Have you ever walked away from a fight?

@davido (1623)
April 6, 2012 11:43am CST
I just remembered how I walked away from a fight after been slapped twice, when I was growing up and I remembered meeting up with the guy some years back and he ran to me and hugged me and was weeping, saying sorry. I could not even recognize him again but I remembered the instance very well, it was surprising to me I did that then....been a fighter myself. Have you ever done that or know someone that did?
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11 responses
7 Apr 12
I will disagree with a previous comment and say its nothing to do with size. To me walking away takes a bigger person whether it be a man or woman. Why bust knuckles over something quite possibly stupid at the time when you later reflect on it. Sure you might get labeled for it but who cares, you know why you walked away you can end up feeling bigger for it rather than beating on someone. I've been in fights and lost to smaller and larger people, I've also won against larger and smaller people. But some of my best victories in my opinion was walking away and not giving it a second thought until it was brought up by someone or something. Very few things will get me into a physical confrontation but the last time which was about a year / year and a half ago was someone threatening my mother. That's a huge no no with me. Threaten my mother bring an army quite honestly. The time before that I was jumped on by 6 people knocked unconscious for a few moments but then got up and staggered home and forgot about it. My opinion on it was if it takes 6 people to jump one person they arent worth a second thought.
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
You are right. I too might not stand someone doing that to my Mum too...lol if I cant handle such i will surely set him/her up or get him/her arrested and pay for it dearly.
@Rochaten (166)
• Portugal
6 Apr 12
I never walked away from a fight... But something feels like it, because the opponents are very strong and i get hurt alot. But with the adrenaline i can't feel pain and i keep fighting. When i was little i got hit alot by the older kids and could not get away.
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
Yeah it might seems odd or a weakling thing to do but most fight we tend to walk away from are the ones we might possibly win against someone who wants to make name or impress others but they are usually wrong about it. Its not an act of cowardice.
@lowyder (282)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
honestly around here ive been in few fighths more or less i dont fight becuase it is pointless and it is a small community most people always are with atlest 2 others so its 3 ppl on 1 80% of the time ..so ive been jumped and just walked away just thinking and knowing fighting back would have brought more pain my way so i just thought was best thing to do being i was 15 an the other guy was 23 at the tie his buddy was 19 so i just didnt get it and they left me in the middle of know where in the woods ,,,wasnt fun but i ended up walking home missing a front tooth and a swollen shut eye lol ...Best of luck & hopin that BS in the past!!! LOW~!~
@davido (1623)
• Canada
12 Apr 12
Its just bad when you are jumped on and they are just too many for for you...and worst with a lost front tooth, i dont know why people just do it to others!
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
7 Apr 12
i think i have never walked away from a fight. no one really likes defeat. but i can say i only had one big fight with a classmate back in high school. we kept pulling each others hair and then i kept punching her. her mom saw us and was begging me to let go of her because we wouldn't stop scratching and pulling each others skin and hair but i answered her, tell your daughter to let go first. then my other friend's dad whispered to me and said, why did you stoop down to her level? when i heard that, then i immediately came to my senses and i let go of her. i realized there were already a lot of people around us. her mom was so mad at me but i wasn't sorry. her daughter and i talked after the fight and she said she wasn't mad at me for what happened. i was surprised when she said that. now we are okay and are friends again. i see her mom too from time to time, i wonder what she is thinking hehe.
@davido (1623)
• Canada
12 Apr 12
That sounds like a preety fight...lol anyway no one likes defeat but sometimes we just take control and what seems like defeat will turn to victory at the end of the day!
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
it sure was. but i never want something like that to happen again. we were so young that time.. so high school.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Apr 12
hi nice subject, ok lets say, i can say that i wish to do that, its a wise thing to do and it means how strong you are in controlling your tempors, but i can not do that, its nice thing though, but usually i answer back and really i wish i do not do that and walk and leave fights.
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
6 Apr 12
Yes its a nice thing to do and I just cant remember what made me to walk away maybe I was reading some stuff then that had a lot of impact on me, even when I know I had an edge over the guy because he was a bit drunk and I am in my right senses...but yeah its good to control ones temper.
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• India
6 Apr 12
it is very obvious when u see the challenger is more and strong but if youre strong enough to compete than you should not dare to leave at all...i am the person which always try to win..whether by power or by smartness...
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
6 Apr 12
Yeah it would have been a real bloody fight! but I will still have an advantage over him because he was drunk a bit and I am in my right senses....but I guess after a very long years I won the fight...lol
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• Philippines
7 Apr 12
As an adult, I don't fight with anyone anymore. When I was a kid, I do that always. I fight with the other kids, be it boys or girls. Then when I was in my early teens, I fight with other girls but I never walked away from it. Now I don't fight with anyone anymore.
@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
...and I am sure you will not want to see people get involved in fights...right?
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Apr 12
hi davido sometimes its the prudent thing to do to walk away from a fight especially if you are pitted against someone who could actually kill you if he or she got mad enough.I did finally walk away after trying to stop this huge lout who was battering his own wife,a small frail woman.I jumped on him bujt he was so strong he just backhanded me so I went into the nearest house instead and call the police. the man was arrested and charged with attempte murder.She spent some time in the hospital and he was jailed immediately. I knew better than to continue to fight him as he was huge and i was in mysixies and not so huge. lol
@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
Wow...thats great but you did distract him a while...maybe your jumping at him saved the life of the other woman in an instinct...and yes good you knew what to do- to call the police in. You saved a life!
• Philippines
7 Apr 12
yeah i've walked away from fights if no punches have been thrown yet. i never throw the first punch and if i can defuse the situation by talking sense into the guy i usually do that and i usually can because i'm very fit and taller than most normal people and i'm gifted with a very intimidating face i usually end up fighting with the guy if he throws a punch i usually end up walking away from that fight too. with the other guy flat on his back. perks of having a black belt in Judo and Karate
@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
hahaha...thats cool! Maybe we could square up sometimes...lol just joking
@Extourmed (191)
• Bulgaria
7 Apr 12
Hello davido! I live in Bulgaria in a small neighborhood so I had to deal with all kinds of situations like yours when I was a little and not only when I was a little. 2 years ago I walked away from a fight. There's this guy, he's kind of a good fighter training MMA his whole life and start picking up with me and I don't know but I just walked away from the fight. Like I say when I was a little I was the kid who was always bullied and making fun at so I kind of get this situation inside. The fight I walked away was 2 years ago, but I always regret it and think about it everyday and just being angry and always thinking how I should fight the guy no matter if I was gonna lose or not. I see the guy some times, we live in the same neighborhood and I always look at him treating hoping he challenged me somehow, but that doesn't happened. My advice is never walked away from a fight, because you should stud up for yourself and just be a man. Good Luck my friend :) !
@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
Fighting unnecessarily does not make you a man! If its to protect what its yours good but he who walks away from fight live to fight a better fight. One day the other guy who thinks he is MMA will be mistaking to find someone who will shame him a great deal. I did that when I was younger. this guy believes he is a good boxer and he always picks on other students but when our school was merged he did not know me neither did I but they use to talk about him and unfortunately for him he picked on my friend and I joined in kept on slamming him on the floor because I know some Karate and punching him and let him get up and charge again and I grab him by the waist kept on slamming him the last time my friend just jump on him because he was so tired now and bloodied and my friend kept punching him till he started begging! he never did that again to other students
• Philippines
7 Apr 12
yes i have done that. haha i walked away because my ears got tired of all the nagging and accusations which were not true in the first place. i slammed the door and walked away. that was just it. HAHAHA
@davido (1623)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
hahaha...false accusation and nagging could suck a lot!