easter chocolate!

April 7, 2012 10:23am CST
Don't you JUST love Easter? The one time in your life, you can eat all the Chocolate you like...and appease your GOOD dietary sense, by just saying...OH, for lunch, I had Chicken..for Dinner, I had rabbit..for breakfast I had Eggs and truth be known...They are ALL Chocolate! And the second BEST part, is you can find them hidden all over the place! Aren't you glad--your Chicken, Rabbit and Eggs, at Easter are Chocolate??? Happy hunting, everyone..and a special Easter!
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14 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Apr 12
I have always loved Easter--after I was an adult for the wonderful news it conveys and for the treats when I was a child. But I still love the chocolate though my scale screams "Don't, PLEASE DON'T!!!!!" I remember one Easter I got a beautiful spun sugar egg with a peep hole in it with beautiful frosting roses around it. Inside was an Easter Bunny with a basket of eggs. The whole thing was gorgeous, so much so that I wouldn't eat it but one day it was gone...I think my brother ate it! I have never seen one since. Another thing that I haven't seen since childhood is big chocolate eggs, they were round like eggs, and inside were fruits and nuts in some kind of wonderful confection. It was some kind of semi-firm cream but soft enough to melt in your mouth. We each got one of those, some jelly beans and a couple of "peeps". Not much by today's standards but it was a lot to us. I especially loved dying eggs with my mom and siblings the night before! Have a blessed Easter and rejoice in His love.
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• Canada
7 Apr 12
A wonderful and Happy Easter to you, too, dear friend! Be like me...hide the scales..abandon that inner voice! And rejoice...! I cannot, for the life of me, imagine HOW beautiful that Easter Egg MUST have been to for this long, make you remember it's Beauty! Wow! I'll bet if you had your way...it would be encased in glass...as it would keep! My craziest memory of Easter...My son, very young. I had the Marina, and had to work that day, it was a beautiful day..and I had invited his entire class for a BIG Easter Egg Hunt. I hid the eggs, early in the morning..and went to work! The children arrived..the hunt was on...ONLY thing to be found...the wrappers..the CROWS (because of the brilliant colours) had found..and ATE everyone! What a disaster...I had to get creative FAST..LOL!
1 person likes this
• India
7 Apr 12
wow, thats reaal good time. in between check this out http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/233486.php it will ensure you do not have any bad feeling after words :) happy easter
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• Canada
7 Apr 12
Thank you for sharing! YOU, too must have been looking for a great way to justify the dining on Chocolate! I am normally, very disciplined about the consumption of sweets...BUT, then there is Easter..What can I say..LOL! I hope you and yours, have a very special Easter...I know mine will be spectacular as it is a beautiful..sunny day!
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@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Apr 12
Happy Belated Easter, pergammano! I've barely been on myLot lately . . . I just saw your post here and wanted to respond!! I've missed our communique! Hmmmm. Like Old MacDonald's farm . . . with chocolate here and chocolate there . . . here a chocolate, there a chocolate, EVERYWHERE some chocolate!!! We had bought some to make "goodie bags" for the family, and when we finally did up the bags, well, um, we realized the bags wouldn't be as stuffed as we thought . . . much of it got munched on days before! And then the rest of the family made their goodie bags too . . . I think we have enough chocolate to last us ... til next week - ha ha!! I especially like the ones that are peanut butter filled - like the Reese's peanut butter eggs - and out of that whole bag I bought, we were only had ONE to put in each bag - ha ha. My 2 year old got a hold of the hollow rabbit my mother gave to him . . . he immediately ripped up the foil and ate about 3/4 of it all by himself! Oh yes, the Easter bunny did his job VERY well - ha ha. Hope you had a wonderful Easter - chocolate and all!!! Guess what - we GOT a house (well, it's in escrow now . . . but in about a month, we move!). Will spare the details for another time - the little is a calling for me now . . . but things are coming along!!!!!!!! How are you doing?
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• Canada
11 Apr 12
WELL...now...aren't you just the GOOD NEWS girl! I am extremely thrilled for you and yours! A NEW to you home...I'll bet you are already full of plans to make it ALL about you and family! YOU now have a toe-hold in the terra firma of So. CA! And what a huge responsibility shift! Please be sure to invite me to your "house-warming" party! My Igloo is slowly melting...serving double-duty, watering my gardens...LOL!~ And Spring flowers..are nearly spent, my favourite season seems to be quite abrupt this year! I can't wait to hear about your new abode....and just absolutely pleased that you took a moment to stop by, here!
