Special Observance Day

@sassy28 (834)
United States
April 9, 2012 10:44am CST
This just makes me stand back and try to figure out the people who are running our schools. My children had to go to school on Friday and I had to work. Not happy about it, with it being Good Friday. My twelve year old came home very upset because he could not finish his science paper because the other kids were talking and acting up. He has ADHD and has a 504 Plan that allows him extra time to get work done. So I emailed his teacher this morning just to let her know why he did not finish his assignment. Her reponse was that Friday was considered a Special Observance Day and they could not teach them anything new or give tests. What she gave them was a review and they could do it or not. So why did they spend the money to run buses, pay the teachers and make the kids come in. They just did not want to give them a religous holiday off, so they made them all go to school for nothing.
2 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Apr 12
I think you summed it up pretty good. They can't officially observe Good Friday because it's a Christian holiday, but they did it unofficially by not making the kids work. It reminds me of the last day of school, which, when I was growing up, consisted of gathering up your stuff, cleaning out your desk and saying good bye to the kids you wouldn't see until next fall. It was counted as a day of school, though. I guess it could be worse.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
9 Apr 12
Yes the only good was that is was counted as a day of school. When we lived in South Carolina usually the schools spring break would be the week before Easter that way they had Good Friday off. But at their new school they had spring break two weeks ago. I guess this will just be one of those things we don't understand and now we tell the story of when we were kids this is how it was done.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Apr 12
The kids used to have Spring Break the week before Easter, too, so they had Good Friday off. Old times.
• United States
9 Apr 12
I remember when I used to be given this day off every year! I think you hit the nail on the head as to why we don't have it off anymore. The schools can't say they are giving a day off for religious purposes, otherwise they would have to have other days of religious observance...and well there are too many of them to count. Maybe in the future, just plan to take that day off and keep the kids out of school if you know it will not be productive anyway?
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
9 Apr 12
If our plans workout they will be going to a Christian private school next year where they celebrate the day. Not that I am sending them there just over this, but lots of other issues. If he does not work out I will probably let them stay home, why send them to school just to be babysat for the day.