If there is such a term as NOYNOYING shouldn't we also add the term MIRIAMING?
By nivorn
@nivorn (33)
April 9, 2012 1:03am CST
NOYNOYING. I'm sure most Filipinos and much of the informed world have already heard of this term. It is a new term coined by militants to describe a person who is apathetic about the things happening around him. To be more specific it in reference to President Benigno Aquino Jr. or more famously called Noynoy's incompetence in handling the problems that face our country.
To quote an article from the Philippine Star, "the term 'Noynoying' - coined by militants to refer to President Aquino's alleged inaction on the country's pressing social issues. 'Noynoying' is now in online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which describes the word as an internet meme or concept that defines an effortless pose or activity consisting of sitting or standing around, in an unconcerned manner.
To follow suit, I would dare say, that I have also coined a new term. I call the new term "MIRIAMING". Miriaming should be the term which refers to a person, especially a woman, who thinks she is better than a man. A woman who is ego-centered and bullies around men. A woman who boasts over her superiority of a man and scolds them as if they are lesser beings. A woman who never fails to remind a guy that she knows everything and every single thing she says is cannon because of her superior intellect. In short, "Miriaming" should refer to anyone who thinks so highly of himself that he has no regard nor respect to another person's emotions and intellect.
Now, all you feminists out there don't react just yet. I'm not trying to say that women are the lesser beings. That is not my point. In fact, I advocate equality between men and women. And as an advocate, I believe that a man is not superior to a woman and vice-versa. What I'm trying to say is that if a woman feels that he is superior to a man then she is no longer being a feminist. In fact, she is no different from a man who brags about his superiority to women.
As what I have already mentioned men and women are EQUAL. Therefore, I would be brave enough to coin the term "MIRIAMING" and refer it to any woman who would think so highly of herself that she is disillusioned into believing that she is the source of all knowledge and every single person around her is a lesser being... Just like the Senator Miriam Santiago.
8 responses
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
11 Apr 12
Contrary to your opinion, I am one of the fans of Miriam Defensor Santiago. She just happens to be one of the most intellectually gifted members of the Senate and the impeachment proceedings. If there is one senator that I always look forward to that is Miriam. If she rants on the prosecution, it is her right and privilege especially so when it is really called for. She is disappointed by the obvious ineptitude of the prosecutors in the impeachment trail. Let us not take this on a personal level since Miriam is an individual who does not show her superiority over men. We only see her in that light since she really is intellectually superior than most. She can certainly be funny when she wants to with all the quotable quotes and pick up lines she espouses during her speeches. The word Noynoying should not be taken literally but in its actual context that the people are no longer happy with his style of leadership. The honeymoon period is over and we have to accept the reality that we are not advancing forward. He still has four years to his term and a lot of time to prove his detractors wrong.

@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
11 Apr 12
This is just a discussion with nothing personal in it. You gave your opinion, I gave mine and we seem to meet at a point where we have different ideas but that is besides the point.
It is her innate personality to seem insulting but I don't think it is her intent. if she speaks in a mellow voice with all courtesy in the impeachment trial, then it would seem like a different Miriam. If you have watched the impeachment proceedings very carefully, you will notice at some point that she has been trying to help the prosecution. Her antics were a result of her disappointment over their ineptitude to prepare thoroughly for the proceedings which is actually true.
Sacking ex-NBI director Gatdula was done without any due process. It is understandable for the president to do so because Gatdula is not a kaklase,kabarilan or kabarkada. I voted for Pnoy but I am disillusioned. On who is the best president,only history will judge. We cannot say that at the moment since Pnoy still has 4 more years on his term. No offense meant. Just an impartial opinion.
@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
You might probably be right. Miriam's intention in insulting the prosecution might come from her disappointment over their incompetence and probably she might have good intentions in doing so. But as a wise saying goes, "the end does not justify the means." So granting that she had good intentions, I still believe that it is not a reason for the Senator, or any Senator for that matter, do degrade the prosecution/Congressmen.
It really is ironic because you are not pleased with Noynoy's performance and yet you voted for him. In my case, I didn't vote for Noynoy but so far I am pleased with the direction that he is taking our country. He might not be as good a President as Ramos, in my opinion, but he is making great progress in leading our country with a firm stand against corruption.
Anyway, you have a point when you said that it's too early to say that he is a good President because he still has 4 years to go. What you said is very wise... I know that Noynoy has a to do a lot of things in order to shift this country 180 degrees but with the direction that he is going, I think we're heading on the right way. After Noynoy, I don't think we can still find a President who will fight against corruption the way he did. He's not perfect but at least he's not amassing millions for selfish reasons, unlike the former President GMA.
Lastly, I don't think sacking Gatdula was done without due process. DOJ investigated on the matter thoroughly. After the investigation it was concluded that all the evidence point to Gatdula being either actively involved or passively did not do anything despite having knowledge to what was happening with the Japanase/Yakuza daughter. Both actions deserved serious consequences and sacking ex-director was therefore justified.
This is a good discussion we are having. It seems that it is understood that both of us agree to disagree. Lol
@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
11 Apr 12
I respect your opinion. They are very valuable in this discussion. In some sense I agree with your comments about Miriam being highly intellectual. Maybe intellectually superior than all me. She has a brilliant mind and perhaps too brilliant for her own good. If she could find a way to be tact when she speaks her mind then perhaps she would be someone worthy of my admiration. Nonetheless, the way she spouts her mouth and insult other politicians, being a Senator doesn't give her that privilege. Verbal abuse might have been the right word for it.
Perhaps you have forgotten that she is not the only brilliant mind on the Senate. I consider Mr. Cayetano as a brilliant Senator, and yet she doesn't hurl insults at the prosecution. Perhaps he did at times reprimand them but never on the level that Mrs. Santiago did.
Based on what you have said, I was under the impression that you believe Senator Miriam has the right to insult the prosecution because she was a Senator. I hope you are not propagating the idea because I would definitely refute that.
You mentioned a few negative comments about Noynoy too. And somehow I also disagree with them. I think Noynoy doing a good job. It's not that he is not doing anything, in fact, I believe he is working hard. By far, I believe he is better President than Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. And by far I believe he is more hardworking. Consider his prompt action in replacing the NBI director who was found soliciting millions from a Japanese girl. There could be more examples I could give you about the hard work that Noynoy has done but I might wander far from the topic.
Anyway, I'm not being personal about things here. I believe this is just an intellectual discussions. Although we have different views, I am grateful that you have shared them to me. As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. So to you, Miriam might be a hero worthy of valor, but to me, she's just another Senator who has spent too much time on the Senate mostly talking and never really doing. She needs to give way to a breed of new Senators who will walk to the talk but hey, that's just my opinion. :-)

