Do you think he does?

Valdosta, Georgia
April 9, 2012 11:42am CST
I am trying hard to convince my husband he does have a gift. I think his artwork is amazing! He has no self confidence in his talent. I need all of your help. Do you think hes talented? Do you know someone who has a gift but they do not think they do?
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25 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Apr 12
Can you post a picture of something he's done? We would be more convincing if we could actually see his work!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Apr 12
I looked and it looks to me like he has talent! Maybe he should enter a few contests or something? We have an Arts and Crafts Picnic here each summer where artists can display their work. If he could display his somewhere and get some positive feedback from strangers it might help.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Apr 12
I tried uploading it on this discussion but it didnt work. You can see a couple things he did under my profile page! Please check them out.
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
9 Apr 12
o,k I'll check it out, thanks
• United States
10 Apr 12
I'm bias. I trust your judgement so if you say he is talented , he is talented. Many people say I should be a teacher but I said no! I know I can sing and play instruments but others say I can write and I say no way! So I do believe it depends on what each of us see as a talent. Does Hubby like to express this talent? Or does he avoid it?
• United States
11 Apr 12
That I can understand. I never played music to become a pro or famous but because I wanted to make music. As an Artist he Would have to get a space to show off his stuff and patrons, you know the rich, would want to meet him. Question, is he a Capricorn? He sounds a little like me.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
I tried to upload a photo but it wouldnt let me. Theres pics of his work on my profile page if you want to see! People say I can sing too but I know I will never do anything about it. I do not have the "it" persnality if you know what I mean. He loves doing his artwork but he does not like showing it off. More like he does it because its what he loves but it seems more a personal enjoyment for him. He doesnt seem to want to take it a step further and do something more with it...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Apr 12
Hes actually a Libra. I know, it costs money to make money. We do not have the money to spend on it.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Apr 12
You just need to keep lightly pushing him into believing in himself. My husband is the same way. Was that way with his schooling. He did not beleive he could go back to school. It took me 1 years but I got him to go back and now he is a college graduate. He did not beleive he could be good at doing wood work but when forced to by a flood to repair our home he has found he is quite good at it. They just need some gentle pushing is all.
• United States
16 Apr 12
If you can get him to go to some drawing classes. This way some one else can tell him how good he is and help him through the areas he feel weak in. Also he can experiment with other outlets such as painting with out having to buy all the stuff to try it out. It is amazing how much confidence a few classes with some one who is there to support them will give.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
Yeah I know he has never been encouraged by anyone before so I am trying to make him believe it for himself. All his life his family told him he was no good and was not good to him at all so its hard to change those thoughts after thinking that for so long. Thats great that you encouraged him and he graduated college! That is something to be proud of for both of you. I will just keep pushing then. Lol. Some of his work is under my profile page if you wanna take a peek.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Well, if you say he is talented in art then I believe you. But maybe you should have posted a picture of his work. I have had people say to me that I am talented but I never believed them. I think I am just a normal regular person. But, who am I to judge me? I cannot do that. So, maybe I am talented and I don't know it. But I do believe that mostly everyone has some sort of talent in them.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
16 Apr 12
So art is not your thing. Thats fine. But I am sure there is something you are good with. I will go and check out your profile page and look for those pictures. Maybe you're good at writing or poetry or music. Everyone has a talent.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
I tried uploading pics on my discussion but it did not work. there are pics on my profile page of a few things he has done. Yeah my husband definitely has a gift. Hes more talented than I am anyway with art. I can barely draw a stick figure, lol.
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@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
hi there, your husband is just like me. a lot of people i am very talented because i can sing and dance and they always tell me i have a beautiful voice and that i should join a contest hehehe but i don't really believe in them i think i just don't have the confidence and so i would be in denial. does he paint or something?
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Apr 12
People say I can sing too but I have horrible stage fright so theres nothing I can do with my gift. My husband does amazing work that you can see on my profile page.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
wow they look really good especially the Justin Bieber one.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Apr 12
Thanks, I will let him know. =)
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
Here's an idea. Why not take a picture of your husband's work and post it here. You can even post it in your facebook account if you have one. See how many will react to his creations, you might even get a number of "likes" from your friends. If other people like it, show it to your husband. How even other people think that he has that gift. That should build up his confidence.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
That is a great idea. I tried uploading a photohere on this discussion but it did not work. You can go to my profile page because I uploaded pics there. And I will definitely try your idea!
