When nature calls frequently

@deodavid (4150)
April 7, 2012 7:03am CST
I had this friend and most of us do know his issues with his digestive system , it is to sensitive and that minor changes in diet like eating to full his stomach or hot and spicy meals even noodles his body can't tolerate and he has to go to the bathroom really a lot, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is his issue and for me it's not disgusting since we all use the bathroom and have some bad days with our tummies but I think it kinda sucks because what if he was on a date or a very interesting basketball game and it is last two minutes , right he will miss the moment just because he is in the bathroom.
3 responses
• India
17 Jul 12
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very debilitating disease of the digestive tract and has affected thousands of people all over the world and persons need to be sympathetic and show some empathy to those who suffer from its effects.It can bring about very negative life changing and disturbing occurences to the extent that it can curtail a person"s involvement in relationsships and especially for those persons involved in sporting activities.It can bring about limitations on how they interact with other members of their group like for instance when playing team sports such basket ball as a result of the frequency of their going to the bathroom.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
Yeah IBS is really bad but hey with proper diet and scheduling of meals i think this can be helped it just needs tons of work and going to your physician about how to go about this so that you can at least try to live a healthy normal life.
@pacobid (71)
• China
8 Apr 12
sorry to hear that.But that may be a kind of diease.i hope you should persuade him to go to the hospital.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
Yeah well i think that he already did and had done something about it since he is already doing better and have monthly checkups as he said but really don't have anymore news about the case.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
7 Apr 12
i was diagnosed with that years ago, but i did not have to go all the time and i had a tear in my bowel which they got fixed.. now i dont go too much i dont go enough and that can be serious as well... i had bad problmes out of my stomach becasue if it.. the dr told me it could be fatel i was scared because i was in such pain.. so they gave me lots of pills , stool softners and murelax and lots of juices i was on a clear liquid diet for a week like to killed me... so now i eat more fiber and am working on more good stuff to drink and eat.. so i understand those kind of problems all too well.. i would hate going all the time though that would be a pain.. i would get really aggrivated.. i know in the winter this is gross too, but if i get a bad cold i will pee on myself when i cough and it cant be helped so i have to run and change every little bit.. i even tryed poise .. but thank god that is only in winter cold momths i could not handle that all teh time either... best of luck
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
Hey there i suggest you visit your gynecologist about this must be a weak muscle on that area of your that why this happens in the cold winter times i suggest on reading about keagle exercises to strengthen that area of yours maybe this would help. And yeah stomach issues are scary but can be helped with proper guidance by a physician.