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Apr 12
Oh thank you pergammano! Ah, sounds like spring has happened upon your igloo . . . looks like you are the one having a "house warming" - hee hee!! It's nice that the sun had made its debut after all that harsh winter you had - I'm know you've been waiting!! And you know we've been waiting to find "the" place. Honestly, in our price range, it was slim pickings - we got the best that we could - knowing that the market is going to take a turn very soon. The place is small but quaint - needs work - but doable for our family. Better than forking out more rent money that goes nowhere (although we do love this apartment). More details in another discussion . . . shall put more details there (soon) so as not to hog up your Easter discussion!! Hope you are still enjoying the Easter candies!! I had to hide some from the kids - in my tummy - ha ha!!!!!
@allknowing (141588)
• India
8 Apr 12
The Easter Egg culture is not so popular here in India although the Confectioneries do have loads of them for sale. I am not much into Easter celebrations but Christmas is what I look forward to. You can fool yourself but not your tummy when an Easter rabbit gets in there. It will know it is chocolate! Have a great Easter perga... the Canadian way.
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• Canada
8 Apr 12
AW..c'mon, my friend...just for once, allow me to be frivolous and free spirited...and indulge the "child" in me...LOL! As MUCH as I love Christmas...I am always more light-hearted, spiritual at Easter, and I think it is because of my LOVE of Spring...and all the bright, new promises, that come with it! It was such a tremendously beautiful day, yesterday (and promised today too)I cant help but be full of sunshine in my heart, too! So...as soon as daybreak appears...I will be off..down the bunny trail, looking for hidden chocolate treasures and here's hoping I don't just find droppings...LOL! A wonderful Easter to you...and yours, dearheart!
@allknowing (141588)
• India
8 Apr 12
Very interesting. Who organaises these treausure hunts? Is it a government run activity. More on that please
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Apr 12
Dear pergammano Chocolates and me... We here as Hindus dont have such a festival but we do get to have a lot of other festivities where the sweets are sought after. Unfortunately, I dont prefer the simple sweets instead a choco thing is much preferable... I had a big Choco yesterday too and though we dont get such stylized chocos at my place, I am sure sometime when I am in a bigger metro city, I might find some ideas... Happy Easter to you my dear
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• Canada
8 Apr 12
OH my Lord, dear bro'...I am having far TOOOOOO much fun with this discussion! You CAN rely on me! I have the absolute solution for your ANT problem...YOU must check out this website (reference only) www.InsectCandy.com! We can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams...with Chocolate Covered Ants! Just sit and relax..the ants are coming to you, and you just sit there with your melted pot of chocolate...and dip, dip, dip! I am delirious with exhaustion..I must have chased that Easter Bunny for 10 miles..hippity-hopping down the bunny trail, him laughing hysterically and repeating.."you were not "eggsactly" a good girl!" I even tried the intrigue of fresh carrotlets from my garden...he did leave some droppings, tho! OR was that just a "hare" of my imagination? BIG Hugz for a wonderful Easter!
