Children learn hate form their parents!
By blue65packer
@blue65packer (11826)
United States
April 7, 2012 11:45pm CST
It is so true! You think this world would have less racism and less hate! Not really! I am hearing kids are bullying other kids who have parents who are interacial! Like one parent is white and the other is black! Excuse me? This is so common nowadays so it is not a big deal! Right? Look at tiger Woods for example! His mom is Thai and his father was black with lots of other nationalites in his back ground! It is and you know the parents are learning this from their parents! I am sure some parents don't realize it,don't care or like it is happening!
I am very disturbed by this! Wake up people! If this keeps up we will continue to deal with this problem forever and we should not! Hate is passed on to generation to generation and it need to stop!
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9 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
8 Apr 12
It bothers me to see what is happening nowadays. I do believe that children tend to imitate what is been done or said by their role model who happens to be their parents. On the other hand, the social settings that they grow in and media may have a significant influence on how they behave. If we really want to see any changes, we need to change the way we bring our children up and how we perceive other races.
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
8 Apr 12
Hello friend,
You are right. It is the problem of new genaration's childrens and parents also.
Have a nice day.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 May 12
My dad is not and never was a role model! he is a racial bigot ! Even at 88 he still is! He was a lousey dad to me and my 3 siblings! He treated my mom badly,too! He never did anything physically to us,it was all verbal abuse! He never realize how a crappy dad he was so he never will apologize. At least ?-I stopped the cycle with me! If I didn't I probaly would of been worse the him! Grateful it never happened!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 Apr 12
I do rather agree with this sadly and one hundred percent. Of course, the parents aren't going to admit that this hate or really any other bad behaviors from their children are going to likely come for them. But there are times where some beliefs have been passed generation to generation and really, it gets to the point, where no one can come up with a good reason.
This is why there have been tensions between two races. Something occurs for generation after generation, and the reasons often get lost, but the hatred remains. Of course, it is not to say that there was ever a good reason, but some people rather could not let it go. The fact is that children are very much a product of their parents. For both the good reasons and also the not so good ways. It is easier to be ignorant than have an open mind. That's what it boils down to. We look at things in a simplistic way very often.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 May 12
My dad is a racist bigot and he probaly learned all of it from his generation. I didn't! I broke the generation thing! I just wish I could change my families mind on gays and gay marriage! My whole family beleives being gay is a choice and you are not born that way! They don't believe in equal rights for gays either! I think most of them have not known or worked with a gay person! I have and the gay issue is like a racism issue not gender! That has been passed down from generation to generation! Nice to know my siblings passed that down to my nephews and neices!
Hope they don't pass that on to the next generation! I have not! Nice to know I didn't except my dad's ways or my siblings!

@lampar (7584)
• United States
14 May 12
Agree, it is overall bad parenting to teach any child to hate another person base on racial background. I have never being taught in such a way by my parent during my entire life. Each individual is different no matter what race he or she belong, hating someone just because he/she is from a different race than you is plain ignorance and wrong, sometimes it never stop amaze me how much damages a parent is willing to instill inside their children in order to destroy their life by consuming them with hatred during their formation years for the satisfaction of bigotry. I assume only through proper education, mentality like this can only slowly be erased from a civil society after many decades, it is not easy but is possible to overcome bigotry in our society. 

@SarahAlyx (181)
• United States
8 Apr 12
I agree hate is passed on from generation to generation. My grandparents are part indian. We are dark skinned but nothing compared to the african american color. For some reason my grandfather taught my father to hate african americans and any other race but the Caucasian race but they are of a different race themselves so I never understood but my parents also tried to teach us children to hate and I just couldn't do it. Everybody is a human and deserves to be treated so no matter what color. You can best beieve my children will grow up to love everybody and accept them for whoever they are regardless of skin color or accent. I agree though. This HATE needs to STOP. We are the only ones as parents who can stop this by raising our generation of children not to hate.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 May 12
My frather is a racist bigot. He is 88 and I am happy I never turned out to be like him! Aty one time my dad was so bad he could not except interfaith marriages! Especially when my older brother married a Catholic and were Lutheran! My dad gave my sister-in-law hell and embarressed the crap ot of her before she married my brother! My brother has been 30 married years and I dad still except the marriage like after 2o years! He even gave my younger brother crap when he got married! He married a lUthern but my dad was pissed that he joined her church, not his! My dad is a jerk and even at 88 is a racial b@stard! Not proud of that!
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
18 May 12
My mother was a great role model for us even though she was divorced,single, with three kids at a time in the fifties when things were not like they are now and one had to be satisfied with very little. You had to make money and food last and as a single parent you also had to spend time with your kids. She did not have a racist bone in her body and coming from a country wrapped up in skin color and frizzy hair that was unusual. People were acutely aware of their skin color all the time and you could be hated just for being fair and having straight hair. That was the hatred outside of the family; the biggest hatred was within where relatives with a dark skin hated you and called you a slew of ugly names. My mother never encouraged speaking ill of people and never taught us to hate. In fact, she despised the word hatred.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
16 May 12
Children learn from their parents. If they are taught to have discipline and respect and they abide by this in the home, the parents have done a good job. On the other hand if the children are rude and are bullies, the parents are to blame. A father who beats his child is not teaching him anything; he is only releasing his own anger. A father has to spend time with his kids and teach them respect. It is also no use one parent teaches respect and the other person is abusive and constantly breaks down the family structure. Think what a great opportunity you have to teach your children what is good and what is not good. You can nurture the child with love and guidance and teach him to be a good human being.
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
8 Apr 12
Hello friend,
Yes it is true so they need the home tutots and teachers. It is the big problem of parents.
Have a nice day.
@olivia52779 (66)
• United States
8 Apr 12
Yes, you are right, people are not born to hate, it is a learned behavior. When children are young, they look to their parents to learn and be guided. When parents show hate towards others, children learn it. They trust that their parents are right and that what they say must be correct. Young children do not know that hate is bad. They do not understand what it is. They just believe that what their parents do or say is right. It is not until they get older and are surrounded by others and experience a wide variety of other viewpoints that they might realize that their parents' way may not be the only way. By this time, it is usually too late because the hate is already instilled in them. People need to realize that hate is not the answer and that children are very impressionable. This is the only way for hate to not be passed down more and more from generation to generation.