OMG its here......

United States
March 31, 2012 10:09am CST
i havent liked this new timeline since it started and now that everyone and every page has it i dislike it even more :( i use facebook for many sites not just profiles and those sites pages are in the timeline form and it is so hard to follow the discussions. it is way to complicated i like it the way it was before!! can you tell me the best ways to use this timeline and understand it better? this way may b i to can grow to like it. i am even having trouble finding things on the page that i always use. wish they could have left well enough alone lol it was fine the way it was. can you help me? ALSO what are your thoughts on everyone being "fored" to use this new timeline?
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6 responses
31 Mar 12
I've not been on Facebook with the new timeline yet so I can't really comment. I do, however, agree with you about leaving things as they were. After all, if it ain't broke why fix it?
• United States
31 Mar 12
LOL i have always said that. "if it aint broke dont fix it" there is no point in changing something when it is fine the way it is. when they cahnged it they changed it for the worst. they should have had a poll on faebook about who wanted it or not. i think they would find the majority would not want it. i am not using facebook as much because of this it is to confussing. if they would atleast give us a choice instead of forcing it on us i think that would have been the better way to do this! :)
• United States
3 Apr 12
very true they will do as they please because they are a huge company and will make money no matter what. it is easier to bocott a shop than a website but not impossible. if we started it and every one kept sharing it and it got passed around to everyone that way then it might be possible if people actually did it after that was passed around but most luck the facebook corporation woudl delete it off.
31 Mar 12
You're right a poll would have been a good idea, but as with any big corporation or company why would they bother with 'the little people'? They will do what they want when they want regardless of what people might actually want. It's easy to boycott a shop but not so easy to do it to a website.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I have the new time line and don't like it. My daughter e-mailed Facebook and was informed she can't change back. We should have the option to say don't change it. Many people on my friend list don't have it now.
• United States
3 Apr 12
i wish i knew how your friends managed to not have it any more lol because i cant stand it and i would like to get rid of it. i feel like there should have been a poll on who wanted it or not. i think they would have found that most people do not like this or we should have the choice to have it or not. the way they went around and did this was wrong on many accounts.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 Mar 12
I haven't had it forced on me yet. I started a discussion yesterday because I thought that was the cut off date, a lot of people were saying it is today, and one said it could be a few more days. EIther way, so far so good for me. I don't like the timeline, i see it on people's profiles and it's not screen friendly. I have a very big screen, but even so faceboook cuts off posts etc.
• United States
31 Mar 12
everyone told me today everyone would officially be on the new timeline. i just wish they would let us make the choice. yes this new profile loads so much slower on my computer and sometimes it freezes it up. i didnt have this problem before we got this.
• Canada
1 Apr 12
I am with you, I hate the new timeline on facebook. Hard to follow and very confusing. I think they should give the option to switch or not.
• United States
3 Apr 12
i think a poll should have been made on everyones page to see how many people liked the idea or not. i think they would find more people do not like it. i have found my self not using it has much as i use to. i have been playing games a lot more often again because i dont go to my sites pages because i dont feel like the hassle and the headache from trying to follow it and understand everything.
@rn3421 (13)
1 Apr 12
I've just been on Facebook and thankfully its still giving me the option of 'not now' for the timeline thing. I'll be really cross if they just change it. Some of my friends already have it and I can't follow anything on their profiles any more. I like it just the way it is and really hope they don't decide to force timeline on everyone.
• United States
3 Apr 12
i wish i knew how you kept it that way lol because i no longer have the option of "not now" my profile was changed to the timeline and i am not happy with that. it takes a lot longer to load for me and sometime i can not get it to load at all. i use to play a lot of games and now that the new timeline is here i seem to be playing more games again instead of the pages i went to a lot of my friends profiles. i do not feel like taking the time deal with how it works. it was fine the way it was. i sure hope that you are not "forced" into this new timeline.
• United States
1 Apr 12
I do not like how they keep changing everything. I really liked it the way it was when I orginally signed up. I don't like the side panel that lists who is on chat because you have to scroll down, and go through all the people, just to see who is online. I don't like the timeline because it just seems more confusing when looking at a friend's page. I am just glad that my newsfeed is the first thing that I see when I log in. I do have some friends that did not have to switch over to the timeline. It made me do it, and I have not figured out how they got out of it. They said that their pages were never messed with.
• United States
3 Apr 12
yes the chat is very aggrivating. and the profiles of others i just stopped going to them if i have to. even the pages of other sites i use i find my self not going to them as often. i guess it not worth the hassle to me. i am also glad that the page when you sign in is not in timeline format i am not sure i would facebook at all then. i am playing more games again than i use to that. i wish i knew how they managed to not have their pages messed with lol i think a poll would have been a great idea that way every one had a say so in the desiciond and i truely think in the end they would have found out that this new timeline wasnt what they thought it was going to be.