Sarah Palin Says Allen West Would Make a Good Rogue VP Pick...Is She SERIOUS??

@anniepa (27955)
United States
April 9, 2012 10:10pm CST
Apparently she is; Sarah Palin said Congressman Allen West, who recently made news by telling liberals to "get the he11 out of the U.S." would make a good "rogue" VP candidate. I don't know exactly what she's thinking is GOOD about picking a candidate who isn't "safe" considering how things turned out for her and John McCain in 2008, but what do I know? Any thoughts? Annie
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8 responses
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Scary Palin still doesn't understand how damaging SHE was to the McCain campaign. Because she can't see that she is the one who blew it for him, she sure can't see how Allen would be a bad candidate. She sees someone like herself and she thinks that's just fine.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Yeah, because McCain was a sure thing before she joined the ticket. Really, with the "same as Bush" crap it was almost impossible for a republican to win in 2008. Palin gave McCain the only lead he had during the entire campaign. That lead just wasn't sustainable after the economy crashed and the bailout happened. That's a simple fact.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12
I wasn't Palin that was damaging to McCain, it was the mainstream media's treatment of her and McCain. And as Taskr said; with the "same as Bush" crap , thre WAS no way a Republican could win. Sarah Palin is an intelligent woman who loves her country in my honest opinion.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Apr 12
When corporations LIE to the American public with the intent to mislead and sway those citizens for a political purpose rather than practice actual journalism, I believe they are responsible for at least 90% of lifes problems. I'll leave it at that. You claim to not be a hater annie, do you endorse this hate? I'm not going to allow myself to be sucked into a arguement with you.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Apr 12
I could post multiple 'right wing' sources, but I'll refrain.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr 12
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Apr 12
No problem, post all the sources you'd like but what will you find that's different, really? Sarah said it, I heard her say it on TV and West also said what I posted because I also heard THAT for myself. Annie
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12
"Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America," Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at the Palm Beach County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. West represents the district in the U.S. Congress. The ENTIRE quote. Nikki Haley, Herman Cain and others join Sarah Palin in her suggestion of West for VP. West is favored BECAUSE he speaks his mind, he doesn't mince words. In short, he's not a professional politician. He has values that match conservative Americans and isn't afraid to tell the truth about things. I especially enjoyed his email to WassermanShultz
• United States
11 Apr 12
you said..."but what do I know?"... Very true so please let us know when you do know something.
• United States
11 Apr 12
It may help if your link actually worked!
• United States
11 Apr 12
annie of course it was a "tongue in cheek response". I was just keeping up with our continuing "game??" of smart a$$ responses. You are and will always be my friend. You also give me just as snarkey remarks and comments as I give you...that is part of our "political friendship". IMO I think Palin is just trying to keep her name in the headlines. I did not think she would have made a good VP. Now she has IMO no political standing so she could be looking for a new job?????LOL.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Sorry about the link, it worked when I posted it. Whiteheather, I still consider you my friend so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just having!Let's just say, I know far from "everything" but I'm pretty sure both Sarah Palin and Allen West are bad for the country as a whole because a Vice President isn't just V.P. of the part of the country he or she likes or approves of. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Apr 12
I don't see why you'd act like she can't be serious. Several people have said it. I think they're wrong, but that's just my opinion. Since democrats have an entire deck of race cards they'll just accuse republicans of picking him because he's black. They'll also accuse republicans of only picking Rubio because he's Hispanic. I'm sure you know this is true because they accused McCain of picking Sarah Palin just because she's a woman. Personally, I think he's a weak pick because he doesn't have a great amount of experience, and has already sold out on earlier promises showing himself to be more of a party shill than he claimed to be when running for congress. He has solid military experience, and a lot of it, but Democrats don't value that and I'm sure they'll find some way to use it against him, probably accusing him of being a traitor like they did with McCain.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12
His lack of 'experience' is why I like him. He's not an insider.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
10 Apr 12
When I first heard about Allen West and some of the things he said I agreed with him but recently I ran across an interview he did where he defended being on the committee for NDAA 2012 and the language of it. It didn't take long for him to sell his soul in politics.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12 The one and only time I agreed with Rachael Maddow. It was the first time I heard of prolonged detention.
• United States
14 Apr 12
Apparently the video has been removed from youtube but I did find this:
• United States
14 Apr 12
Just watched the link you posted with Rachael Maddow. She is right its just like the movie minority report being held without a trial from crimes you might commit... FEMA camps here I come!
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Well she is a total moron. And anyone who wants people to leave the country should have their head examined. This country is falling apart and if the republicans get in I think we should all leave and go to Canada. The entire republican party is a greedy bunch of people. And the stupid people who vote for them are even dumber then the politicians themselves. They want these wacko's in office, and they are the same wacko's who want everyone to be more or less slaves to them. They do not want people to advance ever in this life. If they had their way everything would be as it was way back in the 1800's. Look, I am not a major fan of politics as it is, but with the republicans, man this country is doomed.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Apr 12
My family and I are trying to decide which country to move to if the GOP gains! We're all in agreement that Canada is a bit too cold in the winter, so I'm not sure where we'll end up. Since I started this discussion Allen West has stepped in it again, this time by calling members of the U.S. Congress "communists". McCarthy revisited, anyone? Annie
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Apr 12
It is the Republicas who want to lower taxes inertia. The Democrat President wants to raise taxes dear. @annie, that's funny. I've said the same thing, I'm leaving if Obama gets reelected; but I have no choice but to go to Canada. Can't afford an airline ticket. But then again, I'd have to walk to Canada, cause I can't afford gas either. See, we aren't that much different after all.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
13 Apr 12
What a moron. This country is doomed. It seems the republicans are like the ancient romans. They want to rule and take all our money. And I am also convinced that they want all the people who are no longer productive to die off. I actually hate the republicans these days. They are nothing like they used to be in the old days. At least then, they had some common sense. Now it seems as is they traded it all for greed. Well, Canada may be cold, but they have an awesome system. The other options would be anywhere in Europe.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
10 Apr 12
Your link isn't working. I get a 404 error. I don't know much about the comments or Allen West, so I really don't know.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Here's another link to the quote I was talking about; let's hope this one works for you: Sorry, Deb, the one you posted isn't of the quote I was referring to, yours was from when he was campaigning. However, the article itself has some interesting things in it, none of which speaks very well of West as a potential VP or even as a member of Congress, for that matter. Ask Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz what kind of colleague he is! Annie
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Here's a link to the entire quote: Just so you can judge from HIS own words if you think he was right in saying what he said.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Why should I ask her? I could care less about her opinion on Congressman West. I posted that link so you could read why conservatives like him so much. He doesn't take any flak, and most of us are real tired of our candidates and reprentatives and congressmen and women kissing up to liberals. We're sick of the 'insider' bs that has brought our country to the brink of ruin. We feel like its time for so real leadership from people who want to actually defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Apr 12
I don't think that West's comments to liberals can hurt him much. After all, liberals aren't going to vote for the Republican candidate no matter who the nominee or the VP pick is. It my be that independents are mortified at the word H-E-double-toothpicks, but I haven't heard that is the case thus far. I wasn't really worried about the GOP nominee accidentally losing the liberal vote by picking a VP they weren't fond of... If the good people at Slate really don't want Allen West, he's probably got a good shot at winning over most reasonable folks.