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
I am glad you liked my idea. I will check your post and try to comment on it. Its true that you won't get many responses here, but you can try facebook, for sure, you will get a lot of feedbacks from your friends.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
12 Apr 12
well I would need to see his work in order to make an informed decision LOL
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
I tried to upload pics but something went wrong. Lol. Theres some of his work under my profile page if you wanna check it out.
@celticeagle (172622)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Apr 12
He is very talented. It is rather sad about the talented. They all seem to not have much self confidence. Sort of sad. I guess that is better than having some colossel ego to deal with. I did look at the pictures you have of his artwork and I liked them all. I hope he continues to draw.
@celticeagle (172622)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Apr 12
I checked it out. He is good. Keep being possible about his work and he probably won't stop.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
Thanks, I think he is too. Your right it is sad but I agree I think I would rather that than him being cocky or arrogant. I hope he continues also. I uploaded one more today if you would like to check it out!
1 person likes this
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
There are people who have talent but they cannot explore due to some reason. It might be something to fear off because they are not confident enough that there talent is not good to show to other people and or there might be no financial support that make there talent to be explore in different things
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
I definitely think its lack of confidence for him. His whole life no one ever encouraged him with anything. So, he has a hard time thinking and believing hes good. If you wanna see some of what hes done go to my profile.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
10 Apr 12
keep encouragong him every day.. it does help but dont nag.. let him know how great he is as a person and artist... i use to have low self esteem. and my hubby did not help much either.. but i found a great friend years ago.. and every time we talk she'd tell me how smart i was, or like last night i was talking to her and i told her allison sweenie was way cool and she replyed your way cool to.. and i just lol.. but after listening to years of her boost my ego it finlaly worked and im doing better now.. before at frist i did not believe anything she said i was like your crazy and she would say no im not.. you just need to see for yourself.. and now i enjoy hearing it.. so it sank in. hey im not so bad.. keep talking to him and it will help..
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Aug 12
I definitely do. No, I don't annoy him about it. I know that will never do any good. That is awesome to have such a good friend in your life. =) We all could use one of those. I wish I had someone like that in my life.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
9 Apr 12
Hi LovingMyBabies Well, with just this much of info, it seems quite difficult to understand whether hubby is really low on self confidence or it is merely your thought. See I dont deny that your observation is wrong as I feel women do have a better judging power. But still, many a times, when it comes to two individuals, we all have differences in going about the same thing. Again, as dear 3honor says above - many talented people are unaware. Though I think that many a times, the talented people are more focussed on their talent rather than making something great (as in earning) out of it. My Wife too says the same for me - she thinks I am a great teacher and trainer (I did spend 16 years of my career as a Computer Trainer) but I never chased money - I am more inclined to teaching as a passion. Personally, I do believe all of us are talented and gifted, a few, however, relate and identify their Gift and many others are too occupied with many other things that today's life brings to them (unfortunately).
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
11 Apr 12
Yes, I did see those pics as you mentioned on Response #1 above. They are really great. I did not mean to demean your hubby's creativity or even hurt your feelings dear. As I mentioned above, the real talented people are more interested in doing their passion for their work - you hubby does the same as you too mention it. What he needs is a good marketing person - someone who is close and reliable. On the other hand, why not try to have a website for him where he can upload all his work and some internet consultant can provide you with proper guidance related to making his work known to the world? Someone might find his work really useful and maybe he can get much more that anyone's expectations! The above is just a suggestion.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
No, my husband is talented. The most I can draw is a stick figure! So I at least know hes way more talented in art than I am. My husband does focus more on what he loves rather than making money doing it but I think he could make money at it. I agree. I think we all have some talent or gift, some know theirs and others dont. If you would like to see my hubbys work go to my profile page!
