Do you have any choice?
By dpk262006
@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
April 12, 2012 9:39am CST
Hi all!
Don’t you accept whatever you get in life? Do you feel that you have a choice? I think many incidents in our life occur due to our destiny or say God’s will or say nature and we just remain like a mute spectator and accept whatever comes our way. Our life becomes choice-less.
We just cannot alter many occurrences in our life because many things are beyond us, be it our education, career, our friends/relatives, choice of life partner or kids or place of our resident etc.
It appears that there are not many choices in our life and we just continue to live our life day in and day out the way we are destined. You may have different views on the subject. I would like you to share your views and experiences.
Many thanks in advance.

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27 responses
@shwetat195 (628)
• India
12 Apr 12
hi Deepak, we do have choices at all points of life, however if we are destined for something then evidently out of hundreds of choices, we would select the one meant for us. then you can say life is choice-less or it was destined for us
I have commerce background. i remember i had a choice to opt for science stream after Xth exams. I had the requisite % to go science stream, however i chose commerce. i guess i was destined this way
My school friends all took up science stream and we got separate class rooms, however we maintained contacts and till date my old school friends are in contact with me and they are the only ones i can call friends now. so, i had choice to select friends from my own commerce class, however, it did not happen that way.
During my marriage times, i had few proposals. God gave me choice, however i was destined to get married to one specific person and i chose him.
however, it does not happen this way always.
for parents/kids/career opportunities have limited or no choice at all and things happen as they are destined.
We continue to live our life making choices for few and for other things we go with the flow and become spectators....
your take now

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi Shweta!
I agree with your point mentioned in para 1 of your response.
My point is - once you have taken a decision (whether right or wrong) you are left with no choice. Take the case of choosing the stream in your class XI. Once you decided to go for 'Commerce stream', you were left with no choice. You could not have gone to 'Science' of 'Humanities' stream after pursuing commerce for few months.
It goes to your credit that you had friends who were in different streams and you still maintain good relations with them.
As regards, marriage once you decided for your life partner, it becomes a 'fait accompli' .
Thanks for enriching the post with your considered views. 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi pjhaji!
Very well said.
I can understand that you made use of your sixth sense and instead of settling abroad (read Kuwait) you choose to come back to India. And luckily your gamble or say decision paid off and you not got an opportunity to settle here in India you met with your life partner too.
Thanks for joining us in the discussion.

@shwetat195 (628)
• India
21 Apr 12
hi deepak, some how i missed your response. just read it.
yes, i agree, once the choice is made then to make another choice is difficult. i would not say impossible but difficult. exceptions are always there to change the choice, though the path is a little lengthy.
I agree and have experienced a number of times that when certain things/incidents happen i merely watch them happen and have no authority to change. i have had good and bad experiences to support that.

@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
Hi dpk,
In my belief everybody has a choice it is depend on the person how they handle their choice, but sometimes there are things that is hard to achieve in life because of some hurdle we can't evade. I have no choice because were lack of money, I don't have a choice when I studied the course I don't like, lack of money is the main reason. I don't have a choice right now but to be with my daughter and I can't worked abroad because no one will be with her. Any decision I have now is my choice even though I'm not yet satisfied still I just want what the best for us specially to my daughter. All the reasons behind are only God knows, and I know it has a purpose. 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
HI lyn!
It means you hold an opposite view than what is stated in my discussion.
You yourself are admitting that because of financial constraints earlier in your life, you had to accept/study whatever came you way, you had no choice.
To be with your daughter is 'fail accompli'. You apparently do not have any choice to stay away from her.
Thanks for sharing your views.

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@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Apr 12
Of course, you have a choice. I beg to differ, I mean that whatever is happening in your life is just your fault. Whatever is happening to me is only my fault and nobody else's. If you just sit back and look, nothing will happen that can change your situation. You have the choice whether to do something or not. If you are thirsty, you have the choice to drink or not to.
If you are unsatisfied with your financial status, why not do something about it? If you are not happy with your work because of your boss, why not do something about it? Why don't you have a choice? What do you think is stopping you from doing the things you wish to do?
I know I am not happy with my financial situation. I once thought that nothing can change that until I asked myself, "What's stopping me from changing that? I want to be happy with my financial situation, aren't I? So why not do something about it?"
I found that the only one stopping me from being happy about that situation is only me. Though I didn't know what to do, I know where to start. And it's with nothing but me, still. I had to learn how to get myself out of the rat race system we have created. From then on, I started to work and I'm working still to get myself to where I want to be. And from my perspective, I'm happier compared to how I was before. So why not do something about your situation? You won't know whether or not you can really change your situation without even trying, right?

