Is Facebook becoming too Juvenile?
@sierranicole24 (71)
United States
April 2, 2012 5:04pm CST
It seems that people are only using facebook to either complain about something or brag about something. I thought Facebook was for connecting with friends online. All I ever see is people talking about how their life sucks, trying to get sympathy from people. Or they talk about all the amazing things that are going on in their life. It's like they are trying to make everyone envy them and feel bad about themselves. Also there are children now using Facebook! Kids as young as six have their own profiles... and their parents approve of it! I saw a group that was for people in Macungie Elementary School. They are way too young to be on facebook! They should be out playing with their friends or participating in sports or maybe doing their homework. Anyone else think they are way too young to be on Facebook? There is a lot of mature content on Facebook that they can access. Unless their parents are watching their every move, there is no way to keep them from accessing it, unless you block Facebook.
8 responses
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
3 Apr 12
I do agree, I think that facebook has become way to juvenile. I have thought as well that facebook is about connecting with others and such. But I guess not. I feel like sometimes I'm reading a soap opera with some of the things that I read or hear that people post about on facebook. I can't believe that people post things like they do on there. Its beginning to get ridiculous. And then about 6 year olds getting facebook. That is definitely way to young to be having any kind of facebook. I think mainly they probably want it for the games and stuff, but I don't even think they should be playing the games on there. Don't you need to be 13 or somewhere around there to have a facebook in the first place. It makes me wonder though if the parents even know that their child has a facebook page. But if you don't know that your six year old or any of your children have a facebook page then you are not paying attention to your kids good enough. Why does a six year old need to have a facebook page in the first place. Like you said six year olds should be outside riding their bikes and playing with their friends not at home playing around on facebook. There is way too much mature content on facebook for a six year old to even be seeing.
@Newyorker06 (79)
• United States
3 Apr 12
I agree, I thought that Facebook had an age limit on the people that was allowed to have one.Even though people used to lie about their age at least Facebook was making an effort. I also don't like the fact that people do post every aspect of their lives on facebook I mean I don't need to know that Johnny is eating pretzels right now. All that is people trying to make it seem like their lives are exciting and that they are the SH*T. If I wanted to know what you were doing every minute of the day I would have gone to your facebook page,found your cell number, dialed it, and asked you for a recap of your day.
@Keola12 (823)
• United States
3 Apr 12
Personally, I believe that anyone under the age of 18 years old should not be using facebook. This is especially true when young children are prone to fall prey to predators. The parents need to be involved and play a more active role when it comes to monitering their children and should not allow them on facebook or on any social networking site. Children under the age of 18, especially elementary school age children, have no business on Facebook. They are much too young.
@closetgaara (128)
• United States
2 Apr 12
I agree, Facebook has become ridiculously annoying for me. Not only are those juvenile people posting sob stories, weird lyrics and other irrelevant things that clog up my newsfeed, Facebook in general has just taken over way too much. They want to know everything about you, and all of their bothersome apps want to have access to your personal information. I also hate that so many other websites these days are tied to Facebook or want you to link up with Facebook so that they, too, can have access to your private information. For those reasons and the one's you've mentioned, I do think that young kids shouldn't have Facebook. At their age, children should be interacting in real life and at school, not posting inane things on Facebook. I think it's very unnecessary for young children, and haha, even some adults!
@LovelyChris71 (63)
• United States
2 Apr 12
FaceBook is full of negativity and immaturity. I decided recently to deactivate my FaceBook account. I am 40 years old and had a bad experience with some1 famous who I am obsessed with. My dream man went off with another fan who I loathe @ an afterparty lol. My dream man is on my FaceBook. The people on my lists were too young for me. I decided @ age 40. I am retiring from FaceBook lol.
@Lisona (177)
3 Apr 12
I only joined facebook to keep in regular contact with my relatives abroad. I set my page to private, and if anyone does my head in I remove. Simple. Facebook is not just remember you are still in control of your page. As for youngsters using it well that's just annoying, hence why they had bebo for a while. Its the cyber bullying that's getting out of hand. As they are not mature enough to deal with it properly as they are still learning how to act socially.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Apr 12
I agree, facebook has so much garbage on it. I do not have time to waste on that site. I very seldom go on there and when I do I stay on for a few minutes to see photos of my new baby nephew. Other than that, nope not for me. I have no reason to waste time there when I can be here doing something productive earning a little money for my family.
I would never allow my children on there. As you said there are many things on there that are not suitable for children. My niece whos only 10 has a profile on there and I think its crazy! I think my sister is crazy for letting her be on there. Thats just my opinion though...
@bmonai87 (11)
• United States
2 Apr 12
Is Facebook becoming too juvenile? I think it passed juvenile a long time ago. Many people I know became a member of facebook when it was only for college students and I definitely hear people say that they wish it had stayed that way. I became a member of facebook just to check it out and see what everyone was talking about. I soon found out that it was definitely a place for people to brag, complain, and tell all of their business. And let's not forget start eFights. It didn't take long for me to delete my page and I'm sure I'm not missing anything. I think I will be fine without twitter and instagram also. But tumblr and pinterest, sites like that, seem a bit more interesting but i have yet to check them out.