope one of those links work
30 Mar 12
never been to Texas Elic, in fact never been out of my country
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Mar 12
That is a small amount but then look at human were started by only 2 people so it says. Cows are ok have milked them and love the calves Bulls ya have to realy watch out for
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Mar 12
lolololol thats for sure!
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
30 Mar 12
yeah, but there wouldn't be any calves and, hence, milk if there weren't a FEW bulls around...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Mar 12
hi ElikcBxn I cannot say I like or love the cows either one. I was brought up on a farm too. I too am a bit afraid of them as some can get mean. I never paled around with them. I loved horses but that is a different story. I sure did not realize that the cows we have today came from such a small herd. wow.I always left the care and m ilking of cows to my dad and my grandad. I wanted nothing to do with that process at all. lol lol I prefer cats myself as pets.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
30 Mar 12
i love them. they are so sweet and docile. even the fighting bulls are taught to be that way, my grandma had one that followed her all over the farm. she could call her name and it would come. she used to tell me all about her. i also have pet them and such at my dads farm.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
30 Mar 12
I freely admit to being a city gal... I worked with a lady who had a bull she could saddle and RIDE... personally that sounds - odd...
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
3 Apr 12
I have been horse crazy as long as I can rmemeber! I remember we had a pinto pony when I was young who.like alot of ponies,was a snot! He was my sister's pony. We also had a Appy gelding my older brother had. Didn't get my own pony until I was 14! I grew up on a farm and cows were more important then horses! Blacky was a 20 something Welsh/Sheltand cross and he was free! My first horse was at 18 and he was a 3/4 Arab geling named Gaylord. Had him 2 years and he was just to much for me! Then came Major! Major was in my life for just under 27 years! Until I can afford another horse,I hope I can keep feeding at that stable I have worked at for so long and had Major most of his life! I never want to be out of horses!
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• United States
2 Apr 12
I think that is interesting - not just the fact that all domesticated cattle are thought to come from only about eighty cattle but also the fact that DNA research has determined this so precisely.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I know, but I've just passed on a book to Maggiepie about human genetics so it is quite possible.
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• United States
3 Apr 12
Oh, I believe that it is entirely possible, but I just think that it is fascinating and pretty amazing that we have come this far and can tell so much about people and animals through DNA now. Of course, I think that some of the testing goes too far, especially when it is not something that can cure diseases or help people, but I think that much of it is very helpful and informative.
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• India
30 Mar 12
thats something never heard of
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@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
30 Mar 12
Domesticated means that the human being is using the animal for itself (no matter if it's as a pet, for food or so). So it doesn't matter what the herd original comes from or if we changed it into something that looks better, different or is more productive.
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• South Africa
30 Mar 12
I love cows. I grew up where there was a lot of cows. In fact, anyone who did not have a cow in those days was poor. They showed one's wealth. I live in Africa and there's so much we do with cows; we use them to plough in the fields, milk them, eat them. And they are quite pricey...
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
30 Mar 12
Being an old "cow" girl, I do have quite a bit of a love affair with these bovines! Cattle ranchers are what we were known as, and life was a lot more simple dealing with 100's of them on a daily basis, than man..OL! We always had 2 to 3 Dairy cows (jersey's for cream products and Holstein's for milk) and several hundred Herefords or HerefordAngus cross...and of course, the calves (as a youngster)were always for entertainment! Much more difficult to ride, as there skin is much looser! Calves, and a competition always ensued, whom could stay on the longest! Good link! Thanks, dear!
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• Canada
3 Apr 12
I can plainly see why you invoked the "angel" emoticon...you are admitting that you did spend some overt time...OUT BEHIND THE BARN! What else did you conclude there?
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• United States
2 Apr 12
I learned quite early that cows DO NOT like to be ridden. In fact, they enjoy it much less than even untamed horses do, although I will not say how I happened to come to this conclusion.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
31 Mar 12
I think that they all came from the cows created by God in the beginning. I grew up on a farm, so I can both like and dislike cattle. Once you get to know them, you will realize that they have different personalities, just like people.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Apr 12
I like them but I am like you...I am a little scared of them. They are sooo big. A lady I work with says they can be mean sometimes too. She said one tried to squash her once when she was younger on purpose. Great info on the cows!
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@topffer (42155)
• France
30 Mar 12
It is fascinating. Do you know that by crossing the more primitive cows -- Spanish toro, Scottish highland bulls, etc -- the auroch has been recreated in France in the 1930's -- the last "true" auroch disappeared in Central Europe in the 16th century, but the skeleton of this "new" auroch is the same than the skeleton of a prehistoric auroch -- ? If you want to see at what were looking the first domesticated cows, there is a photo of these cows/aurochs here -- sorry, the article is in French -- : http://1jour1actu.com/france/le_retour_de_lauroch_la_vache_prhistorique/ It is an impressive animal, and, as said in your link, "an incredibly wild beast" difficult to tame for our ancestors. This is staggering to realize that the foundations of our civilization are based on so little. A really emotional article, thank you.
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• India
17 Jul 12
The address that you have given is helpful to know that all domesticated cows are descended from a herd of 80 animals. I have read it, it is really interesting to me. I cannot believe yet that the cows came from a small population. I like the cows. I do not afraid of cows. You should overcome the afraid of cow by staying near about the cow sometimes.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Hun, I live in a BIG city, 14th largest in the U.S. My main interaction with cows is as a nicely grilled rare steak on my plate. Now, just because this city is in Texas does not change the fact that I don't really have much opportunity to have close encounters with cows... I did have a few when I was younger and none of them were especially pleasant - not endangering like my horse encounters, but still....