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 12
I can understand that fighting back is a better option than being pushed away. At least one can have solace that s/he fought tooth and nail to overcome the problem.
It is good that you have apparently stopped unnecessarily worrying about your problem and you happy-go-lucky attitude is helping you move in your life.
Keep it up.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi there!
It is correct that whatever we face in our life, we are responsible for it and fault lies in us.
As regards choice of drinking water, if one is thirsty and there is no water available nearby, s/he has no choice but to remain thirsty, till some arrangement is made.
You are right that we need to make efforts to lessen our sufferings.
You appear to be a very positive and decisive person and hope you will succeed in your life and will cross every barrier.
Thanks for sharing your views.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
6 May 12
In my view, if there is no water available nearby and that person wants to drink, that person can have the option to look for a water supply or just sit back and wait. One always has a choice, sadly people just miss the problem or the situation...or don't even know that life is just pushing them around. Those who know that they are being pushed around, reacts to move away, others just lets life continue on pushing them while others fight back.
Right now, I'm one who tends to just dodge life's pushing. Since I do not see what other people consider a problem to be a problem. Right now, you can see me as a very positive person. Before, I am most pessimistic. What changed me is just my nature of not caring anymore. Until I never cared for problems too. And when I stopped caring for problems, being optimistic just came naturally because I saw a perspective in life where I see opportunities ever since I've realized that I always have a choice. I don't like something, the logical way for me to solve that is to do something about it. Isn't that how one should think?

@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Apr 12
Hi dpk!! Hmmmmm - hard to answer!! I feel we do have choices in our life - it's our choice to be productive about it - or not. There are many life occurrences that we cannot control - but perhaps some of them are due to choices we have made in the past that led to it. And perhaps we may not have control of a particular situation, but we have a choice in our attitude towards it. Me personally, if I had the attitude that my destiny is already written or is in the hands of another power - I would not "try" as hard - simply because I would feel that that's the way it is and nothing could be changed. But if I say the choice is mine - then I work harder - knowing that I can make a difference in what happens in my life. That's just me though.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi m2S!
Nice to see you here after a long time.
You yourself had admitted that once you have decided upon something, you are left with no choice. Only thing is you could change your attitude towards positivity and could stop cribbing about that.
It is right that we should not stop making efforts thinking that everything is pre-destined. We should do our best to overcome the hurdles.
Thanks for sharing your considered views.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Good counter comments.
My point is - Once you have zeroed in about the house you are going to buy, thereafter you are left with no choice.

@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Apr 12
Hi again dpk!
My recent choice. . .
I had a choice to make use of my computer time getting some earnings on my usual earning sites.
I had a choice to do much research on finding a new home for us since the market is good right now (but it's quickly turning). It was either be aggressive about now or have the opportunity pass us by.
I sacrificed myLot for a bit, but we did at last land a house!!
And now I have a choice of cleaning up this place - or have a hand at myLot before my little one wakes up . . . guess what I chose . . .
Always glad to choose your discussions!!!

@allknowing (142676)
• India
12 Apr 12
Whatever be at our disposal the ability to face it also goes with it. It is amazing how we can cope with situations thrust on us unprepared though we may be but we face them all the same.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Apr 12
Hi ak!
You are very right that human beings have unmatched ability to adjust with any situation or unpredictable circumstances and we somehow manage to face the odds, specially when we see that we do not have any choice.
Thanks for sharing and joining us.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Dear AK!
Many thanks for sharing such a wonderful and meaningful poem. It says all. I feel enlightened to read it and it will certainly help as a moral booster.

@allknowing (142676)
• India
13 Apr 12
The following prayer could help one lead a good life with all challenges well accepted:
"[i]God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
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@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
14 May 12
Are you complaining about something here? About not able to change to a better partner? About not able to move resident to a better neighborhood? About not able to change job? I thought you are the one who's always peaceful with whatever you got. I on the other hand would scream or cry first when things don't get my way, and tolerate them later on...

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
17 May 12
Hi Jenny!
Am not exactly complaining but I will discuss the points mentioned by you. We in Indian society believe in the healthy institution of marriage and we just can not think about changing our respective life partner, till something exceptional happens.
You are right am peace loving but on the other hand am also a normal human being and could always think that in some of the situations where we land, we are left with no option, but to accept.
Thanks for sharing.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
19 May 12
Happiness lies in our minds. It is our own perception that we are feeling happy or sad in a particular situation.
Nothing is perfect in this world (including any relationship). It is, therefore, one needs to adjust within the given circumstances.
Also, "taste of pudding is in the eating".

