Silly Woodpeckers

@sassy28 (834)
United States
April 10, 2012 7:16am CST
My office building backs up to some woods, and my exterior walls are all glass. For the past several weeks I have woodpeckers pecking at the glass. I have tried to scare them off my tapping on the glass, that does work. I would have thought by now they would realize it is not wood and they are not getting anything out of it. You would think that it wood hurt their beaks constantly pecking on the glass. I have almost gotten use to the sound and will probably miss it when they are gone. I am sure many of us have seen animals doing strange things, please share some funny stories.
1 response
• India
20 Jul 12
I personally love dogs and I have a pet named jimmy. One evening as I was walking I happened to walk past a friend’s house and he happened to be home by the time. He called me in and didn’t mind the dog in too. Once inside his room jimmy got angry and began barking fiercely. He was barking at his reflection on a big mirror on the floor.