Baby Afreen dies - Mother wants father of the child to be punished.

@ravisivan (14079)
April 11, 2012 10:22pm CST
it is a very sad news that a man who wanted only a boy baby -- ill treated his 3 month old daughter -- he put cigarette buds on the baby -- the baby was hospitalised and died. This happened in Bengaluru -- a place supposed to be a cosmopolitan state. The father of the child has been arrested. Mother of the child wants maximum punishment to be given to the father. Why people behave like this? Boy or girl - both are same. Such people should be punished in pattern similar to countries like Pakistan -- where public flogging is done to see that others do not follow similar strategies. I am really sorry to comment but am simply moved on reading about this in Times of India. the link: your views.
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17 responses
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
12 Apr 12
Ohhhh God how danger father really he should punish. Yes boy and girl are same and now girls are less than boy so marriage problem is also arising. Why some parents not understand this. I love child only they may be girl or boy.
2 people like this
• India
18 Oct 12
Thanks uncle for selecting BR as my response really now girl is more better than boy at least she understand the feelings of parents but boy not think such. Only few boys are thinks about their parents but girls always think and understand the feelings of parents.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
Surekha: yes Surekha - boy or girl both are same. In fact we spend same time, money for both boys and girls. I wish Surekha gets both boy and girl - yes. recently one Mr. Ram - who is running an institute successfully in Chennai -- I have contact with him since 2003 -- from the small beginning -- that boy's wife delivered twins - a boy and a girl about 10 days back. The couple are very happy. Of course there may be problem in taking care of the kids. People like the father of Afreen -- I cannot stand them even for a minute. should be thoroughly punished. If it had been in our neighbouring country they would have just flogged him to the end.
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
How sad that there are narrow minded people like him in this world. What's the problem of having a baby girl? Why can't he just accept the gift given to him from above? There are so many couples out there dreaming of having a baby. But he just wasted that precious moment away. I just wish he will suffer everyday of his life in prison. I can't imagine that an infant has to suffer all that kind of treatment when she was still alive. No sane person is capable of doing something like that. May the child's soul rest in peace and be with our savior in heaven. I'm just so thankful that my parents aren't like this guy. They were wishing everyday to have a baby girl and they didn't give up. They loved my brothers who came first, even if they wished it was me. I've got 3 elder brothers and I was the youngest. Imagine, they wished for a baby girl to be the eldest but it wasn't given to them right away. They waited more or less 10 years. They prayed and prayed and finally got me in their lives. God has his own plans for us. He may not get it now but in time, he will. But I think it's too late for him.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
1 Aug 12
welcome to mytlot. Yes. such people should be put into prison for a loner period/number of years. Happy to note that your parents were desirous of having a girl child and you came into this world.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
This horrible incident happens most likely to all babies being discriminated or unwanted to be born. They're not given a privileged to explore life. As for the parents who did this heinous crime their mind were corrupted by satanic ideas being ignited from what they wanted to have that never will. They are the parents that they don't have contentment and never know how to accept the reality. People that only knew how to accept blessings but when it come frustrations and deep trials they would always think of satanic idea to express their negation on the situation. Well, this has been prophesied that as the world getting older the people are getting worst on their attitude, characters and their satanic actions. All of these horrible act would never be changed but it would be worsen. Let us stay away out of this kind of individual. Mobhomeir here 041212
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
12 Apr 12
Were dinosaurs less satanic, or Nazis less barbaric..
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
mmobhomeir: thanks for the first response. These words given by you will make any one think about our attitude towards life, children and necessities. "Well, this has been prophesied that as the world getting older the people are getting worst on their attitude, characters and their satanic actions. All of these horrible act would never be changed but it would be worsen. Let us stay away out of this kind of individual" have a good day
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
vandna: The cruelty -- father torturing his own daughter -- at least in the case of Nazis and other terrorists they were killing people who they were not familiar with. How can a man dislike his own daughter simply because he doesn't want a daughter.shame shame. now words to further scold that guy.
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
12 Apr 12
Not enough..this problem is there because of the dowry system. It is sad that muslims are also accepting Hindu customs of dowry..which actually are not Hindu customs again. Just goes to show when it comes to money, religion takes a back seat.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
Vandana: Yes we have all become materialistic. (sorry to use the word "we" --) How I wish we get back to periods about 100 years ago when people were not this crazy over things/issues. Incidentally Hyderabad must be getting hot/hotter nowadays as Chennai is.