@SViswan (12051)
• India
28 Apr 12
I have a mixed opinion on this. Though I do believe that most of it is our destiny, I also feel that sometimes we are given the choice to better it. Despite my best efforts if things go the way they do, I accept it as God's will and move on. Once I have accepted that I have done the best I can, it's easier for me to accept it as destiny and this is what was meant to be. But without trying to do the best I can, I refuse to believe ONLY on destiny.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi SV!
It is always nice to see you in my discussion. I agree with you that without making efforts, we should not say that it was my destiny. We are supposed to make our best efforts to arrive at a (good) decision. However, sometimes when we make a decision with all the available information, inputs and with our own experience and decision does not turn out to be favourable, we are left with no choice.
Thanks for sharing your views.
Have a great day!
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
16 Apr 12
this is a hard one. i feel like some things are just stuck with you without you having a choice such as my health problems and i just have to accept it but yet i think im meant for something bigger that ill eventually just figure out. maybe it just depends on the person and their will power to change their power of choice when it comes to stuff you can control. hmm now im gonna be pondering this the rest of the day!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi moon!
Yes, you are right some of things, like health problem stick to us, without our choice and we feel helpless. We are left with no option but to go with the treatment suggested by the Doctors.
Thanks for sharing.
@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Apr 12
Much in life is destiny. We do have many choices and must weigh the pros and cons on each. SOmetimes we can see signs and go in a certain direction becuase of these. We are all unique and definite individuals. Things we do as children and things that interest us from that time have alot to do with the direction we take in life. Like for me I always liked English, literature and reading ever since I could read. I think meeting my friend Gini and learning about her love of writing and reading her books and ideas planted the seed in me to do the same thing. So I think the friends we have in our early lives may mold us in certain directions too.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi cel!
You are right that our childhood experiences and memories guide us through out our life and we take many important decisions based on this. Sometimes even after weighing pros and cons of a choice, we land in a difficult and unpleasant situation and then we feel that we do not have any (further) choice.
Thanks for sharing.
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@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
5 May 12
That is why hopefully we have had a good and firm foundation to draw upon.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
14 Apr 12
Hi dpk
there is a time that i feel like i am only a robot which played by a destiny game.
I only follow what He told me. I know that i can choose another options but that option doesnt give me a good output
just like now...i know that it is my nature to be a mother of my kids. But Sometimes i want to leave this obligation and choose another role. But if i do i guess He will put me in hell cause i dont do what i have supposed to do
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi ifa!
ha ha ha ...... I loved your statement that you feel like a 'robot'.
You better be mother of your kids and need not go for any other option.
Thanks for joining us.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Apr 12
Hi deepak! I feel that life is full of things that we can control...but like you said..there are a ton of things that we can't. It does seem as though that certain things and paths are meant to be taken. Sometimes when we try to fight it, it ends up there
I have many experiences where destiny or fate is concerned. One is the very place that I am living now. I was estranged from my family for many years. I came here and moved in to a house that was only a block away from my grandmother's sister. I had no idea. No idea that I had family in the area. My grandmother said that every time she came to visit the state here that she would open the phone book to see if my name was in never was. Then when she came to care for her sister..there was my name..and only a block away! She called me and we spent a wonderful 5 years together before she passed. I was so glad to have a sense of family again for a while.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi Jen!
Yes, you are right that there are certain paths in our life, where we do not have any choice, we just need to follow those paths and face the consequences.
Your experience about your Grandmother finding you and you spending time with her, is really very touching.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Have a nice day.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
14 Apr 12
welli found out the hard way that life is tough but you have to be able to make better choice and see what your life needs to improve, i just recently made changes in all areas of my life, because my old choices that i made got me no where but kept me sad.. so now i do things to better me, and i made that choice to change first i had to accept the things that were wrong in my life and i had to be able to admit when i was wrong, so now i choose to be happy in every situation bad or good and i make the best of each day, i do mylot and a pt job for money
and hubby cant be happier.. which he at one time wanted a divorce.. so i think we do have choices in our lives .. as i know i mande many bad.. and ive learned my lesson and am happy to say im enjoying life more and more every day.. take care.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi there!
It is nice to hear that you know how to keep yourself happy in every situation and you make full efforts to remain happy.
If we could change our attitude, thinking and ourselves, we could adjust in any situation.
Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your views.
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
On contrary to your view, I believe we do have a choice in this life. We were given free will and a brilliant mind to decide. To make decisions, in whatever situation we are in. Yes, it is true that some intances are beyond our control but we can alway choose to take the leap and risk everything or to not do anything about it. Even not choosing is a choice. It is a choice to leave it as it is and let the people around you run your life.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Apr 12
Thanks for kick starting the discussion.
You have every right to differ with me. You are right that we have wonderful mind to make decisions but once we make a decision, we are left with no choice. Is not it?
Would like you give me one example where you could take risk (specially in the field of education, career or life partner).
Have you ever left any thing or anyone because you were not happy?
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Welcome to mylot!
It would have been better if you would have responded separately (that would have fetched you two cents).
You have every right to differ with my views. If you feel that there are always options and choices available, it is fine, it is your outlook and you are entitled to it.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
14 May 12
One always has a choice. You can say yes or you can say no. I would not take issue with God and say that God is just a mute spectator. YOU decide your life plan. You can choose which way you want to go. You choose your happiness also by staying away from the things which potentially can harm or mislead us. You also choose your friends, your relationships and you can decide how you want to live your life; with or without God. It is not wrong to have these negative feelings sometimes, but snap out of it if it goes on too long. If you need something to inspire you, read Conversations with God or the Bible. I have found it very interesting to read.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
17 May 12
Thanks for your inspiring thoughts and positive inputs. You are right that we should shun the negativity away and should always think positively and we should take our own time to decide about a thing.
@derek_a (10873)
13 Apr 12
As a Zen practitioner, I begin with acceptance of what comes to me in life, then I will focus on it and respond to it. If there is something that can easily be changed, then I will do what it necessary, but if there is nothing, resisting the inevitable will only create stress, so I accept it totally. It is not easy, as it is a challenge because we tend to be geared up to only accept what we like in life. But there are other things too, that we may not like, but if we accept them, we will be learning how to handle them..