@craziestqueenever (1819)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
I heard that "Noynoying" word on Twitter. It was one of the trending topic. With all your respect, Senator Miriam Santiago is not boasting with superiority, in fact she's just being real to herself and to us people. I admire her the way she is. People will hate her because of what she's doing, but for me she's a legendary senator.
She fight for what is right. She just hate people who are corrupt and incompetent.
@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
Will I respect your opinion. I should say that my opinion about her is all that bad. For all the time she has served as a Senator of the Philippines I could say that she has done some good to our country.
However, if you have seen how she has acted during the Impeachment Trial I should say that I have lost respect for her. Granting that she was right in the things that she has said, how she delivered them demeaned some of the prosecutors. I think it was foul when he called the prosecutors "gago" ("fools" in English.
It is one thing if you have something right to say. And it's another thing to say them right. If she had any tact in her, the Impeachment wasn't a venue for her to show off her superior intellect. It was not a venue for her to lecture to the prosecutors how bad they handled the case. It was a trial for the Supreme Court Chief Justice. The prosecutors wasn't on trial.
If the prosecutors poorly handled their presentation of evidence, the Impeachment wasn't a venue for her to give them lectures. If they (prosecutors) handled their case poorly then it is their problem. They will reap what they sow. But for Miriam to demean them to the point where she treated them like they were toddlers, scolded them like they weren't adults, and brushed them like they weren't lawyers, it's just so "Miriam" of her. And thus "miriaming" should be the term that defines how she acted during the impeachment trial.
But then again, I'm not saying Miriam is all bad. She's hardworking and she's good at what she does.
@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
Sorry for all the wrong grammars. I didn't proofread what I wrote. I do hope I was able to get my message across despite the errors. Anyway, am I right in saying that you are a fan of Senator Miriam? If you don't mind me asking, do you think she did a good job during the impeachment trials? Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
hehe the subject did make me laugh a bit. i imagined what will her reactions to this if this got to the news :) and its quite an idea - i am a woman but i think she did not only want to be superior with men, but i think she just feels she is superior to everybody else regardless of their position and their status in life. i think that is just what she is.
But the term should not only be about women who thinks highly of themselves but of all people who seems to never run out of ideas how to make people feel lower than them. :P
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
9 Apr 12
Are there rules against using the term for equally superior men? None? Coz I can definitely pinpoint more than a dozen.
This is a good thought. However, allow me also to point out the bright side of Miriaming. It's about not letting anyone trample on your rights to speak up for what you believe.
Sometimes I wish I could "Miriam" at times. There are so many issues that I wish to resolve by speaking up but can't because I hate conflicts and I avoid it like a plague - it's become an unhealthy habit of mine. Approval addiction, as a famous preacher would call it.

@nivorn (33)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
You have a good point there. Miriam is a brave woman who speaks her mind. I admire that sense of bravery and confidence. However, I just wish she would use more tact when speaking her mind. She is outspoken and highly intelligent but she has no trace of tact whatsoever. She just blurts out anything that comes into her mind. That mouth of her is just over the top.
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
I think there are many people who think they are superior than others...but they don't exactly say these words to other people's faces. However, they are also people are very opinionated about their thoughts and they don't have qualms about it. I guess it depends on the people who do it and the people who are receiving the message and their impressions about it. We all have our opinion of others, we may say it or not, but they exists just the same. it is the manner of delivery, acceptance and understanding the message.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
Noynoying? Miriaming?
, nice and relevant terms but no thanks, I prefer beingmyselfing 

@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
9 Apr 12
I think it is not needed anymore to add miriaming even though i like her style. These terms are only slangs and it is not used formally. With the term miriaming, i think there are formal words which is registered in the dictionary that can be use. With the terms noynoying, it is such a funny thing that this term just explodes and came out to this world but it can not formally denotes what noynoy is doing. We are just observers from the outside who do not know the real thing.
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
Hahaha! I think it is not bad if you coined a word like Miriaming but i think the definition is a bit too much and pass as an anti feminist. Hehe! Sen. Miriam is a fiesty lady and unafraid to voice out her opinions but I do not think that she is acting as if she is superior to men. I dont think that she is only targeting the men. It only happened because majority of the members of the congress are males. So, I rather you redefine it because your description is a bit too biased in my opinion compare to the description of noynoying which is only attacting the person's attitude and not the person itself or its totality. But yes that is your opinion in this matter and I respect that. Heheh You must be very busy keeping tabs of what is happening in the impeachment of SCJ Corona but its disappointing. The caese has been awhile now and i dunno if there were progress at all. I hope they will be reminded that I am paying for their snacks and expenses in that proceedings. I am a taxpayer and I want to see the fruits of what I am paying because it is not easy to work.