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
13 Apr 12
Yes, Hyderabad is getting hotter, and unfortunately, I have been smouldering this morning. lol Actually, I went to the bank with a check the other day drawn by another lady for tax savings. She is in 30 percent tax bracket. So my bank manager agreed to give that tax saving deposit even though I went on that day. I was delighted because I was fed up with Andhra Bank's inefficiencies. Today, I see that the deposit is given for this year. When I had highlighted to him he went so far as giving me an application for opening a new bank account on her name. I had one lakh in my account that day. I'd reached bank almost 15 years before bank started working so that I could give the instructions correctly. The concerned staff member turned up 10 minutes late. In any event, I had emphasized that the tax saving should be for the previous year. He said it would be done. I'd waited for the concerned staff member, whom I wont blame because she is being asked to shuttle between two or three tables. Pretty unfair if you ask me. In any event, I again asked her, madam I have not mentioned the name, should I put yourselves. My mistake..I should have suggested that I will give a check on my name, and deposit the amount in my account instead, if it was not possible. It was actually implied but I should have emphasized. But she was too busy to understand the implications. She said she would issue the tax saving certificate and did not! And the bank manager has cooly got off saying that he forgot! Can you believe that? He gave me a bank account opening form that day and he forgot! He says we meet so many customers each day, and I disbursed 30 applications on that day. Great. I thought that was the job of the peons and the girls they use from employment exchange. If the bank manager's duty is only to disburse bank account opening forms and fixed deposits opening forms then he should draw only 5000 INR and not 50000+ as he does, right? He is paid for his knowledge and ability to think not for mechanical functions. So mad..Vandy at her angry best..while I didnt say as much I did feel that much. I did however mention that disbursing the applications could be done by that girl from employment exchange.. Cant resist being that cheeky..I am nasty aint I? I am one of the oldest customers of the bank. So I thought he should've listened to what I was saying instead of being so keen on getting another account.
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
13 Apr 12
I went to the bank on 31st March. Had he said he cant do that, I would have given a check on my name. And deposited the check into my account because the cheque was blank when I reached the bank.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
12 Apr 12
He should be punished to the full extent of the law. A defenseless little baby. What on Earth was he thinking. I wonder what else he did to that child before her mother realize the father was mistreating her. Terrible. Best Wishes!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Apr 12
and how innocent was the m o ther as this must ha ve gone on awhile so where was monm while dad was hurting his own bab y? nobody said what she was doing? if anyuone had tried to lay a hand on mybab ies I wo uld have fought tooth and nail to stopthem so what w as mom doing while dad was abusing that poor little child?
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
sswallace/Hatley aunty: yes the fellow should be punished fully. But Indian legal system -- is very slow and may take decades for things to be decided. Women should be given more training to defend themselves and to stop people doing wrong things.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
How terrible and heartless for a father to do that to his own flesh and blood. Does a baby's gender matter that much? He shouldn't have been a father from the beginning if he had such a stupid belief, that he should have only a boy for a child. How stupid is he? We all know we can't control a baby's gender, no matter how much we may pray to have a boy or a girl.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
Aja: thank for your fitting response. The fellow should not have given birth to a child. And for all that -- I understand that it is mainly due to man -- the gender of the child is decided in womb of the mother. mother is not responsible. There are thousand of people all over the world not being able to have a child -- the child could have given in adoption to such needy people. they will take care properly.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
yes. If he couldn't take it, he might better off have left than kill his own daughter. That child has a right to live... probably deserved to live more than he did. If he is so heartless then... I can't see him as human anymore.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Apr 12
Things like this happen all over the world, not just in one particular country. It's sad that there isn't a better attitude about babies and children.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
cutepenguin: Exactly - it makes every one feel sad on seeing such a negative attitude. that man could have hurt himself instead of hurting the poor baby.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
hello ravi, What the h*ll is going on with such sick minded people. What's the difference of having a baby girl or boy. Does having a baby girl is not the same flesh and blood comes from him (the father) why not burn this ev*l man - do the same thing he had done to his innocent angel
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@allknowing (134095)
• India
12 Apr 12
Even if a father is unhappy about the birth of a girl no father will do what this man did to his baby. Obviously this man is sick and has a cruel streak in him. He deserves capital punishment as such people should vanish from the face of the earth.