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi derek!
You said it all i.e. whatever comes to you in your life, you accept it without any initial resistance. If you do not find that anything could be changed in that system/thing, you do not go for that.
I agree with you that if we accept to learn whatever comes our way, we will be in a better position.
Thanks for your wonderful response.

@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
Actually we have many choices in life..sometimes we choose the bad one, and up with no other choices..
But then again that is life, it is a matter of how we face our choices that molds us to become who we are today.
it is a matter of how strong we get. 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi jazel!
How could you pre-decide that you are going to make a bad choice .......
....... you can not because when we take a decision you weigh its pros and cons and then arrive at a decision.
You are very right in your opinion that strong heart and head is needed to face odd or unfavorable decisions, as a result of our choice.
Thanks for joining.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Apr 12
While I do think that there are many things in life where we don't have any kind of a choice, I also think that there are things that happen in our lives where we do have a choice.
An example of something that has happened in my life where I know that I didn't have a choice is the fact that I'm the wife of a cancer patient, I didn't choose that and I definitely know that my husband didn't.
On the other hand, where we live is a choice that we were able to make for ourselves. We choose to live in the city that I grew up in because that is where both of our families live.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi there!
Your examples sums up the core issue of the discussion. If you are living with an ailing partner, you do not have any choice but to accept the reality and facts.
It is OK that you could choose the city of your choice to stay. It is understandable that you would have got ample resources to fulfill your desire of having a house in the city of your choice.
Thanks for sharing your views.
@viju0410 (2286)
• India
13 Apr 12
Hi dpk,
Life is all about challenges and so we accept it as and when it comes. I think it gives you opportunities to choose wisely and then decide. Mostly we blame God when we take a wrong decision/ choice (see here you have a choice out of the choice-less situation)LOL. We regret it at a later date thinking it as our fate. Agreed, everything can not be changed around us but we have a choice to try and change ourselves.
I share this quote here……
Look back & get Experience! Look Forward & See Hope! Look Around & Find Reality! Look within & Find Your self.
Take care

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
4 May 12
Hi viju!
You are right that we could always change ourselves (however, sometimes that too becomes difficult).
Thanks for sharing.
@Kish2328 (71)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Life has a lot to offer - thats what I believe in. God grant us freedom - but its up to us on which way we should go, good or bad - its our choice. Yeah - sometimes things happen which is beyond our control but it always comes with a reason. Everyday is a day to be thankful for and live it as if its the last, there are a lot of options out there, you just gotta explore, learn, review choices to broaden your horizon.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi there!
How many times did you exercise your choice and what were the outcome?
It is true that opportunities keep coming in our life and we need to 'see' those opportunities and take advantage.
@Sujit2570 (4)
• India
13 Apr 12
No, I don't think we have no choices left with as its all gods will.
Because, we have the freedom to think and execute it in our own way.
It is we who choose to play a role of mute spectators or expressive humans.
We have being given a lot of opportunities, weather to correct our past or shape our future, its all in our hands.
And if, a mishap takes place, we cannot blame it on god as we all know everything he does is for the welfare of the humans.
And if you have many difficulties and you're struggling too hard and yet not able to achieve it, then let me tell you, YOU ARE NOT GIVING YOU'RE 100% because there is a saying right? : If you ever fail in something, do not doubt on gods abilities, its high time to realize that GOD HAS FAITH IN YOUR ABILITIES! :).
I might have not convinced most of you.
But no offence to any of my contradictory friends. You have all the rights to prove me wrong! :).
^ ( regardless any persons views.)
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 12
Hi Sujit!
Welcome to mylot!
You have every right to differ with views expressed in the discussion. If you feel that there are always options and choices available, it is fine, it is your outlook and you are entitled to it.
There could be occasions when even if you give your 100%, you do not achieve the desired results, although in that case hope should not be lost.
Thanks for sharing your views. Hope to see you more here.