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
My friends told me i have a gift in drawing but i don't think i do. Yeah they look pretty ok to me but compared to artists they're nothing lol! If you think your husband is talented, try to show his work to other people or artists that you know. They could really tell if he has it or not. Some people just have confidence on themselves and just to shy to show off their work.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
Since I cannot draw a good stick figure they look good to me. He has also never had a lesson in his life like artists have. His is just a gift that has not been worked on or improved yet. I am trying to build his confidence not make him question his talent more... Guess I can't show him this discussion after all so thanks!
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
12 Apr 12
By looking at your profile pics,I would say that your husband is talented and he should be proud of it.I admire the fact that he is so good at sketching,since I can't do that well.I am good at oil painting (you can see that on my profile), but I start directly with the paint on the canvas,not good at drawing beforehand.May be if he coud sell one of his drawings,he would gain some confidence!
13 Apr 12
my friend is an amazing singer!! and she doesn't do anything with it, even though she'd love to be a singer. i can sing, but i don't want to be a singer. i've been in bands and have done musical theatre and i have no interest, but she does! .. but she won't actually do anything about it or try to get anywhere with it. it's frustrating. what kind of artwork does your husband do?
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
Yeah, people say I can sing too but with terrible stage fright theres nothing I can do with it. Wasted gift I guess. My husband does pretty much any kind of art. Portraits, landscape scenes, murals, etc. Some of his work is on my profile if you wanna see them.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
10 Apr 12
Hi lovingmybabies, Self confidence is built, so I guess, you can garner all the comments you received and show him. You could even send some really good works of his to competitions to help boosts his confidence. Before you know it, you might already have an official artist in the family!
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Apr 12
I am going to try sending competitions his work. I know he needs more confidence in his gift. Maybe one day he will realize he is talented.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Apr 12
I have to check if you put up a it's hard to tell until I see something...if he does I would keep on encouraging him!
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
I tried uploading a photo but it did not work. But if you go to my profile page you can see his work.
@gtdonna (1738)
10 Apr 12
Sometimes people with a talent are in denial because what they do is simply for their personal pleasure. Oft times, the only way they come to accept it is when someone they love, put it out there for the world to see and put it on display. I have a talent of writing poetry and for the last 27 years people have told me to publish them and I still won't is just that some of us do things for pleasure and would rather keep it to ourself without seeking fame and fortune. Just keep admiring him and telling him about his talent and you be his best supporter and art lover and he will continue to adore you for it.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Aug 12
Yeah he just thinks of it as something he loves doing. I see more to it than that though. It is just hard to convince him of it. I will always tell him how good he is because he is talented. =)
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
10 Apr 12
People thinking that they are not gifted is common. We are made to think that way at the work place and generally in the society we live in. For people in hardship, this is all the more valid. Recognition means acknowledging that there is something in a person that we do not, at work place it means more pay. Both of these are very hard to come by. What you can do to help your husband is to trick him into doing artwork for home, nothing elaborate, but some things that can be displayed. Once you get some of these, you can make a garage sale. The object here is not to make a killing, but to profit moderately, and gain publicity. Who knows what this may lead to? I know a person, a former leprosy patient, who used to make candles. One day he mixed some rose extract with the wax by mistake and the result was so good that he made life out to making candles. This was in early 80's and was in all the news papers. This turn in life made him go from a leper to a person accepted in the society. If you have the gumption, you have the life.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Apr 12
I LOVE your idea!!! I am so going to try it! Lol. Thank you so much for giving me the idea. =) We will be having our yard sale next weekend. Yay! My husband just doesn't know it yet.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
10 Apr 12
Are there any your family member or your hubby's friends have same idea like you about his talent? Right now i also cant answer you that your husband has talent or not because i haven't seen any his art work....^^
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
9 Apr 12
I just checked them among your photos. I can't paint and have no talent in it, but I think your husband has a great painting style, I like the soft colors and the pictures look very harmonious. I think he should keep doing it! My father was very crafty and was a good guitar player, but wasted his talent... many people are talented but are not confident enough, and they need emotional support to let them know, what they are doing is precious.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Apr 12
I have no talent in that area either but I feel like this is what he is supposed to be doing. He has no confidence in himself and thats why I keep encouraging him and why I wanted some positive feedback here for him. Thanks for your help with this!