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@allknowing (134095)
• India
13 Apr 12
Weeds are meant to be uprooted!
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Apr 12
allknowing: In fact I also felt the same and I did not put it in writing. Yes. a few others may say that man should be given mental treatment and made to reform. I am sure this type of people will never change but change others with them.
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
oh God in heavens! I can't imagine this horrible thing. It's just a child..if the father wanted a son,he could have just leave her to the take of the mother and waited for his wife to get pregnant again & have a son.How could he do such an unforgivable act to his own flesh and blood.This is so terrible and honestly my heart is bleeding with grief and with anger and I can understand where the mother stands in here,I myself would wanted him punished for what he did - the maximum punishment that he could get for doing this to an innocent child. Forgive me for saying this, I am always a forgiving person but for what he did,even if that child is not mine, I really mean what I said about his punishment,he shouldn't be given mercy.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
1 Aug 12
yes,. that much horrible incident. what a poor child has done. such people should be given maximum punishment.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
12 Apr 12
What kind of father who could do that to his daughter. No matter boy or girl the baby is still his. He should accept that there is no discrimination between gender. If he scared and refused to have a baby girl he should not get married and have children in the first place.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
1 Aug 12
Exactly. If the person is not confident of managing a girl child then he should not aspire for a child.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
that is a terrible thing to do but some people really cannot accept a child or baby if they want to be a boy and they have a baby girl. poor baby..that father should be punished for what he has done to the innocent child.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
1 Aug 12
I think it is due to ignorance and gender bias. Such person should really be punished.
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
Cant the father be thankful that he has a child already? What he did to her daughter was inhumane. Other parents could not have a child and then the father only wants a son? He should've just given the baby away to some parents who wants a child but cannot have one. Man! That father is horrible. He deserves every punishment in the world.
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
12 Apr 12
Actually, out here there is a big menance called dowry. As long that ugly custom is around, nobody would want a girl. is something worse for you. In some towns, if the girl was born, and the parents didnt want her, she would be stuffed into earthen pots by the midwife, and thrown in the river. And we are not speaking of something in prehistoric era, it was something that was common about 10 years ago, and I dont know if it still is. I heard fathers also cut the baby's head - and it was like..he was doing the baby a favor, after all the world didnt have good fate waiting for her..considering that it would be difficult to arrange for her dowry. It all boils down to that rotten custom. I would be better off adopting a child from north east because nobody would expect me to pay high dowries for that child than adopting somebody who is born in and around my part of the world. Here, my maid needs minimum of 10000 USD as of date to get her grand daughter married. In my community, it has reached 10 times that. So I get terrified when anybody from my community tries to ask me to adopt their child. And people from my community are only too willing to give away the girl child.
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@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Having a child is a blessing no matter if its a girl or boy. God gives us life and we should not take it for granted. To harm a child deserves severe punishment. How could anyone kill their child because they wanted a boy and he gave them a girl. This is so sad and angers me. He deserves to spend his natural days in a prison that keeps him confined all. People have truly gone mad.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
1 Aug 12
welcome to mylot. I am also of the same view. such persons should be punished.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
28 Oct 12
Personally you hear of stories like this happening all the time, and it is Sad. It makes you wonder about people for sure. I honestly think that people like this do need to be punished with Prison time, and also be made to go thru some type of special counseling, etc. if they are ever to be let out. This is murder, and it is sad when it happens, but if you are not ready to be a father you should not have one instead of putting a child and others around this.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
29 Oct 12
Krausehome: yes. it is very sad such incidents happen in the world like this. He deserves severe imprisonment.
@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
11 Oct 12
very bad news if it is true, what a cruel father, not in human that is, may be animal but animal is very very love with their child, and we the human heart is not like animal and not like human,
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
19 Oct 12
dilraji yes. father killing the daughter. this is bad. another place we see man selling wife for drinking liquor. where are we going. government is not aware of all these things or they do not have time to look into this.
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
This is way too much. I could never imagine that someone in a sane mind could do this to his own child, his own flesh and blood. This father deserves lethal injection. No, he deserves to rot and die in jail so that he'll forever remember and feel the pain he has done to his daughter.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
27 Oct 12
I also feel so. that person deserves extreme punishment. court will take its own decision and law will take rule. Incidentally I like your avatar-- moving pet --very interesting--it is similar to a pet shop we saw recently in a mall in toronto.