Which one would you choose as your life partner?

April 12, 2012 12:51pm CST
One who has more wealth and less good qualities? OR One with less wealth and many good qualities? If you had to choose between these two, I mean....
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14 responses
• India
13 Apr 12
Less wealth or less income is not any ones faults. May he has less wealth becuase they had a poor background. This is not their mistake or not their fault. A person who has a good behavior or good qualities remains at their best in any situation. Such person always find success in each of the things. They find success even they are not much eligible for it. At first a person must know how to behave polite to a person and this is the one of the important lessons in the education. So most of them look that they study those lessons well. So I will surely choose the which has the good qualities.
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
I would choose a female with good qualities, because of that I would live a happier life with her and when I'm happy, it's already a blessing that cannot be bought by money. Another thing is that if you live happily with your partner, then you will be most likely to be motivated to earn more to satisfy your beloved...so a happy relationship attracts more wealth. Anyway, is it possible to choose a partner who has good qualities and also rich? lol
• India
13 Apr 12
I think you had taken good decision
@TheIzers (680)
12 Apr 12
i will choose less wealth and many good qualities. live with this type of person a couple can works together, share love and become wealthy. but live with a person who has more wealth and less good qualities will only end up living in despair, the money can not make each other happy because the partner has evil heart.
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
Me too, i would choose the same. Both of us could plan strategies n how to have a comfortable life as long as we live harmoniously. If we love each other, we could survive whatever hardships we will encounter and we will be one in working hard to reach our goal.
@devi53 (347)
• India
13 Apr 12
I will choose the second person as my life partner
@jinky2012 (438)
• Philippines
25 Apr 12
Less wealth and many good qualities. I can live to my partner who have have less wealth and a lot of good qualities.
@xemorth (70)
• Australia
16 Apr 12
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to choose the one with less wealth and many good qualities. I mean, you'd get labelled as a gold digger if you didn't otherwise :3 But I'd genuinely choose the second option. If its my LIFE partner, I'd rather be with the one that makes me the happiest. After all, you only have one life to live, yeah?
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 12
Wealth is actually very important in the world we are living nowadays. But good qualities actually important because you would have to live with that person for like your whole life. If the person has the wealth but you are not happy, maybe you would want and be divorce after like 3-5 five year and then you would have nothing, both the wealth and the qualities. It's your choice, but for me i would say 50-50 if that even possible. But people nowadays we can never expect what they are until are actually know them for some time. A wealthy person can have much more quality than a poor person. You would just have to use your own instinct or just know the person more before doing anything that would change you whole life forever. But for me as a men i would a good qualities. Because as a men i am the one who would and want to be my family main income. If i cannot even support a women that will be living in my house, i am not a great men and totally not a great father.
• United States
13 Apr 12
Life partner? Not husband? Ok! I would go or should I say I went for good qualities. My guy treats me like a queen and he is not rich! He is everything I have wanted in a guy but he is not rich. If you had said husband, then I would have gone for the money. I have always seen marriage as the woman being sold so why not go for a rich man?!
12 Apr 12
Give me a woman with good qualities any day, regardless of her current financial position. By good qualities I mean an intelligent woman with a strong moral sense, good sense of humour, strength of character and the patience of a saint (to put up with my bad habits). As long as we're compatible, we can work on the wealth generation side of things together.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
12 Apr 12
I would choose the one with good qualities for sure. Happiness is far more important than money. Money is just a tool which can buy you some degree of happiness, but it does not lead to a happy life. You always see miserable rich people who you think should be happy with all they have in life, but they are not.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
dear anna, Less wealth or less good qualities whatsoever. What matters to me is, a man who can love me for who I am and give me importance. What shall I do with a wealthy one with good qualities if he can't make me I am important. Better to live with someone who doesn't have much wealth, forget good qualities as long as he is not a killer- everyone can change and my love will do wonders
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
13 Apr 12
Hi Vijayanths Undoubtedly i will opt for the later only. Coz money may come and go but good qualities lasts longer and we can achieve anything with our good qualities and people like a person having good qualities always. A person having less good qualities will have bad company always and bad companies will show him the path of destruction.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
13 Apr 12
Hi Vijayanths For me personally I would take the one with many good qualities and less wealth. Have good manners and socially adept is so important now in this world. The money aspect makes people change and get greedy and sneeky etc... and there are no goals left to try because they have money etc... it does not make them want to get better. Thanks Unique16
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 Apr 12
Dear vijayanths Too late for me now... Me and my wife do not have material wealth - even no savings - but yes, we both see wealth for each other. That I think is more important. Even with good qualities, we could have been a mismatch.
• Philippines
12 Apr 12
The answer is very obvious my friend =). I would go to choosing the person with less wealth and more good qualities. I know for a fact that man should be capable of providing financially to his family but not necessarily being wealthy. I think for me it's enough that my husband could provide our family the most basic things that we need and can spend some time with my kids and can TREAT ME RIGHT. AND these days, man and woman are equal. I didn't had my BACHELORS DEGREE for nothing right? So, if needed I still would want to have a job and BE a FULLTIME mother an wife =).