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Apr 12
The insects used in our candy are humanely quick frozen and prepared under sanitary conditions. All are safe for human consumption. This is surely going to tell those ants that they have another purpose altogether and we can munch on them The bunny doesnt seem to have been your imagination's creation as eggsactly the carrotlets do seem to be real. HAPPY EASTER dear
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• Philippines
7 Apr 12
Hahah here in our house my mom used boiled egg with attached money on it. HAPPY EASTER
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• Canada
7 Apr 12
Firstly, vhalen....a big hearty Welcome to myLot! We, too..boil eggs, and then color them, delightfully...do you do that, too? Color them, that is...then after all the fun and frivolities are over, we make a BIG Potato/Egg Salad to have with our Easter Ham! And to YOU and yours, a special Easter filled with fond memories!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Jun 12
This is an interesting way to put things. Maybe I should try that next time, but most of the time anytime I have chocolate it is in the Bar kind. But when holidays come around you could eat them in animal form, and tell people you ate that, and most would never assume anything different.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
13 Apr 12
I like the gum in the shape of Easter eggs. Yummy!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Apr 12
I had the bunny and the eggs, but no chicks. Got to have something to lay more eggs with again. Ha, ha! Take care
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Apr 12
hi pergammano oh yes indeed. although I am diabetic I still cheat a bit with chocolate bunnies and eggs galore. I once won a good sized chocolate bunny for a bingo prize and had a hard time keeping from eating too much chocolate at a time.Happy Easter right back at you.For diabetics its a bit of a tricky time but with your handy glucometer yo u can check your blood glucose and still eat your chocolate eggs and b unnies too in moderation. lol
1 person likes this
• Canada
8 Apr 12
YES...I am aware that diabetics MUST be cautious, Ms.Hatley...BUT the EASTER BUNNY told me YOU could cheat..just a little bit this year! He/she said; "they will leave you just GOOD quality chocolate, that isn't so highly sweetened!" LOL! I am fully respectful of the religious aspect of Easter...but I so love the "frivolity" of Easter, too! My favourite season of the year..is SPRING, as I know there is nothing but better weather coming...whereas Christmas means that I have another few months of cold! As much as I griped about the weather this year...yesterday was a "BEAUTY", brilliant sunshine..and all the spring flowers fully in bloom..LOVE IT! HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY...Dear one!
@GreenMoo (11833)
8 Apr 12
I am SO proud of myself. I have a bag full of little foil wrapped chocolate eggs hidden on my shelf where it has been for weeks ... and I have NOT broken into it and pinched any I must go out in a moment and do my annual Easter Bunny impression and hide them around the garden for the kids. Happy Easter!
1 person likes this
• Canada
8 Apr 12
Beings you are the Easter Bunny...are you using the excuse of the Garden...just so you can eat the carrots with abandon????? I know, I am being far too..light-hearted with this discussion...but Spring, and Easter brings sunshine to my heart..too! Just love this time of year..a spectacular day of sunshine, yesterday..and promises for today, too! YOU have been well-controlled and disciplined, too! Truth be known, the closest that I will get to any Easter traditions..is some hard-boiled eggs! I do miss the days, when m y son was younger...and at home! Easter, now, to him is the start of his camping season, so I miss him dearly...BUT I do have my "little furry friends" and Mother Nature to enjoy! To you...and your family...a wonderful EASTER SUNDAY!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Apr 12
My dearest pergammano, Although this response is rather late, my apologies, I am quite the chocolate fan and look for most any reason to have some Easter is certainly one of those holidays that make for a perfect reason to by a ton of it..LOL. I made my girls...and of course my daughter's b/f,Easter baskets full of goodies. I usually personalize them by age and needs. My daughter has been feeling a little down lately because of the weight thing so her basket consisted of a little chocolate and a whole lot of things that would make her feel better about herself..ex.hair products,lotions..etc. It worked too...she looked like she felt like a million dollars when she left that day. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with lots of chocolates and goodies!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
8 Apr 12
So what about garlic shaped chocolate? Happy Easter to you too my friend. I am happy with my green smoothie for my Easter Sunday breakfast right now. It is delicious, but I might sneak some chocolate in later!
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• Canada
8 Apr 12
Welcome back to your homeland...dear friend, and just a thrill you popped in! Garlic and Chocolate...you betcha! One bite of Chocolate..one bite of Garlic! NOW
8 Apr 12
I remember fondly the wonderful, exquisite chocolate eggs my dear father used to bring home for us when he worked in London. Not only were the eggs themselves works of art but the boxes were gorgeous too! The boxes lasted for years, not like the cheap nasty ones around nowadays. They were so well made that they often ended up as jewellery and keepsakes boxes. He didn't have a lot of money to spend in those far off days but chocolate didn't cost an arm and a leg the way it does now!
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• Canada
8 Apr 12
YOU are so right...some of the intricately beautiful Easter Eggs, seem to be a FOND memory! I have NOT been out and about this year (I live on a small Island)...but used to love "window shopping" the absolutely beautiful decorated Egg-shaped chocolates in the windows of Chocolatiers! Winter has been quite depressing...and this discussion was my feeble attempt at being light-hearted! I do like chocolate..but prefer it to be of higher concentration (60-80%)than the regular Milk Chocolate that the Easter bunny delivers! A special..and Happy Easter, to you and yours!